Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisir peluang pengembangan atraksi wisata budaya Pu... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisir peluang pengembangan atraksi wisata budaya Pulau Komodo dan Suku Manggarai Barat di Flores serta menyusun pola perjalanan berdasarkan potensi budaya dan potensi lainnya. Kerangka analisis yang digunakan adalah invetarisasi terhadap potensi atraksi budaya tak benda dan potensi atraksi budaya benda. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan wawancara dan studi pustaka sebagai alat pengumpul data untuk memaparkan potensi atraksi yang ada. Data diperoleh sebagian besar merupakan data sekunder dengan beberapa data primer berdasarkan informasi dari informan penelitian. Informan ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan mereka tentang potensi atraksi budaya sehingga hanya digunakan dua narasumber yaitu dinas pariwisata dan tokoh masyarakat. Potensi atraksi wisata budaya yang teridentifikasi dari penelitian ini; (1) Atraksi wisata budaya benda yaitu bangunan (Mbaru), situs (Situs Warloka), landscape (Sawah Lingko), dan desa wisata (Liang Ndara); (2) Atraksi wisata tak benda yaitu desa adat (Desa Adat Todo), tarian adat (Tari Caci), festival (Komodo), dan kuliner (Se'i). Keseluruhan potensi atraksi tersebut dapat dipadukan dengan jenis atraksi alam dan buatan untuk dikemas menjadi pola perjalanan wisata. Perpaduan atraksi dalam pola perjalanan akan menjadikan Labuan Bajo mampu memberikan pengalaman mengesankan bagi wisatawan sehingga benar-benar tercapai destinasi wisata super prioritas berkelanjutan. Perhatian pemerintah sangat diperlukan dengan rangkaian regulasi untuk melindungi, mengembangkan, dan melestarikan potensi atraksi budaya yang luar biasa ini. Kata kunci: potensi atraksi wisata budaya, pola perjalanan wisata, budaya benda, budaya tak benda
Perkembangan pariwisata berperan penting dalam terhadap profil ekonomi, kesejahteraan masyarakat,... more Perkembangan pariwisata berperan penting dalam terhadap profil ekonomi, kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan kesempatan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang potensi pariwisata, modal sosial, dan makna pengembangan pariwisata bagi penduduk lokal di Desa Sawarna, Lebak, Banten. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan gabungan (mix-method). Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, fgd, dan observasi terlibat. Informan yang dgunakan merupakan masyarakat lokal, pengurus pokdarwis, dan sesepuh desa. Temuan penelitian ini adalah pembangunan desa wisata di Sawarna telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagai implementasi dari makna pembangunan pariwisata bagi masyarakat Sawarna. Pembangunan pariwisata dimaknai sebagai rasa syukur, kesejahteraan masyarakat, kebudayaan agamis, sejarah, antisipasi dampak serta kerjasama semua komponen masyarakat. Dalam kerangka keberlanjutan diperlukan zonasi-zonasi atraksi dan pengaturan kapasitas daya du...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
Sport and tourism are two disciplines that can be integrated to strengthen and performn greater i... more Sport and tourism are two disciplines that can be integrated to strengthen and performn greater impacts to economic, socio-cultural and environmental developments in Indonesia. Therefore sport tourism has currently received special attention from government, private sector, sport industry, tourism industry, academics and community. Sport tourism is a new paradigm since it is a combination of sport and tourism that has been growing rapidly and in great demand among young tourists. This study focused on the use of digital technology and innovation to build a model of sport tourism development with pentahelix approach as an effort to accelerate the sport tourism development, especially the case of sport tourism event for IVCA (International Veteran Cycle Association) 2018 in Bali. The output of the research becomes a reference in carrying out sport tourism events at both national and international levels in facing globalization and digital innovation today. This research used a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study to provide more precise results and clearer understanding towards research problems than the use of only one approach. The mixed method used a sequential model (sequence) consisting sequential exploratory and sequential explanatory (verification). The model is also developed using pentahelix approach for sport tourism development refering to pre event, event and post event. This is important because the development of sport tourism is not only the responsibility of one sector but all elements in the pentahelix system (government, academia, business, media and community) are called to get involved.
