Papers by (Xesco) Francesc-Xavier Duarte Martínez

BSCC, 2018
L’ocupació de Morella per part de les de les tropes franquistes, a partir del 3 d’abril de 1938, ... more L’ocupació de Morella per part de les de les tropes franquistes, a partir del 3 d’abril de 1938, va tindre aparellat l’establiment d’un hospital de campanya del Grupo de Sanidad Militar del Cuerpo de Ejército de Operaciones de Galicia (integrat dins de l’Ejército del Norte). Aquest es va trobar amb una logística sanitària morellana prèvia que venia funcionant almenys des de 1838, d’acord amb els diferents episodis bèl•lics que s’hi anaven produint. La troballa casual de dues relacions de víctimes d’aquest grup de sanitat militar, a l’Arxiu Històric Eclesiàstic de Morella, ha suposat la revisió del context de treball d’aquest Hospital Cívico-Militar al llarg dels ss. XIX i XX. A més, es presenta una llista única de víctimes elaborada a partir d’aquestes dues relacions i la consulta d’altres documents municipals i es determina la seua localització al cementeri municipal de Morella.
A mitjans del s. XVIII s’acaba de construir l’actual església parroquial d’Hortells (d’estil barr... more A mitjans del s. XVIII s’acaba de construir l’actual església parroquial d’Hortells (d’estil barroc). Aquesta es va fer a costa del fossar medieval-modern anterior a l’actual cementeri (inaugurat el 1816). El fossar antic degué d’estar associat a alguna església, possiblement d’estil gòtic, de la qual no ha quedat constància arquitectònica. Presentem ací els resultats de les troballes efectuades als treballs arqueològics de seguiment desenvolupats durant la restauració parcial del temple, on aparegueren dos contexts funeraris, el fossar antic (XIII?-1816) i un altre enterrament associat a l’actual temple.
SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, 2015
La Sarga Arte Rupestre Y Territorio Catalogo De La Exposicion 2002 Isbn 84 89136 34 3 Pags 185 194, 2002
Quaderns De Prehistoria I Arqueologia De Castello, 2000
És habitual entre els arqueòlegs, parar més atenció a la ceràmica com a producte final, indicador... more És habitual entre els arqueòlegs, parar més atenció a la ceràmica com a producte final, indicador de cronologia i influències culturals, que esbrinar quina mena de processos tècnics i relacions socials actuen per a obtenir, per exemple, un àmfora. Tot i que darrerament comencen a ser nombrosos els estudis relacionats amb la tradició fenícia i púnica, resten, encara, alguns buits per estudiar. Un d'aquest buits, són tots aquells aspectes que es desprenen de la producció terrissera (Fantar, 1986, 521). Tot i l'existència de treballs relacionats, per exemple els de Falsone (1981) per a la tipologia dels forns o els de
This work presents the first approach to the analysis of the ossuary from the Morella (Castellon)... more This work presents the first approach to the analysis of the ossuary from the Morella (Castellon) old 19th cemetery (1812-1917). Archaeological excavations,carried out between 2006 and 2007, have recorded up to 18 edged weapon injuries, attributable to bayonet and or other bladed weapons. These lesions can be ascribed to the various Carlist Wars that affected the Maestrazgo and Els Ports, specifically the town of Morella, between 1833 and 1876.

We report the case of an individual from the emergency excavation conducted between 2005 and 2006... more We report the case of an individual from the emergency excavation conducted between 2005 and 2006 in the ancient cemetery of Morella, which was in use between 1812 and 1917. The excavation of several graves led to the exhumation of nearly 300 individuals. One of them, presented here, showed some lesions on the visceral surface of the ribs of both sides, from the third to the eleventh rib. These are proliferative lesions of periosteal growth or periostitis, of plaque-like morphology, related to pleural inflammation of infectious origin, compatible with pulmonary tuberculosis. Thanks to the clothing the individual was wearing, it was determined that he was a soldier in the Line Infantry Regiment of Vizcaya No. 54. The consultation of Military Parish registers of Plaza de Morella allowed to know his identity, as it was the only note by death of the regiment. It is also mentioned that the death was “ a result of his illness...” This situation is certainly unique, since it is not frequent to identify the dead buried in 19th century cemeteries. By his birth certificate, it could be also confirmed the person’s age in relation to that estimated in the anthropological study.
Los íberos en la …, 2001
Información del artículo "Kelin" (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valéncia) y su territorio.
El bisbe de Tortosa, Hug de Lupia i Bages, autoritza el 1396 la creacio d’un fossar als peus del ... more El bisbe de Tortosa, Hug de Lupia i Bages, autoritza el 1396 la creacio d’un fossar als peus del temple, potser ja parroquial, de la Pobla d’Alcolea, per tal d’evitar el transport dels difunts, al llarg de 12 km, per ser soterrats a Morella (esforc molt costos als hiverns durs amb intenses nevades). Presentem aci els resultats de les troballes funeraries efectuades a l’excavacio desenvolupada a l’indret conegut com el Raco del Pati, on estigue l’antic calvari fins la Guerra Civil (quan fou parcialment destruit) i, amb anterioritat, havia format part del fossar medieval/modern d’aquesta parroquia. Alhora, reflexionem i proposem una hipotesi d’evolucio de la trama urbanistica al voltant de l’actual temple parroquial, del qual encara podem observar elements arquitectonics d’origen medieval.
Los Villares site (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia) it played the central-place functions of a w... more Los Villares site (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia) it played the central-place functions of a wide region wich borders are still not completely known. The settlement pattern shows that most of the sites seem to be stablished close to the best soils areas in low heights.
