Papers by Benvindo Fonseca

The profitability of new investments in fisheries operations is designed to take advantage of une... more The profitability of new investments in fisheries operations is designed to take advantage of unexploited harvest potential of fish stocks in the sea around Cape Verde and off the coast of Senegal and Mauritania. The TAC (Total Allowed Catch) in Cape Verde is estimated between 38000 and 47000 tons and mainly are large pelagic (tuna species) and the mean catch is around 7500 tons per year. The status of fish stocks available to Capeverdian fisheries and the potential to be caught are analysed and available data indicates that there is a substantial scope for expanding fishing for tuna in Cape Verde waters and small pelagic in the waters off Senegal and Mauritania. Two alternative scenarios are discussed. New vessel, which means one of the vessels that are in construction and a used vessel, which means a second hand vessel that was constructed and operated in Norway. The operation plans are elaborated according to the seasons of the species and the availability of the fish stock. The ...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, May 30, 2018

Cabo Verde é um país ecologicamente frágil e de fracos recursos naturais. A satisfação das necess... more Cabo Verde é um país ecologicamente frágil e de fracos recursos naturais. A satisfação das necessidades básicas do Homem exige que sejam bem definidas orientações estratégicas de aproveitamento e uma aplicação optimizada dos recursos naturais a favor do desenvolvimento de actividades económicas. Desde a independência, os sucessivos Governos Cabo-verdianos têm-se mostrado preocupados com a questão da preservação dos ecossistemas e com o enquadramento dos organismos vocacionados para a gestão ambiental. Na estratégia expressa nas Grandes Opções para do Desenvolvimento (2002), o ambiente é um dos temas mais importantes. Projecta-se uma sociedade dotada de um sentimento profundo para o ambiente e de uma consciência ecológica desenvolvida sendo as medidas de preservação encaradas de forma sistémica e transversal, pretendendo-se que sejam equitativas. O segundo Plano de Acção Nacional para o Ambiente (PANA II) constitui a concretização destas políticas e define as orientações estratégicas...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 30, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 30, 2022

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 30, 2022
Data availability is a recurrent barrier when attempting to analyse the human dimension in fisher... more Data availability is a recurrent barrier when attempting to analyse the human dimension in fisheries. This report introduces a methodological approach to measure the human dimension within Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement fisheries (SFPAs), combining different variables which are going further from those used within the current ex-ante ex-post evaluations. The methodological approach combines quantitative and qualitative data sources, namely literature review, data gathering and harmonization and in-depth interviews, to develop a comprehensive and accurate description of the human dimension of long-distance fisheries of the EU within the SFPAs of Cabo Verde and Senegal. The method follows a 4 steps process set to provide a better understanding of the magnitude of fishing activity: (1) environmental and fisheries; (2) human dimension at sea; (3) human dimension at port; and (4) human dimension at international level. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 727891.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 31, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 17, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 31, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 9, 2021

This report contains the 2nd management recommendation (MR) invitations submitted to the case stu... more This report contains the 2nd management recommendation (MR) invitations submitted to the case studies in the FarFish project i.e. the high-seas fisheries in SW-Atlantic and SE-Atlantic, and the SFPA fisheries in Cape Verde, Senegal, Mauritania and Seychelles. The purpose of these MR invitations is to offer selected operators (resource users) the opportunity to develop MRs following the "second draft general guidelines for making MRs" presented in FarFish deliverable 3.5. The approach presented in the guidelines are based on principles of results-based management (RBM), where the responsibility for fisheries management is partly transferred to the resource users, provided that they meet with necessary requirements set forth by the authorities and provide documentation confirming implementation and achievement of specified management objectives. The advantages of such an approach include facilitation of more bottom-up style of management where the actual resource users and o...

The H2020 project FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, su... more The H2020 project FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters. To achieve this, one of the implementation tools is the Stakeholder Hub, a multi-level and multi-stakeholder network integrated by scientists, policymakers, resource users, NGOs and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences throughout their participation. The Stakeholder Hub is a responsive and flexible platform that adopts the form of a regional working group for the six case studies involved into the project, but adopting the form of a high-level European platform, or even an international forum for cross-cutting issues. This Intermediate report provides a summary on the Stakeholder Hub implementation in the first half of the project. It highlights lessons learnt and improvement areas for the second part of the project.

This document contains the 1st management plan recommendation (MPR) invitations submitted to the ... more This document contains the 1st management plan recommendation (MPR) invitations submitted to the case studies in the FarFish project. The purpose of these MPR invitations is to offer selected operators (resource users) the opportunity to develop MPRs in accordance with the responsive fisheries management system (RFMS) approach; following the "first draft general guidelines for making MPRs" presented in FarFish deliverable 3.1. The RFMS is a management approach founded on the principles of results-based management (RBM). According to RFMS, the responsibility for fisheries management is partly transferred to the resource users, provided that they meet with necessary requirements set forth by the competent authorities and provide documentation confirming implementation and achievement of specified management objectives. The advantages of such an approach include facilitation of more bottom-up style of management where the actual resource users and other stakeholders are invol...

This document contains the 1st management recommendation (MR) invitations submitted to the case s... more This document contains the 1st management recommendation (MR) invitations submitted to the case studies in the FarFish project. The purpose of these MR invitations is to offer selected operators (resource users) the opportunity to develop MRs in accordance with the responsive fisheries management system (RFMS) approach; following the "first draft general guidelines for making MRs" presented in FarFish deliverable 3.1. The RFMS is a management approach founded on the principles of results-based management (RBM). According to RFMS, the responsibility for fisheries management is partly transferred to the resource users, provided that they meet with necessary requirements set forth by the competent authorities and provide documentation confirming implementation and achievement of specified management objectives. The advantages of such an approach include facilitation of more bottom-up style of management where the actual resource users and other stakeholders are involved, whic...

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 30, 2022
This is the third and final report on the FarFish data base (FFDB). Task 2.3 (Advancing biologica... more This is the third and final report on the FarFish data base (FFDB). Task 2.3 (Advancing biological and ecological knowledge) of WP2 in FarFish aims to compile and make available in the FFDB, developed in WP6, data for the relevant stocks in the different Case Studies (CS). The data feeds into models and management tools that provide better understanding of the biology and ecology of the respective species and ecosystems, and will be used by other WPs (1, 3, 4, 5 & 6) for stakeholder interaction, development of management recommendations (MRs), modelling, stock assessment and for visualisation tools. The two previous reports (D2.3 and D2.6) provided an overview of the data that was obtained and used as example data sets for the implementation of the Data Limited Methods (DLM) package and as input to the other WPs. In this report we focus on other sources of data, especially data that we were not able to obtain, namely Nansen survey and national research surveys. The report provides a comprehensive overview of Nansen surveys and national research survey for the CSs. It is clear that a plethora of data suitable for application of Data DLM exists, especially in the form of national pelagic and demersal research surveys that are more continuous than the Nansen surveys.
Papers by Benvindo Fonseca