Banjir merupakan permasalahan drainase yang disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan untuk menunjang akt... more Banjir merupakan permasalahan drainase yang disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan untuk menunjang aktivitas masyarakat. Kecamatan Cianjur memiliki 11 Desa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi 4 dari 11 Desa di Kecamatan Cianjur sering terjadi banjir. Banjir tersebut terjadi di Desa Bojong herang Jalan Dr. Muwardi (depan Islamic Center Kabupaten Cianjur), Desa Nagrak Jalan Raya Sukabumi (Depan Taman Makam Pahlawan), Desa Sayang di Jalan Aria Cikondang (depan Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kabupaten Cianjur), Desa Sawah Gede di Jalan Syariah Kavling B’elka. Permasalahan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh tertutupnya saluran inlet oleh pasir jalan raya yang menyebabkan air limpasan hujan tidak masuk ke dalam saluran drainase, saluran drainase tidak sesuai dengan debit limpasan sehingga air dalam saluran drainase meluap dan menyebabkan terjadinya genangan dan banjir. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan penilaian skala prioritas yang terdapat pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat No.12 Tahun 2014...
This study aims to identify and evaluate the management of toxic and hazardous materials (THM) at... more This study aims to identify and evaluate the management of toxic and hazardous materials (THM) at Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Dental Hospital. This hospital is a special teaching hospital to support the teaching and learning process at the Faculty of Medicine Unpad. Based on the results of observations, THM were produced as much as 322.96 kg/month. The waste generation includes infectious, sharp objects and pharmaceutical waste. The research was conducted by using a comparison method between the conditions at the research location and the applicable regulations. Based on the results of research, the Dental and Oral Hospital Unpad has carried out the management of THM in accordance with applicable regulations. There are several aspects that must be improved, namely the process of sorting and packaging of THM, and attaching symbols and labels to containers. Temporary shelters for THM are operating properly according to the criteria, but there are several things that need to be imp...
Banjir merupakan permasalahan drainase yang disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan untuk menunjang akt... more Banjir merupakan permasalahan drainase yang disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan untuk menunjang aktivitas masyarakat. Kecamatan Cianjur memiliki 11 Desa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi 4 dari 11 Desa di Kecamatan Cianjur sering terjadi banjir. Banjir tersebut terjadi di Desa Bojong herang Jalan Dr. Muwardi (depan Islamic Center Kabupaten Cianjur), Desa Nagrak Jalan Raya Sukabumi (Depan Taman Makam Pahlawan), Desa Sayang di Jalan Aria Cikondang (depan Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kabupaten Cianjur), Desa Sawah Gede di Jalan Syariah Kavling B’elka. Permasalahan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh tertutupnya saluran inlet oleh pasir jalan raya yang menyebabkan air limpasan hujan tidak masuk ke dalam saluran drainase, saluran drainase tidak sesuai dengan debit limpasan sehingga air dalam saluran drainase meluap dan menyebabkan terjadinya genangan dan banjir. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan penilaian skala prioritas yang terdapat pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat No.12 Tahun 2014...
This study aims to identify and evaluate the management of toxic and hazardous materials (THM) at... more This study aims to identify and evaluate the management of toxic and hazardous materials (THM) at Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Dental Hospital. This hospital is a special teaching hospital to support the teaching and learning process at the Faculty of Medicine Unpad. Based on the results of observations, THM were produced as much as 322.96 kg/month. The waste generation includes infectious, sharp objects and pharmaceutical waste. The research was conducted by using a comparison method between the conditions at the research location and the applicable regulations. Based on the results of research, the Dental and Oral Hospital Unpad has carried out the management of THM in accordance with applicable regulations. There are several aspects that must be improved, namely the process of sorting and packaging of THM, and attaching symbols and labels to containers. Temporary shelters for THM are operating properly according to the criteria, but there are several things that need to be imp...
Papers by Fitra Akbar