The more intensive occupation of the region begins at the IVth. century. For this period we have distinguished full time activities. A visibility control system is as well articulating this territory. It is based on the exitence of hillforts or sites with defensive structures allocated at the outkirts of the studied region. During the IInd. Century the dispersed settlement decreses. The sites are now more populated, there is a concentration phaenomena.

Au! Revista comarcal dels Ports, 2003
L’Arqueologia no és només Indiana Jones, trobar joies i lluitar contra els dolents (tant de bo ti... more L’Arqueologia no és només Indiana Jones, trobar joies i lluitar contra els dolents (tant de bo tingués res d’açò; bo d’allò de lluitar contra els “malos”, ja en parlaríem). Moltes vegades, la nostra tasca és poc gratificant i imcompresa per gran part de la societat per a la qual realitzem el nostre treball a la majoria dels casos. En lloc de ser una tasca aventurera, realitzem una activitat quasi policial, qualsevol pot actuar contra el patrimoni cultural ja siga conscient o inconscientment. Les nostres “joies” poden ser, senzillament, abocadors de deixalles i brutícies d’èpoques passades (on només trobarem centenars de fragments de ceràmica, milers d’ossos de pollastre i, amb sort, alguna moneda catalogable).
Ara, però, us presentem un exemple d’intervenció arqueològica ordinària. A les línies que segeuixen, hem realitzat un metòdic esforç per presentar-vos i fer-vos entenedores tota aquella sèrie de passes que cal realitzar per tal de desenvolupar una actuació arqueològica ordinària. Aquesta mena d’intervencions no solen “molestar”, car tractem amb diners públics i s’hi actua fora del camp de treball dels promotors (públics o privats). Solen ser gratificants perquè actuem sobre un lloc o jaciment sobre el qual hom espera de trobar coses científicament interessants.
Un altre dia, però, us presentarem una intervenció d’urgència.
La Sarga. Arte rupestre y territorio, 2002

Víctimes per violència i repressió als Ports durant la Segona República i la Guerra Civil (1931-1941). Jornades per a la recuperació de la memòria històrica de Portell (2018), 2019
Since our first contact with Portell’s current municipal
cemetery in 2010, we have been visiting ... more Since our first contact with Portell’s current municipal
cemetery in 2010, we have been visiting it on different
occasions until today (2018). These visits started with the will
to know its possible interest in terms of heritage in the field of culture (with the creation of the document Catàleg de Béns
i Espais Protegits per al nou Pla General d’Ordenació Urbana
Municipal). Later, however, the attempt to locate the grave
or graves of Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and
Manuel Ortiz Gómez (three Maquis killed in the farmhouse
of Guimerà in 1948), the finding of the probable remains of
Rafael Rambla Domingo (killed in September 1936 due to his
right-wing ideology) and the discovery of the crosses in the
tombs of Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés
and Engracia Cortés Camañes (the first two died in May
1938, the day after the population was taken by Franco’s
troops), have forced us to make an approximation to the
topography of the cemetery, thus obtaining a certain degree
of knowledge about the operation of the cemetery.
However, it should be noted, in order to give context to the
burials taking place there, that the cemetery was built in 1931
in a space far away from the urban core, on the edge of the
old road that crossed through the Maset. Previously, there
was another one, which is still in the memory of the elderly
people in Portell, located in the peri-urban area in the urban
There is little information of this one due to its antiquity and
the fact that almost all the documentation prior to the Civil
War was burned. It is conserved in an excellent state within
its own perimeter wall, still existing. Inside, the different
embankments that configured it are still visible. This is vital
in our explanation, since there are people who keep their
relatives at both cemeteries. Portell’s cemetery has a rectangular design with a major axis
with a nw-se direction and a minor axis with ne-sw direction.
It is located on the slope of a hill, causing it to be paved in
three terraces crossed by a main street that goes from the
original access door to the short axis. Thus, therefore, the
rectangle is divided into 6 spaces.
The main, and original, access is located in the middle of the
sw side. It is a flat arch with a double leaf door. the inscription
«1930» can be read on the key on the lintel, the cemetery’s
construction year. There is a newer access to the nw side
that allows access to funerary cars inside the cemetery.
On the perimeter of the cemetery, masonry stone walls with
mortar were built on the ne and se sides. Moreover, during
2018, a series of niches on the margin enabled by the second
terrace, a columbarium between the ossuary and the access
to the funeral car were built.
Last but not least, it should be considered that the ossuary,
probably an original element within the conception of the
cemetery space, is located in the west corner of the rectangle
while the autopsy room, now unworkable, is located on the
se side of the wall, next to the niches.
If we do not take into account the burials practiced in
niches (already in use in 1942), the 6 spaces we previously
mentioned have burials that respond with the following
chronological groups, according to what can be deduced
from the inscriptions in crosses and existing tombstones
which are still readable: 1931-1935 (first Western terrace, 1bo), 1938? -1943 (first Eastern terrace, 1be), 1943-1952 (second
e terrace, 2be), 1952-1962 (third e terrace, 3be), 1963 -1965
(second w terrace, 2bo) and 1967-1973 (third w terrace, 3bo).
Needless to say, that exhumations in the undersoil stopped
being practiced, with some exception, in 1975; when niches
started to become usual.
But how do the three facts concerning us fit within this sec·
torisation? Was their location predictability expected?
