Papers by Fernando Caudevilla (DoctorX)

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016
i.p. injection of SCH 23390 0.003 mg/kg and sulpiride 50 mg/kg. After 30 minutes, all animals rec... more i.p. injection of SCH 23390 0.003 mg/kg and sulpiride 50 mg/kg. After 30 minutes, all animals received a challenge injection of vehicle or modafinil. After 30 minutes, the animals were exposed to the OF and LA was measured for 10 minutes. Results: In both experiments, one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test showed that a priming injection of 64 mg/kg modafinil induced rapid-onset behavioral sensitization to a challenge injection of modafinil (Mod-Mod group) in same dose (EXP1 md = 551±20; EXP2 md = 577±9; p < 0.05). Furthermore, in EXP1, both dopaminergic antagonists completely abolished the development of rapid-onset behavioral sensitization to modafinil (SCH+Mod-Mod group md = 403±32; Sul+Mod-Mod group md = 351±24; p < 0.05). However, in EXP2, only the dopaminergic D1 antagonist SCH 23390 (md = 319±30) was able to abolish the expression of rapid-onset behavioral sensitization to modafinil (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our results showed that modafinil can produce immediate neuroadaptations, particularly in the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, and these may be closely related to the mechanisms underlying cocaine addiction.

European Psychiatry, 2016
IntroductionNew psychoactive substances (NPS) are drugs that have recently become available, are ... more IntroductionNew psychoactive substances (NPS) are drugs that have recently become available, are not worldwide regulated, and often intend to mimic the effect of controlled drugs. α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone ( alpha-PVP) is a potent stimulant cathinone that is thought to act inhibiting dopamine and noradrenaline reuptake. It has been associated with hallucinations, psychosis and death.ObjectivesTo explore the presence of alpha-PVP from the samples handled to, and analyzed by energy control.To determine whether it is a new trend in recreational settings.Methodsall samples presented to energy control were analyzed.Samples in which alpha-PVP was detected using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry were selected for study.a Google trend analysis was also performed to asses the media impact of alpha-PVP.ResultsFrom a total of 20,062 samples, 33 contained alpha-PVP (0.16%). The samples containing alpha-PVP were mostly sold as such (40%) despite a significant proportion being sold as MDM a (...

European Psychiatry, 2017
IntroductionAfter mephedrone's ban in March 2010 new cathinones proliferated widely, even a n... more IntroductionAfter mephedrone's ban in March 2010 new cathinones proliferated widely, even a new branch of atypical derivatives was launched into the market, represented by MDPV. The cardiovascular and central nervous system toxicity draws attention to this new family of cathinones, also known as pyrovalerones. MDPV was scheduled in 2011, leading to the apparition of Alpha-PVP from which there is little information.ObjectivesThe aim of the present study is to describe the evolution of different cathinones in the samples delivered for analysis to the harm reduction NGO energy control from March 2009 to March 2016 in Spain.MethodsEnergy control is a Spanish harm reduction NGO that offers to drug users the possibility of analyzing the substances they intend to consume. From March 2009 to March 2016 a total of 24,528 samples were analyzed by the NGO from which 760 contained cathinones. Substance analysis was done by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.ResultsFrom 2009 to 2016, cathi...
International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016
Highlights are mandatory for this journal. They consist of a short collection of bullet points th... more Highlights are mandatory for this journal. They consist of a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings of the article and should be submitted in a separate editable file in the online submission system. Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point). Analyses of drugs from cryptomarkets and conventional markets are compared Samples include cocaine, LSD, MDMA, amphetamine, ketamine and cannabis resin Cryptomarket-sourced drugs were less likely to be adulterated The main compound detected was more likely to be higher in purity Findings support theoretical predictions and perceptions of cryptomarket users Highlights (for review)
Deep web marketplaces (DWMs) represent a major change in online drug trading. Although they are c... more Deep web marketplaces (DWMs) represent a major change in online drug trading. Although they are currently a limited phenomenon, their operational characteristics offer significant advantages for both buyers and sellers, and it is likely that their importance will grow. The structure of DWMs facilitates communication, exchange and dissemination of information. This provides opportunities for health professionals to engage with users. This chapter discusses some aspects of DWMs from a health perspective and describes harm reduction strategies developed specifically for DWMs.
International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016

