Papers by Francesco Perrotta

Citius Altius Fortius, 2009
ABSTRACT There is ample experimental evidence of the positive-fixing motor task of having both a ... more ABSTRACT There is ample experimental evidence of the positive-fixing motor task of having both a lower relativefrequency (FR) which is provided with the knowledge of the result (CR) to the subject of learning, The outcomeof the response, both the application of the formulation of a subjective estimate of first CR (SS).It 'was, however, suggested the possibility of an interaction between these two variables,meaning thatthe individual, when he has to make an estimate subjective error, would benefit from greater FR. Taking up aninteresting research is shown in a dissertation in Physiotherapy (Giulia Days 2000/01 Which is credited withhaving carried out a rigorous investigation and Articles) The authors of this paper have wanted to see exactlyProposing given to 60 young subjects, righthanded and in good health, and the same working hypothesis, butwith a different device (Biodex System 4): a simple right elbow flexion with isokinetic contraction at 30 degrees/ second. Subjects were asked:1) to Assess Whether or not the mistake made after the end of the year,2) CR was provided after each trial (100% FR), or after a trial every five (20% FR)3) to mark the difference between the subjects who did not Had Gold SS to make an the latter was askedimmediately after the conclusion of the trial, of perform a simple calculation. All subjects performed 20 sets of10 repetitions each during a single session of practice. The next day was made a test of retention (consisting of 1 set of 15 repetitions without CR or SS The comparison between the groups at the retention test was performed with Analysis of variance, before and after adjustment for the initial conditions. The results showed that afteradjustment the group of subjects who received the CR with 100% FR and formulation of SS during the period of practice, a test of retention in a Significantly better.

Journal of physical education and sport, 2011
The school, after the family, is found to be the first educational agency to accommodate the chil... more The school, after the family, is found to be the first educational agency to accommodate the children in developmental age. .The main purpose is the full and harmonious development of personality of the children for their overall education. We chose to implement a project on the body, because we believe that the body is the privileged tool to explore, learn and interact with the environment, and other items. The body is an expression of personality and is a condition relational, communicative, expressive and operational. Each child's experience (both cognitive, sensory, emotional) through the experience of the body, so you should appreciate every situation that will see the protagonist and create contexts in which to build significant and diverse paths. It 'important to establish a positive environment stimulating and emotionally, the availability of structured materials and not allowing the trial, allowing time to live in that context, depending on how you feel and at your ...

Ocular-manual coordination can be defined as the ability that allows us performing tasks involvin... more Ocular-manual coordination can be defined as the ability that allows us performing tasks involving the use of both our eyes and hands at the same time. We use our eyes for direct attention and our hands to perform a certain activity. Ocular-manual coordination is a set of cognitive abilities, and should guide our hand movements based on sight and feedback. The development of ocular-manual coordination is particularly important for normal child development and school learning. It is key for the development of literacy and, moreover, we use it in an infinite number of activities of our daily life, such as when we cook, draw, insert the credit card into the ATM, type on the keyboard of the computer, launch and/or collect items. In fact, when we drive, we use ocular-manual coordination in an uninterrupted way: based on the information on the journey we perceive through the eyes, the hands constantly act on the steering wheel. Almost all the activities of our daily life require this type...

The concept of learning "model" in education-motor is similar to the process of Modelli... more The concept of learning "model" in education-motor is similar to the process of Modelling in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which promotes the ability to influence behaviour patterns through neurological processes resulting from a use of language that these mechanisms are only transferred in the field of motor resulting in forms of learning that we find in design situations related to our field of research which precisely Literacy Motor. The objectives of proper physical activity should stimulate reflection in relation to the techniques of sequential design and monitoring in the education and training of the individual mobility from a young age already. The contents and functions of these proposals cannot be separated from issues related to education motor according to age and the context of reference, media and materials are available and finally the impact factor generated by the direct experience of the subjects involved. The pilot project "Literacy motor"...

Autism is a serious psychiatric disorder that limits the person first and then fit to integrate i... more Autism is a serious psychiatric disorder that limits the person first and then fit to integrate into society and then to establish relationships with others. For example, pet therapy can be important in facilitating the relationship: the one with the animal, has an immediate relationship. To help children with autism using hippotherapy or dolphin therapy. In the rehabilitation of the child sits like riding without a saddle on its back by enabling him to have resulted from stimulation of rhythm and 'support of the hoof. The treatment of the horse just counteracts the hyperactivity of children with autism. The noise given by the rhythm of the hooves, like the heartbeat of the baby in the womb of the mother felt, that causes a feeling of wellbeing. With the dolphin therapy instead of the child through a kind of return to the womb, just due all'immergersi water. The pet therapy works on many levels. The relationship established between the child and the animal, and the affection...

