Papers by Ferdian Suprata
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023

Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies 1.7 Research structure... more Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies 1.7 Research structure The structure of this study is illustrated in figure 5. It consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 includes an introduction to the research topic and the research approach. Chapter 2 covers the fundamental theoretical background of this study. Chapter 3 discusses extensively the Dutch electric vehicle innovation system including the stakeholder map, technology map, trend and development, and barriers. Chapter 4 explains the existing EV pilot projects which are related to ICT development within EV innovation system. Chapter 5 provides the overview of promising developments inside Dutch EV innovation system and the value proposition. Chapter 6 consists of field analysis which conducts qualitative research. Chapter 7 presents possible business strategy or business models. Chapter 8 consists of conclusion and recommendation in which the main research is systematically answered. Finally, Chapter 9 includes the reflection and limitation of this research. Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies Interpreting observation Ch.8 Literature study on competitive technologies Key resources-One of the main key resources should be related to the charging point or charging station itself. Ideally this includes slow charging, fast charging, and smart charging. In this case the utilities companies should partner with charging point manufacturers e.g. ABB Epyon or Alphen. Relate to smart charging points, it is highly recommended to include other services e.g. payment system as well as IT systems. Hence, finding proper partners in this area are critical. In the Netherlands several potential companies are including Logica, Accenture, Travel Card, and Cap Gemini. Key activities-The respondents stated that the main key activities should include maintaining, installing the equipment, metering and invoicing the energy usage. Further, a small number of respondents mentioned the possibility to promote electricity trade. This is expected to create extra values to the end-users. Key partnerships-A large number of respondents agreed that partnership in the charging solution is essential aspects to have a sound business models and to explore more resources, capabilities, and channels. Strategic partnerships with and Formula E-team are necessary for success implementation. While for the operational purposes, collaboration with car manufacturers, mobility service providers, charging point producers, ICT companies, and Government are extremely needed. integrated public transportation solutions. Good examples of this mobility solution model are Athlon car lease, Mister Green, and Elmonet which offer electric vehicle, electric scooters and e-bikes in combination with access to a public charging network for private customers. A fair number of respondents stated that the value proposition of this mobility solution could also be enhanced by providing its customers have access to "free parking" in inner city areas. Channels-The optimal distribution channel would be to sell through direct sales channels. However, since it may deal with risk and uncertainty several respondents argued that having partner sales channel will be beneficial for the success of the business model. Customer relationships-Depends on customer segments the customer relationship can be vary. For example Car2Go has customer relationship through its presence in social networks which actively gaining the feedback directly from its customers. Key resources-The assets are including electric vehicle, electric scooters, electric bikes, and charging point. Further, when it comes to mobility solutions the respondents argued that some IT systems and software developments are needed to offer various mobility solutions. Being able to integrate various IT resources in one database might be beneficial. Key activities-The most important activities are including service provisioning, marketing and sale aspects. In this case, the respondents mentioned that product or service differentiation is important aspect for success. Key partnerships-In order to have sustainable business model, most of the respondents agreed that strategic alliances with car pools, car fleet companies, charging manufacturers, ICT companies, car manufacturers, service providers, and Government are necessary. Revenue streams-Revenue can be achieved not only from retailing the sale of electric vehicle, electric scooters and e-bikes but also from monthly leasing price and service charges. Cost structure-The respondents mentioned that high investment is required for the tangible assets e.g. electric car, e-scooter, and e-bike and for charging point. Further, a large number of respondents stated that there is a large uncertainty around residual value of the electric vehicle as well as the battery which can lead to higher costs.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Rapid proliferation of the usage of internet-based modern television (IPTV and OTT) in Indonesia ... more Rapid proliferation of the usage of internet-based modern television (IPTV and OTT) in Indonesia as well as limited and similar resources threatens the existence of old/traditional video platforms (satellite television and cable television). Adapted from ecological studies, niche theory is used to measure the level of dynamic competition among media. Through three concepts of measurement of niche theory, niche breadth, nice overlap, and competitive superiority, the competition relationship between these four video platforms can be analyzed. The questionnaire was spread out online and offline to 502 respondents of each platform. Focus group discussions were conducted in two groups with 6 respondents each group. The results of this study were also analyzed based on the media life cycle. The conclusions of this study are: 1) OTT is a generalist platform, IPTV and cable television tend to be generalist, and satellite television is classified as a specialist; 2) The highest competition o...