INTRODUCTION: User surveys indicate that expectations of higher drug purity are a key reason for ... more INTRODUCTION: User surveys indicate that expectations of higher drug purity are a key reason for cryptomarket use. In 2014–2015, Spain’s NGO Energy Control conducted a 1-year pilot project to provide a testing service to cryptomarket drug users using the Transnational European Drug Information (TEDI) guidelines. In this paper, we present content and purity data from the trial. METHODS: 219 samples were analyzed by gas chromatography associated with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Users were asked to report what substance they allegedly purchased. RESULTS: 40 different advertised substances were reported, although 77.6% were common recreational drugs (cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines, LSD, ketamine, cannabis). In 200 samples (91.3%), the main result of analysis matched the advertised substance. Where the advertised compound was detected, purity levels (m±SD) were: cocaine 71.6±19.4%; MDMA (crystal) 88.3±1.4%; MDMA (pills) 133.3±38.4mg; Amphetamine (speed) 51.3±33.9%; LSD 123.6±40.5μg; Cannabis resin THC: 16.5±7.5% CBD: 3.4±1.5%; Ketamine 71.3±38.4%. 39.8% of cocaine samples contained the adulterant levamisole (11.6±8%). No adulterants were found in MDMA and LSD samples. DISCUSSION: The largest collection of test results from drug samples delivered from cryptomarkets are reported in this study. Most substances contained the advertised ingredient and most samples were of high purity. The representativeness of these results is unknown.
Medicina Clínica, 2003
Page 1. 50.872 Durante la pasada década se popularizó un conjunto de sustancias a las que se dio ... more Page 1. 50.872 Durante la pasada década se popularizó un conjunto de sustancias a las que se dio el nombre de «drogas de sínte-sis». Dentro de este grupo heterogéneo, la 3,4-metilendioxi-metanfetamina (MDMA) ha experimentado ...
Medicina clínica, Jan 23, 2005
Medicina clínica, Jan 12, 2003
Atencion primaria / Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, Jan 15, 2002
FMC - Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria, 2013
Medicina Clínica, 2005
ritmo luz/oscuridad podría ser una base sobre la que orientar futuras investigaciones que podrían... more ritmo luz/oscuridad podría ser una base sobre la que orientar futuras investigaciones que podrían complementar nuestros hallazgos. Agradecemos por último los interesantes comentarios y la particular visión sobre nuevas áreas de investigación en las que estaríamos dispuestos a colaborar, con el objetivo final de mostrar si es precisa una intervención terapéutica ajustada al momento del día en que se producen los acontecimientos.
FMC - Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria, 2003

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2012
4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B) is a psychoactive analogue of mescaline that is becomi... more 4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B) is a psychoactive analogue of mescaline that is becoming increasingly popular as a rave and club drug. We investigated its presence in the illicit drug market in Spain, its pattern of use and profile of subjective effects. Drug material was analysed for 2C-B and information on pattern of use and subjective effects was obtained from recreational users. Scores were statistically compared with previously collected data on psychostimulants (d-amphetamine), entactogens (MDMA) and psychedelics (ayahuasca and Salvia divinorum). The percentage of samples containing 2C-B doubled between 2006 and 2009, evolved from powder to tablet form and showed low falsification rates. Respondents reported taking 2C-B orally in doses of about 20 mg. Subjective effects involved perceptual modifications analogous to those observed after ayahuasca and salvia but absent after amphetamine and MDMA. Pleasure and sociability effects did not differ from those after MDMA and incapacitation was lower than for the psychedelics used as comparators. In conclusion, we found 2C-B is consistently present in the illicit drug market in Spain. While it elicits perceptual modifications that are analogous to other psychedelics, the lower impairment and higher pleasurable effects make it comparable with entactogens.
Papers by Fernando Caudevilla (DoctorX)