Regarding the case of the three Maquis killed by the Civil
Guard on the 26-V-1948 (and buried the following day), our
research, archaeologically speaking, was carried out in the
terraces 1be, 1bo, 2bo and 3bo. The difficult understanding
of the exact location of the three guerrillas obtained when
reading the diligence of the Civil Guard and some sterile
oral information obtained from local people contributed to
the negative result of the exhumation’s project. They were
never searched for in the terrace 2be (1943-1952), where
they belonged according to the chronology, since there
was no oral information about it at all, and it did not seem
from the reading of the corresponding diligence that this
space would appear as a possible area. On the other hand,
if the gravedigger had followed the correlative order in
their burials, which seems unlikely in this case, the grave or
graves should have been located between the tombs V.M.O.
(6-VI-1948) and M.M.C. (26-IV-1948) but these were so close
that there was no physical space for more graves between
them. Therefore, these are burials that could have been
intentionally hidden so that they could not be found later. On the surface of 1be (1938? -1943) we can still observe the
crosses of Teresa Ripollés and Benigna Camañes († May 8,
1938) and Engracia Cortés († May 28, 1938). Although the
second cross is the result of an accidental death related to
the previous ones, the first one tells us the story, after the
consequent documentary and oral research carried out
amongst the population, of a mother and a daughter who
were murdered the day after the Francoist occupation of
Portell. The youngest of them was raped (maybe the both of
them). Engracia remained as an orphan for twenty days until
her accidental death.

Víctimes per violència i repressió als Ports durant la Segona República i la Guerra Civil (1931-1941). Jornades per a la recuperació de la memòria històrica de Portell (2018)
In 2011, we were visiting Portell’s cemetery in order
to determine the possible location of the b... more In 2011, we were visiting Portell’s cemetery in order
to determine the possible location of the bodies of three
Maquis buried there in 1948 when we noticed a cross that showed the location of three deceased women. It was, we
thought back then, the last witness of a shared story.
On one of its sides, there was a tablet where the names of
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer and Benigna Camañes Ripollés could be
read. Both died on May 8, 1938, being 52 and 28, respectively.
On the other side, there was another tablet, similar to the
previous one; It belonged to Engracia Cortés Camañes, who
died twenty days later at age 3 on May 28, 1938.
The fact of sharing the same cross and the coincidence in
some of their surnames suggested a possible consanguinity.
Immediately, given the dates and the style of the tablets,
we thought that a story with a common ending was hidden
behind these funeral signals. Perhaps a story of repression,
which tragically ended with their deaths.
The three of them had recent floral offerings. There were
relatives who still reminded them and that, possibly, could
tell us their story.
We are rescuing their case with the will to approach what
happened and, at the same time, contribute to their partial
repair, since they were still remembered by their relatives.
Once we visited the Civil Registry of Portell, we could confirm
the family relationship that connected them (Teresa was
Benigna’s mother and this was the mother of Engracia and,
thus, Teresa was the grandmother). Among other documents, we consulted the death certificate
of Engracia. According to this, the little girl had been
accidentally strangled.
Unfortunately, Teresa’s and Benigna’s death certificates
were not in death record book that corresponded to them,
nor in any other. There was no trace of their death. It seemed
that it had been silenced.
In the parish register we could not find their inscription,
since, after its disappearance during the Civil War, it would
not be until 1955 that the activity in the death record book
was resumed.
Thus, after dismissing the documentary channel at a local
level, we asked the mayor of the village to find out what had
happened to those three women, since we did not believe
the accidental death of Engracia. He contacted José Ferrer
Cortés, a relative of them.
On September 11, 2018, we interviewed him and his sister,
Ramona, in Portell. From the interview, we were able to
confirm thanks to Ramona that Engracia had accidentally died
of asphyxiated (an olive stone caused her asphyxia) while
she was looked after by her grandfather, as all the relatives
had to take care of her after the murder of her mother.
According to Ramona’s memories (born in Portell in 1935),
Teresa and Benigna were assassinated while they were
sleeping in their house. It seems that Republican soldiers had entered thanks to a window and, after raping the girl, or
both, they killed them.
The case was more complex than it seemed at first. The
fact that there was no diligence within the Causa General2
made us suspect that the family could have been deceived
regarding their deaths or that there had been a silence with
a subsequent modification of the facts.
Popularly, however, it is said that Teresa and Benigna had
been raped by “Moor” soldiers who had arrived at Portell
the day before, when Franco’s troops took the population.

Víctimes per violència i repressió als Ports durant la Segona República i la Guerra Civil (1931-1941). Jornades per a la recuperació de la memòria històrica de Portell (2018), 2019
In 2011, we visited Portell’s cemetery in order to
determine the possible location of the bodies ... more In 2011, we visited Portell’s cemetery in order to
determine the possible location of the bodies of three anti-
Franco guerrillas buried there in 1948. This was an initial
contact to discover the grave with the bodies, since we could
not get a clear idea from the diligence by the Civil Guard
regarding the exact location.
The project consisted in the exhumation and identification of
Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and Manuel Ortiz Gómez, murdered by the Civil Guard while besieging the
farmhouse of Guimerà in the town of Portell.
In order to start the task, several interviews were held
among the people of the town who could remember what
had happened and could know where they were buried.
Some of them pointed to a possible location at a point where
the Maqui José Manuel Gonzalvo located the grave of these
fellows in his memoirs (Cordillera Ibérica. Recuerdos y olvidos
de un guerrillero, 2007).
None of them, however, had ever seen the grave, since they
had been chased out by the municipal bailiff of that time
when trying to see it (as we have known recently, among
them was Ramona Ferrer Cortés – see the chapter about
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés and Engracia
Cortés Camañes).
Once we decided to dig up where the popular tradition
placed the bodies of the three Maquis, we discovered the
isolated body of man between 43 and 55 years. The body had
been thrown into the grave and was in a prone position (face
down), undoubtedly, an action which was not very Christian.
