Papers by Ferry Achmad Firdaus M

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2019, 2019
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of herbal supplementation on increasing libido and th... more This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of herbal supplementation on increasing libido and the concentration of testosterone in PO bulls. This research was carried out in a experimental cage, Beef Cattle Research Institute for 60 days. The research material consisted of 12 PO bulls, each with four heads with a range of ages of 3 to 5 years. The treatment was done, treatment A (Vitamin A + E + Mineral Zn), B (Vitamin A + E + Mineral Zn + 100 grams of Moringa oleifera), and C (Vitamin A + E + Mineral Zn + 50) gram Moringa oleifera). Data analyzed using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with One Way Anova. The results showed that the appearance of PO bulls libido given herbal supplementation showed a lower value, meaning the cow had a faster response in succession to treatment C: 100.23±160.43; A: 153.83±175.84; and B: 295.64±243.81 compared to before treatment. Testosterone concentration in treatment A: 0.190±0.063 ng / ml; B: 0.322±0.210 ng/ml and C: 1.016±1.680 ng/ml). It was concluded that giving herbal supplements with formula C increase libido and the concentration of PO bull testosterone.
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science, Oct 31, 2018
Kata Kunci sistem informasi , geografis, pesantren Pesantren merupakan tempat menimba ilmu agama ... more Kata Kunci sistem informasi , geografis, pesantren Pesantren merupakan tempat menimba ilmu agama maupun ilmu umum yang berdasarkan keislaman. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang bisa digunakan dalam memberikan informasi pada masyarakat. Di daerah Sumatera Barat belum ada sistem informasi geografis yang menyediakan informasi umum, lokasi dan jarak Pesantren. Warga masyarakat yang datang dari luar daerah kesulitan mencari informasi tentang lokasi Pesantren, sebab lokasi Pesantren kebanyakan jauh dari perkotaan. Selain itu informasi tentang lokasi, jenis dan konfigurasi sebuah objek dan keterangan yang ada di suatu area geografi belum dapat ditampilkan. Sistem informasi geografis berbasis web yang dirancang dapat memberikan kemudahan pada warga masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi seperti profil, lokasi, rute, dan jarak

Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science, 2022
. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a new disease that first appeared in Wuhan, China. Then... more . Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a new disease that first appeared in Wuhan, China. Then Covid-19 by WHO was designated as a pandemic because it has spread to various parts of the world, one of which is in Indonesia. Covid-19 first entered Indonesia in March 2020, there was a spike in cases every day, so to prevent the spread and increase in Covid-19 cases, the government issued a policy, namely establishing Work From Home, which means that all activities were initially carried out outside the home. now done at home. One of the impacts of WFH is an increase in pregnancy rates. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there is a relationship between WFH and delivery rates by looking at the data on mothers giving birth before WFH on 29 November–3 January 2020 and after WFH on 29 November–3 January 2021 at the Ibrahim Adjie Kiaracondong Health Center, Bandung City. In this study, it was found that 117 mothers gave birth at term, 1 preterm and 1 postterm. The relationship between WFH and delivery rate was carried out using thetest Spearman. The normality test in this study showed that it was not normally distributed. The correlation coefficient on labor rates and WFH is 0.230, this number indicates that there is a relationship between the two variables but it is not strong. In the study, it was found that the number of deliveries after WFH decreased, this could happen because many mothers gave birth in midwives or other maternity services due to fear of contracting Covid-19 and the temporary cessation of family planning services. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between WFH and the rate ofdelivery term at the Ibrahim Adjie Kiaracondong Public Health Center, Bandung City. Abstrak. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) adalah penyakit baru yang pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, China. Kemudian Covid-19 oleh WHO ditetapkan sebagai pandemi dikarenakan sudah menyebar ke berbagai belahan dunia salah satunya di Indonesia. Covid-19 pertama kali masuk ke Indonesia pada bulan Maret 2020, terjadi perlonjakan kasus setiap harinya sehingga untuk mencegah terjadinya penyebaran dan peningkatan kasus Covid-19 maka pemerintah mengeluarkan sebuah kebijakan yaitu menetapkan Work From Home, yang artinya segala aktivitas yang awalnya dilakukan di luar rumah kini dilakukan di dalam rumah. Dampak dari WFH salah satunya terjadi peningkatan angka kehamilan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui terdapat hubungan atau tidaknya antara WFH dengan angka persalinan dengan melihat data ibu bersalin sebelum WFH pada tanggal 29 November–3 Januari 2020 dan setelah WFH pada tanggal 29 November–3 Januari 2021 di Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kiaracondong Kota Bandung. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 117 ibu melahirkan aterm, 1 preterm dan 1 posterm. Hubungan WFH dengan angka persalinan dilakukan menggunakan uji spearman. Uji normalitas pada penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdistribusi normal. Koefisien korelasi pada angka persalinan dan WFH adalah 0.230, angka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kedua variable namun kurang kuat. Pada penelitian didapatkan bahwa angka persalinan setelah WFH menurun, hal ini dapat terjadi dikarenakan banyak ibu melakukan persalinan di bidan atau layanan bersalin lainnya dikarenakan khawatir tertular Covid-19 serta adanya penghentian sementara pelayanan KB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara WFH dengan angka persalinan aterm di Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kiaracondong Kota Bandung.