Destinesia : Jurnal Hospitaliti dan Pariwisata, 2020
Development in tourism supposed to be development of tourism destinations. There are three main c... more Development in tourism supposed to be development of tourism destinations. There are three main components of tourism destinations that play an important role in the development, which are: tourists, local people (hosts), and the destination itself. This study was designed to record the components of the tourism ecosystem in the Walahar Tourism Destination, Karawang Regency. Walahar is known as a culinary destination in Karawang Regency. This research is expected to produce a model for developing sustainable culinary tourism destinations. The research was compiled with a preliminary stage compiling a profile of all tourism potentials, attractions, and gastronomic tourism products, and the level of readiness of the local community, in the study area. The expected research result is the inventory of the ecosystem components involved in the Walahar culinary destination. The identification of the tourism subsystem in Walahar Village shows that only one of the twelve subsystems qualifies...
This chapter aims to record the potency of Indonesian culinary products as a part of the tourism ... more This chapter aims to record the potency of Indonesian culinary products as a part of the tourism ecosystem for key regions in the country. In achieving its objectives, a thorough description and a model were used to explain the phenomenon in different locations. Ten culinary destinations which represent six areas of Indonesia were examined. The observed variables included the type of culinary offering, its history or storytelling behind its involvement, and the location of the production. It was found that the concept of building a supportive tourism ecosystem for development has only been applied in some areas. Except for Bali and Jogjakarta, other destinations are not yet ready to support culinary tourism developments.
Teh adalah produk yang dikonsumsi secara luas dinikmati oleh konsumen di seluruh dunia. Popularit... more Teh adalah produk yang dikonsumsi secara luas dinikmati oleh konsumen di seluruh dunia. Popularitasnya adalah karena manfaat kesehatannya yang terbukti secara ilmiah jika dikonsumsi secara teratur dan benar. Salah satu variannya adalah teh hijau. Namun, permintaan konsumen untuk teh hijau masih relatif rendah secara umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan metode yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan daya jual teh hijau di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai pakar teh. Analisis strategis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini akan menjadi metode pemasaran campuran 7P (produk, proses, orang, harga, tempat, bukti fisik, dan promosi). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa, produsen dan produsen teh hijau memerlukan dukungan pemerintah untuk memasarkan teh hijau secara efektif kepada konsumen Indonesia. Langkah paling optimal yang dapat diambil oleh produsen adalah mempromosikan teh hijau di jaring...
Sebagai salah satu entitas bisnis, kawasan agrowisata memiliki keunikan dibandingkan dengan entit... more Sebagai salah satu entitas bisnis, kawasan agrowisata memiliki keunikan dibandingkan dengan entitas bisnis lainnya. Agrowisata adalah sebuah bentuk kegiatan pariwisata yang memanfaatkan usaha agro (agribisnis) sebagai obyek wisata dengan tujuan untuk memperluas pengetahuan, pengalaman, rekreasi dan hubungan usaha di bidang pertanian. Sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata agro di Indonesia, Taman Wisata Mekarsari (TWM) didesain untuk menciptakan destinasi wisata agro yang bernuansa wisata edukasi. Sebagai daerah tujuan wisata, perkembangan TWM akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh berapa banyak jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung. Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas perusahaan dan profit yang diperoleh maka perusahaan menerapkan konsep pembinaan hubungan dengan konsumen yang dikemas dalam program customer relationship management (CRM). Konsep ini dikembangkan karena TWM sadar bahwa konsumen memerlukan lebih dari sekedar value yang ditawarkan akan tetapi juga memiliki kebutuhan unik (uniqu...