Hiburan saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat Jakarta untuk menghilangkan kelelahan dan keb... more Hiburan saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat Jakarta untuk menghilangkan kelelahan dan kebosanan dalam kegiatan pekerjaan sehari-hari. Dengan ketatnya persaingan di industri hiburan, karaoke keluarga dituntut untuk mempunyai strategi dalam berbisnis yang tepat dengan selalu melakukan inovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain layanan yang inovatif bisnis karaoke keluarga untuk meningkatkan daya saingnya di industri hiburan. Wawancara, FGD, dan kuesioner dirancang untuk mendapatkan data-data yang diperlukan. Model integrasi NSD-EMF-Kano digunakan sebagai kerangka kerja dalam mengidentifikasi atribut layanan inovatif. Model new service development (NSD) digunakan untuk menggali ide-ide pelanggan untuk mengembangkan atribut-atribut layanan inovatif. Hasilnya digabungkan dengan 5 elemen experiential marketing framework (EMF), yaitu: sense, feel, think, act dan relate yang dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil pengalaman pelanggan. Setelah itu, akan dievaluasi dengan ku...
Obstacles found in urban farming include vegetables that are not durable and perishable before be... more Obstacles found in urban farming include vegetables that are not durable and perishable before being consumed, marketed, or further distributed to the nearest markets or retailers. The activity aimed to inform and share cold storage design to store the harvesting "Mom's Farm" urban farming at Nagrek Village. The design of cold storage is using the Design Thinking (DT) method. DT is a human-centered approach to innovation in the industry 4.0 era. The monitoring and evaluation program results show that several factors can be added as criteria for the design plan of cold storage: considering aspects of electrical energy requirements and limited access to electrical energy consumption in cold storage designs for use in cold storage designs remote areas.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas, 2021
The activity aimed to help school to determine whether the schoolfurniture which were provided to... more The activity aimed to help school to determine whether the schoolfurniture which were provided to the students match with theirdimensions. The evaluation focused on students from Grade 1-3. Byusing ergonomics criteria and students’ anthropometry, the chair anddesk were evaluated. Results showed that most students’ did not matchwith the chair available to them. The height of chair were too high forthe majority of students with percentage are ranging from 12.5% (Boysin Grade 3) to 87.5% (Girls in Grade 1). Meanwhile, the height of deskwas not appropriate for all students from Grade 1 to Grade 3 (100%percentage). Findings from this activity suggested that the schoolauthority should evaluate the used of their school furniture.

Jurnal ilmiah teknik industri, Jun 30, 2022
Growing the world's population to almost 9.7 billion by 2050 will continue to address the challen... more Growing the world's population to almost 9.7 billion by 2050 will continue to address the challenges facing the food and agriculture sector. The aim of this study is to reduce food losses in Sampora Village, Cisauk-South Tangerang by creating an affordable cold-storage of Modified Atmosphere Storage (MAS) equipment with a capacity of 4.77 m3 so that it can increase the quality of food for a longer period without deterioration of the horticultural products stored. Temperature control, humidity control, air circulation, maintenance of space between containers for adequate ventilation, total capacity, dimensions, efficiency, development costs, durability, performance, and features are involved in the design. This cold storage is designed with a Design Thinking method. A qualitative research was conducted through interviews to gain insight and synthesize the needs. The selection prototype concept was chosen by the Pugh Matrix and finally this study proposed in an affordable cold-storage technology.