Abstract. Thalassemia is a recessive hemoglobin disorder, this disorder originates a defect in th... more Abstract. Thalassemia is a recessive hemoglobin disorder, this disorder originates a defect in the globin β chain or the globin α chain. In thalassemia blood transfusion is the only way to extend and improve quality of life. But on the other hand, continuous blood transfusion can lead to buildup of iron in the liver due to the liver of the main iron reserve. The study aimed to determine the relationship between serum ferritin and the activity of ALT and AST enzymes in patients with Thalassemia major beta. This study is an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. The study subjects were patients with major beta thalassemia in the polyclinic of thalassemia at Dr Slamet Garut Hospital in April 2018 - January 2019. The research data used secondary data in the form of medical records for 2017-2018. The results of this study indicate that from 40 patients, the average value of ferritin levels of 10,083.43 is in very increasing criteria, the average value of AST of 71.63...

Abstract. Babies with low birth weight (LBW) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is ... more Abstract. Babies with low birth weight (LBW) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a baby who has a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams.Most babies with low birth weight occur in low and middle income countries.According to Riskesdas in 2018, 56.6% of toddlers registered in Indonesia have a history of LBW. One of the risk factors for LBW is nutritional status of mother when she is pregnant or is referred as chronic energy deficiency (CED). Pregnant women are at risk of developing CED if they have midupper arm circumference (MUAC) <23.5 cm. The results of Riskesdas 2018 found that the proportion of pregnant women with CED in Indonesia was 17,3%.The purpose of this study was to determine relationship between the incidence of LBW with the nutritional status of aterm pregnant women in Pasundan Health Center in Garut District for the period 2017 - 2018.This research method uses case control and analyzed using the Chi Square. In this study, the number of babies with LBW...

Abstract. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous autoimmune disease that can invol... more Abstract. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous autoimmune disease that can involve many SLE is based on the characteristics of clinical findings on the skin, joints, kidneys, and central nervous system, as well as on serological parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical profile of SLE patients at the Osteoprima Main Clinic. This research uses descriptive method with cross sectional design. The subject of this study was a medical record of 122 SLE patients at the Osteoprima Clinic who were treated in the period 1 December 2015 to 1 January 2018. The study was conducted in May - July 2018 at the Main Osteoprima Clinic. The results showed that the mean age in this population was 34 years with a standard deviation of 12 years, age range between 15-78 years. The ratio between female SLE patients and males was 30: 1. Most common clinical manifestations in patients were musculoskeletal out of 122 cases as many as 109 cases (89.3%). Meanwhile, the...

Abstract. Antenatal care is a health service provided to pregnant women during pregnancy, startin... more Abstract. Antenatal care is a health service provided to pregnant women during pregnancy, starting from conception until the birth of the fetus in according with the service standards set out in the guidebook. The procedure is known for the five T standard, measuring height, is balanced body weight, blood pressure measurement, complete tetanus immunization, and the provision of iron tablets at least 90 tablets during pregnancy. Work is an activity that must be achieved in accordance with expectations and involves of awareness, carried out in a planned manner, there are results obtained, and involves aspects of satisfaction. Antenatal care visits are often abandoned by mothers, because currently so many mothers work. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between work and regular antenatal care visits. Object were taken from secondary data by studying medical records data and registration books in the work area of the UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu, Bandung Kulon s...

Abstract. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding is the most common menstrual problems that occur in 14-25% of... more Abstract. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding is the most common menstrual problems that occur in 14-25% of women reproductive age. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding is the fourth most common reason for refferal to gynaecology departement. Abnoemal Uterine Bleeding is influenced by obesity. One of most common causes overweight and obesity is lack physical activity, as happened to medical students. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between overweight and prevalence of AUB. This research used observational analytic method with cross-sectional design approach. This research was conducted on undergraduate medical student Faculty Medicine Bandung Islamic University 2017/2018 with total sample of 82 persons which divided into 41 persons overweight and 41 persons non overweight. Samples were taken by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed in univariabel and bivariabel. The results show that the central tendency ofBMIin medical student was 25.46 (overweight) and the higest in...

Salah satu target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adalah mengakhiri segala bentuk malnutrisi... more Salah satu target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adalah mengakhiri segala bentuk malnutrisi pada perempuan khususnya wanita hamil. 1 Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) adalah salah satu bentuk malnutrisi akibat defisiensi asupan energi dan protein sehingga wanita hamil memiliki Lingkar Lengan Atas (LILA) < 23,5 cm. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 menyatakan proporsi ibu hamil dengan LILA < 23,5 cm di Indonesia sebesar 24,2% sedangkan Jawa Barat 21,6%. 2 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan status gizi seorang primigravida dan multigravida trimester III yang sehat di RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung periode Maret-Mei 2017. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan melakukan pengukuran langsung LILA. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu hamil primigravida dan multigravida trimester III di RSUD Al-Ihsan. Jumlah responden 46 orang diperoleh dengan metode consecutive ad d mission dengan karakteristik yang diamati adalah jumlah paritas dan status gizi. Hasil pene...
Jurnal Borneo Administrator, Dec 31, 1969
This article is set to explore the important role at Indonesian local government which have been ... more This article is set to explore the important role at Indonesian local government which have been mandated by the constitution to manage disasters in their respective regions. It also encourages that sustainable disaster management be included in the local governments development plan documents, in order to strenghten the understanding of that disaster management is one of main responsibilities of the government in providing protection to its people. It is also suggested that there be eight points/ areas of participation in managing disaster which are expected to provide cleaner patterns in local disaster management before, and after the disaster takes place.
Papers by Ferry Achmad Firdaus M