One thing certainly alarming that goes away growing exponentially is that children eat too much a... more One thing certainly alarming that goes away growing exponentially is that children eat too much and hurt. The figure, for about 10 years, is that 15 boys out of 100, in a critical age such as that between 6 and 14 years are obese and, unfortunately, it is not simple overweight: In some cases, we are faced to frankly obese children and 30% of obese children already suffer from diseases that once struck only adults such as hypertension and high cholesterol. Children and adolescents, therefore, should not be left free to eat as much as they want and they may run into errors harmful to their health in the future, therefore, is very important in the case of childhood obesity, the role played by the parents in education and in eating habits, by acquiring the child, their own conscience about what is good or bad for his health, learning to distinguish correct behavior in terms of power. Surely it is difficult to love fruits and vegetables to children, get them to dispense sweets and fats, ...

The child should be used to control their own bodies, must be able to be in equilibrium, must be ... more The child should be used to control their own bodies, must be able to be in equilibrium, must be fast, timing, these capabilities to be educated and developed at the right time. In the gym instructor should provide for all the exercises: family of jumps, which jumps, jumps, jumps in all shapes, playing with space, with time, with your body, play to dribble, shoot, pass and receive, to run, all in the form of competitions, games, relays and circuits. Children should learn by playing, not through the automation of actions, it is also important as competence and the ability to know your body, space, time, rules, regulations, mates, opponents, through ' education and capacity building sense-perception, the motor patterns, skills and motor skills. In children, we must insist and develop coordination skills, joint mobility, ability to structure conditional respect the different stages of learning ahead of time and not expect the perfect execution of a single gesture or movement. As a ...

The implementation of the project aims to improve mental and physical Motorfit students and aims ... more The implementation of the project aims to improve mental and physical Motorfit students and aims to assess the degree of motor pupils attending compulsory education. This research project coordinated by Professor Luke Eid comes at the IRRE Lombardia (Regional Institute for Educational Research) and was made operational in the first instance in the Lombardy region, involving many hundreds of schools at all educational levels. In the school year in progress this project has been screened in the Campania region where, unfortunately, statistical surveys show that this region has the highest number in percentage of children overweight or obese, the figure is very alarming, so much so that estimated that 1 in 4 children are overweight because the percentage is 21% on average nazionale. Un framework that shows how good it is appropriate to intervene where the rate of obesity and overweight have reached significant levels, a fact essential if we consider the risk to which the obese person i...

The kinesiology was born in the 60s in America through the work of George Goodhearth (1918 - 2008... more The kinesiology was born in the 60s in America through the work of George Goodhearth (1918 - 2008). He worked mainly on the structure and on the muscles and began his study using muscle testing to determine the effectiveness of its treatments, examining a number of muscles before and after a re-alignment of the spine. The purpose was to receive information if and how much had been effective manipulation carried out by him for the trouble taken in treatment. Attaverso this study, however, noticed that people shortly after the rebalancing ritorrnavano to have pain and muscle stiffening, just as from the initial situation, therefore, the work was repeated altogether and began to make other attempts, acts to find more stable solutions, then more lasting in time. He realized that by stimulating specific reflex in certain areas of the body obtained a reinforcement of muscles located in parts of the body away from the reflection stimulated and that this was much more effective than applica...

Since ancient childhood was identified as the age at which the infant, as such does not say a wor... more Since ancient childhood was identified as the age at which the infant, as such does not say a word, but stores all the inputs, including them, thus it is the first and the second childhood coinciding with the pre-school age. The social institution in which the child is born, it grows and develops is identified as the primary figure of the family, which first will be given the task of educating. Pestalozzi was interested a lot of family education and believed that the task of educating their children should be assigned only to the mother, who also had to start them learning, but the dismay of many scholars, was so strong that have criticized the studies pestalozziani, as it would have used the house as a school teacher and the mother would become, but not in a free teaching but had to follow a specific method, according to the author, was that ABC Pestalozzi was convinced of his pedagogy, but did not identify the educational production function that has for the formation of the child...