Dengan adanya persaingan bisnis restoran yang semakin ketat, pengusaha restoran tidak lagi hanya ... more Dengan adanya persaingan bisnis restoran yang semakin ketat, pengusaha restoran tidak lagi hanya memfokuskan strateginya pada pencarian pelanggan baru, tapi juga perlu adanya strategi untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kesetiaan pelanggan tetap. Salah satu konsep yang dapat digunakan meningkatkan kinerja operasional perusahaan adalah melalui implementasi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) . Untuk mendukung implementasi CRM, terdapat 29 atribut layanan restoran berdasarkan dimensi DINESERV dan 10 kansei words hasil proses Kansei Engineering yang digunakan. Objek penelitian restoran yang digunakan adalah restoran Bandar Jakarta. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 5 urutan prioritas perbaikan layanan restoran, yaitu atribut layanan restoran yang konsisten dan dapat diandalkan, menu makanan yang menggiurkan, penyajian makanan sesuai dengan waktu yang dijanjikan, karyawan tanggap terhadap kebutuhan khusus konsumen, dan ruang makan yang rapih dan bersih.

Jurnal METRIS, 2020
The sales activity is a very important activity for the development and sustainability of a compa... more The sales activity is a very important activity for the development and sustainability of a company. The sales are closely related to the requirement of raw material. By knowing the number of sales, a company can do estimate the amount of raw material required for production. However, so far still be found as a company that has its policies to determine a requirement of raw material as impact not use a raw material control method. The research purpose to determine the amount of sugar raw material requirement based on results number of sales seasoning XYZ with Monte Carlo simulation. Based on the analysis of data processing results. It was found that the number of sales from the simulation results in 2019 was quite high compared to the sales results during 2018 where the difference in sales simulation in 2019 and real data in 2018 was 62,334 kg. In terms of sugar supply, the total requirement for sugar in 2019 is also quite high, namely 186,756 kg, or the difference in requirement be...

Currently, the resilience of the company is not separated from the strength supply chain network.... more Currently, the resilience of the company is not separated from the strength supply chain network. Without this network, so the business process will not run well. But the strong supply chain network became vulnerable to risk. It caused by complexity and a highly dependent supply chain network. These risks need to minimize. The method that can be used to minimize risk with integrating the house of risk method and Analytical Network Process. The purpose of these integration methods to identification and recognized interrelationships between risk agent’s mitigation strategies, so the effect of event risk can be reduced. And then, by looking strategies can reducing costs incurred by the company and efficiency of risk agent’s mitigation strategy. Based on the results of House of Risk stage 1, there are 25 causes of risk that need to mitigate. The risk mitigation strategies that obtained to minimize the causes of risk, are then processed by the Analytical Networking Process (ANP) method. ...

In the rapid development many organisation rely on context data to support as well as to assist i... more In the rapid development many organisation rely on context data to support as well as to assist its decision making process. Consequently, Business Intelligence (BI), Dashboard, and Data Visualization emerged as primary tools in early 1990s as a way to help practitioners, data analyst, and data scientist to present context data into an actionable information for decision making process. However, despite its robust and powerful tools, recent study done by Kaggle’s survey in 2017 resulted that in the last five years, many companies were not able to create effective data-driven dashboard due to complex dataset, poor dashboard design, and insufficient storytelling. Hence, understanding of who is going to use dashboard, choosing which data and metrics to visualize in the right context, knowing how to convey information, driving engagement, and persuading audiences are essential in current business practices. This study is aimed to help practitioners to understand the impact of effective ...

Higher education institutions are characterized with knowledge intensive institutions, consequent... more Higher education institutions are characterized with knowledge intensive institutions, consequently the knowledge itself is becoming the primary assets of higher education institutions. This study is based on exploratory research, which focuses and provides insights into a wisdom based innovative community: action and decision making in data-informationknowledge-wisdom (DIKW) in Indonesian higher education institutions case study. A literature study is performed to gather all relevant information. Further, data and information from previous study at Living Labs Indonesia and the Netherlands (LLs RI – NL) during year 2013 until 2015 are used as inputs and knowledge for the rest of the study. The findings show that although DIKW hierarchy is widely recognized in Indonesian higher education institutions, but it has lack of implementation and clarity definition of DIKW. As a result, Indonesian higher education institutions have applied the DIKW hierarchy in reverse mode towards other di...

