Papers by Fernando Campos

Revista Caminhos - Revista de Ciências da Religião
Quando estamos a celebrar os 60 anos do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II, falar dos documentos conc... more Quando estamos a celebrar os 60 anos do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II, falar dos documentos conciliares, como seja, a Gaudium et Spes, convém perceber até que ponto este documento foi importante para as mudanças que se operaram após este acontecimento para a Igreja Católica e para o mundo, que foi o Concílio Vaticano II. O mundo tinha saído de uma Guerra fratricida há pouco tempo, era necessário reconstruir a Europa e o mundo. Os desafios sociais, para os quais eram necessárias respostas urgentes, a Igreja Católica era desafiada a responder aos problemas da pobreza, ou seja, enfatizar a Doutrina Social da Igreja. A América Latina, enfrentava sérios desafios, no que diz respeito aos problemas sociais e, também aqui, a Igreja Católica sentiu-se interpelada a dar respostas. A promoção do ecumenismo e do diálogo inter-religioso foi uma das iniciativas do Concílio.
Revista de Educação Pública, Mar 31, 2022
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, a partir das percepções discentes, como o conjunto de a... more Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, a partir das percepções discentes, como o conjunto de atividades com o filme Extraordinário (2017) contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da habilidade de speaking em turmas de inglês de nível intermediário e avançado. Foram aplicados, em duas turmas de curso de idioma, dois questionários: um anterior à exibição do filme e desenvolvimento das atividades de conversação e outro após. Na percepção dos alunos, o filme, por tratar sobre bullying e por ser um material autêntico e interessante, contribuiu para a produção oral em língua inglesa em sala, aumentando a motivação dos alunos para se comunicarem. Palavras-chave: Cinema. Ensino de língua inglesa. Motivação. Habilidade oral.

2020 Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería (CONIITI)
The fully actuated signal control detects the pedestrian density using sensors and, according to ... more The fully actuated signal control detects the pedestrian density using sensors and, according to that, it prioritizes pedestrians crossing. One major problem, worldwide, is using fixed time traffic light as a traffic regulator at intersections with high pedestrian and vehicular volume. Lima is no exception, continuing to use this kind of traffic lights completely harms pedestrian accessibility, it increases their waiting and crossing times, it also affects road safety and service levels at the structures. The proposal on this article is to design a fully actuated signal control using logical controls that are able to perceive the pedestrian density on the refuge islands, making everything more accessible. In order to do this, a study to identify the pedestrian and vehicle volume was conducted on the Lima Panamerican highway. There was a total of 7506 pedestrians during rush hour, proving there is a large amount of people at the intersection at that time. Thereby, by using the VisVap module of the Vissim, the study managed to simulate and validate the priority control required. All in all, the results showed a remarkable improvement, the pedestrian crossing time was reduced by 6.84% and the service level of the intersection went from E to D.

2020 Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería (CONIITI)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a bus-based public transport system that increase the effectiveness of... more Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a bus-based public transport system that increase the effectiveness of public transportation through dedicated lanes with busways and independent stations. However, the low capacity at the stations and the high demand of the system increases the respiratory diseases risk caused by the interaction between pedestrians. This article proposes to make the main access point an entrance only and the access point at the opposite end of the platform an exit only, allowing one-way walking paths. This research is focused on the reduction of conflict points between pedestrians generated by walking flows in opposite directions. A BRT station located in the city of Lima was used as a case study for the investigation. It was identified for the peak hour that the area with the highest pedestrian interaction occurs in the station platform and boarding areas. The efficiency of the proposal is validated by using the Viswalk software. The results obtained show that the conflict points decreased by 68.5% and the pedestrian density by 45%. From that perspective, the pedestrian flows were optimized, and the risk of respiratory diseases was reduced.

