RESUMO im: To evaluate the effect of different irrigant solutions employed during removal and rep... more RESUMO im: To evaluate the effect of different irrigant solutions employed during removal and replacement of calcium hydroxide paste on the diffusion of hydroxyl ions through root canal dentine in vitro. Methodology: Thirty-five maxillary and mandibular human canines with straight and fully developed roots were used. After mechanical preparation up to 1mm short of tooth length, 30 canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste and 5 canals were left empty; all teeth had their coronal accesses properly sealed. Teeth were placed in plastic containers with distilled water, and pH was read after 30 days when the paste from 20 teeth was renewed. After removal of the paste by endodontic instrumentation and irrigation with distilled water, canals were replenished with newly mixed paste in Group 1 and 2. In these groups, final irrigation was conducted with 5 mL of EDTA followed by 5 mL of NaOCl in specimens in Group 1, and 5 mL of NaOCl only in specimens in Group 2. In 10 teeth the paste was not replenished at 30 days (Group 3). All specimens were returned to the containers with fresh distilled water, and the pH was recorded after another 30 days. The differences between the first (30d) and second (60d) pH readings were calculated and submitted to analysis of variance and individual comparisons using the Scheffeé's test. Results: Results of mean analysis on differences of pH readings showed that greater diffusion had occurred on specimens in Group 3. Individual comparisons using Scheffeé's test showed statistical significance between Groups 2 and 3, and equivalence between all other groups. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of EDTA did not enhance diffusion of hydroxyl ions through root canal dentine. Uniterms: Calcium hydroxide, diffusion; EDTA; Hydroxyl ions; Irrigants; Sodium hypochlorite. bjetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar o efeito de diferentes irrigantes, usados durante a troca da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, sobre a difusão de íons hidroxila. Metodologia: Foram empregados 35 caninos humanos, com canais retos e raízes totalmente formadas. Efetuado o preparo mecânico até 1 mm aquém do comprimento do dente, 30 canais foram preenchidos com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio e 5 permaneceram vazios (controle). Após o selamento, os dentes foram colocados em frascos plásticos contendo água destilada. Passados 30 dias, o pH da água foi medido e a pasta de 20 dentes foi renovada. Depois de removê-la com água destilada e instrumentos endodônticos e, antes de repô-la, foi feita uma irrigação com 5 ml de EDTA seguida de 5 ml de NaOCl (Grupo 1) ou somente com 5 ml de NaOCl (Grupo 2). Em 10 dentes, a pasta não foi renovada (Grupo 3). Os dentes foram repostos em seus frascos com nova água destilada e, após 30 dias, o pH foi novamente registrado. As diferenças nas medidas de pH, realizadas aos 30 e 60 dias, foram calculadas e submetidas à análise de variância e a comparações individuais pelo teste de Scheffeé. Resultados: A análise das diferenças mostrou que a difusão foi maior nos dentes do Grupo 3. Comparações individuais usando o teste de Scheffeé mostraram significância estatística entre os Grupos 2 e 3 e equivalência entre todos os outros grupos. Conclusão: O uso do EDTA não aumentou a difusão de íons hidroxila através da dentina radicular. Unitermos: Hidróxido de cálcio, difusão; EDTA; Íons hidroxila; Soluções irrigadoras; Hipoclorito de sódio.
Many solutions have been examined as possible storage media for avulsed teeth. The purpose of thi... more Many solutions have been examined as possible storage media for avulsed teeth. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of several storage media to preserve cultured periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLF) under different temperatures. The media tested were: sterile Hank's balanced salt solution (sHBSS), non-sterile HBSS (nHBSS), skimmed milk, Save-A-Tooth((R)), Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) and water (negative control). MEM at 37 degrees C was used as positive control. PDLF were obtained from explants of extracted healthy human teeth. Plates containing confluent PDLF were soaked in the various media for 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C. After incubation, viability of the cells was determined using the tetrazolium salt-based colorimetric (MTT) assay and the Trypan Blue exclusion test after 6, 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation at 20 degrees C. The results were analyzed statistically using Kruskal-Wallis, Scheffé and Mann-Whitney (alpha = 5%) tests. Results from the MTT assay at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C showed that skimmed milk was the best storage medium for up to 24 and 48 h, respectively, followed by nHBSS and sHBSS. Results from the Trypan Blue exclusion test showed that the best storage media were milk, sHBSS and nHBSS, with no statistical differences, for any time period. The Save-A-Tooth((R)) had a detrimental effect on cells after 24 h. The influence of temperature on the effectiveness of the storage media tested showed at 20 degrees C a decreasing order of efficacy as follows: milk > sHBSS and nHBSS > MEM > Save-A-Tooth((R)) > water while at 37 degrees C it was: MEM > nHBSS > milk > sHBSS > Save-A-Tooth((R)) > water. In conclusion, incubation temperature altered the effectiveness of the storage media and skimmed milk at 20 degrees C was better than HBSS in maintaining PDLF viability.
