Papers by Federico Orsini
Studia Hegeliana
The aim of this article is to discuss the objection of vicious circularity concerning the relatio... more The aim of this article is to discuss the objection of vicious circularity concerning the relation between the Phenomenology of Spiritand the Science of Logic. My argument is articulated in three stages: (i) in the first place, I will provide a historical reconstruction of the debate and I will try to neutralize the objection of vicious circularity; (ii) in the second place, I will examine the latest positions of the Hegel-Forschungabout the issue of a possibly reciprocal presupposition between the PhG and the SL; (iii) in the third place, I will analyze the meaning of a virtuous circularity, by showing its inner relation to a dynamic conception of systematicity.

Abstract: The present work purports to show the broadness of Hegel’s concept of experience, insof... more Abstract: The present work purports to show the broadness of Hegel’s concept of experience, insofar as it cannot be reduced either to the perceptual experience or to the phenomenological experience of the subversion of the certainties of the ordinary consciousness. Beyond the phenomenological conception displayed by the Jena work, the most advanced phase of the system (understood as the unity of logic and philosophy of reality) presents an original articulation of objective thinking, within which philosophy itself plays the role of an experience of truth made by means of a specific way of thinking, namely, the way of scientific or conceptual thinking. In order to reconstruct this conception of philosophy, I will proceed in three steps. In the first place, I will clarify the sense in which Hegel’s conception of experience should be called ‘idealist.’ In the second place, I will show that, in the encyclopedic presentation of the system, ‘reflective thinking’ ( Nachdenken ) is the verb...

However we may interpret the core of the Kantian revolution in the history of philosophy, one of ... more However we may interpret the core of the Kantian revolution in the history of philosophy, one of the most crucial questions it has bequeathed to us is the following: Why must a philosophical account of the categories of being be inseparable from a scientific account of the categories of thought? In my talk, I will provide a theoretical reconstruction of the fundamental features of Hegel’s logical ontology. The big issue of my reconstruction turns around what I take to be the most pressing metaphilosophical questions concerning the nature of ontology as a ‘doctrine of categories’: (i) How should categories be understood? (ii) What is the proper method for an investigation of categories? (iii) What is the motivation for pursuing a rational account of categories? The answer to these questions should pave the way to the critical evaluation of some questionable presuppositions of any kind of pragmatist actualization of Hegel’s idealism, as it is made familiar in the contemporary debate. ...

Revista Dialectus - Revista de Filosofia, 2020
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as transformações que a categoria de “sem-medida” (maßlos) exp... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as transformações que a categoria de “sem-medida” (maßlos) experimenta na transição da Ciência da Lógica de Hegel para O Capital de Marx. A premissa metodológica de minha investigação é a ideia de que exigência de esclarecer o método de O Capital traz consigo a necessidade de uma análise comparativa com o método hegeliano. A análise contém duas partes. Na primeira parte, mostrarei como o sem-medida surge nos primeiros capítulos de O Capital. Na segunda parte, reconstituirei a categoria de sem-medida na Doutrina do Ser (1832) de Hegel. Nas considerações conclusivas, apontarei três semelhanças e três diferenças entre as duas figuras do sem- medida em Hegel e em Marx. As semelhanças são: o uso de uma lógica dialética, a interação do qualitativo e do quantitativo, e o princípio da explicitação da coisa mesma. As diferenças dependem da diferença entre uma lógica sem-pressupostos e uma lógica peculiar do objeto peculiar.

Veritas (Porto Alegre), 2020
O objetivo do meu artigo é apresentar a relação todo-partes no contexto da Doutrina da Essência (... more O objetivo do meu artigo é apresentar a relação todo-partes no contexto da Doutrina da Essência (1813) de Hegel. Depois de ter indicado sucintamente a variedade de contextos em que essa relação ainda está debatida hoje em dia, tanto fora como dentro da interpretação da filosofia hegeliana, analisarei o contexto específico da primeira subdivisão (A.) do terceiro capítulo (“A relação essencial”) da segunda seção (“O aparecimento”) da obra referida, analisando o argumento do texto e contextualizando o significado da Observação anexa. A relevância deste ensaio consiste em promover uma compreensão precisa de um par conceitual usado muitas vezes como um passe-partout hermenêutico para defender ou combater a filosofia de Hegel com base na suposta defesa hegeliana da primazia do todo sobre as partes. A tese (negativa) da lógica da essência é que tanto a primazia das partes sobre o todo como a primazia do todo sobre as partes são posições insustentáveis. Por fim, o argumento para essa tese e...

Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia, Dec 1, 2017
RESUMO O objetivo de meu trabalho é o esclarecimento de quatro características distintivas do sis... more RESUMO O objetivo de meu trabalho é o esclarecimento de quatro características distintivas do sistema hegeliano como projeto de uma filosofia livre de pressuposições. Para tanto, pretendo reconstruir a conexão entre os seguintes traços constitutivos do conceito operativo de Voraussetzungslosigkeit (ausência de pressuposição): em primeiro lugar, a imanência do real ao pensar objetivo; em segundo, a integração do ceticismo pirrônico ou antigo ao modo de apresentação científica do pensar; em terceiro lugar, a configuração do elemento lógico em termos de um movimento de circulação de si mesmo; em quarto, a subversão da compreensão ordinária da dupla conceitual "abstrato-concreto". A reconstrução assim oferecida permite argumentar sobre conclusões relevantes para compreender adequadamente a ambição do projeto especulativo de Hegel: em primeiro lugar, a ausência de pressuposições só pode confirmar-se enquanto prova científica por meio da subversão das certezas arraigadas no senso comum; em segundo, a prova da imanência é científica na medida em que mostra o necessário entrelaçamento do aspecto ontológico com o aspecto epistemológico do sistema, tornando-o invulnerável a objeções céticas de tipo radical; em terceiro, o sistema não é de modo algum reduzível à estrutura da Enciclopédia, pois essa é apenas um auxílio didático para a apresentação do sistema, cujo significado verdadeiro pode ser atingido unicamente pela organização cada vez mais concreta dos silogismos da ideia da filosofia.

Veritas (Porto Alegre), 2017
O objetivo específico do presente artigo é explicar por que a quarta figura do silogismo do ser a... more O objetivo específico do presente artigo é explicar por que a quarta figura do silogismo do ser aí (Schluß des Daseins) na doutrina do conceito da Ciência da Lógica de Hegel é denominada “silogismo matemático”. Para esse fim, pretendo proceder em três passos principais. Em primeiro lugar, elucidarei o conceito de silogismo a partir do qual o alcance e o limite do silogismo matemático devem ser avaliados. Em segundo lugar, apresentarei uma tradução e um comentário analítico do texto hegeliano sobre o silogismo matemático, procurando explicitar em que consiste a necessidade de reduzir o silogismo qualitativo ao silogismo quantitativo. Em terceiro lugar, mostrarei que a matemática, com efeito, constitui um âmbito legítimo dentro do qual o silogismo da quarta figura é capaz de gerar conhecimento, mas justamente a delimitação desse âmbito torna necessária a crítica de qualquer formalização matemático-simbólica da lógica dialética.