Medical Image Analysis
Catheter ablation is currently the only curative treatment for scar-related ventricular tachycard... more Catheter ablation is currently the only curative treatment for scar-related ventricular tachycardias (VTs). However, not only are ablation procedures long, with relatively high risk, but success rates are punitively low, with frequent VT recurrence. Personalized in-silico approaches have the opportunity to address these limitations. However, stateof-the-art reaction diffusion (R-D) simulations of VT induction and subsequent circuits used for in-silico ablation target identification require long execution times, along with vast computational resources, which are incompatible with the clinical workflow. Here, we present the Virtual Induction and Treatment of Arrhythmias (VITA), a novel, rapid and fully automated computational approach that uses reaction-Eikonal methodology to induce VT and identify subsequent ablation targets. The rationale for VITA is based on finding isosurfaces associated with an activation wavefront that splits in the ventricles due to the presence of an isolated isthmus of conduction within the scar; once identified, each isthmus may be assessed for their vulnerability to sustain a reentrant circuit, and the corresponding exit site automatically identified for potential ablation targeting. VITA was tested on a virtual cohort of 7 post-infarcted porcine hearts and the results compared to R-D simulations. Using only a standard desktop machine, VITA could detect all scar-related VTs, simulating activation time maps and ECGs (for clinical comparison) as well as computing ablation targets in 48 minutes. The comparable VTs probed by the R-D simulations took 68.5 hours on 256 cores of high-performance computing infrastructure. The set of lesions computed by VITA was shown to render the ventricular model VT-free. VITA could be used in near real-time as a complementary modality aiding in clinical decision-making in the treatment of post-infarction VTs.

RESUMO Este artigo trata da conexão entre a sustentabilidade ambiental e o trabalho digno, como u... more RESUMO Este artigo trata da conexão entre a sustentabilidade ambiental e o trabalho digno, como uma nova forma de se pensar no futuro do meio ambiente e do ambiente do trabalho. O debate sobre este tema alcançou nível global e diante dessas mudanças (sociais, políticas e econômicas), tem incentivado o surgimento de novos arranjos institucionais, de novos sistemas de negociação em matéria ambiental e, expressivos investimentos na ciência e pesquisa ambiental, assim como a consolidação de um movimento ambientalista Tem por objetivo geral pesquisar a vinculação entre a sustentabilidade ambiental e os colaboradores das empresas com um trabalho digno, como uma nova forma de proteção do meio ambiente e do ambiente do trabalho, assim como do amparo das presentes e futuras gerações. Como objetivos específicos pretende pesquisar a consolidação da sustentabilidade ambiental, social e econômica, com a busca da racionalidade ambiental. O trabalho digno e produtivo é fator chave para a redução d...

Cancers, 2021
Male breast cancer (MBC) is now considered molecularly different from female breast cancer (FBC).... more Male breast cancer (MBC) is now considered molecularly different from female breast cancer (FBC). Evidence from studies indicates that common genetic and epigenetic features of FBC are not shared with those diagnosed in men. Genetic predisposition is likely to play a significant role in the tumorigenesis of this rare disease. Inherited germline variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for around 2% and 10% of MBC cases, respectively, and the lifetime risk of breast cancer for men harboring BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is 1.2% and 6.8%. As for FBC, pathogenic mutations in other breast cancer genes have also been recently associated with an increased risk of MBC, such as PALB2 and CHEK2 mutations. However, while multigene germline panels have been extensively performed for BC female patients, the rarity of MBC has resulted in limited data to allow the understanding of the magnitude of risk and the contribution of recently identified moderate penetrance genes of FBC for MBC predisposition. Thi...
Proceedings of the 19th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Prospective and trends in technology and skills for sustainable social development” “Leveraging emerging technologies to construct the future”, 2021

