Papers by Fitri Awaliyatush Sholihah, M.Pd

This study aims at investigating the effect of the process approach on student writing anxiety an... more This study aims at investigating the effect of the process approach on student writing anxiety and performance. Teachers should find ways to cope with anxiety as it is known as the negative predictor of students’ writing performance. Fifteen students participated in this study. They were assigned to write an argumentative essay under the topic ‘should national exam be banned?â€. The treatment was given following the writing stages, from outlining to publishing. SLWAI questionnaire was distributed before and after the treatment to measure the effectiveness of the process approach on students’ anxiety. The findings indicated that students writing anxiety decreases from 71.27 to 63.20, which means that the anxiety level goes down from high to moderate anxiety. The second findings informed us that there is a significant difference in students writing performance after the treatment with the level of significant .000. It can be said that the writing process approach has a signific...

Abdimas Galuh
Penguasaan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat, khususnya dalam pendidikan. ... more Penguasaan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat, khususnya dalam pendidikan. Untuk mengukur kemahiran berbahasa Inggris diperlukan tes berstandar internasional yang disebut dengan Test of English Proficiency (TOEP) atau Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Oleh karena itu, pendampingan persiapan Tes TOEFL diperlukan sejak level sekolah menengah. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan persiapan Test of English Proficiency kepada siswa kelas IX yang dispesifikan pada pelatihan dan pembahasan strategi mudah mengerjakan TOEFL. Hasil dari tes TOEFL menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas siswa mendapatkan nilai di atas kriteria kelulusan minimal, dan dinyatakan lulus mengikuti tes TOEFL. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan 91% siswa yang mendapat nilai di atas 400, dengan rincian 27% siswa mendapatkan skor 400-450, 39% siswa mendapat skor 450-500, dan 25% siswa memperoleh skor di atas 500. Sedangkan hanya 9% atau 7 siswa saja ...

English Teaching Journal : A Journal of English Literature, Language and Education
This study focuses more on syntactic word order through identify the language structure of simple... more This study focuses more on syntactic word order through identify the language structure of simple sentence both Indonesian and English in argumentative essay made by English education department students at University of Islam Malang and analyze it by contrastive analysis (CA). The significance of this research is to cover the students’ difficulties in academic writing process by using contrastive analysis and to identify the highlight point of the structure differences between Bahasa Indonesia (L1) and English (L2). The researcher used qualitative method by collecting 10 students’ argumentative essay both in Indonesia and in English. The results show that the common pattern occurs in the students’ argumentative essay is SVO and the other patterns are S-V(Aux)-O, NP-S-V-O, Conj-S-V-O, S-V-O-V, S-S-V-O and Conj-NP-S-V-O. While in Indonesian are Subjek-Predikat (SV), Subjek-Predikat-Objek (SVO), Subjek-Predikat-Pelengkap (SVC), Subjek-Predikat-Objek-Pelengkap (SVOC), Subjek-Predikat-O...

Abstract: EFL students have several problems in understanding English texts. These issues are sho... more Abstract: EFL students have several problems in understanding English texts. These issues are shown when the students have no idea with unfamiliar vocabularies and the concepts of the text. Previewing a text can be used for stimulating prior knowledge. These activities can be practiced to increase the accuracy and efficiency of students reading. This research used quantitative research; quasi experimental design. There were 52 first year students as the research participants and divided into control and experimental group. The treatment given was providing preview text of “Birth of Blues” which consisted of 372 words, while the control group were given the same passage without preview text. The writer provided an objective test to measure the students’ comprehension toward the text. The result showed that the mean of control group was (M=52.31) and the mean of experimental group was (M= 67.69). In the same case, the p value was 0.000 (p < 0.05). After knowing the result of the da...