Universa Recensioni Di Filosofia, Jun 28, 2012
Come è possibile pensare il mondo come tale dopo la 'rivoluzione copernicana' di Kant? Tenendo su... more Come è possibile pensare il mondo come tale dopo la 'rivoluzione copernicana' di Kant? Tenendo sullo sfondo tale questione, il libro di Gabriel propone una raccolta di tre saggi sull'idealismo tedesco che ambisce a presentarsi non tanto come un'indagine storico-filosofica su ciò che i filosofi post-kantiani veramente avrebbero detto, quanto come la legittimazione di un programma che si serve dei loro testi per valutare talune tendenze del dibattito contemporaneo (il naturalismo, la socialità delle norme, la svolta ontologica) e avanzare una teoria autonoma. Il nome che l'A. ha scelto di dare al programma della propria teoria è 'ontologia trascendentale'. La delucidazione di questo concetto è affidata a una lunga e densa introduzione (pp.viixxxii), in cui vengono trattati diversi temi: la ricostruzione del contesto del passato e del presente dell'ontologia, la differenza tra questione epistemologica e questione ontologica così come quella tra il metodo trascendentale di Kant e quello dell'idealismo post-kantiano, la critica all'atteggiamento della filosofia analitica verso l'ontologia e all'attuale ritorno francese all'ontologia, l'anticipazione argomentata di tesi fondanti del libro (la contingenza della necessità e l'incompletezza di ogni dominio di oggetti) e infine una giustificazione dei propri parametri interpretativi attraverso il ricorso a un'ontologia dei testi. Seguendo McDowell, l'A. traccia il cammino dalla metafisica dell'intenzionalità kantiana a quella post-kantiana e guadagna una descrizione dell'ontologia post-kantiana in termini di "idealismo del senso", inteso come una teoria di ordine superiore (capace di riferirsi al nostro modo di riferirci agli oggetti, p.xii) il cui contenuto è l'oggettività, cioè la possibilità stessa di stati di cose che appaiano come oggetti per il pensare finito. Il concetto di 'senso' impiegato dall'A. può essere riassunto nella seguente tesi: non c'è oggetto (tutto ciò con cui una teoria del prim'ordine ha a che fare) che non includa la possibilità di essere un oggetto in vista, cioè un oggetto che appare e su cui una teoria di second'ordine può riflettere.
Universa Recensioni Di Filosofia, Jul 2, 2013
Universa Recensioni Di Filosofia, Dec 21, 2012
Universa Recensioni Di Filosofia, Dec 14, 2011
The aim of my essay is to investigate Hegel’s conception of translation
(Übersetzung) from a bro... more The aim of my essay is to investigate Hegel’s conception of translation
(Übersetzung) from a broad and multifaceted perspective: as the description of reason’s being-at-work in the actual world. This view will be examined on three levels: (i) on the metaphilosophical level of the definition of the task of philosophy with relation to other forms of knowledge; (ii) on the level of an onto-epistemology of spirit; and (iii)
on the level of the Science of Logic, as a reconstruction of the history of metaphysics. As a result, I hope to show that for Hegel translation is not primarily a special topic about language but a way of understanding the idea of philosophy in so far as it aims to conceptualize the logics of self-transformation that articulate the singular and historical experience of rationality according to different degrees of intelligibility.
My essay aims to discuss Ferrarin's interpretation of Kant's synthesis a priori and to compare it... more My essay aims to discuss Ferrarin's interpretation of Kant's synthesis a priori and to compare it with Hegel's appropriation of this notion in terms of a speculative identity of thought and being.
Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2019
The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of the relation between the
one and the many i... more The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of the relation between the
one and the many in Hegel’s logic of being, specifically in the second version (1832) of the Doctrine of Being. My argument is divided in three parts. In the first part, I will show the novelty of Hegel’s conception of the one through a comparison with Plato’s and Aristotle’s conceptions. In the second part, I will focus on the logical process by which the logic of being justifies a genetic understanding of the many as the immanent result of the one’s negative self-relation. In the third part, I will consider Trendelenburg’s critique of the concept of negation involved in the logical category of repulsion and I will highlight the tacit presuppositions of Trendelenburg’s critique.

The aim of my article is the clarification of four distinctive
characters of Hegel’s system as a... more The aim of my article is the clarification of four distinctive
characters of Hegel’s system as a project of a presuppositionless philosophy. I will reconstruct the connection among the following features of the operative concept of presuppositionlessness: in the first place, the
immanence of the real in the objective thinking; in the second place, the integration of pyrrhonian or ancient skepticism into the scientific way of exposition of thinking; in the third place, the configuration of the logical element in terms of an inner circulation; in the fourth place, the subversion of the ordinary understanding of the couple ‘abstract-concrete’. This reconstruction allows me to argue for some conclusions relevant for the understanding of the ambitions of the Hegelian speculative project. In the first place, presuppositionlessness can be confirmed as a scientific proof only if the subversion of the commonsensical distinctions between abstract and concrete succeeds. In the second place, the proof of the immanence is scientific insofar as it shows the necessary intertwinement of the ontological aspect with the epistemological aspect of the system, making it invulnerable to radical skeptical objections. In the third place, the system is by no means reducible to the structure of the Encyclopedia, since this is only a didactic support for the presentation of the system, whose true meaning can be attained only by the more and more concrete organization of the syllogisms of the idea of philosophy.
This article aims at a commentary of the sub-section "number" of the section "quantum" in the Heg... more This article aims at a commentary of the sub-section "number" of the section "quantum" in the Hegel's Doctrine of Being (1832).

The aim of my article is to present the whole-part relationship in the
context of Hegel’s Doctri... more The aim of my article is to present the whole-part relationship in the
context of Hegel’s Doctrine of Essence (1813). After a short overview of the variety of contexts in which the whole-parts relationship is debated nowadays, both within and without the domain of Hegelian studies, I will focus on the logic of essence in order to analyze the first division (A.) of the third chapter (“the essential relationship”) of the second section (“The appearance”) of the book. As a result, my essay is expected to clarify a conceptual pair that is often used as a hermeneutical passe-partout in order to either defend or reject Hegel’s philosophy, based on the alleged Hegelian primacy of the whole over the parts. I will argue that the negative
thesis of the logic of essence is that both the primacy of the parts over the whole and the primacy of the whole over the parts are unsustainable. Finally, the argument for this conclusion will entail a close examination of the Remark, which is devoted to a dialectical diagnosis of the second antinomy of the Critique of Pure Reason.