In an anthropological field analysis based on anthropometric
comparisons, we deduced that it could fit in with the body of
José Nieto (although later we would know that genetically
speaking was not possible). This way, the research was
expanded to the nw area to see if two more graves appeared
with anthropometrically compatible bodies with Ángel
Vidosa and Manuel Ortiz (there was no physical space in the sw area, where the cemetery staircase was placed).
Nowadays, the bodies of the three maquis remain missing,
possibly, within the perimeter of the cemetery. Instead, we
found the body of a senile woman over 65 years old.
But, to whom did this body belong?
A brief documentary research was carried out in the Civil
Registry of Portell in order to find violent deaths during the
Civil War (given that during the post-war period, only the
episode in the Guimerà farmhouse had taken place). It was
noted that Rafael Rambla Domingo had been murdered
(† 6th? September 1936) and his body had appeared within
the municipality of Portell. Finally, he had been buried at
the municipal cemetery. The previous annotation in the
corresponding death record book, included a 78-year-old
woman’s record (R.P.) who had died on July 3. The grave of
this woman should have been placed, if the chronological
burial order was followed, immediately before Rafael
Rambla, in the same row of the cemetery, circumstance that
was corroborated in the field.
There was no other violent death of a man in that year (1936) at
Portell’s cemetery. It seemed that the hypothesis of locating
Rafael Rambla was possible.According to the records, among
others, of the Causa General2, Rafael Rambla was a pig
trader (or driver) who lived in Aiguaviva / Aguaviva (but who came from Anglesola/ La Iglesuela del Cid) with right-wing
ideology. He would have been abducted, according to the
judicial information, by a group of exalted trade unionists
who had shot him at the doors of the municipal cemetery
of Portell.
Jornades d'Arqueologia 2013 ~2015 de la Comunitat Valenciana, 2018
The recent archaeological interventions done in the castle in Oropesa and its surroundings have
p... more The recent archaeological interventions done in the castle in Oropesa and its surroundings have
provided materials and evidence on the siege and bombing of the fortification by the Napoleon army in 1811.
We have recovered a wide spectrum of material of artillery. We have studied the effects of the siege in the
architectural structure, which was damaged and then repaired. Comparing our findings with documentary and
cartographical reports of that time, we conclude that there should be a revision of the bellicose episode and the
structure of the castle.
Jornades d'Arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana 2013-205, 2018
In 2008 started the restoration tasks on a building called el Graner (the granary) or el Castell ... more In 2008 started the restoration tasks on a building called el Graner (the granary) or el Castell (the
castle). The remains of a tower were rediscovered. These probably gave name to the prechristian village: la Torre
de Vinrobí until the XIIth century and la Torre d’en Besora from the XIVth century upwards.
Its origins are not hipanoandalusian at all neither its standards. From the remains we can observe a rectangular
plan with loopholes within the mud walls. These walls were repaired with masonry technic using round arch and
ashlars in the corner later on.
By chance, an Iberian site under the foundations were discovered. Iron Age and Late Bronze Age pottery was
recovered as well.
The reconstruction tasks carried out on the building

Jornades d’Arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana 2013-2015, 2018
We present an advance of the main results obtained in the last excavation campaign that took plac... more We present an advance of the main results obtained in the last excavation campaign that took place in 2015 to the Sounding 8 of La Moleta dels Frares (Forcall, Els Ports), which is identified with the Roman municipality of Lesera. The work has documented the existence of several phases of occupation in this zone. In the first place, remains of the Iberian and Iberian-Roman periods have been found on the rock, on which it was built a possibly open space and a large room between the end of the 1st century and the principle of the IIth century AD. In these two ambients it has been possible to prove the existence of three constructive phases, until they are abandoned towards the end of the 3rd century or early IVth century AD. Subsequently, in the X-XI centuries, this area was occupied by an Andalusian necropolis possibly in relation to a not located farm.
Papers by (Xesco) Francesc-Xavier Duarte Martínez
The more intensive occupation of the region begins at the IVth. century. For this period we have distinguished full time activities. A visibility control system is as well articulating this territory. It is based on the exitence of hillforts or sites with defensive structures allocated at the outkirts of the studied region. During the IInd. Century the dispersed settlement decreses. The sites are now more populated, there is a concentration phaenomena.
Ara, però, us presentem un exemple d’intervenció arqueològica ordinària. A les línies que segeuixen, hem realitzat un metòdic esforç per presentar-vos i fer-vos entenedores tota aquella sèrie de passes que cal realitzar per tal de desenvolupar una actuació arqueològica ordinària. Aquesta mena d’intervencions no solen “molestar”, car tractem amb diners públics i s’hi actua fora del camp de treball dels promotors (públics o privats). Solen ser gratificants perquè actuem sobre un lloc o jaciment sobre el qual hom espera de trobar coses científicament interessants.
Un altre dia, però, us presentarem una intervenció d’urgència.
cemetery in 2010, we have been visiting it on different
occasions until today (2018). These visits started with the will
to know its possible interest in terms of heritage in the field of culture (with the creation of the document Catàleg de Béns
i Espais Protegits per al nou Pla General d’Ordenació Urbana
Municipal). Later, however, the attempt to locate the grave
or graves of Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and
Manuel Ortiz Gómez (three Maquis killed in the farmhouse
of Guimerà in 1948), the finding of the probable remains of
Rafael Rambla Domingo (killed in September 1936 due to his
right-wing ideology) and the discovery of the crosses in the
tombs of Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés
and Engracia Cortés Camañes (the first two died in May
1938, the day after the population was taken by Franco’s
troops), have forced us to make an approximation to the
topography of the cemetery, thus obtaining a certain degree
of knowledge about the operation of the cemetery.