The mechanisms of knowledge have been for centuries a purely philosophic theme. Neuroscience, did... more The mechanisms of knowledge have been for centuries a purely philosophic theme. Neuroscience, did not accept a position implicitly empiricist, but in recent years things have changed: the NeuroSciences have Developed a series of techniques to address problems have traditionally Been That of relevance of philosophy. The discoveries of neuroscientists have proved so important That even According to The Economist, 2006 was the year of mirror neurons. The author of the international scientific community That Is Considered a revolutionary discovery reach of the (Equal to That of the double helix of DNA) is Giacomo Rizzolatti Director of the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Parma. This type of cells, Discovered in monkeys, have dual properties: both are activated When the monkey performs an action and when to the monkey sees another individual to do the examination action. An action done by another activation induces, in the interior of Those observing the action of neurons...
Social integration is a very undervalued phenomenon in childhood and adolescence. Socialization i... more Social integration is a very undervalued phenomenon in childhood and adolescence. Socialization is the process tank to which to convey information through practices and institutions capable of transmitting to the new generations the cultural heritage built up to that moment, thanks to two particularities: Every society has longer life than the individuals that make it up Cultural heritage includes the set of basic social and specialized skills that will diversify society. For this reason we have a "primary socialization", which ensures the first objective, and a "secondary socialization", which deals with the second one.

Sport science, 2013
The sport in Italy involving tens of thousands of young people with passion and dedication to tra... more The sport in Italy involving tens of thousands of young people with passion and dedication to train, play and compete under the constant guidance of coaches and instructors. You make a reflection, because the sport is not education per se, as also all other human activities. Being based on the difference physical and athletic that is increasingly enhanced and emphasized in the race, the sport is not for everyone and anyone who has had experience of racing knows that the important thing is not to participate, but that the very structure of the sport expected to looking for the win and you play to win. The task of the instructors, coaches is to move slightly accents where you practice sport at youth level: youth sport has its dynamics and its specificity if he wants to be educational, and therefore must be something more and something different from only sport. Then it should be possible for a coach or a trainer working for the practice of a sport education, focusing on the material e...

IntroductionToday in the Italian school there is an increasingly widespread presence of pupils wi... more IntroductionToday in the Italian school there is an increasingly widespread presence of pupils with special educational needs (BES). According to the OECD pupils with Special Educational Needs are:* Students DISABLED (ex L.104/92)* Pupils with DIFFICULTY (emotional, behavioral, learning, DSA, etc.).* Pupils with DISADVANTAGE (cultural, socio-economic, socio-linguistic, etc.).The special educational needs may arise from poor physical condition (chronic diseases, allergies, etc.) in the structures and bodily functions (sensory impairment, motor, cognitive, etc.)., From personal activities (deficits in learning, communication, language, autonomy, interaction, etc..), social participation (difficulty playing the role of student and follow the curriculum and class activities, difficulty of tracking the opportunities for social participation of the classroom, such as field trips or other informal occasions), by contextual factors and environmental factors (barriers, prejudices, overprotec...

The Sport is synonymous with competition, conflict, rivalry, self-promotion and challenge to the ... more The Sport is synonymous with competition, conflict, rivalry, self-promotion and challenge to the last breath with the dominance of its competitive, crucial to enhance their values more related more to the fight and the contrast between the contenders that all ' meeting, by comparison and the discovery of self and other . Meet, debate and discovery that underlie the growth and formation of the person, a pedagogy capable of driving the subject for the construction and sharing of basic rules for its social life, to discover and experience the values of tolerance, loyalty, solidarity, fraternity and belonging .A purpose and an educational, two concepts that travel in harmony with each other, lead us to understand how body - movement -sport promotes awareness of self, environment and possibilities of movement and also contribute to the formation of personality pupil through knowledge and awareness of one's bodily identity.

Those who work in the sports world knows that one of the deepest concern by parents is to find th... more Those who work in the sports world knows that one of the deepest concern by parents is to find the sport more suitable for their children. Normally, we try a sport "complete" and the question most often asked is what is the sport "most comprehensive" ever. Obviously, the answer is given in these cases is that there is a sport, really, absolutely complete, since any physical activity, when it is transferred to a specialist, the practitioner promotes certain characteristics at the expense of others. Popular culture sees in the swimming discipline that best meets the needs of sports' all-inclusive ", but a closer examination, it is clear that even swimming can acquire this title, because, for example, does not intervene on important quality such as' ability to coordinate the body with respect to the surrounding space, the propioception, the ability to jump, run or throw objects and the ability to socialize and work together with others towards a common ...