RESUMO Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir, a partir de observação docente e percepção discent... more RESUMO Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir, a partir de observação docente e percepção discente, como um conjunto de aulas de Língua Inglesa que resultou em produções audiovisuais baseadas em textos literários, foi capaz de promover múltiplas leituras. O estudo foi conduzido em quatro etapas: exibição de filme adaptado de um conto de Poe; oficinas literárias com contos deste autor; produção de filmes adaptados de contos de Poe pelos alunos; exibição das produções. Os informantes foram 37 alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública. A observação docente foi feita ao longo do estudo e a percepção discente foi coletada por um questionário depois da primeira etapa e outro depois da exibição das produções discentes. Os alunos relataram aumento de interesse pela leitura de literatura e desenvolvimento de habilidades na língua inglesa. Os resultados mostraram que o conjunto de aulas e atividades ajudou a desenvolver múltiplas leituras, como a literária e a fílmica.
The World Bank Group A to Z 2016, 2015

2021 Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería (CONIITI), 2021
BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systems are means of mass public transportation that have been implemente... more BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systems are means of mass public transportation that have been implemented in several developing cities as an alternative solution for efficient and safe travel. However, the capacity within the stations has been limited due to the high influx of users. The inefficient organization of bus boarding points can generate areas of densification of users, affecting their walking trajectory and increasing their travel time. Taking into account this problem, this paper seeks to optimize user trajectories and reduce the density of people in a BRT station in the city of Lima, Peru. The main trajectories taken by users of the BRT system that generate the longest travel distances were identified. The microsimulation of the current operational behavior of the station and the proposed improvement was carried out using the VISWALK program. The results show that the density map for the entire station was reduced by 29%. Likewise, the time spent on the trajectories decreased by 27%. In this way, it was possible to optimize the trajectories taken by users within the BRT station.

2018 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2018
Identification of targets for catheter ablation of arrhythmias remains a significant challenge. T... more Identification of targets for catheter ablation of arrhythmias remains a significant challenge. Traditional mapping techniques often neglect the tissue repolarization, hampering the detection of pro-arrhythmic regions. We have recently developed a novel mapping procedure, termed the Reentry Vulnerability Index (RVI), which incorporates both activation (AT) and repolarization (RT) times to identify ablation targets. Despite showing promise in a series of experiments, the RVI requires further development to enable its incorporation into a clinical protocol. The goal of this study was to use computer simulations to optimize the RVI procedure for its future usage within the clinic. A 2D sheet model was employed to investigate the behavior of the RVI algorithm under mapping catheter recordings resembling clinical conditions. Conduction block following premature stimulation was induced and mapped in a cardiac tissue model including repolarization heterogeneity. RVI maps were computed base...

Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Technology Symposium, 2020
Cities in the world aim to ensure the mobility of people, through the implementation of efficient... more Cities in the world aim to ensure the mobility of people, through the implementation of efficient Integrated Transportation Systems (SIT). This aims to improve the transport of people, which guarantees that they can be mobilized safely and without delays in the terminals and bus stops of the public transport system. The non-implementation of the SIT generates an increase in the average waiting time of the users and therefore, a decrease in the efficiency of the transport system. The present article proposes a design of public transport stops aimed at optimizing the waiting time of users when transferring from bus to bus. For the validity of the proposal, the social force model of the Vissim program was used, where the behavior of the users within the bus stops was reflected. The results showed that the waiting times in the calibrated and validated microsimulation model were optimized by approximately 20%, which generates an improvement in the efficiency of the public transport system.Trabajo de investigaciónLas ciudades en el mundo tienen como objetivo garantizar la movilidad de las personas, a través de la implementación de eficientes Sistemas Integrados de Transporte (SIT). Esto apunta a mejorar el transporte de las personas, lo cual garantiza que puedan movilizarse de forma segura y sin demoras en los terminales y paraderos del sistema de transporte público. La no implementación de los SIT genera un aumento del tiempo promedio de espera de los usuarios y por lo tanto, la disminución de la eficiencia del sistema de transporte. El presente artículo propone realizar un diseño de paraderos de transporte público orientado a optimizar el tiempo de espera de los usuarios al realizar el transbordo de bus a bus. Para la validación de la propuesta se utilizó el modelo de fuerza de social del programa Vissim en donde se reflejó el comportamiento de los usuarios dentro del paradero. Los resultados demostraron que los tiempos de espera en el modelo de microsimulación calibrado y validado se optimizaron aproximadamente en 20%, lo cual genera una mejora en la eficiencia del sistema de transporte público

Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021
Background: Identification of targets for ablation of post-infarction ventricular tachycardias (V... more Background: Identification of targets for ablation of post-infarction ventricular tachycardias (VTs) remains challenging, often requiring arrhythmia induction to delineate the reentrant circuit. This carries a risk for the patient and may not be feasible. Substrate mapping has emerged as a safer strategy to uncover arrhythmogenic regions. However, VT recurrence remains common. Goal: To use computer simulations to assess the ability of different substrate mapping approaches to identify VT exit sites. Methods: A 3D computational model of the porcine post-infarction heart was constructed to simulate VT and paced rhythm. Electroanatomical maps were constructed based on endocardial electrogram features and the reentry vulnerability index (RVI-a metric combining activation (AT) and repolarization timings to identify tissue susceptibility to reentry). Since scar transmurality in our model was not homogeneous, parameters derived from all signals (including dense scar regions) were used in the analysis. Potential ablation targets obtained from each electroanatomical map during pacing were compared to the exit site detected during VT mapping. Results: Simulation data showed that voltage cutoffs applied to bipolar electrograms could delineate the scar, but not the VT circuit. Electrogram fractionation had the highest correlation with scar transmurality. The RVI identified regions closest to VT exit site but was outperformed by AT gradients combined with voltage cutoffs. The performance of all metrics was affected by pacing location. Conclusions: Substrate mapping could provide information about the infarct, but the directional dependency on activation should be considered. Activation-repolarization metrics have utility in safely identifying VT targets, even with non-transmural scars.
Proceedings of the 19th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Prospective and trends in technology and skills for sustainable social development” “Leveraging emerging technologies to construct the future”, 2021

GeoTextos, 2020
Manaus é a maior metrópole brasileira sem clubes nas duas principais divisões nacionais. Neste co... more Manaus é a maior metrópole brasileira sem clubes nas duas principais divisões nacionais. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar os discursos sobre o espaço e os discursos do espaço de atores socioespaciais do (Terceiro) espaço do futebol do Amazonas. Foram entrevistados quatro dirigentes e um treinador de diferentes clubes. As entrevistas foram analisadas a partir da Análise do Discurso. Na formação discursiva destacam-se aspectos, como: dificuldades financeiras, desvalorização do futebol local pela mídia e pelos torcedores (e grande identificação com clubes cariocas) e dificuldades esportivas e logísticas atribuídas por justamente estarem em Manaus/Amazonas (localização e isolamento). Os discursos revelaram dificuldade de os entrevistados agirem sobre o espaço (concebido), sendo fundamentalmente do espaço, portanto com fortes carga simbólica e dimensão territorial.DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SOCIOSPATIAL ACTORS OF AMAZONAS’ FOOTBALL FROM THIRDSPACE EPISTEMOLOGIESManaus is the...

Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an extremely rare, aggressive sarcoma affecting ad... more Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an extremely rare, aggressive sarcoma affecting adolescents and young adults with male predominance. Generally, it originates from serosal surface of abdominal cavity. The hallmark characteristic of DSRCT is the EWSR1-WT1 gene fusion. This translocation up-regulates the expression of PDGFRα, VEGF and other proteins related to tumor and vascular cell proliferation. Current management of DSRCT includes a combination of chemotherapy, radiation and aggressive cytoreductive surgery plus intra-peritoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy (HIPEC). Despite advances in multimodal therapy, outcomes remain poor since the majority of patients present disease recurrence and die within 3 years. The dismal survival makes DSRCT an orphan disease with urgent need of new drugs. The treatment of advanced and recurrent disease with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as pazopanib, sunitinib, and mTOR inhibitors have been evaluated in small studies. Recent works using...
Autopsy and Case Reports, 2018
Autopsy and Case Reports, 2018
Papers by Fernando Campos