However, it should be noted, in order to give context to the
burials taking place there, that the cemetery was built in 1931
in a space far away from the urban core, on the edge of the
old road that crossed through the Maset. Previously, there
was another one, which is still in the memory of the elderly
people in Portell, located in the peri-urban area in the urban
There is little information of this one due to its antiquity and
the fact that almost all the documentation prior to the Civil
War was burned. It is conserved in an excellent state within
its own perimeter wall, still existing. Inside, the different
embankments that configured it are still visible. This is vital
in our explanation, since there are people who keep their
relatives at both cemeteries. Portell’s cemetery has a rectangular design with a major axis
with a nw-se direction and a minor axis with ne-sw direction.
It is located on the slope of a hill, causing it to be paved in
three terraces crossed by a main street that goes from the
original access door to the short axis. Thus, therefore, the
rectangle is divided into 6 spaces.
The main, and original, access is located in the middle of the
sw side. It is a flat arch with a double leaf door. the inscription
«1930» can be read on the key on the lintel, the cemetery’s
construction year. There is a newer access to the nw side
that allows access to funerary cars inside the cemetery.
On the perimeter of the cemetery, masonry stone walls with
mortar were built on the ne and se sides. Moreover, during
2018, a series of niches on the margin enabled by the second
terrace, a columbarium between the ossuary and the access
to the funeral car were built.
Last but not least, it should be considered that the ossuary,
probably an original element within the conception of the
cemetery space, is located in the west corner of the rectangle
while the autopsy room, now unworkable, is located on the
se side of the wall, next to the niches.
If we do not take into account the burials practiced in
niches (already in use in 1942), the 6 spaces we previously
mentioned have burials that respond with the following
chronological groups, according to what can be deduced
from the inscriptions in crosses and existing tombstones
which are still readable: 1931-1935 (first Western terrace, 1bo), 1938? -1943 (first Eastern terrace, 1be), 1943-1952 (second
e terrace, 2be), 1952-1962 (third e terrace, 3be), 1963 -1965
(second w terrace, 2bo) and 1967-1973 (third w terrace, 3bo).
Needless to say, that exhumations in the undersoil stopped
being practiced, with some exception, in 1975; when niches
started to become usual.
But how do the three facts concerning us fit within this sec·
torisation? Was their location predictability expected?
Regarding the case of the three Maquis killed by the Civil
Guard on the 26-V-1948 (and buried the following day), our
research, archaeologically speaking, was carried out in the
terraces 1be, 1bo, 2bo and 3bo. The difficult understanding
of the exact location of the three guerrillas obtained when
reading the diligence of the Civil Guard and some sterile
oral information obtained from local people contributed to
the negative result of the exhumation’s project. They were
never searched for in the terrace 2be (1943-1952), where
they belonged according to the chronology, since there
was no oral information about it at all, and it did not seem
from the reading of the corresponding diligence that this
space would appear as a possible area. On the other hand,
if the gravedigger had followed the correlative order in
their burials, which seems unlikely in this case, the grave or
graves should have been located between the tombs V.M.O.
(6-VI-1948) and M.M.C. (26-IV-1948) but these were so close
that there was no physical space for more graves between
them. Therefore, these are burials that could have been
intentionally hidden so that they could not be found later. On the surface of 1be (1938? -1943) we can still observe the
crosses of Teresa Ripollés and Benigna Camañes († May 8,
1938) and Engracia Cortés († May 28, 1938). Although the
second cross is the result of an accidental death related to
the previous ones, the first one tells us the story, after the
consequent documentary and oral research carried out
amongst the population, of a mother and a daughter who
were murdered the day after the Francoist occupation of
Portell. The youngest of them was raped (maybe the both of
them). Engracia remained as an orphan for twenty days until
her accidental death.
to determine the possible location of the bodies of three
Maquis buried there in 1948 when we noticed a cross that showed the location of three deceased women. It was, we
thought back then, the last witness of a shared story.
On one of its sides, there was a tablet where the names of
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer and Benigna Camañes Ripollés could be
read. Both died on May 8, 1938, being 52 and 28, respectively.
On the other side, there was another tablet, similar to the
previous one; It belonged to Engracia Cortés Camañes, who
died twenty days later at age 3 on May 28, 1938.
The fact of sharing the same cross and the coincidence in
some of their surnames suggested a possible consanguinity.
Immediately, given the dates and the style of the tablets,
we thought that a story with a common ending was hidden
behind these funeral signals. Perhaps a story of repression,
which tragically ended with their deaths.
The three of them had recent floral offerings. There were
relatives who still reminded them and that, possibly, could
tell us their story.
We are rescuing their case with the will to approach what
happened and, at the same time, contribute to their partial
repair, since they were still remembered by their relatives.
Once we visited the Civil Registry of Portell, we could confirm
the family relationship that connected them (Teresa was
Benigna’s mother and this was the mother of Engracia and,
thus, Teresa was the grandmother). Among other documents, we consulted the death certificate
of Engracia. According to this, the little girl had been
accidentally strangled.
Unfortunately, Teresa’s and Benigna’s death certificates
were not in death record book that corresponded to them,
nor in any other. There was no trace of their death. It seemed
that it had been silenced.
In the parish register we could not find their inscription,
since, after its disappearance during the Civil War, it would
not be until 1955 that the activity in the death record book
was resumed.
Thus, after dismissing the documentary channel at a local
level, we asked the mayor of the village to find out what had
happened to those three women, since we did not believe
the accidental death of Engracia. He contacted José Ferrer
Cortés, a relative of them.