FIEP Bulletin On-line, 2013
Physical activity taught to children in particular. It is statistically proven that the child, th... more Physical activity taught to children in particular. It is statistically proven that the child, through physical activity, learn the gesture seeing (83%), listening to what is said by the instructor (13%) and run (1%),The formation of the motor system goes through the following stages: 1. knowledge and observation of the movement; 2. perception and possession of the movement; 3. refinement of movement (mastery). This last phase takes place in phases: - The child learns to perform the act; - The child performs the act economically; - The child performs the gesture in a refined way. A large motor skill is the cause of education and the development of motor skills, which allow the child to gradually transform the basic motor patterns (running, jumping, throwing, receiving, etc.) In specific motor skills (running, change of speed, meaning, direction, hand gliding, dribble, shoot, pass). In fact one cannot speak of technical perfection, until the motor system is not formed. The moment has...
Physical Review D
We constrain cosmological parameters in flat cosmologies with tracking dark energy (or quintessen... more We constrain cosmological parameters in flat cosmologies with tracking dark energy (or quintessence) using the existing data on cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. We perform a maximum likelihood analysis using combined data from ...

Motor learning scans the whole of life: you start learning soon after birth and continues until o... more Motor learning scans the whole of life: you start learning soon after birth and continues until old age. The ability to acquire new gestures is defined learning capacity and motor can be measured either by measuring the time it takes to properly seize the motor action, both through the quality of movement learned, which is expressed in the degree of efficiency and precision. Adams defines it as the occurrence of a relatively permanent change in performance or in the potential of behavior achieved through direct experience or observation of others. Observing an individual who learn a new motor gesture can be seen as the goal is not reached since the first attempts, as the executions are coarse or incorrect. This can be explained on the basis of the principle that the individual does not yet have a scheme that will allow him to adequately utilize the motor program necessary. Schmidt identifies the number of times a key element in order to form and strengthen the scheme of action.

Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2019 - Summer Conferences of Sports Science
The threshold of attention is valid for all types of contexts that the child faces from an early ... more The threshold of attention is valid for all types of contexts that the child faces from an early age, one of these is their academic performance that often, due to the inability to concentrate, is scarce and obstacle to the relationship between problematic child and his peers and adults. No responsibility is ascribable to children because, certainly, they are suffering from a neuropsychological disorder, nor are they the parents' fault. The pathology that has found space is ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: attention deficit and hyperactivity). It is one of the most frequent neuropsychological disorders of the developmental age, which occurs in pediatric age, characterized by a level of inattention and by a series of secondary seconds that denote hyperactivity and impulsivity. Children with ADHD cannot control their responses to the environment: they are inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive. Such behavior compromises their social and educational life. This pathology is associated, in fact, with disorders of social adaptation, a low level of education and employment, to be considered one of the most important signs, in childhood, of bad psychosocial adaptation in adulthood. The ADHD is too often misunderstood therefore not considered supported by therapeutic interventions. So, the aim of this research in to promote an educational and therapeutic path based on the increase of the hours of sport and motor education (in the extracurricular context) with the aim of improving the attention span, reducing impulsive problems, hyperactivity and stimulating self-control.
Papers by Francesco Perrotta
resulting in forms of learning that we find in design situations related to our field of research which precisely Literacy Motor.
The objectives of proper physical activity should stimulate reflection in relation to the techniques of sequential design and monitoring in the education and training of the individual mobility from a young age already. The contents and functions of these proposals can not be separated from issues related to education motor according to age and the context of reference, media and materials are available and finally the impact factor generated by the direct experience of the subjects involved.
The pilot project "Literacy motor" in the Primary School - Directions to the organization of motor activity in primary school, promoted and wanted by the Minister of Education Mr Gelmini, started earlier this year and has school year 2009-2010 CONI seen as involving the organizer responsible for this project, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the contribution of the Italian Paralympic Committee.
Everything converges in a single priority: the safety and prevention, healthy lifestyle, health and wellness. In this way they have been achieved milestones in the development of skills at the end of primary school. The details and the positivity of the data resulting from surveys made clear continuation of experience also allowed the start of this school year 2010-2011 with a possible implementation involving time in new school buildings.