Papers by Fernando Daniel CHIRINOS ACOSTA

High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet, 2017
The paper presents the results of creep tests conducted at temperatures ranging from 20 to 70°C a... more The paper presents the results of creep tests conducted at temperatures ranging from 20 to 70°C at 65% RH on concrete samples preconditioned at several environmental relative humidities. During the conditioning of the samples as well as during the execution of the creep tests, miniaturized humidity sensors were employed to measure the relative humidity in the concrete pores. The measured creep and shrinkage deformations are the higher, the higher the initial moisture content of the samples, and additionally, the higher the rate at which concrete losses moisture due to a dry ambient environment. The rate of change of the mean relative humidity of the samples was found to scale in a unique manner the rate of drying shrinkage, independent of the moisture content. Based on the mean relative humidity measured in the concrete samples, simple mathematical formulations to predict basic and drying creep are proposed. Assuming that basic creep is influenced by the moisture content, the evaluation of the model suggests that drying creep, drying shrinkage and mean relative humidity follow the same kinetics.
This paper reviews the evolution of rehabilitative psychology, from being concerned with the test... more This paper reviews the evolution of rehabilitative psychology, from being concerned with the testing of the psychological correlates of somatic deviations, to one relating to the aspects involved in overcoming disability from a personal and social point of view. Now, the contributions of psychology to rehabilitation have resulted an integral care for people with disability, but the debate about the conceptualization of disability and the role of disabled people in society still remains; said debate should incorporate new views, particularly those coming from handicapped people.
The influence of the oscillations in skin resistance and peripheral blood flow over health status... more The influence of the oscillations in skin resistance and peripheral blood flow over health status subjective perception was assessed in 30 university students: 15 men and 15 women. Health Survey Short-Form 36 (SF-36) was applied, and DataLab 2000 was utilized to obtain psychophysiological records. Results show that increase in frequency of the skin resistance oscillations influenced the dimension of physical function directly, and the social function inversely. In the same way, being a woman had an inverse influence in physical function and general health. No effects over the other dimensions of SF-36 were observed.

Suma Psicológica, 1997
En este estudio se analiza el efecto debido a la manipulacion de algunas variables utilizadas en ... more En este estudio se analiza el efecto debido a la manipulacion de algunas variables utilizadas en el tratamiento con Biorretroalimentacion –EMG de la espasticidad. Las variables consideradas fueron el numero de ensayos y la velocidad de la realizacion de los ejercicios. El objetivo fue averiguar si es posible obtener una reduccion en el tiempo de tratamiento observando los efectos obtenidos en una sesion. Para ello se utilizaron replicaciones directas: Se estudiaron tres grupos musculares distintos, cada grupo muscular en un sujeto diferente y en una sola sesion para cada sujeto. En cada sesion se aplicaron distintas combinaciones de valores de las variables. En este estudio participaron tres sujetos y se realizaron analisis de series temporales en dos de los sujetos, constituyendo en el otro sujeto una descripcion de caso. Los resultados sugieren, que el numero de ensayos por sesion puede ser incrementado considerablemente, que el intervalo entre ensayos puede ser reducido, aunque ...
Se estudiaron diversos aspectos psicologicos asociados a la presencia de sintomatologia dispeptic... more Se estudiaron diversos aspectos psicologicos asociados a la presencia de sintomatologia dispeptica en 40 pacientes que asistian por urgencia a un hospital de la ciudad de Bogota. Los participantes se seleccionaron segun ciertos criterios de inclusion y de exclusion, y se les aplico un cuestionario con las caracteristicas psicologicas, psicosociales y psicofisiologicas que se han observado con mas frecuencia en estos trastornos. Se obtuvieron aquellas caracteristicas que tenian una distribucion no aleatoria entre los participantes, las que se agruparon en tres dimensiones, que corresponden a las areas cognitiva, emocional, psicocial y psicofisiologica.

Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology, 2017
The detection of a morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) in the first trimester is rare. Risk factors ... more The detection of a morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) in the first trimester is rare. Risk factors such as multiparity, advanced maternal age, prior cesarean delivery, prior myomectomy, placenta previa, or previous uterine evacuation place patients at a higher risk for having abnormal placental implantation. If these patients have a first trimester missed abortion and fail medical management, it is important that providers have a heightened suspicion for a MAP. A 24-year-old G4P3003 with 3 prior cesarean deliveries underwent multiple rounds of failed medical management for a missed abortion. She had a dilation and curettage that was complicated by a significant hemorrhage and ultimately required an urgent hysterectomy. When patients fail medical management for a missed abortion, providers need to assess the patient's risk factors for a MAP. If risk factors are present, a series of specific evaluations should be triggered to rule out a MAP and help further guide management. Early d...
International Journal of Psychological Research, 2014
Community language is not unrelated to companies (Chaston & Mangles, 2001), which define their ac... more Community language is not unrelated to companies (Chaston & Mangles, 2001), which define their activities as a benefit for community through sales of products or services. They also use in the social responsibility activities (Kakabadse, Rozuel, & Lee-Davies, 2005; Korhonen, 2002) in the community-corporation involvement (Burke, 1999) that adds value to the latter ones (Rochlin, & Christoffer, 2000, p.1) in regards to the social marketing (Whitcombe, 2009) aiming to the elimination of barriers that hamper the implementation of social programs (McKenzie-Mohr, 2000a, 2000b), or, with a strategic view, in regards to the shared value that benefits community and companies at the same time (Porter & Kramer, 2011). There are, of course, many other ways to incorporate such language in companies.
La Biblia I El Mediterrani La Biblia Y El Mediterraneo La Bible Et La Mediterranee La Biblia E Il Mediterraneo Actes Del Congres De Barcelona 18 22 De Setembre De 1995 Vol 2 1997 Isbn 84 7826 854 5 Pags 123 130, 1997
Revista De Estudios De Juventud, 2003
Cartas Diferentes Revista Canaria De Patrimonio Documental, 2009
Psicologia Y Salud, 2004
Se estudiaron diversos aspectos psicológicos asociados a la presencia de sintomatología dispéptic... more Se estudiaron diversos aspectos psicológicos asociados a la presencia de sintomatología dispéptica en 40 pacientes que asistían por urgencia a un hospital de la ciudad de Bogotá. Los participantes se seleccionaron según ciertos criterios de inclusión y de exclusión, y se les aplicó un cuestionario con las características psicológicas, psicosociales y psicofisiológicas que se han observado con más frecuencia en estos trastornos. Se obtuvieron aquellas características que tenían una distribución no aleatoria entre los participantes, las que se agruparon en tres dimensiones, que corresponden a las áreas cognitiva, emocional, psicocial y psicofisiológica.
Communio Revista Semestral Publicada Por Los Dominicos De La Provincia De Andalucia, 2001
Papers by Fernando Daniel CHIRINOS ACOSTA