- Pemerintah Seringkali Menyatakan Bahwa Pembangunan Pariwisata Telah Berhasil Meningkatkan Kesej... more - Pemerintah Seringkali Menyatakan Bahwa Pembangunan Pariwisata Telah Berhasil Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat. Fakta Ini Selalu Ditunjukkan Dengan Data Mengenai Meningkatnya Jumlah Kunjungan, Lapangan Kerja Dan Keterlibatan Masyarakat. Studi Ini Mencoba Menjelaskan Benarkah Masyarakat Memang Memperoleh Manfaat Dari Perkembangan Tersebut. Hipotesis Disusun Dengan Menyatakan Bahwa Semakin Tinggi Perkembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Maka Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Yang Terlibat Akan Semakin Tinggi Pula. Lokasi Penelitian Dipilih Adalah Pangandaran. Metode Deskriptif Dan Korelasional Bivariat Digunakan Untuk Menganalisis Dua Variabel Utama Yaitu Perkembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Dan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Lokal. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukkan Bahwa Perkembangan Destinasi Berhubungan Positif Signifikan Dengan Standard Hidup Dalam Hal Penurunan Garis Kemiskinan. Perkembangan Jumlah Wisatawan Juga Berkorelasi Positif Dengan Peningkatan Daya Beli Khususnya Barang-Barang Non Makan...
The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to ensure the sustainability ... more The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to ensure the sustainability of the tourism destination itself. The objective of this study was to determine if the development of tourism contributes to the involvement and the level of quality of life of the local community in Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. A total of 279 samples were obtained from two locations. Data were analyzed by using descriptive methods to determine the phase of the development of destinations, the community involvement, and the level of quality of life The results showed that (1) Pangandaran has a better destination performance than Palabuhanratu, (2) Pangandaran is in the growth phase and Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase, (3) Increase in the number of tourist arrivals in destinations within the growth phase is more influential than that in the consolidation phase, and (4) Among the four components of quality of life, the material aspect has the highest value, followed by the s...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui filosofi, sejarah, budaya, cara membuat, dan m... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui filosofi, sejarah, budaya, cara membuat, dan memperbaharui kemasan Sapitan yang merupakan salah satu kuliner di Pekalongan agar dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada pemerintah, masyarakat, dan pembuat sapitan. Lalu membuat reduksi data dengan cara membuat abstraksi. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan kalau sapitan tercipta antara akhir abad 18 atau awal abad 19. Sapitan tercipta karena pengaruh budaya dari Yogyakarta karena rasanya yang cenderung lebih manis. Sapitan merupakan perubahan dari makanan Yogyakarta yang bernama sanggar. Yang merupakan salah satu makanan yang digemari oleh Rajaraja jaman dulu yang menjadi kegemaran Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII hingga Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Nama sapitan memiliki arti daging yang dijepit, dan menggunakan batang pepaya sebagai penguncinya yang memiliki arti sebagai tolak bala. Dengan memperbaharui kemasan sapitan menjadi lebih kekinian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya belinya. Agar dikenal secara luas dan banyak dikonsumsi sampai ke luar Kota Pekalongan. Karena sapitan merupakan salah satu makanan khas Pekalongan yang perlu dipertahankan budayanya untuk mempertahankan kearifan budaya lokal.
This study identifies the factors that influence the tourists' choice of destination and evaluate... more This study identifies the factors that influence the tourists' choice of destination and evaluates the preferences of tourists for destinations. The goal of this paper is to examine the specific preferences of Jakarta citizen in choosing a tourist destination. Descriptive method is used to describe the profile of urban communities in choosing destinations. A total of 94 respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The results showed that urban communities prefer to travel abroad with Japan as the main destination. OTA (Online Travel Agent) is the main choice for travelling abroad because the trps are usually done in groups so that the arrangement becomes more efficient. In increasing the preferences of people traveling inbpund of the country, it needs to collaborate between government and travel bureau to promote local destinations.
MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Dec 23, 2015
This article investigated how does local community respon destination development through percept... more This article investigated how does local community respon destination development through perceptions of their quality of life. It conducted by survey method in two tourism destinations, Pananjung, Pangandaran and Citepus, Palabuhanratu, West Java. Primary data was taken as many as 279 samples are local communities by purposive sampling. All of data analized by descriptive statistics, tabulation and perception index number. The result shows that Pangandaran has better performance of destination attribute and better index of quality of life than Palabuhanratu. Pangandaran is in the phase of development, while Palabuhanratu is in consolidation phase. It means consolidation phase is lower condition than development. Among four aspects of quality of life, the material aspect is at the highest position, followed by the spiritual, the social and personal aspect. There are positive correlation between destination development and quality of life level of local community. It means tourism destination development must be understood as the increasing number of tourist which contribute to performance of destination and level of local quality of life.
Balanced scorecard (BSC) is tools that are widely used to measure company performance including i... more Balanced scorecard (BSC) is tools that are widely used to measure company performance including in the hospitality industry. It’s widely applied because it’s simple, easy, and effective especially in startup business. The objective of this research is to measure the restaurant performance by using BSC. Data observed by participant observation, unstructured interviews, and documentation that produced three measurement models. This data analyzed by descriptive analysis and simple linear correlation to prove the relationship between each perspective of BSC. This study proposed three correlative models that designed from selected indicator of four BSC perspectives. The results show (i) The first model: employee absentee rate is positively correlated with customer complaints 0.417, customer complaints are positively correlated with labor cost percentage of 0.387, and labor costs are negatively correlated with net profit margin of -0.395; (ii) The second model: the percentage of foodstuff...
Economic growth and sector contribution of regional income can illustrate the potentials and infi... more Economic growth and sector contribution of regional income can illustrate the potentials and infirmity of a region. This research aims to analyze typology and leading sector in 21 regencies and 1 city in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This study uses secondary data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) on constant priece from 2010 to 2016 sourced from BPS in every regency / city in NTT region. The methods that used are klassen typology analysis, Statictic Location Quentiont, Dinamic Location Quentiont and Shift Share Classic and Shift Share Esteban Marquillas. The result of this study indicates that 54% of the regions in NTT are included in stagnant typology, Based on the combined results of 3 methods (LQ, Shift Share Classical and Shif share Esteban) shows that the Mining and Quarrying, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries sectors are the leading sectors in NTT region. South of Timor Tengah Regency, East Flores, Sikka, Ngada, West Mangarai and Southwest Sumba have no leading sector. The result of the relationship between the region typology and the leading sector shows that Kupang is in quadrant I with the number of 13 leading sectors, while the other areas are still very lagging.
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2017
In recent time, tourism industry has not only been one of the rapidly growing fields of the world... more In recent time, tourism industry has not only been one of the rapidly growing fields of the world economy, but also has brought about economy development for diverse states and regions. Food is one of the principal factors are items that have been neglected in the most of the studies. To survive, in the first place, every tourist as an organism need to eat and drink and the uniqueness of culinary make it more interest them. We choose Aceh because it is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a long cultural history, including the potential culinary.This study was designed to find local culinary deserve to be featured as an identifier of Aceh as a culinary destination. The approach used in this study is a descriptive exploratory study, because this study is a description of the data in tabular form and narrative facts corresponding field. The primary data obtained from interviews, observations and focus groups involving all tourism stakeholders.The results obtained showed that Ac...
