Papers by Fernando Carvajal

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Jul 1, 2017
Epidemiological data show that the rate is up to one third of the patients having been mostly stu... more Epidemiological data show that the rate is up to one third of the patients having been mostly studied in Mental Health and Primary Care. Using a case control design the objective of this study was to characterize difficult patients and the factors that could explain the differences observed. A convenience sample was chosen. Two controls were taken by each case. Controls were paired by sex and age. Hypothesis: Characteristics of personality of patients, allow us to explain the differences observed in difficult patients in Psychiatry. Results: There were no significant differences according by age, sex, marital status, educational level, time span of treatment and clinical diagnosis, but significant differences were observed in the number of medications taken, time span in psychotherapy, social work assistance and personality disorders, being more frequent in difficult patients. Discussion: It´s discussed the convenience of the expression difficult patient, rather than difficult situation considering the review of research and the clinical experience. Difficult situations are found more frequently in personality disorders. It´s analyzed the implications when dealing with this sort of conditions. Although the importance of this topic, it has been poorly studied in this milieu.
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Se requiere una evidencia más sólida para afirmar que la premedicación, antes de una intubación n... more Se requiere una evidencia más sólida para afirmar que la premedicación, antes de una intubación no urgente en neonatos, favorece un mejor resultado de ésta. Evid Pediatr. 2010;6:13.
Términos clave en inglés: hepatitis C, chronic; peginterferon alfa-2b; ribavirin; drug therapy Té... more Términos clave en inglés: hepatitis C, chronic; peginterferon alfa-2b; ribavirin; drug therapy Términos clave en español: hepatitis C crónica; peginterferon alfa-2b; ribavirina; farmacoterapia Este artículo está disponible en:
Términos clave en inglés: bone density; fractures, bone: prevention and control; calcium: adminis... more Términos clave en inglés: bone density; fractures, bone: prevention and control; calcium: administration and dosage; drug effects; meta-analysis Términos clave en español: densidad osea; fractura osea: prevención y control; calcio: administración y dosificación; efectos de fármacos; metanálisis Este artículo está disponible en:
Palabras clave en español: nacimiento prematuro; metanálisis; complicaciones del embarazo; factor... more Palabras clave en español: nacimiento prematuro; metanálisis; complicaciones del embarazo; factores de riesgo.
Términos clave en inglés: accidents, traffic: prevention & control; consumer product safety; infa... more Términos clave en inglés: accidents, traffic: prevention & control; consumer product safety; infant equipment; infant, very low birth weight; patient discharge Términos clave en español: accidentes de tráfico: prevención y control; seguridad de productos de consumo; equipamiento de lactante; recién nacido de muy bajo peso; alta hospitalaria Este artículo está disponible en:
Papers by Fernando Carvajal