On September 11, 2018, we interviewed him and his sister,
Ramona, in Portell. From the interview, we were able to
confirm thanks to Ramona that Engracia had accidentally died
of asphyxiated (an olive stone caused her asphyxia) while
she was looked after by her grandfather, as all the relatives
had to take care of her after the murder of her mother.
According to Ramona’s memories (born in Portell in 1935),
Teresa and Benigna were assassinated while they were
sleeping in their house. It seems that Republican soldiers had entered thanks to a window and, after raping the girl, or
both, they killed them.
The case was more complex than it seemed at first. The
fact that there was no diligence within the Causa General2
made us suspect that the family could have been deceived
regarding their deaths or that there had been a silence with
a subsequent modification of the facts.
Popularly, however, it is said that Teresa and Benigna had
been raped by “Moor” soldiers who had arrived at Portell
the day before, when Franco’s troops took the population.
determine the possible location of the bodies of three anti-
Franco guerrillas buried there in 1948. This was an initial
contact to discover the grave with the bodies, since we could
not get a clear idea from the diligence by the Civil Guard
regarding the exact location.
The project consisted in the exhumation and identification of
Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and Manuel Ortiz Gómez, murdered by the Civil Guard while besieging the
farmhouse of Guimerà in the town of Portell.
In order to start the task, several interviews were held
among the people of the town who could remember what
had happened and could know where they were buried.
Some of them pointed to a possible location at a point where
the Maqui José Manuel Gonzalvo located the grave of these
fellows in his memoirs (Cordillera Ibérica. Recuerdos y olvidos
de un guerrillero, 2007).
None of them, however, had ever seen the grave, since they
had been chased out by the municipal bailiff of that time
when trying to see it (as we have known recently, among
them was Ramona Ferrer Cortés – see the chapter about
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés and Engracia
Cortés Camañes).
Once we decided to dig up where the popular tradition
placed the bodies of the three Maquis, we discovered the
isolated body of man between 43 and 55 years. The body had
been thrown into the grave and was in a prone position (face
down), undoubtedly, an action which was not very Christian.
In an anthropological field analysis based on anthropometric
comparisons, we deduced that it could fit in with the body of
José Nieto (although later we would know that genetically
speaking was not possible). This way, the research was
expanded to the nw area to see if two more graves appeared
with anthropometrically compatible bodies with Ángel
Vidosa and Manuel Ortiz (there was no physical space in the sw area, where the cemetery staircase was placed).
Nowadays, the bodies of the three maquis remain missing,
possibly, within the perimeter of the cemetery. Instead, we
found the body of a senile woman over 65 years old.
But, to whom did this body belong?
A brief documentary research was carried out in the Civil
Registry of Portell in order to find violent deaths during the
Civil War (given that during the post-war period, only the
episode in the Guimerà farmhouse had taken place). It was
noted that Rafael Rambla Domingo had been murdered
(† 6th? September 1936) and his body had appeared within
the municipality of Portell. Finally, he had been buried at
the municipal cemetery. The previous annotation in the
corresponding death record book, included a 78-year-old
woman’s record (R.P.) who had died on July 3. The grave of
this woman should have been placed, if the chronological
burial order was followed, immediately before Rafael
Rambla, in the same row of the cemetery, circumstance that
was corroborated in the field.
There was no other violent death of a man in that year (1936) at
Portell’s cemetery. It seemed that the hypothesis of locating
Rafael Rambla was possible.According to the records, among
others, of the Causa General2, Rafael Rambla was a pig
trader (or driver) who lived in Aiguaviva / Aguaviva (but who came from Anglesola/ La Iglesuela del Cid) with right-wing
ideology. He would have been abducted, according to the
judicial information, by a group of exalted trade unionists
who had shot him at the doors of the municipal cemetery
of Portell.
provided materials and evidence on the siege and bombing of the fortification by the Napoleon army in 1811.
We have recovered a wide spectrum of material of artillery. We have studied the effects of the siege in the
architectural structure, which was damaged and then repaired. Comparing our findings with documentary and
cartographical reports of that time, we conclude that there should be a revision of the bellicose episode and the
structure of the castle.
castle). The remains of a tower were rediscovered. These probably gave name to the prechristian village: la Torre
de Vinrobí until the XIIth century and la Torre d’en Besora from the XIVth century upwards.
Its origins are not hipanoandalusian at all neither its standards. From the remains we can observe a rectangular
plan with loopholes within the mud walls. These walls were repaired with masonry technic using round arch and
ashlars in the corner later on.
By chance, an Iberian site under the foundations were discovered. Iron Age and Late Bronze Age pottery was
recovered as well.
The reconstruction tasks carried out on the building
The more intensive occupation of the region begins at the IVth. century. For this period we have distinguished full time activities. A visibility control system is as well articulating this territory. It is based on the exitence of hillforts or sites with defensive structures allocated at the outkirts of the studied region. During the IInd. Century the dispersed settlement decreses. The sites are now more populated, there is a concentration phaenomena.
Ara, però, us presentem un exemple d’intervenció arqueològica ordinària. A les línies que segeuixen, hem realitzat un metòdic esforç per presentar-vos i fer-vos entenedores tota aquella sèrie de passes que cal realitzar per tal de desenvolupar una actuació arqueològica ordinària. Aquesta mena d’intervencions no solen “molestar”, car tractem amb diners públics i s’hi actua fora del camp de treball dels promotors (públics o privats). Solen ser gratificants perquè actuem sobre un lloc o jaciment sobre el qual hom espera de trobar coses científicament interessants.