The developing destinations are marked by increasing level of community life satisfaction. The ob... more The developing destinations are marked by increasing level of community life satisfaction. The objective of study is to identify the level of life satisfaction of local people in early stage tourist destinations. The method is a survey with a mix method analysis to justify the findings. Primary data were obtained from 6 tourism actors and local community leaders, while secondary data were obtained from official government institutions. The location of the study was two mangrove destination in North Karawang, West Java. The results showed that in the early stages of tourism destination development, the level of life satisfaction of the local community showed a high response to the subjective indicators but lower to the objective. In subjective indicators, the highest response occurs in the community's collectivity in building, but low in fulfilling personal aspects, especially awareness about the future. Local people feel relatively satisfied with their living conditions, especia...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisir peluang pengembangan atraksi wisata budaya Pu... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisir peluang pengembangan atraksi wisata budaya Pulau Komodo dan Suku Manggarai Barat di Flores serta menyusun pola perjalanan berdasarkan potensi budaya dan potensi lainnya. Kerangka analisis yang digunakan adalah invetarisasi terhadap potensi atraksi budaya tak benda dan potensi atraksi budaya benda. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan wawancara dan studi pustaka sebagai alat pengumpul data untuk memaparkan potensi atraksi yang ada. Data diperoleh sebagian besar merupakan data sekunder dengan beberapa data primer berdasarkan informasi dari informan penelitian. Informan ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan mereka tentang potensi atraksi budaya sehingga hanya digunakan dua narasumber yaitu dinas pariwisata dan tokoh masyarakat. Potensi atraksi wisata budaya yang teridentifikasi dari penelitian ini; (1) Atraksi wisata budaya benda yaitu bangunan (Mbaru), situs (Situs Warloka), landscape (Sawah Lingko), dan desa wisata (Liang Ndara); (2) Atraksi wisata tak benda yaitu desa adat (Desa Adat Todo), tarian adat (Tari Caci), festival (Komodo), dan kuliner (Se'i). Keseluruhan potensi atraksi tersebut dapat dipadukan dengan jenis atraksi alam dan buatan untuk dikemas menjadi pola perjalanan wisata. Perpaduan atraksi dalam pola perjalanan akan menjadikan Labuan Bajo mampu memberikan pengalaman mengesankan bagi wisatawan sehingga benar-benar tercapai destinasi wisata super prioritas berkelanjutan. Perhatian pemerintah sangat diperlukan dengan rangkaian regulasi untuk melindungi, mengembangkan, dan melestarikan potensi atraksi budaya yang luar biasa ini. Kata kunci: potensi atraksi wisata budaya, pola perjalanan wisata, budaya benda, budaya tak benda
Perkembangan pariwisata berperan penting dalam terhadap profil ekonomi, kesejahteraan masyarakat,... more Perkembangan pariwisata berperan penting dalam terhadap profil ekonomi, kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan kesempatan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang potensi pariwisata, modal sosial, dan makna pengembangan pariwisata bagi penduduk lokal di Desa Sawarna, Lebak, Banten. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan gabungan (mix-method). Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, fgd, dan observasi terlibat. Informan yang dgunakan merupakan masyarakat lokal, pengurus pokdarwis, dan sesepuh desa. Temuan penelitian ini adalah pembangunan desa wisata di Sawarna telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagai implementasi dari makna pembangunan pariwisata bagi masyarakat Sawarna. Pembangunan pariwisata dimaknai sebagai rasa syukur, kesejahteraan masyarakat, kebudayaan agamis, sejarah, antisipasi dampak serta kerjasama semua komponen masyarakat. Dalam kerangka keberlanjutan diperlukan zonasi-zonasi atraksi dan pengaturan kapasitas daya du...
2018 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 2018
Sport and tourism are two disciplines that can be integrated to strengthen and performn greater i... more Sport and tourism are two disciplines that can be integrated to strengthen and performn greater impacts to economic, socio-cultural and environmental developments in Indonesia. Therefore sport tourism has currently received special attention from government, private sector, sport industry, tourism industry, academics and community. Sport tourism is a new paradigm since it is a combination of sport and tourism that has been growing rapidly and in great demand among young tourists. This study focused on the use of digital technology and innovation to build a model of sport tourism development with pentahelix approach as an effort to accelerate the sport tourism development, especially the case of sport tourism event for IVCA (International Veteran Cycle Association) 2018 in Bali. The output of the research becomes a reference in carrying out sport tourism events at both national and international levels in facing globalization and digital innovation today. This research used a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study to provide more precise results and clearer understanding towards research problems than the use of only one approach. The mixed method used a sequential model (sequence) consisting sequential exploratory and sequential explanatory (verification). The model is also developed using pentahelix approach for sport tourism development refering to pre event, event and post event. This is important because the development of sport tourism is not only the responsibility of one sector but all elements in the pentahelix system (government, academia, business, media and community) are called to get involved.
