Papers by Fernanda Medeiros

O presente artigo se propõe a fazer reflexões, com base no ordenamento jurídico interno e interna... more O presente artigo se propõe a fazer reflexões, com base no ordenamento jurídico interno e internacional, sobre a prática da Audiência de Custódia investigando se existem limites à oitiva do preso, especialmente quanto aos tipos de perguntas que podem ser feitas e se existe vedação à posterior utilização das declarações do custodiado. Serão analisadas as finalidades da Audiência de Custódia no país, os Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos ratificados pelo Brasil, a jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, a legislação ordinária e constitucional interna e a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Por fim, serão estudadas as Portarias, Resoluções, Provimentos e Atos Normativos Conjuntos dos Tribunais Estaduais que implementaram a Audiência de Custódia, o Projeto de Lei do Senado nº 554/2011 sobre o tema e a Resolução nº 213 de 15 de dezembro de 2015 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça que uniformizou o regulamento da Audiência de Custódia em todo o país.
This article proposes reflections on the practice of Custody Hearing, investigating whether there are limits to the hearing of the prisoner, especially on the types of questions that can be made and if there is prohibition of the subsequent use of prisoner’s declarations. The objectives of the Custody Hearing will be analyzed, as the international human rights treaties ratified by Brazil, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and internal laws and jurisprudence. Finally, will be examined the rules of the State Courts that have implemented Custody Hearing, the Senate’s Draft Bill nº 554/2011 on the issue and Resolution nº. 213 of December 15, 2015 of the National Council of Justice that standardized the regulation of Custody Hearing across the country.
Papers by Fernanda Medeiros
This article proposes reflections on the practice of Custody Hearing, investigating whether there are limits to the hearing of the prisoner, especially on the types of questions that can be made and if there is prohibition of the subsequent use of prisoner’s declarations. The objectives of the Custody Hearing will be analyzed, as the international human rights treaties ratified by Brazil, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and internal laws and jurisprudence. Finally, will be examined the rules of the State Courts that have implemented Custody Hearing, the Senate’s Draft Bill nº 554/2011 on the issue and Resolution nº. 213 of December 15, 2015 of the National Council of Justice that standardized the regulation of Custody Hearing across the country.
This article proposes reflections on the practice of Custody Hearing, investigating whether there are limits to the hearing of the prisoner, especially on the types of questions that can be made and if there is prohibition of the subsequent use of prisoner’s declarations. The objectives of the Custody Hearing will be analyzed, as the international human rights treaties ratified by Brazil, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and internal laws and jurisprudence. Finally, will be examined the rules of the State Courts that have implemented Custody Hearing, the Senate’s Draft Bill nº 554/2011 on the issue and Resolution nº. 213 of December 15, 2015 of the National Council of Justice that standardized the regulation of Custody Hearing across the country.