Reading skill is a crucial skill for both English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as Forei... more Reading skill is a crucial skill for both English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as Foreign Language (EFL) students. To improve the students reading skill, Reading, Encoding, Annotating, and Pondering (REAP) strategy becomes an alternative strategy to be applied in teaching reading. Therefore, this study was aimed to identify the effectiveness of applying REAP strategy in improving students reading skill. The study was conducted on second semester students of English education department of University of Islam Malang. The method used in this study was Quasi-Experimental research that used 2 classes, consists of one control class and one experimental class. The researcher did a treatment by applying Reading, Encoding, Annotating, and Pondering (REAP) strategy to the experimental class, while on the other hand, conventional method or lecturer-centered was applied in the control class. The result of the study showed that the T-test of this research is 58 and the T-table of this...

Edulite: Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture, Feb 28, 2022
Intensive reading plays a great role in enhancing students' reading comprehension. Effective teac... more Intensive reading plays a great role in enhancing students' reading comprehension. Effective teaching materials are the best assistance for students. Often, in intensive reading class, lecturers neglected the students' needs and preferences regarding the reading texts and topics being discussed. The materials only come from the lecturers' perspectives. This study explores the students' needs and lecturers' perceptions toward the effective teaching materials of intensive reading. A questionnaire, delivered to 71 English Department students who have completed the Reading 1 course, is used for analysing the students' needs and preferences on intensive reading materials. Moreover, two English lecturers who experienced in teaching intensive reading for five years were interviewed to get detailed information about the students' needs and effective materials on intensive reading. The data were then analysed using a quantitative and descriptive qualitative approach. The result showed that the reading materials which offer various genres and topics, lists of new vocabularies, clear explanations about reading and vocabulary skills, as well as complete exercises to test the reading comprehension were viewed proper for both teachers and students. This research finding gives important information to develop effective reading materials for both sides.

ELT Echo : The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context, 2018
This research aimed at describing how blended learning strategy by integrating portfolio-based ex... more This research aimed at describing how blended learning strategy by integrating portfolio-based extensive listening activity can improve students' listening skill. This action research was the response of the classroom problem identified in Listening 2 course in class 2E of English Department, Universitas Islam Malang. The problem was the average score of this class was low (68.86) and only 45% of the students achieved the standard minimum score (≥ 75). Data from interview uncovered that the major cause was insufficient exposure to authentic listening input. The instruments used to gain the data were portfolio and test. The criterion of success set was that 70% of the students obtained the standard minimum score. This research was conducted in two cycles with four meetings for each. At the end of cycle 1, the average score was 75.36 but only 55% of the students achieved the standard minimum score. The test result in cycle 2 indicated that the average score was 78.36 and 73% of the students reached the standard minimum score, meaning that the criterion of success was achieved. This implies that the implementation of blended learning approach with portfolio-based extensive listening activity can significantly enhance listening skill.
JEES (Journal of English Educators Society), 2019
Reading log or the so-called reading journal is a journal to monitor how far the students read wi... more Reading log or the so-called reading journal is a journal to monitor how far the students read within their own pace and time. This study aimed at investigating some influential points of using reading log in order to enhance the students’ ability in writing academic article. The participants of this study were twenty sophomores pursuing their study at Universitas Islam Malang taking Writing IV class. They were asked to fill reading logs given after reading academic articles. They had to read one academic article each day for one week. Questionnaire and interview were used as the instruments to collect the data which were then analyzed descriptive qualitatively. The findings show that reading log is very beneficial for the students specifically when they are reading academic articles.

JIPEMAS: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2019
Plastic waste that can threaten the environment is increasingly overflowing in many areas. Theref... more Plastic waste that can threaten the environment is increasingly overflowing in many areas. Therefore, this program is aimed to utilize waste banks by processing plastic waste into decorative pillows in Ngempit village, Kraton, Pasuruan in collaboration with the Community Information Group Surya Harapan and Etza Accesories. This program not only save the environment, but it also produces decorative pillow products which can also be a feature product of the village, so that this program indirectly can develop the creative economy of the people in Ngempit village. The method applied in this partnership program is counseling, training, demonstration and assistance. The results of the community partnership program are counseling and training on processing plastic waste into decorative pillows, counseling on marketing strategies, counseling on determination of selling price, as well as demonstration or practice of producing decorative pillow made from plastic waste with special designs, w...
Papers by Fitri Awaliyatush Sholihah, M.Pd