Destinesia : Jurnal Hospitaliti dan Pariwisata, 2020
Development in tourism supposed to be development of tourism destinations. There are three main c... more Development in tourism supposed to be development of tourism destinations. There are three main components of tourism destinations that play an important role in the development, which are: tourists, local people (hosts), and the destination itself. This study was designed to record the components of the tourism ecosystem in the Walahar Tourism Destination, Karawang Regency. Walahar is known as a culinary destination in Karawang Regency. This research is expected to produce a model for developing sustainable culinary tourism destinations. The research was compiled with a preliminary stage compiling a profile of all tourism potentials, attractions, and gastronomic tourism products, and the level of readiness of the local community, in the study area. The expected research result is the inventory of the ecosystem components involved in the Walahar culinary destination. The identification of the tourism subsystem in Walahar Village shows that only one of the twelve subsystems qualifies...
This chapter aims to record the potency of Indonesian culinary products as a part of the tourism ... more This chapter aims to record the potency of Indonesian culinary products as a part of the tourism ecosystem for key regions in the country. In achieving its objectives, a thorough description and a model were used to explain the phenomenon in different locations. Ten culinary destinations which represent six areas of Indonesia were examined. The observed variables included the type of culinary offering, its history or storytelling behind its involvement, and the location of the production. It was found that the concept of building a supportive tourism ecosystem for development has only been applied in some areas. Except for Bali and Jogjakarta, other destinations are not yet ready to support culinary tourism developments.
Teh adalah produk yang dikonsumsi secara luas dinikmati oleh konsumen di seluruh dunia. Popularit... more Teh adalah produk yang dikonsumsi secara luas dinikmati oleh konsumen di seluruh dunia. Popularitasnya adalah karena manfaat kesehatannya yang terbukti secara ilmiah jika dikonsumsi secara teratur dan benar. Salah satu variannya adalah teh hijau. Namun, permintaan konsumen untuk teh hijau masih relatif rendah secara umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan metode yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan daya jual teh hijau di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai pakar teh. Analisis strategis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini akan menjadi metode pemasaran campuran 7P (produk, proses, orang, harga, tempat, bukti fisik, dan promosi). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa, produsen dan produsen teh hijau memerlukan dukungan pemerintah untuk memasarkan teh hijau secara efektif kepada konsumen Indonesia. Langkah paling optimal yang dapat diambil oleh produsen adalah mempromosikan teh hijau di jaring...
Sebagai salah satu entitas bisnis, kawasan agrowisata memiliki keunikan dibandingkan dengan entit... more Sebagai salah satu entitas bisnis, kawasan agrowisata memiliki keunikan dibandingkan dengan entitas bisnis lainnya. Agrowisata adalah sebuah bentuk kegiatan pariwisata yang memanfaatkan usaha agro (agribisnis) sebagai obyek wisata dengan tujuan untuk memperluas pengetahuan, pengalaman, rekreasi dan hubungan usaha di bidang pertanian. Sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata agro di Indonesia, Taman Wisata Mekarsari (TWM) didesain untuk menciptakan destinasi wisata agro yang bernuansa wisata edukasi. Sebagai daerah tujuan wisata, perkembangan TWM akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh berapa banyak jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung. Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas perusahaan dan profit yang diperoleh maka perusahaan menerapkan konsep pembinaan hubungan dengan konsumen yang dikemas dalam program customer relationship management (CRM). Konsep ini dikembangkan karena TWM sadar bahwa konsumen memerlukan lebih dari sekedar value yang ditawarkan akan tetapi juga memiliki kebutuhan unik (uniqu...