The aim of this article is to analyse the transformations undergone by the category of “measurele... more The aim of this article is to analyse the transformations undergone by the category of “measureless” (maßlos) in the transition from Hegel‟s Science of Logic towards Marx‟s Capital. The methodological premise of my inquiry is the idea that the explanation of the method of the Capital entails a comparative analysis with Hegel‟s idea of method. My essay has two parts. In the first part, I will show how the measureless emerges in the first chapters of the Capital. In the second part, I will reconstruct the category of measureless in Hegel‟s Doctrine of Being (1832). At the end, I will highlight three similarities and three differences between the two figures of measureless in Hegel and Marx. The similarities are: the use
of a dialectical logic, the intertwinement between quality and quantity, and the principle of making explicit the subject-matter itself. The differences can be traced back to the difference between a presuppositionless logic (Hegel) and a peculiar logic of a peculiar object (Marx).
First portuguese translation and line by line commentary on the section "Syllogism" of Hegel's Do... more First portuguese translation and line by line commentary on the section "Syllogism" of Hegel's Doctrine of the Concept (1816)
Papers by Federico Orsini
(Übersetzung) from a broad and multifaceted perspective: as the description of reason’s being-at-work in the actual world. This view will be examined on three levels: (i) on the metaphilosophical level of the definition of the task of philosophy with relation to other forms of knowledge; (ii) on the level of an onto-epistemology of spirit; and (iii)
on the level of the Science of Logic, as a reconstruction of the history of metaphysics. As a result, I hope to show that for Hegel translation is not primarily a special topic about language but a way of understanding the idea of philosophy in so far as it aims to conceptualize the logics of self-transformation that articulate the singular and historical experience of rationality according to different degrees of intelligibility.
one and the many in Hegel’s logic of being, specifically in the second version (1832) of the Doctrine of Being. My argument is divided in three parts. In the first part, I will show the novelty of Hegel’s conception of the one through a comparison with Plato’s and Aristotle’s conceptions. In the second part, I will focus on the logical process by which the logic of being justifies a genetic understanding of the many as the immanent result of the one’s negative self-relation. In the third part, I will consider Trendelenburg’s critique of the concept of negation involved in the logical category of repulsion and I will highlight the tacit presuppositions of Trendelenburg’s critique.
characters of Hegel’s system as a project of a presuppositionless philosophy. I will reconstruct the connection among the following features of the operative concept of presuppositionlessness: in the first place, the
immanence of the real in the objective thinking; in the second place, the integration of pyrrhonian or ancient skepticism into the scientific way of exposition of thinking; in the third place, the configuration of the logical element in terms of an inner circulation; in the fourth place, the subversion of the ordinary understanding of the couple ‘abstract-concrete’. This reconstruction allows me to argue for some conclusions relevant for the understanding of the ambitions of the Hegelian speculative project. In the first place, presuppositionlessness can be confirmed as a scientific proof only if the subversion of the commonsensical distinctions between abstract and concrete succeeds. In the second place, the proof of the immanence is scientific insofar as it shows the necessary intertwinement of the ontological aspect with the epistemological aspect of the system, making it invulnerable to radical skeptical objections. In the third place, the system is by no means reducible to the structure of the Encyclopedia, since this is only a didactic support for the presentation of the system, whose true meaning can be attained only by the more and more concrete organization of the syllogisms of the idea of philosophy.
context of Hegel’s Doctrine of Essence (1813). After a short overview of the variety of contexts in which the whole-parts relationship is debated nowadays, both within and without the domain of Hegelian studies, I will focus on the logic of essence in order to analyze the first division (A.) of the third chapter (“the essential relationship”) of the second section (“The appearance”) of the book. As a result, my essay is expected to clarify a conceptual pair that is often used as a hermeneutical passe-partout in order to either defend or reject Hegel’s philosophy, based on the alleged Hegelian primacy of the whole over the parts. I will argue that the negative
thesis of the logic of essence is that both the primacy of the parts over the whole and the primacy of the whole over the parts are unsustainable. Finally, the argument for this conclusion will entail a close examination of the Remark, which is devoted to a dialectical diagnosis of the second antinomy of the Critique of Pure Reason.