Un altre dia, però, us presentarem una intervenció d’urgència.
cemetery in 2010, we have been visiting it on different
occasions until today (2018). These visits started with the will
to know its possible interest in terms of heritage in the field of culture (with the creation of the document Catàleg de Béns
i Espais Protegits per al nou Pla General d’Ordenació Urbana
Municipal). Later, however, the attempt to locate the grave
or graves of Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and
Manuel Ortiz Gómez (three Maquis killed in the farmhouse
of Guimerà in 1948), the finding of the probable remains of
Rafael Rambla Domingo (killed in September 1936 due to his
right-wing ideology) and the discovery of the crosses in the
tombs of Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés
and Engracia Cortés Camañes (the first two died in May
1938, the day after the population was taken by Franco’s
troops), have forced us to make an approximation to the
topography of the cemetery, thus obtaining a certain degree
of knowledge about the operation of the cemetery.
However, it should be noted, in order to give context to the
burials taking place there, that the cemetery was built in 1931
in a space far away from the urban core, on the edge of the
old road that crossed through the Maset. Previously, there
was another one, which is still in the memory of the elderly
people in Portell, located in the peri-urban area in the urban
There is little information of this one due to its antiquity and
the fact that almost all the documentation prior to the Civil
War was burned. It is conserved in an excellent state within
its own perimeter wall, still existing. Inside, the different
embankments that configured it are still visible. This is vital
in our explanation, since there are people who keep their
relatives at both cemeteries. Portell’s cemetery has a rectangular design with a major axis
with a nw-se direction and a minor axis with ne-sw direction.
It is located on the slope of a hill, causing it to be paved in
three terraces crossed by a main street that goes from the
original access door to the short axis. Thus, therefore, the
rectangle is divided into 6 spaces.
The main, and original, access is located in the middle of the
sw side. It is a flat arch with a double leaf door. the inscription
«1930» can be read on the key on the lintel, the cemetery’s
construction year. There is a newer access to the nw side
that allows access to funerary cars inside the cemetery.
On the perimeter of the cemetery, masonry stone walls with
mortar were built on the ne and se sides. Moreover, during
2018, a series of niches on the margin enabled by the second
terrace, a columbarium between the ossuary and the access
to the funeral car were built.
Last but not least, it should be considered that the ossuary,
probably an original element within the conception of the
cemetery space, is located in the west corner of the rectangle
while the autopsy room, now unworkable, is located on the
se side of the wall, next to the niches.
If we do not take into account the burials practiced in
niches (already in use in 1942), the 6 spaces we previously
mentioned have burials that respond with the following
chronological groups, according to what can be deduced
from the inscriptions in crosses and existing tombstones
which are still readable: 1931-1935 (first Western terrace, 1bo), 1938? -1943 (first Eastern terrace, 1be), 1943-1952 (second
e terrace, 2be), 1952-1962 (third e terrace, 3be), 1963 -1965
(second w terrace, 2bo) and 1967-1973 (third w terrace, 3bo).
Needless to say, that exhumations in the undersoil stopped
being practiced, with some exception, in 1975; when niches
started to become usual.
But how do the three facts concerning us fit within this sec·
torisation? Was their location predictability expected?
Regarding the case of the three Maquis killed by the Civil
Guard on the 26-V-1948 (and buried the following day), our
research, archaeologically speaking, was carried out in the
terraces 1be, 1bo, 2bo and 3bo. The difficult understanding
of the exact location of the three guerrillas obtained when
reading the diligence of the Civil Guard and some sterile
oral information obtained from local people contributed to
the negative result of the exhumation’s project. They were
never searched for in the terrace 2be (1943-1952), where
they belonged according to the chronology, since there
was no oral information about it at all, and it did not seem
from the reading of the corresponding diligence that this
space would appear as a possible area. On the other hand,
if the gravedigger had followed the correlative order in
their burials, which seems unlikely in this case, the grave or
graves should have been located between the tombs V.M.O.
(6-VI-1948) and M.M.C. (26-IV-1948) but these were so close
that there was no physical space for more graves between
them. Therefore, these are burials that could have been
intentionally hidden so that they could not be found later. On the surface of 1be (1938? -1943) we can still observe the
crosses of Teresa Ripollés and Benigna Camañes († May 8,
1938) and Engracia Cortés († May 28, 1938). Although the
second cross is the result of an accidental death related to
the previous ones, the first one tells us the story, after the
consequent documentary and oral research carried out
amongst the population, of a mother and a daughter who
were murdered the day after the Francoist occupation of
Portell. The youngest of them was raped (maybe the both of
them). Engracia remained as an orphan for twenty days until
her accidental death.
to determine the possible location of the bodies of three
Maquis buried there in 1948 when we noticed a cross that showed the location of three deceased women. It was, we
thought back then, the last witness of a shared story.
On one of its sides, there was a tablet where the names of
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer and Benigna Camañes Ripollés could be
read. Both died on May 8, 1938, being 52 and 28, respectively.
On the other side, there was another tablet, similar to the
previous one; It belonged to Engracia Cortés Camañes, who
died twenty days later at age 3 on May 28, 1938.
The fact of sharing the same cross and the coincidence in
some of their surnames suggested a possible consanguinity.
Immediately, given the dates and the style of the tablets,
we thought that a story with a common ending was hidden
behind these funeral signals. Perhaps a story of repression,
which tragically ended with their deaths.
The three of them had recent floral offerings. There were
relatives who still reminded them and that, possibly, could
tell us their story.
We are rescuing their case with the will to approach what
happened and, at the same time, contribute to their partial
repair, since they were still remembered by their relatives.