- Pemerintah Seringkali Menyatakan Bahwa Pembangunan Pariwisata Telah Berhasil Meningkatkan Kesej... more - Pemerintah Seringkali Menyatakan Bahwa Pembangunan Pariwisata Telah Berhasil Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat. Fakta Ini Selalu Ditunjukkan Dengan Data Mengenai Meningkatnya Jumlah Kunjungan, Lapangan Kerja Dan Keterlibatan Masyarakat. Studi Ini Mencoba Menjelaskan Benarkah Masyarakat Memang Memperoleh Manfaat Dari Perkembangan Tersebut. Hipotesis Disusun Dengan Menyatakan Bahwa Semakin Tinggi Perkembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Maka Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Yang Terlibat Akan Semakin Tinggi Pula. Lokasi Penelitian Dipilih Adalah Pangandaran. Metode Deskriptif Dan Korelasional Bivariat Digunakan Untuk Menganalisis Dua Variabel Utama Yaitu Perkembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Dan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Lokal. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukkan Bahwa Perkembangan Destinasi Berhubungan Positif Signifikan Dengan Standard Hidup Dalam Hal Penurunan Garis Kemiskinan. Perkembangan Jumlah Wisatawan Juga Berkorelasi Positif Dengan Peningkatan Daya Beli Khususnya Barang-Barang Non Makan...
The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to ensure the sustainability ... more The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to ensure the sustainability of the tourism destination itself. The objective of this study was to determine if the development of tourism contributes to the involvement and the level of quality of life of the local community in Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. A total of 279 samples were obtained from two locations. Data were analyzed by using descriptive methods to determine the phase of the development of destinations, the community involvement, and the level of quality of life The results showed that (1) Pangandaran has a better destination performance than Palabuhanratu, (2) Pangandaran is in the growth phase and Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase, (3) Increase in the number of tourist arrivals in destinations within the growth phase is more influential than that in the consolidation phase, and (4) Among the four components of quality of life, the material aspect has the highest value, followed by the s...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui filosofi, sejarah, budaya, cara membuat, dan m... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui filosofi, sejarah, budaya, cara membuat, dan memperbaharui kemasan Sapitan yang merupakan salah satu kuliner di Pekalongan agar dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada pemerintah, masyarakat, dan pembuat sapitan. Lalu membuat reduksi data dengan cara membuat abstraksi. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan kalau sapitan tercipta antara akhir abad 18 atau awal abad 19. Sapitan tercipta karena pengaruh budaya dari Yogyakarta karena rasanya yang cenderung lebih manis. Sapitan merupakan perubahan dari makanan Yogyakarta yang bernama sanggar. Yang merupakan salah satu makanan yang digemari oleh Rajaraja jaman dulu yang menjadi kegemaran Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII hingga Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Nama sapitan memiliki arti daging yang dijepit, dan menggunakan batang pepaya sebagai penguncinya yang memiliki arti sebagai tolak bala. Dengan memperbaharui kemasan sapitan menjadi lebih kekinian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya belinya. Agar dikenal secara luas dan banyak dikonsumsi sampai ke luar Kota Pekalongan. Karena sapitan merupakan salah satu makanan khas Pekalongan yang perlu dipertahankan budayanya untuk mempertahankan kearifan budaya lokal.
This study identifies the factors that influence the tourists' choice of destination and evaluate... more This study identifies the factors that influence the tourists' choice of destination and evaluates the preferences of tourists for destinations. The goal of this paper is to examine the specific preferences of Jakarta citizen in choosing a tourist destination. Descriptive method is used to describe the profile of urban communities in choosing destinations. A total of 94 respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The results showed that urban communities prefer to travel abroad with Japan as the main destination. OTA (Online Travel Agent) is the main choice for travelling abroad because the trps are usually done in groups so that the arrangement becomes more efficient. In increasing the preferences of people traveling inbpund of the country, it needs to collaborate between government and travel bureau to promote local destinations.
MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Dec 23, 2015
This article investigated how does local community respon destination development through percept... more This article investigated how does local community respon destination development through perceptions of their quality of life. It conducted by survey method in two tourism destinations, Pananjung, Pangandaran and Citepus, Palabuhanratu, West Java. Primary data was taken as many as 279 samples are local communities by purposive sampling. All of data analized by descriptive statistics, tabulation and perception index number. The result shows that Pangandaran has better performance of destination attribute and better index of quality of life than Palabuhanratu. Pangandaran is in the phase of development, while Palabuhanratu is in consolidation phase. It means consolidation phase is lower condition than development. Among four aspects of quality of life, the material aspect is at the highest position, followed by the spiritual, the social and personal aspect. There are positive correlation between destination development and quality of life level of local community. It means tourism destination development must be understood as the increasing number of tourist which contribute to performance of destination and level of local quality of life.
Balanced scorecard (BSC) is tools that are widely used to measure company performance including i... more Balanced scorecard (BSC) is tools that are widely used to measure company performance including in the hospitality industry. It’s widely applied because it’s simple, easy, and effective especially in startup business. The objective of this research is to measure the restaurant performance by using BSC. Data observed by participant observation, unstructured interviews, and documentation that produced three measurement models. This data analyzed by descriptive analysis and simple linear correlation to prove the relationship between each perspective of BSC. This study proposed three correlative models that designed from selected indicator of four BSC perspectives. The results show (i) The first model: employee absentee rate is positively correlated with customer complaints 0.417, customer complaints are positively correlated with labor cost percentage of 0.387, and labor costs are negatively correlated with net profit margin of -0.395; (ii) The second model: the percentage of foodstuff...
Economic growth and sector contribution of regional income can illustrate the potentials and infi... more Economic growth and sector contribution of regional income can illustrate the potentials and infirmity of a region. This research aims to analyze typology and leading sector in 21 regencies and 1 city in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This study uses secondary data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) on constant priece from 2010 to 2016 sourced from BPS in every regency / city in NTT region. The methods that used are klassen typology analysis, Statictic Location Quentiont, Dinamic Location Quentiont and Shift Share Classic and Shift Share Esteban Marquillas. The result of this study indicates that 54% of the regions in NTT are included in stagnant typology, Based on the combined results of 3 methods (LQ, Shift Share Classical and Shif share Esteban) shows that the Mining and Quarrying, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries sectors are the leading sectors in NTT region. South of Timor Tengah Regency, East Flores, Sikka, Ngada, West Mangarai and Southwest Sumba have no leading sector. The result of the relationship between the region typology and the leading sector shows that Kupang is in quadrant I with the number of 13 leading sectors, while the other areas are still very lagging.
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2017
In recent time, tourism industry has not only been one of the rapidly growing fields of the world... more In recent time, tourism industry has not only been one of the rapidly growing fields of the world economy, but also has brought about economy development for diverse states and regions. Food is one of the principal factors are items that have been neglected in the most of the studies. To survive, in the first place, every tourist as an organism need to eat and drink and the uniqueness of culinary make it more interest them. We choose Aceh because it is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a long cultural history, including the potential culinary.This study was designed to find local culinary deserve to be featured as an identifier of Aceh as a culinary destination. The approach used in this study is a descriptive exploratory study, because this study is a description of the data in tabular form and narrative facts corresponding field. The primary data obtained from interviews, observations and focus groups involving all tourism stakeholders.The results obtained showed that Ac...
The developing destinations are marked by increasing level of community life satisfaction. The ob... more The developing destinations are marked by increasing level of community life satisfaction. The objective of study is to identify the level of life satisfaction of local people in early stage tourist destinations. The method is a survey with a mix method analysis to justify the findings. Primary data were obtained from 6 tourism actors and local community leaders, while secondary data were obtained from official government institutions. The location of the study was two mangrove destination in North Karawang, West Java. The results showed that in the early stages of tourism destination development, the level of life satisfaction of the local community showed a high response to the subjective indicators but lower to the objective. In subjective indicators, the highest response occurs in the community's collectivity in building, but low in fulfilling personal aspects, especially awareness about the future. Local people feel relatively satisfied with their living conditions, especia...
Papers by Fitri Abdillah