Pangkalan Elpiji Puskop Bintara merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan dan mendistribusikan... more Pangkalan Elpiji Puskop Bintara merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan dan mendistribusikan tabung gas berukuran 3 Kilogram dan 12 Kilogram dan berlokasi di Jakarta Timur. Selama ini dalam mendukung kegiatan transaksi dan aktivitas pemindahan dan pengangkutan tabung gas, seluruh aktivitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia atau manpower dimana seluruh proses penanganan material dan perpindahan barang dilakukan secara manual (manual material handling). Di samping memiliki banyak kelebihan seperti fleksibilitas dalam gerakan dan memiliki keuntungan secara ekonomis, kegiatan manual material handling jika dilakukan dalam waktu yang lama dan tidak sesusai dengan prinsip dasar ergonomic dan biomekanika dapat menimbulkan risiko seperti low back pain, lower back injuries, dan kelelahan (fatigue) kerja. Mengingat banyaknya efek negatif yang dapat ditimbulkan dari kesalahan pada manual material handling ini, maka beberapa usulan perbaikan metode kerja diberikan untuk pekerja da...

Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
A good human resources management practice will produce quality and quantity output for sustainab... more A good human resources management practice will produce quality and quantity output for sustainable business. The employee recruitment process is a crucial initial stage to fulfil the needs of a quality employee. In this process, a company usually opens an advertisement for a job vacancy and selects based on job qualification requirements. This research contributes to determining job specification standards in a café or coffee shop based on Big Data analysis. Analysis has been done by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is implemented to select the type of works and work qualifications available in the food and beverages sector. Questionnaires and interviews have been conducted to collect primary data, and three leading websites of job seeker online platforms (,, and are used as references in data collection. Finding gives information regarding four types of works in a cafe: manager, barista, ch...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Charitas
The activity aimed to help school to determine whether the schoolfurniture which were provided to... more The activity aimed to help school to determine whether the schoolfurniture which were provided to the students match with theirdimensions. The evaluation focused on students from Grade 1-3. Byusing ergonomics criteria and students’ anthropometry, the chair anddesk were evaluated. Results showed that most students’ did not matchwith the chair available to them. The height of chair were too high forthe majority of students with percentage are ranging from 12.5% (Boysin Grade 3) to 87.5% (Girls in Grade 1). Meanwhile, the height of deskwas not appropriate for all students from Grade 1 to Grade 3 (100%percentage). Findings from this activity suggested that the schoolauthority should evaluate the used of their school furniture.

Waste disposal and clean water management are some of the common social issues arising in densely... more Waste disposal and clean water management are some of the common social issues arising in densely populated settlements, including Muara Baru flats, Jakarta. Some programs have been carried out to overcome these two issues in Muara Baru, such as the construction of a Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) facility and the provision of Trash Banks. Nevertheless, adequate support for the residents is still needed to boost their awareness of proper clean water management and waste disposal and to encourage the formation of urban agriculture, which is expected to elevate their living standards. Therefore, a community empowerment program in Muara Baru was developed, consisting of three sections: education on clean water management, compost making training, and urban farming. The success of this program was then measured using questionnaires and focus group discussions. A majority of residents responded positively to the program and were willing to actively participate by preparing the land, making ...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Prior study shows that major Indonesian ports still need some improvements to achieve a better lo... more Prior study shows that major Indonesian ports still need some improvements to achieve a better logistics performance. This study aims to analyze which variables can influence the present of idle time during loading and unloading process at Container Terminal Operation 2 Tanjung Priok Port Jakarta. The Tanjung Priok Port is chosen since the port is designed as the hub port in the national sea transport system of the country where it handles more than 50% Indonesia’s trans-shipment cargo traffic. This study uses service blueprint, multiple regression analysis, and one-way anova method. The findings show that at the existing Tanjung Priok Port Container Terminal has 17 (seventeen) failure spots, which are categorized into 6 (six) variables namely head truck, computer system, weather, stevedoring worker, equipment failure, and operator activities, that cause the idle time at the port service. Nevertheless, based on the multiple regression analysis, only 5 (five) variables have a signifi...
Papers by Ferdian Suprata