Papers by Filipe Colombini

Estudar e um comportamento essencial para todos os alunos, pois, potencialmente, permite aprender... more Estudar e um comportamento essencial para todos os alunos, pois, potencialmente, permite aprender qualquer conteudo de forma autonoma. No entanto, e preciso ensinar o aluno a estudar, conforme defendido pela Analise do Comportamento. Foram realizados tres estudos, tendo por objetivos: (1) fornecer um panorama da producao cientifica brasileira sobre o estudar; (2) descrever caracteristicas da producao brasileira da Analise do Comportamento sobre o estudar, e; (3) descrever as caracteristicas das intervencoes visando o ensino do estudar. Foram utilizadas palavras de busca relacionadas ao comportamento de estudar e a autorregulacao da aprendizagem, que foram inseridas nos bancos de dados da SciELO e PePSIC, sendo selecionados os estudos que atendessem aos criterios de inclusao. No Estudo 1, foram analisados 82 resumos, e os principais resultados foram o crescimento das publicacoes a partir de 2004; predominio de poucos grupos de pesquisa; pouca participacao da area da Educacao; dominân...
Transtornos psiquiátricos e o acompanhamento terapêutico = Psychiatrical Disorders and Therapeutical Attendances

Clinical Decisions in Behavior-Analytic Therapy
Acta Comportamentalia, 2009
Many researches have described verbal and non-verbal behaviors emitted by therapists and clients ... more Many researches have described verbal and non-verbal behaviors emitted by therapists and clients during therapy. This paper presents information concerning the case of a client that were in therapy for 12 sessions. Client is a 54 years old woman who worked as a maid in a hotel. She lived with her son, who is 38 years old. Her religion is catholic. In the first session, she said she looked for therapy because she was very sad. In this paper, for each session, the most important data, functional analysis and therapeutic decisions are presented. In the early sessions, analysis indicated that the client emitted escape behaviors, especially not assuming difficulties in relation to her mother and to her son. As far as therapy evolved, client assumed that she had many problems concerning her family. She also assumed that she was unsatisfied about her job and that she had had bad experiences in affective relationships. Non-punishing audience is argued to be an essential intervention in therapy, because it establishes therapeutic relationship and it helps the therapist obtaining information about operating contingencies. The importance of shaping verbal reports is discussed in terms of guiding environmental observation and self-observation and in terms of providing relevant information for functional analysis. Self-rules formulated in bad-ended affective relationships are related to escape behaviors emitted in the therapy sessions and to escape behaviors emitted in the presence of other men the client was in contact to. Feelings of guilty and indignity are discussed as products from client’s relationships with her parents and with religion.
Decisões Clínicas na Terapia Analítico-Comportamental
Acta Comportamentalia, 2009
... FILIPE AUGUSTO COLOMBINI E NICOLAU KUCKARTZ PERGHER ... também pode estar contribuindo para o... more ... FILIPE AUGUSTO COLOMBINI E NICOLAU KUCKARTZ PERGHER ... também pode estar contribuindo para o estabelecimento de uma boa relação terapêutica, a qual é considerada o principal me-canismo de mudança em psicoterapia (Follette et al., 1996; Prado, 2002; Prado ...
Papers by Filipe Colombini