Papers by Francesco Caviglia
Sprogforum. Tidsskrift for sprog- og kulturpædagogik
Journal on Educational Technology, 2002
Riflessioni sull'opportunita' di usare sistematicamente le tecnologie dell'informazio... more Riflessioni sull'opportunita' di usare sistematicamente le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione nell'educazione, in particolare di quella scientifica.

Research in Networked Learning, 2019
This chapter proposes a framework for the analysis of collaborative inquiry in hybrid protopublic... more This chapter proposes a framework for the analysis of collaborative inquiry in hybrid protopublic spaces that broadens the perspective on networked professional learning. The theoretical assumptions and the primary sources of inspiration from different lines of research for the framework are presented. By focusing on the theoretical grounding, we identify three interconnected assumptions that function as building blocks for these practices. The notion of ‘collaborative inquiry’ and its expansion into ‘connected curriculum’ are combined with the idea of ‘hybrid protopublic spaces’ as potential sites of learning at the boundaries of higher education and beyond. The main finding of this explorative study is the identification of various categories and parameters that constitute the framework. These include multiple connections, modes of knowledge, role models and spaces of application. Three exemplars of hybrid learning spaces are provided and analysed within the proposed framework: an open online course, an open journal and a civic data hackathon. Opportunities and challenges about creating new and supporting existing spaces for collaborative inquiry that connect higher education with society in different ways are discussed. The chapter concludes with directions for future work for incorporating these spaces into existing practices and possibly using the framework for the design of new practices.

L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2009
The Harry Potter saga treats the theme of magical education with a remarkable depth and complexit... more The Harry Potter saga treats the theme of magical education with a remarkable depth and complexity, to the point that it might become a shared narrative about learning and teaching, to the benefit of a large readership of educators and students. Goal of this paper is to highlight the main ingredients of the educational process which turns Harry and his close friends not just into world-saving heroes, but rather into young people who have acquired the set of knowledge, skills and dispositions that make them ready to engage in adult life and give their contribution. The narrative power of the series can be harnessed by teachers as a basis for reflecting on their own views and practices of schooling, and in the literacy classroom as a point of departure for guiding the students to reflect, from a distance, on their own schooling and learning experience.
L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2017
Dialogic Literacy is understood as being able to participate in productive dialogue with others a... more Dialogic Literacy is understood as being able to participate in productive dialogue with others and is a key competence for learning and active citizenship in a cultural and societal landscape shaped by the 'participatory turn'. The article develops a definition of Dialogic Literacy based on a cross-disciplinary approach combining deliberative discourse, collaborative rationality, and Moral Foundation Theory. Furthermore, it presents a framework that educators can utilize in order to transform classroom discussion into activity that fosters learners' Dialogic Literacy. Finally, the article argues for elevating the status of Dialogic Literacy as an overarching learning goal that should become an integral part of language education.

The objective of the paper is to examine the nature of students’ digital learning environments to... more The objective of the paper is to examine the nature of students’ digital learning environments to understand the interplay of institutional systems and tools that are managed by the students themselves. The paper is based on a study of 128 students’ digital learning environments. The objectives of the study are 1) to provide an overview of tools for students’ study activities, 2) to identify the most used and most important tools for students and 3) to discover which activities the tools are used for. The empirical study reveals that the students have a varied use of digital media. Some of the most used tools in the students’ digital learning environments are Facebook, Google Drive, tools for taking notes, and institutional systems. Additionally, the study shows that the tools meet some very basic demands of the students in relation to collaboration, communication, and feedback. Finally, the study shows that most of the important tools are not related to the systems provided by the ...

The objective of the paper is to examine the nature of students’ digital learning environments to... more The objective of the paper is to examine the nature of students’ digital learning environments to understand the interplay of institutional systems and tools that are managed by the students themselves. The paper is based on a study of 128 students’ digital learning environments. The objectives of the study are 1) to provide an overview of tools for students’ study activities, 2) to identify the most used and most important tools for students and 3) to discover which activities the tools are used for. The empirical study reveals that the students have a varied use of digital media. Some of the most used tools in the students’ digital learning environments are Facebook, Google Drive, tools for taking notes, and institutional systems. Additionally, the study shows that the tools meet some very basic demands of the students in relation to collaboration, communication, and feedback. Finally, the study shows that most of the important tools are not related to the systems provided by the ...

Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM), 2018
Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge, hvad universitetsstuderendes digitale læringsmiljøer bestå... more Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge, hvad universitetsstuderendes digitale læringsmiljøer består af med henblik på at forstå samspillet mellem institutionelle systemer og de værktøjer, som studerende selv varetager. Udgangspunktet for artiklen er en undersøgelse af 128 humaniora studerendes digitale læringsmiljøer. Formålene med undersøgelsen er 1) at give et overblik over, hvilke værktøjer studerende anvender til deres studieaktiviteter, 2) at finde frem til de mest anvendte og vigtigste værktøjer for studerende, og 3) at afdække, hvilke aktiviteter værktøjerne anvendes til. Undersøgelsen viser først og fremmest en udpræget variation i studerendes mediebrug. Nogle af de mest anvendte værktøjer i studerendes digitale læringsmiljøer er Facebook, Google Drev, notetagningsværktøjer og institutionelle systemer. Derudover viser undersøgelsen, at værktøjerne opfylder nogle meget grundlæggende behov hos de studerende såsom samarbejde, kommunikation og feedback. Endelig viser undersøgelse...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Supporting information for this article is given via a link at the end of the document.

Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, 2015
Formålet med artiklen er at fremlægge og diskutere erfaringer med, hvordan der kan etableres en d... more Formålet med artiklen er at fremlægge og diskutere erfaringer med, hvordan der kan etableres en designfagstradition i universitetsundervisningen på humaniora, hvor håndværk og vision kan forenes. I artiklen diskuteres underviserens udfordringer med at flytte den humaniorastuderende fra analyse til design, at tage afsæt i praksis, og at forstå projektarbejde i et spændingsfelt mellem vision og håndværk. Der reflekteres endvidere over underviserens mulighed for at klarlægge undervisningens faglige og forskningsmæssige forankring. Artiklens omdrejningspunkt består i en diskussion af spændingsfeltet mellem designfag og videnskabsfag. Udgangspunktet for diskussionen er forfatternes undervisning i to kurser – Kulturformidling og Learning and teaching with digital media - som blev gennemført på Arts, Aarhus Universitet, i perioden 2011-2014. The establishment of design-disciplines within a university Arts curriculum is the focus of this article. The study highlights the challenges faced by...
Education Inquiry, 2021
This paper explores policy related to digital competence and the digitalisation of Nordic K-12 sc... more This paper explores policy related to digital competence and the digitalisation of Nordic K-12 schools. Anchored in some key transnational policies on digital competence, it describes some current Nordic movements in the national policies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The concept of boundary objects is used as an analytical lens, for understanding digital competence as a plastic and temporal concept that can be used to discuss the multi-dimensional translation of this concept in these Nordic countries. The paper ends with a discussion of the potential to view digital competence as a unifying boundary object that, with its plasticity, temporality and n-dimensionality, can show signs of common Nordic efforts in the K-12 school policy.

Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM), 2020
Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge den digitale elevpraksis på gymnasiet fra elevernes perspek... more Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge den digitale elevpraksis på gymnasiet fra elevernes perspektiv: Hvordan anvender elever digitale teknologier i deres skolearbejde, og hvad er deres opfattelse af teknologierne? Artiklen præsenterer en empirisk undersøgelse med interviews af 37 elever, observationer i 14 klasser og 100 gymnasieelevers levede erfaringsbeskrivelser, hvor eleverne har beskrevet situationer, hvor de har lært noget, fundet ud af noget eller er blevet klogere gennem brugen af digitale teknologier i forbindelse med skolearbejde. Undersøgelsen viser, at eleverne ofte anvender teknologier ud fra, hvad en elev betegner som et “digitalt instinkt”. Eleverne udviser primært en høj grad af handlingsduelighed, og erfaringsbeskrivelserne giver mange eksempler på, at eleverne anvender digitale teknologier som en kognitiv partner til at løse opgaver, de ikke havde løst uden teknologi. Eleverne udviser en adfærd af “long-time practitioners”, der er udtryk for, at de har oparbejdet ...

Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM), 2019
Data literacy defineres som en sammensat kompetence i spændingsfeltet mellem kompetencer i statis... more Data literacy defineres som en sammensat kompetence i spændingsfeltet mellem kompetencer i statistik samt datavisualisering og mere overordnede dispositioner og kompetencer i at undersøge problemer og søge løsninger ved hjælp af data. Data literacy foreslås derfor som et element i digitale dannelse, der flytter grænsen ift. hvad det betyder at være ‘dannet’ i informationssamfundet. Artiklen forsøger at besvare spørgsmålet om hvorvidt idealet om en ‘citizen data scientist’ - eller datakyndig medborger - er en realistik rollemodel, som med fordel kan inddrages i undervisning, eller om data science udelukkende er et domæne for specialister? Med udgangspunkt i eksempler af ressourcer og praksisser, som kræver data literacy, men samtidig understøtter tilegnelse af samme, argumenterer artiklen for at data literacy bedst defineres som en sammensat kompetence, der først og fremmest kan tilskrives et undersøgende praksisfællesskab frem for en enkelte individ. Definitionen kalder derfor på ny...

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2016
Active participation in the information society requires the ability to find some order in the ch... more Active participation in the information society requires the ability to find some order in the chaotic nature of the Web and not to get lost within the endemic presence of inaccurate, misleading, biased and false information. This article presents an approach to Information Problem Solving (IPS) – that is, finding, understanding and assessing information on the Web – and discusses a study carried out in an Italian secondary school, using an experimental and a control group. The study aimed at exploring how to best foster IPS skills, and observing whether and how IPS activities could promote the development of more general learning dispositions and competences. After a period of training with IPS activities, the experimental group showed different dispositions towards learning from a text and engaging with open-ended questions. Despite serious limitations in the depth of analysis, most students were able to reach acceptable solutions; at the same time, they felt empowered and developed an embryonic critical attitude on which it might be possible to build further.
Convegno Nazionale GISCEL
La capacità di trovare, comprendere e valutare informazioni presenti nel Web è considerata crucia... more La capacità di trovare, comprendere e valutare informazioni presenti nel Web è considerata cruciale per sapersi orientarsi nella società dell'informazione (Brown, 2000; Leu, Kinzer, Coiro & Cammack, 2004). Tuttavia, nonostante la maggior parte dei giovani dei paesi ricchi abbia confidenza con l'uso di computer, indagini sui comportamenti di uso del Web evidenziano come molti utenti di computer, sia giovani sia adulti, non siano in realtà particolarmente abili né a trovare, né tantomeno a valutare informazioni in rete (Walraven, ...
1. Inquadramento del problema Se lo spam viene visto in genere dagli utenti della rete come una s... more 1. Inquadramento del problema Se lo spam viene visto in genere dagli utenti della rete come una seccatura, inopportuna poiché lesiva del tempo delle persone e possibile veicolo di truffe (scam), il phishing è percepito come forse il maggior pericolo oggi associato all'uso di ...
IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing contents to be learned. Within this approach, the Web-searching process tends to be pe... more contents to be learned. Within this approach, the Web-searching process tends to be perceived merely as an obstacle on the way to the contents. This paper suggests instead that searching the Web requires information problem solving competences which are in themselves key requisites for literacy in a knowledge society and deserve to be fostered as explicit goals in educational settings. Given the complexity of the competences involved, it is suggested that educational intervention focus on practice with information problems which should be thin in content, but rich in opportunities for bringing to the foreground some critical areas of the information problem solving process.
This paper describes a preliminary study aimed at investigating the process of Web information pr... more This paper describes a preliminary study aimed at investigating the process of Web information problem solving with special focus on the analysis of cognitive skills and attitudes which play a key role in intentional learning. To this aim, an experiment has been ...
Culture in language learning
Papers by Francesco Caviglia