Ferran Codina
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Papers by Ferran Codina
However, their study has contributed important information to our knowledge of the funerary practices and the material culture that accompanied them. Of particular interest in terms of pottery is the large amount of imported Attic ware, which was used both for cinerary urns and grave goods. A preference for certain types of Attic ware was attested. They are found in higher percentages than in neighbouring habitat sites. Among the decorative motifs on the red-figure vessels are repeated depictions of griffins, animals with a funerary significance in the Iberian culture.
However, their study has contributed important information to our knowledge of the funerary practices and the material culture that accompanied them. Of particular interest in terms of pottery is the large amount of imported Attic ware, which was used both for cinerary urns and grave goods. A preference for certain types of Attic ware was attested. They are found in higher percentages than in neighbouring habitat sites. Among the decorative motifs on the red-figure vessels are repeated depictions of griffins, animals with a funerary significance in the Iberian culture.
En este trabajo se estudia la inscripción sobre un objeto de plomo encontrado en las excavaciones del foso del Puig de Sant Andreu, pero sin un contexto arqueológico significativo. Aunque su contenido no es muy claro, la disposición enfrentada de las líneas apunta a algún tipo de texto votivo, mágico o sagrado. La lectura más probable es babar • kikibi • isar / titibiaŕbibi, donde los elementos de la segunda línea, titibi y aŕbibi, serían los que más plausiblemente podrían interpretarse como antropónimos, quizá por analogía también kikibi, mientras que isar (is + ar) podría ser una nueva forma de un paradigma pronominal y babar, tal vez se podría poner en relación con (ban)baibar que se encuentra entre los candidatos a teónimos. La presencia de cuatro dobletes de signos baba, kiki, titi y bibi supera con creces lo que por azar le correspondería a un texto tan corto y quizás también tuviera relación con la función cultual del texto.
In this work we study the inscription on a lead object found in the excavations of the Puig de Sant Andreu trench, but without a significant archaeological context. Although its content is not very clear, the facing arrangement of the lines points to some kind of votive, magical or sacred text. The most likely reading is babar • kikibi • isar / titibiaŕbibi, where the elements of the second line, titibi and aŕbibi, would be the most plausibly could be interpreted as personal names, perhaps by analogy also kikibi, while isar (is + ar) could being a new form of a pronominal paradigm and babar, perhaps it could be put in relation with (ban)baibar that is among the candidates for theonyms. The presence of four doublets of signs baba, kiki, titi and bibi far exceeds what would correspond to a text so short and perhaps also related to the cult function of the text.