RESUMO im: To evaluate the effect of different irrigant solutions employed during removal and rep... more RESUMO im: To evaluate the effect of different irrigant solutions employed during removal and replacement of calcium hydroxide paste on the diffusion of hydroxyl ions through root canal dentine in vitro. Methodology: Thirty-five maxillary and mandibular human canines with straight and fully developed roots were used. After mechanical preparation up to 1mm short of tooth length, 30 canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste and 5 canals were left empty; all teeth had their coronal accesses properly sealed. Teeth were placed in plastic containers with distilled water, and pH was read after 30 days when the paste from 20 teeth was renewed. After removal of the paste by endodontic instrumentation and irrigation with distilled water, canals were replenished with newly mixed paste in Group 1 and 2. In these groups, final irrigation was conducted with 5 mL of EDTA followed by 5 mL of NaOCl in specimens in Group 1, and 5 mL of NaOCl only in specimens in Group 2. In 10 teeth the paste was not replenished at 30 days (Group 3). All specimens were returned to the containers with fresh distilled water, and the pH was recorded after another 30 days. The differences between the first (30d) and second (60d) pH readings were calculated and submitted to analysis of variance and individual comparisons using the Scheffeé's test. Results: Results of mean analysis on differences of pH readings showed that greater diffusion had occurred on specimens in Group 3. Individual comparisons using Scheffeé's test showed statistical significance between Groups 2 and 3, and equivalence between all other groups. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of EDTA did not enhance diffusion of hydroxyl ions through root canal dentine. Uniterms: Calcium hydroxide, diffusion; EDTA; Hydroxyl ions; Irrigants; Sodium hypochlorite. bjetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar o efeito de diferentes irrigantes, usados durante a troca da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, sobre a difusão de íons hidroxila. Metodologia: Foram empregados 35 caninos humanos, com canais retos e raízes totalmente formadas. Efetuado o preparo mecânico até 1 mm aquém do comprimento do dente, 30 canais foram preenchidos com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio e 5 permaneceram vazios (controle). Após o selamento, os dentes foram colocados em frascos plásticos contendo água destilada. Passados 30 dias, o pH da água foi medido e a pasta de 20 dentes foi renovada. Depois de removê-la com água destilada e instrumentos endodônticos e, antes de repô-la, foi feita uma irrigação com 5 ml de EDTA seguida de 5 ml de NaOCl (Grupo 1) ou somente com 5 ml de NaOCl (Grupo 2). Em 10 dentes, a pasta não foi renovada (Grupo 3). Os dentes foram repostos em seus frascos com nova água destilada e, após 30 dias, o pH foi novamente registrado. As diferenças nas medidas de pH, realizadas aos 30 e 60 dias, foram calculadas e submetidas à análise de variância e a comparações individuais pelo teste de Scheffeé. Resultados: A análise das diferenças mostrou que a difusão foi maior nos dentes do Grupo 3. Comparações individuais usando o teste de Scheffeé mostraram significância estatística entre os Grupos 2 e 3 e equivalência entre todos os outros grupos. Conclusão: O uso do EDTA não aumentou a difusão de íons hidroxila através da dentina radicular. Unitermos: Hidróxido de cálcio, difusão; EDTA; Íons hidroxila; Soluções irrigadoras; Hipoclorito de sódio.
Many solutions have been examined as possible storage media for avulsed teeth. The purpose of thi... more Many solutions have been examined as possible storage media for avulsed teeth. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of several storage media to preserve cultured periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLF) under different temperatures. The media tested were: sterile Hank's balanced salt solution (sHBSS), non-sterile HBSS (nHBSS), skimmed milk, Save-A-Tooth((R)), Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) and water (negative control). MEM at 37 degrees C was used as positive control. PDLF were obtained from explants of extracted healthy human teeth. Plates containing confluent PDLF were soaked in the various media for 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C. After incubation, viability of the cells was determined using the tetrazolium salt-based colorimetric (MTT) assay and the Trypan Blue exclusion test after 6, 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation at 20 degrees C. The results were analyzed statistically using Kruskal-Wallis, Scheffé and Mann-Whitney (alpha = 5%) tests. Results from the MTT assay at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C showed that skimmed milk was the best storage medium for up to 24 and 48 h, respectively, followed by nHBSS and sHBSS. Results from the Trypan Blue exclusion test showed that the best storage media were milk, sHBSS and nHBSS, with no statistical differences, for any time period. The Save-A-Tooth((R)) had a detrimental effect on cells after 24 h. The influence of temperature on the effectiveness of the storage media tested showed at 20 degrees C a decreasing order of efficacy as follows: milk > sHBSS and nHBSS > MEM > Save-A-Tooth((R)) > water while at 37 degrees C it was: MEM > nHBSS > milk > sHBSS > Save-A-Tooth((R)) > water. In conclusion, incubation temperature altered the effectiveness of the storage media and skimmed milk at 20 degrees C was better than HBSS in maintaining PDLF viability.
Papers by Santos Felippe