of a dialectical logic, the intertwinement between quality and quantity, and the principle of making explicit the subject-matter itself. The differences can be traced back to the difference between a presuppositionless logic (Hegel) and a peculiar logic of a peculiar object (Marx).
(Übersetzung) from a broad and multifaceted perspective: as the description of reason’s being-at-work in the actual world. This view will be examined on three levels: (i) on the metaphilosophical level of the definition of the task of philosophy with relation to other forms of knowledge; (ii) on the level of an onto-epistemology of spirit; and (iii)
on the level of the Science of Logic, as a reconstruction of the history of metaphysics. As a result, I hope to show that for Hegel translation is not primarily a special topic about language but a way of understanding the idea of philosophy in so far as it aims to conceptualize the logics of self-transformation that articulate the singular and historical experience of rationality according to different degrees of intelligibility.
one and the many in Hegel’s logic of being, specifically in the second version (1832) of the Doctrine of Being. My argument is divided in three parts. In the first part, I will show the novelty of Hegel’s conception of the one through a comparison with Plato’s and Aristotle’s conceptions. In the second part, I will focus on the logical process by which the logic of being justifies a genetic understanding of the many as the immanent result of the one’s negative self-relation. In the third part, I will consider Trendelenburg’s critique of the concept of negation involved in the logical category of repulsion and I will highlight the tacit presuppositions of Trendelenburg’s critique.
characters of Hegel’s system as a project of a presuppositionless philosophy. I will reconstruct the connection among the following features of the operative concept of presuppositionlessness: in the first place, the
immanence of the real in the objective thinking; in the second place, the integration of pyrrhonian or ancient skepticism into the scientific way of exposition of thinking; in the third place, the configuration of the logical element in terms of an inner circulation; in the fourth place, the subversion of the ordinary understanding of the couple ‘abstract-concrete’. This reconstruction allows me to argue for some conclusions relevant for the understanding of the ambitions of the Hegelian speculative project. In the first place, presuppositionlessness can be confirmed as a scientific proof only if the subversion of the commonsensical distinctions between abstract and concrete succeeds. In the second place, the proof of the immanence is scientific insofar as it shows the necessary intertwinement of the ontological aspect with the epistemological aspect of the system, making it invulnerable to radical skeptical objections. In the third place, the system is by no means reducible to the structure of the Encyclopedia, since this is only a didactic support for the presentation of the system, whose true meaning can be attained only by the more and more concrete organization of the syllogisms of the idea of philosophy.
context of Hegel’s Doctrine of Essence (1813). After a short overview of the variety of contexts in which the whole-parts relationship is debated nowadays, both within and without the domain of Hegelian studies, I will focus on the logic of essence in order to analyze the first division (A.) of the third chapter (“the essential relationship”) of the second section (“The appearance”) of the book. As a result, my essay is expected to clarify a conceptual pair that is often used as a hermeneutical passe-partout in order to either defend or reject Hegel’s philosophy, based on the alleged Hegelian primacy of the whole over the parts. I will argue that the negative
thesis of the logic of essence is that both the primacy of the parts over the whole and the primacy of the whole over the parts are unsustainable. Finally, the argument for this conclusion will entail a close examination of the Remark, which is devoted to a dialectical diagnosis of the second antinomy of the Critique of Pure Reason.
of a dialectical logic, the intertwinement between quality and quantity, and the principle of making explicit the subject-matter itself. The differences can be traced back to the difference between a presuppositionless logic (Hegel) and a peculiar logic of a peculiar object (Marx).
theory and praxis from the perspective of Hegel’s idea of “objective thinking.” For this purpose, it investigates Aristotle’s criteria for distinguishing between three different types of human activity, and how Hegel appraises those criteria. The argument winds up identifying a major area of disagreement between the two philosophers, specifically between what motivates Aristotle’s theoria, and what motivates Hegelian speculative philosophy. For Hegel, it is not the task of science to pursue happiness by theorizing a world that exists independent of us, whole and complete. Rather, Hegel sees the purpose of speculative philosophy to reconcile a subjective-objective reason with its own oppositions. One of the motivations behind the argument is to challenge some of the assumptions of recent pragmatist readings of Hegel, which deemphasize the metaphysical character of Hegel’s philosophy, and privilege praxis over theory.