Reviews to my books by Fernando Llano-Alonso
Resumen: En el presente trabajo pretendo realizar una aproximación a uno de los temas de investig... more Resumen: En el presente trabajo pretendo realizar una aproximación a uno de los temas de investigación más novedosos en el ámbito interdisciplinar de la biomedicina, la bioética, la epigenética y el Derecho: el impacto de la medicina genética en los derechos humanos de un grupo vulnerable, el que forman los pacientes cuya herencia genética les hace potencialmente transmisores de enfermedades graves o incurables. Abstract: In this work, I intend to analyze one of the most innovative research topics in the interdisciplinary field of biomedicine, bioethics, epigenetics and law: the impact of genetic medicine on the human rights of a vulnerable group, the patients whose genetic inheritance makes them potentially transmitters of serious or incurable diseases.
Resumen: En el presente trabajo pretendo realizar una aproximación a uno de los temas de investig... more Resumen: En el presente trabajo pretendo realizar una aproximación a uno de los temas de investigación más novedosos en el ámbito interdisciplinar de la biomedicina, la bioética, la epigenética y el Derecho: el impacto de la medicina genética en los derechos humanos de un grupo vulnerable, el que forman los pacientes cuya herencia genética les hace potencialmente transmisores de enfermedades graves o incurables. Abstract: In this work, I intend to analyze one of the most innovative research topics in the interdisciplinary field of biomedicine, bioethics, epigenetics and law: the impact of genetic medicine on the human rights of a vulnerable group, the patients whose genetic inheritance makes them potentially transmitters of serious or incurable diseases.

This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (eth... more This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.

This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (eth... more This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.

This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (eth... more This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural

This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (eth... more This article focuses on the study of three of the most original and representative
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
Derechos y Libertades, 2014
Luis M. LLOREDO ALIX, Rudolf von Jhering y el paradigma positivista. Fundamentos ideológicos y fi... more Luis M. LLOREDO ALIX, Rudolf von Jhering y el paradigma positivista. Fundamentos ideológicos y filosóficos de su pensamiento jurídico, Dykinson, 2012, 604 pp.
Papers by Fernando Llano-Alonso

El presente estudio indaga en torno a las claves humanistas de la relación entre el hombre y la t... more El presente estudio indaga en torno a las claves humanistas de la relación entre el hombre y la técnica en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset. La aproximación a este tema por parte del filósofo del raciovitalismo tiene especial relevancia por la originalidad de su tesis, absolutamente contemporánea y diferente tanto de los planteamientos cuasi apocalípticos defendidos por otros pensadores de su tiempo, por ejemplo, Spengler, como de la lectura poshumanista de la técnica realizada por Heidegger. La meditación sobre la técnica que lleva a cabo nuestro autor va desde los años treinta a los cincuenta y ve en la combinación del progreso técnico con las humanidades una gran oportunidad para la creación o la invención de un mundo nuevo en el que los hombres no tendrán que enfrentarse al dilema de dominar o someterse a la naturaleza, sino que deberán afrontar otro desafío distinto: el que representa esa "sobrenaturaleza" que constituyen las nuevas tecnologías. ABSTRACT. This study explores around the humanist keys of the relationship between man and technology in José Ortega y Gasset's thought. The approach to this subject that the philosopher of rational-vitalism holds has a special relevance for the originality of his thesis, absolutely modern and different both from the almost apocalyptical stances that other thinkers of his time held, Spengler for instance, and from the post-humanist reading held by Heidegger. The pondering about technology that our author carries out goes from the nineteen thirties to the nineteen fifties and sees in the combination of technological progress with the humanities a great opportunity for the creation or invention of a new world where men will not have to face the dilemma of either dominating or submitting to nature, but instead they will have to face a challenge of a different kind: the one represented by that "overnature" or "supernature" that the new technologies form.
En el presente estudio se expone el planteamiento conciliador entre el bloque de legalidad y la j... more En el presente estudio se expone el planteamiento conciliador entre el bloque de legalidad y la justicia realizada por el iusfilósofo italiano Guido Fassò, autor de la célebre "Storia della filosofia del diritto". Se trata de una visión adelantada para su tiempo (una época marcada por la tensión entre iusnaturalistas e iuspositivistas) en la medida en que establece un puente de unión entre el ius y la lex.
Reviews to my books by Fernando Llano-Alonso
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
Papers by Fernando Llano-Alonso
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural
aspects (ethical, legal and political) of Francisco de Vitoria’s thinking (circa
1483-1546). The first of these aspects leads us to acknowledge the originality
of the founder of the School of Salamanca in having demonstrated that it is
possible to blend the Neo-Thomist doctrine with Renaissance humanism. In the
second place, from a legal perspective, Vitoria belongs to the rationalist natural law trend rooted in Cicero’s Stoicism although, far from assuming a halfway
theoretical position regarding the moral dilemmas and challenges posed to
the lawyers of his time, Vitoria takes a stance with regard to the questions
of his time with an attitude of moral and intellectual commitment which is
genuinely of a legal philosophy nature. In the third place, in a political sense
the main Vitorian contribution consists of having conceived of the idea of the
ius communicationis as a concept based on the chief values of the cosmopolitan
humanism directed to the constitution of a universal human society.