Ferdi Uyanıker
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Papers by Ferdi Uyanıker
duties and usual operation of daily routines in the Navy. This need which had existed since the
foundation of Ottoman Empire, had been met by different means. However, towards the end of the
19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the need for trained staff to use naval guns and
equipment and a class to fill the gap between Officers and private soldiers, led to the foundation of
“regular noncommissioned officer” today known as “Naval Petty Officer class”. Founded in 1890,
during the fleet admiral Bozcaadalı Hasan Hüsnü Paşa’s duty as Naval Ministry, regular
noncommissioned officer class was settled during constitutional monarchy period. Following the
schools named, Makine ve Güverte Çırak Okulları (machinery and Deck apprenticeship School),
Gemici Gençler Mektebi(Young Sailor’s School), Deniz Gedikli Küçük Zabit İhzari Mektebi,
Gedikli Küçük Zabit Hazırlama Okulu, Deniz Erbaş Hazırlama Okulu, Deniz Gedikli Erbaş
Ortaokulu (Regular Noncommissioned Officer Secondary School), Deniz Astsubay Hazırlama
Ortaokulu (Naval Petty Officer Preparation Secondary School), Deniz Astsubay Hazırlama Okulu
(Naval Petty Officer Preparation School), the foundation is known as Naval Petty Officer Vocational School of Higher Education. This study aims to present the processes that naval schools have gone
through which began as “regular noncommissioned officer” class and continued as Naval Petty
Officer” class in the course of time.
Drafts by Ferdi Uyanıker
Books by Ferdi Uyanıker
duties and usual operation of daily routines in the Navy. This need which had existed since the
foundation of Ottoman Empire, had been met by different means. However, towards the end of the
19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the need for trained staff to use naval guns and
equipment and a class to fill the gap between Officers and private soldiers, led to the foundation of
“regular noncommissioned officer” today known as “Naval Petty Officer class”. Founded in 1890,
during the fleet admiral Bozcaadalı Hasan Hüsnü Paşa’s duty as Naval Ministry, regular
noncommissioned officer class was settled during constitutional monarchy period. Following the
schools named, Makine ve Güverte Çırak Okulları (machinery and Deck apprenticeship School),
Gemici Gençler Mektebi(Young Sailor’s School), Deniz Gedikli Küçük Zabit İhzari Mektebi,
Gedikli Küçük Zabit Hazırlama Okulu, Deniz Erbaş Hazırlama Okulu, Deniz Gedikli Erbaş
Ortaokulu (Regular Noncommissioned Officer Secondary School), Deniz Astsubay Hazırlama
Ortaokulu (Naval Petty Officer Preparation Secondary School), Deniz Astsubay Hazırlama Okulu
(Naval Petty Officer Preparation School), the foundation is known as Naval Petty Officer Vocational School of Higher Education. This study aims to present the processes that naval schools have gone
through which began as “regular noncommissioned officer” class and continued as Naval Petty
Officer” class in the course of time.