Papers by Francesca Simoncini
Firenze University Press eBooks, 2024
Drammaturgia, Dec 21, 2023
Drammaturgia, Dec 21, 2023
Mia carissima mamma Pare impossibile. Io scrivo come Sant'Agostino, e tu ti lagni che non ti scri... more Mia carissima mamma Pare impossibile. Io scrivo come Sant'Agostino, e tu ti lagni che non ti scrivo! Da Catania ti ho mandato sempre notizie. Di passaggio da Messina ti ho scritto. Appena arrivata qui ti ho scritto di nuovo, ed ora ti riscrivo. 1
The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Dina Galli (1877-1951), Antonio Gandusio (... more The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Dina Galli (1877-1951), Antonio Gandusio (1872-1951) and Amerigo Guasti (1870-1926).

The article examines some iconographic sources (two portraits, some photographs, a caricature) th... more The article examines some iconographic sources (two portraits, some photographs, a caricature) that can be traced back to Friedrich Schiller’s interpretation of Maria Stuarda, a famous pièce de resistance of Adelaide Ristori. The identification of the two paintings that the actress used to build the scenic image of the Scottish queen has allowed us to precisely trace the portrait that inspired her for the figurative conception of the character, moving away from the author’s indications. The comparison between the photographs and the caricature allows us to reconstruct still little studied aspects of the actress’s acting style. In the third scene of the third act of Schiller’s play, Adelaide Ristori was able to blend the Italian theatrical tradition with the noblest and most sophisticated features of her new and celebrated manner. The still photos that remained to us, probably conditioned by a precise will for self-representation exercised by the actress-marquise, faithfully render t...
... Funestati prima da problemi di salute, poi da intemperanze e infedeltà. A Montevideo, prima t... more ... Funestati prima da problemi di salute, poi da intemperanze e infedeltà. A Montevideo, prima tappa della tournée, preoccuparono le condizioni di 16 FRANCESCA SIMONCINI Page 9. ... noi... rimasti alla lotta, recitavamo, senza di lui... e la tua piccola Nennella vinceva... ...
The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Rina Morelli (1908-1976) and Paolo Stoppa ... more The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Rina Morelli (1908-1976) and Paolo Stoppa (1906-1988).
Born into an acting family, she began her career in companies in Tuscany. She gained her first le... more Born into an acting family, she began her career in companies in Tuscany. She gained her first leading actress role in 1811 in the troupe run by her mother, Elisabetta, and by Antonio Belloni, Carlo Calamari and Ferdinando Meraviglia. In 1823 she became the leading actress of the Compagnia Reale Sarda (The Royal Sardinian Company). It is her ability to harmonise her craft, her business sense and the new theories on acting which creates the quality that leads her to achieve a prime position in the history of Italian theatre.
Barbara Flaminia was the first actress in the Commedia dell'Arte of which we have documented ... more Barbara Flaminia was the first actress in the Commedia dell'Arte of which we have documented news. Endowed with excellent artistic qualities, she performed in comedies, tragicomedies, pastorals and in singing spectacles. In the Sixties of the Sixteenth century she was active in Mantua. After the marriage with Alberto Naselli (Zan Ganassa), she performed with her husband in Austria and in France and, between 1574 and 1584, steadily in Spain.
The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Vincenza Armani (1530 ca.-1569) and Barbar... more The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Vincenza Armani (1530 ca.-1569) and Barbara Flaminia (1562-post 1584).
An atypical actor of the 19th century theatre world, Luigi Rasi retired from the stage early to a... more An atypical actor of the 19th century theatre world, Luigi Rasi retired from the stage early to assume, in 1882, the direction of the Royal Acting School in Florence. His most famous work, I Comici italiani. Biografia, Bibliografia, Iconografia, a two-volume biographical dictionary (1897-1905), is still regarded today as a precious source for the history of actors. The bibliographical and documentary material gathered by Rasi during his studies is kept at the Museo Biblioteca of Burcardo in Rome.
Born into an acting family, she began her career in companies in Tuscany. She gained her first le... more Born into an acting family, she began her career in companies in Tuscany. She gained her first leading actress role in 1811 in the troupe run by her mother, Elisabetta, and by Antonio Belloni, Carlo Calamari and Ferdinando Meraviglia. In 1823 she became the leading actress of the Compagnia Reale Sarda (The Royal Sardinian Company). It is her ability to harmonise her craft, her business sense and the new theories on acting which creates the quality that leads her to achieve a prime position in the history of Italian theatre.
Dramaturgies et littératures en voyage Type de publication: Revue Directeurs d'ouvrage: Cicali (G... more Dramaturgies et littératures en voyage Type de publication: Revue Directeurs d'ouvrage: Cicali (Gianni), Mazzoleni (Elena) Résumé: Fondée en 2005, la revue internationale Cahiers de littérature française rassemble des études qui associent, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, la littérature et les arts visuels.
Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Cahiers de littérature française 2020, n° 19. Dramat... more Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Cahiers de littérature française 2020, n° 19. Dramaturgies et littératures en voyage Auteur: Simoncini (Francesca) Résumé: Cet essai décrit la préparation et le déroulement de la première tournée américaine d'Adelaide Ristori : les aspects promotionnels de la tournée, l'itinéraire théâtral, le répertoire, la réception de la critique et du public. Le voyage de l'actrice est contextualisé au sein de la tradition des voyages des comédiens italiens, inaugurée par les acteurs de la commedia dell'arte. Il porte également sur la naissance d'une nouvelle dramaturgie née du rapport que l'actrice a instauré avec le public américain.
The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Paolo Poli (1929-2016) and Carmelo Bene (1... more The section is devoted to the biographical profiles of Paolo Poli (1929-2016) and Carmelo Bene (1937-2002).
Papers by Francesca Simoncini