Papers by Francesca Marzari
Quaderni ramo d'Oro on-line” n. 2, 2010
Marzari Francesca, Létoublon Françoise. Omero. Odissea, volume V, libri XVII-XX, a cura di Joseph... more Marzari Francesca, Létoublon Françoise. Omero. Odissea, volume V, libri XVII-XX, a cura di Joseph Russo, traduzione di G. Aurelio Privitera, settima edizione completamente rinnovata ; Omero. Odissea, volume VI, libri XXI-XXIV, Introduzione e commento a cura di Joseph Russo (Libri XXI-XXII) e Alfred Heubeck con aggiornamenti di Mario Cantilena (Libri XXIII-XXIV), traduzione di G. Aurelio Privitera, settima edizione completamente rinnovata. In: Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, numéro 10, 2006. pp. 291-292

Ce numéro de Gaia est entièrement consacré à la première partie d’un ensemble d’articles en homma... more Ce numéro de Gaia est entièrement consacré à la première partie d’un ensemble d’articles en hommage à Ezio Pellizer (1942‑2018), professeur de littérature grecque à l’université de Trieste et membre très actif de plusieurs groupes de recherche internationaux. Sous la coordination de Francesca Marzari, Alberto Cecon et Alberto Pavan, ses collègues et amis célèbrent sa mémoire à travers des contributions qui revisitent des thèmes qui lui étaient chers, entre poésie, philologie, linguistique et anthropologie grecques et latines. De l’utilité des études classiques jusqu’aux parodies littéraires du Satyricon, en passant par la figure d’Atalante, Homère, la tragédie, la comédie, Lycophron, le mythe de l’autochthonie athénienne et les danses éducatives, ce numéro propose une excursion fascinante dans la littérature, la civilisation et les mythes de l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. La seconde partie des mélanges sera publiée dans le numéro 25 de Gaia
Studi italiani di filología classica, 2006
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 2016
Melampus is a seer-healer of Greek myth attributed with having healed the young princesses of Arg... more Melampus is a seer-healer of Greek myth attributed with having healed the young princesses of Argos of madness. Analysis of this legend and its sources sheds light on the early stages of the "medicalizing" shift in the history of ancient Greek medicine. Retrospective psychological diagnosis suggests that the descriptions of the youths' madness rose from actual observation of behavioral and mental disorders. Melampus is credited with having healed them by administering hellebore. Pharmacological analysis of botanical specimens proves that Helleborus niger features actual neurological properties effective in the treatment of mental disorders. The discussion aims at examining the rational aspects of the treatment of mental conditions in Greco-Roman antiquity.
... Sul tema dei giovani dediti oltre misura a occupazioni silvestri, e restii a proseguire il ..... more ... Sul tema dei giovani dediti oltre misura a occupazioni silvestri, e restii a proseguire il ... Ringrazio la prof.ssa Daniela Fausti per avermi prontamente segnalato l'uscita di questa fondamentale ... ed una vitiligine ricopriva tutto il loro corpo, e per questo le loro chiome /scorrevano giù ...

Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, 2015
The alphos of the Proetides between Myth and Medical Tradition. The distinctive trait of mythical... more The alphos of the Proetides between Myth and Medical Tradition. The distinctive trait of mythical Greek king Proetus’ daughters is certainly their madness : the girls went insane after insulting Hera or Dionysus when they reached the age of marriage. However, the first written source on this myth (Hesiod) provides a more articulated picture of their condition, including an unrestrained lust and a skin disease (described as knýos and alphos) which causes their baldness and ruins their beauty. The latter element will appear— although sporadically— also in some later authors. This paper focuses on the alphos, a form of skin depigmentation similar to vitiligo. I will start out by analysing the sources which link this disease to the Proetides, and then I will utilize the Hippocratic tradition to frame the possible connections between ancient medical concepts and the symbolic meaning of this disease as conveyed by the myth in question.
BEYTrans (Better Environment for Your TRANSlation) is a generic Wiki tool designed to support com... more BEYTrans (Better Environment for Your TRANSlation) is a generic Wiki tool designed to support communities of volunteer translators not only by offering them an online translation editor and helps to manage the translation progress, but a complete online computer-assisted translation (CAT) environment including a translation editor (BT-editor), translation memories, free dictionaries, automatic calls to MT systems, and support to collaborative volunteer translation. We present the basic concepts of BEYTrans and its experimentation on the translation from

The myth concerning the madness of king Proitos' daughters, reported by many Greek and Latin ... more The myth concerning the madness of king Proitos' daughters, reported by many Greek and Latin sources, raises several issues of anthropological interest about the role of the pubescent girl in the ancient Greek world. In my thesis I cover all the most important phases of this myth - the Proetides ' affront to Hera and Dionysos; their divine punishment in the form of madness and, as some sources say, of a kind of wantonness, dermatosis and alopecia; their recovery and marriage to the soothsayer-healer Melampous and his brother Bias - comparing it with other accounts concerning female characters of classical tradition (Minyas’ daughters, Lemniads, Pandareides, Erigone) and stressing the analogies between mythical and medical literature. To sum up, the Proitides, who become mad exactly when they are supposed to be ready for marriage, represent in Greek culture the mythical paradigm of young Virgin's growth crisis during her transition from the status of daughter to that of w...
Gaia Revue Interdisciplinaire Sur La Grece Archaique, 2006
Gaia Revue Interdisciplinaire Sur La Grece Archaique, 2006
Melampus is a seer-healer of Greek myth attributed with having healed the young princesses of Arg... more Melampus is a seer-healer of Greek myth attributed with having healed the young princesses of Argos of madness. Analysis of this legend and its sources sheds light on the early stages of the “medicalizing” shift in the history of ancient Greek medicine. Retrospective psychological diagnosis suggests that the descriptions of the youths’ madness rose from actual observation of behavioral and mental disorders. Melampus is credited with having healed them by administering hellebore. Pharmacological analysis of botanical specimens proves that Helleborus niger features actual neurological properties effective in the treatment of mental disorders. The discussion aims at examining the rational aspects of the treatment of mental conditions in Greco-Roman antiquity.