Once we visited the Civil Registry of Portell, we could confirm
the family relationship that connected them (Teresa was
Benigna’s mother and this was the mother of Engracia and,
thus, Teresa was the grandmother). Among other documents, we consulted the death certificate
of Engracia. According to this, the little girl had been
accidentally strangled.
Unfortunately, Teresa’s and Benigna’s death certificates
were not in death record book that corresponded to them,
nor in any other. There was no trace of their death. It seemed
that it had been silenced.
In the parish register we could not find their inscription,
since, after its disappearance during the Civil War, it would
not be until 1955 that the activity in the death record book
was resumed.
Thus, after dismissing the documentary channel at a local
level, we asked the mayor of the village to find out what had
happened to those three women, since we did not believe
the accidental death of Engracia. He contacted José Ferrer
Cortés, a relative of them.
On September 11, 2018, we interviewed him and his sister,
Ramona, in Portell. From the interview, we were able to
confirm thanks to Ramona that Engracia had accidentally died
of asphyxiated (an olive stone caused her asphyxia) while
she was looked after by her grandfather, as all the relatives
had to take care of her after the murder of her mother.
According to Ramona’s memories (born in Portell in 1935),
Teresa and Benigna were assassinated while they were
sleeping in their house. It seems that Republican soldiers had entered thanks to a window and, after raping the girl, or
both, they killed them.
The case was more complex than it seemed at first. The
fact that there was no diligence within the Causa General2
made us suspect that the family could have been deceived
regarding their deaths or that there had been a silence with
a subsequent modification of the facts.
Popularly, however, it is said that Teresa and Benigna had
been raped by “Moor” soldiers who had arrived at Portell
the day before, when Franco’s troops took the population.
determine the possible location of the bodies of three anti-
Franco guerrillas buried there in 1948. This was an initial
contact to discover the grave with the bodies, since we could
not get a clear idea from the diligence by the Civil Guard
regarding the exact location.
The project consisted in the exhumation and identification of
Ángel Fuertes Vidosa, José Nieto Márquez and Manuel Ortiz Gómez, murdered by the Civil Guard while besieging the
farmhouse of Guimerà in the town of Portell.
In order to start the task, several interviews were held
among the people of the town who could remember what
had happened and could know where they were buried.
Some of them pointed to a possible location at a point where
the Maqui José Manuel Gonzalvo located the grave of these
fellows in his memoirs (Cordillera Ibérica. Recuerdos y olvidos
de un guerrillero, 2007).
None of them, however, had ever seen the grave, since they
had been chased out by the municipal bailiff of that time
when trying to see it (as we have known recently, among
them was Ramona Ferrer Cortés – see the chapter about
Teresa Ripollés Ferrer, Benigna Camañes Ripollés and Engracia
Cortés Camañes).
Once we decided to dig up where the popular tradition
placed the bodies of the three Maquis, we discovered the
isolated body of man between 43 and 55 years. The body had
been thrown into the grave and was in a prone position (face
down), undoubtedly, an action which was not very Christian.
In an anthropological field analysis based on anthropometric
comparisons, we deduced that it could fit in with the body of
José Nieto (although later we would know that genetically
speaking was not possible). This way, the research was
expanded to the nw area to see if two more graves appeared
with anthropometrically compatible bodies with Ángel
Vidosa and Manuel Ortiz (there was no physical space in the sw area, where the cemetery staircase was placed).
Nowadays, the bodies of the three maquis remain missing,
possibly, within the perimeter of the cemetery. Instead, we
found the body of a senile woman over 65 years old.
But, to whom did this body belong?
A brief documentary research was carried out in the Civil
Registry of Portell in order to find violent deaths during the
Civil War (given that during the post-war period, only the
episode in the Guimerà farmhouse had taken place). It was
noted that Rafael Rambla Domingo had been murdered
(† 6th? September 1936) and his body had appeared within
the municipality of Portell. Finally, he had been buried at
the municipal cemetery. The previous annotation in the
corresponding death record book, included a 78-year-old
woman’s record (R.P.) who had died on July 3. The grave of
this woman should have been placed, if the chronological
burial order was followed, immediately before Rafael
Rambla, in the same row of the cemetery, circumstance that
was corroborated in the field.
There was no other violent death of a man in that year (1936) at
Portell’s cemetery. It seemed that the hypothesis of locating
Rafael Rambla was possible.According to the records, among
others, of the Causa General2, Rafael Rambla was a pig
trader (or driver) who lived in Aiguaviva / Aguaviva (but who came from Anglesola/ La Iglesuela del Cid) with right-wing
ideology. He would have been abducted, according to the
judicial information, by a group of exalted trade unionists
who had shot him at the doors of the municipal cemetery
of Portell.
provided materials and evidence on the siege and bombing of the fortification by the Napoleon army in 1811.
We have recovered a wide spectrum of material of artillery. We have studied the effects of the siege in the
architectural structure, which was damaged and then repaired. Comparing our findings with documentary and
cartographical reports of that time, we conclude that there should be a revision of the bellicose episode and the
structure of the castle.
castle). The remains of a tower were rediscovered. These probably gave name to the prechristian village: la Torre
de Vinrobí until the XIIth century and la Torre d’en Besora from the XIVth century upwards.
Its origins are not hipanoandalusian at all neither its standards. From the remains we can observe a rectangular
plan with loopholes within the mud walls. These walls were repaired with masonry technic using round arch and
ashlars in the corner later on.
By chance, an Iberian site under the foundations were discovered. Iron Age and Late Bronze Age pottery was
recovered as well.
The reconstruction tasks carried out on the building