THE MYTH AND HISTORY Melampus is a renowned seer and healer of ancient Greek myth. Legend has tha... more THE MYTH AND HISTORY Melampus is a renowned seer and healer of ancient Greek myth. Legend has that he reared youngling snakes from a destroyed lair, later “they purged his ears " and so he acquired the art of auspices. The most famous episode of his life is the healing of the daughters of Proetus, “Proetides”. When the young girls offended a god, they were punished with madness, lust, vitiligo, and dermatosis which caused hair loss. Therapy adopted by Melampus varies but from Hippocrates to Galen the hellebore is mentioned. Pliny details that, having noticed that goats were purged after eating hellebore, Melampus cured the Proetides by giving them the milk of those goats. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS and PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH Different psychiatric conditions may be the cause of this condition: hysteria, bipolar I disorders, and a dissociative disorder. Psychosis, skin lesions, and hair loss are, among others, well-known symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. Findings suggesting...

F. DELL’ORO et O. LAGACHERIE (dir.), Πολυφόρβῃ Γαίῃ. Mélanges de littérature et linguistique offerts à Françoise Létoublon, (Gaia, n° 18), Grenoble, ELLUG, 2015, p. 515-528, 2015
The distinctive trait of mythical Greek king Proetus' daughters is certainly their madness: the g... more The distinctive trait of mythical Greek king Proetus' daughters is certainly their madness: the girls went insane after insulting Hera or Dionysus when they reached the age of marriage. However, the first written source on this myth (Hesiod) provides a more articulated picture of their condition, including an unrestrained lust and a skin disease (described as knýos and alphòs) which causes their baldness and ruins their beauty. The latter element will appear – although sporadically – also in some later authors.
This paper focuses on the alphòs, a form of skin depigmentation similar to vitiligo. I will start out by analysing the sources which link this disease to the Proetides, and then I will utilize the Hippocratic tradition to frame the possible connections between ancient medical concepts and the symbolic meaning of this disease as conveyed by the myth in question.

F. Marzari (a cura di), Per un Atlante antropologico della mitologia greca e romana. I Quaderni del Ramo d'Oro on-line. Numero Speciale, pp. 15-47, 2012
This paper focuses on the seer and healer Melampous, by reviewing briefly his mythical biography:... more This paper focuses on the seer and healer Melampous, by reviewing briefly his mythical biography: the origins and the acquisition of his powers; the occurrence of such powers during the rape of the Thessalian king Ificlus' cattle and the healing of his impotence; the cure of Argive king Proetus' daughters and / or Argive women suffering from madness. These episodes mark Melampous' path of growth, and his subsequent status changes: first, after being imprisoned for a theft on behalf of his brother, he proves himself a mantis, obtaining his freedom by means of his prophetic powers; then he gives evidence of his therapeutic talents, establishing himself as a healer; eventually, his healing powers win him success and fame: he becomes king, husband and founder of a famous family of seers.

F. Marzari, E. Pellizer (a cura di), Donna - Mito - Miturgia. Femme - Mythe - Mythourgie. Paradigmi di costruzione del femminile nei miti della Grecia antica. Atti del Seminario Internazionale. Trieste, 3 giugno 2009. I Quaderni del Ramo d'Oro on-line 3, pp. 47-74, 2010
The Greek myth of Proetus' daughters – young maidens who went mad when they reached the age of ma... more The Greek myth of Proetus' daughters – young maidens who went mad when they reached the age of marriage – embodies the beliefs and native representations that relate to the role of virgins within Greek society. This article focuses on the modeling value of this myth, considering in particular the relationship between the madness and lust attributed to its protagonists. The analysis proceeds by comparing the myth with a series of medical texts dating from the 6th / 5th c. BCE to the 6th c. CE, as well as Aristotle's "Historia animalium". In this way, the dual aspect of madness / lust portrayed in the myth is re-read in the light of current homeopathic theory and of the symbolic values conveyed by the cathartic ritual central to the phenomenon of tarantism.
S. Beta, F. Marzari (a cura di), Animali, ibridi e mostri nella cultura antica. Atti dei convegni (Siena 4-5 giugno 2007, Columbus, Ohio 11-12-13 gennaio 2008), I Quaderni del Ramo d’oro 9, Firenze: Cadmo, pp. 9-15., 2010
... It is actually used for developing a variety of collaborative environments in several fields,... more ... It is actually used for developing a variety of collaborative environments in several fields, in Youcef BEY Joseph Fourier University GETALP, LIG-campus, BP 53 385, rue de la bibliothèque 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France +33 4 76 51 43 69 [email protected] ...
Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica, Firenze, IV s., vol. 4, fasc. 2, pp. 201-209., 2006
Papers by Francesca Marzari
This paper focuses on the alphòs, a form of skin depigmentation similar to vitiligo. I will start out by analysing the sources which link this disease to the Proetides, and then I will utilize the Hippocratic tradition to frame the possible connections between ancient medical concepts and the symbolic meaning of this disease as conveyed by the myth in question.
This paper focuses on the alphòs, a form of skin depigmentation similar to vitiligo. I will start out by analysing the sources which link this disease to the Proetides, and then I will utilize the Hippocratic tradition to frame the possible connections between ancient medical concepts and the symbolic meaning of this disease as conveyed by the myth in question.