Papers by Federico De Andreis

Analytic Hierarchy Process - Models, Methods, Concepts, and Applications [Working Title]
The transportation sector appears to be among the most highly competitive, in a continuous search... more The transportation sector appears to be among the most highly competitive, in a continuous search for effectiveness and efficiency. In the logic of decision-making processes, to meet the competitive needs of the sector, optimization, or the selection of the best element, with respect to some criterion, from a set of available alternatives, appears central. Business choices seek to achieve the optimum, i.e., the best or most favourable condition, or the maximum amount or degree possible under a specific set of comparable circumstances. In addition to traditional decision making, there is the technique of linear programming, which is an optimization problem in which the objective function is a linear function subject to linear constraints, which may be equalities and/or inequalities. Linear programming problems have a strong practical interest because many real-life problems can be modelled in terms of linear programming, since the approach to the decisions made is approximately linea...
Advances in healthcare information systems and administration book series, 2022

7th ERAZ Conference Proceedings (part of ERAZ conference collection), 2021
Flag carriers are a particular part of the aviation industry, now dominated by either privately o... more Flag carriers are a particular part of the aviation industry, now dominated by either privately owned carriers or budget airlines. Their market share is being reduced, they are losing ground, giving it to their counter rivals, low-cost carriers. Based on the assumption that flag carrier airlines are different in their business model from low-cost airlines, both of them have to react in a Covid-19 situation, in case a similar event would occur again. Because it is not a matter of “if”, but a matter of “when”. This is modelling and as one it has to be put in the right context. In this research, we will discuss, also through the use of a study model of an Italian private company, how aviation must have short- and long-term strategies, striving for resilience during the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic, after the outbreak from Wuhan, China. Thousands of flights were being cancelled and within weeks the passenger’s aviation was still, only cargo planes flew. When the cargo demand ...
The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by unders... more The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how the psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (brands, products, and retailers) or are influenced by their environment (culture, media, family, social groups). This article aims to explain how the consumer behavior involves the study of how people - either individually or in groups -acquire, use, experience, discard, and make decisions about goods or services. The impact consumer behavior on the marketing management is also of relevance, in fact, a marketing campaign may have serious repercussions on the purchase of a product or a service and shall be calibrated on the customers' needs and desires to be effective an efficient

Writing business plans is often the first step for entrepreneurs in developing new venture ideas.... more Writing business plans is often the first step for entrepreneurs in developing new venture ideas. Trade press publications support their value and include templates or even software for crafting the business plan. This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods of strategic business planning in the enterprises. Results indicate that determining a strategic business plan it is necessary for the value of the company, for its success and longevity. This paper seeks to provide a new conceptual definition of strategic planning, deeding the feature and contents of this economic instrument through the definition of the general aspects of an effective business plan, its goals, its feasibility, and its structure. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the body of knowledge of those who are preparing a business plan, bearing anyway in mind in mind every business project has specific peculiarities.

<em>Talking about ethics and economics is often complex because of the articulated link bet... more <em>Talking about ethics and economics is often complex because of the articulated link between them.The same thing happens when it comes to the subject of sustainability.Ethical and sustainable economy shoulddescribe, in fact, the theory of the ethical and sustainable preconditions of the economy and of business as well as the theory of the ethical foundations of economic systems.Supporting an ethical supply chain means that companies will incorporate social and human rights and environmental considerations into how they do business across the world.An ethical supply chain focuses on the need for corporate social responsibility, working to produce products and services in a way that treats its workers and the environment ethically.The work is characterized as a research aimed at the analysis of Asian markets, offering a strategy of implementation of sustainable and correct sustainable particulates for all stakeholders.</em><em>This research, infact, will focus on the wider meaning of ethics and morale, therefore applying those concepts to supply chain issues that manager around the world encounter on their path also through some case studies taken into analysis.</em>
The purpose of this paper is to review literature and instruments concerning the risk prevention ... more The purpose of this paper is to review literature and instruments concerning the risk prevention in the healthcare system. After explaining the clinical risk and the degrees of riskiness, the focus of the article is to highlight the approach and the instruments to manage the risk. Deployment of healthcare risk management has traditionally focused on the important role of patient safety and the reduction of errors that jeopardize an organization's ability to achieve its mission and protect against financial liability; therefore it is vital for the organizations being able to expand their risk management programs from ones that are primarily reactive and promote patient safety and prevent legal/economic exposure, to ones that are increasingly proactive and view risk through the much broader lens of the entire healthcare.
Conquering new markets and expanding competition areas make innovation the basis of development a... more Conquering new markets and expanding competition areas make innovation the basis of development and dynamism in all economies. In this study we analyze how innovation, becoming part of the life of a business, will allow the companies to adjust and adapt their business model to the changing market, gaining knowledge and competitiveness. Once described what an innovation truly represents for the competitiveness, the research will explain where the innovation may develop and what is the process that transforms a simple idea into a product service or innovative mechanism to be placed on the market. Innovation could be considered as the only solution to overcome the economic crisis, and different types of innovation may represent choices and processes of business development.

The tourism sector is strongly influenced by market trends, for this reason an increase in econom... more The tourism sector is strongly influenced by market trends, for this reason an increase in economic activity requires greater demand for tourism, while a recession or economic crisis can lead to a very important downturn in this sector. In addition to the influence generated by the economy, global crisis scenarios, such as in the case of health care issues, produce a sharp drop in the number of tourists. The tourism sector cannot be considered as a homogeneous sector; in fact, several aspects could have consequences on the tourist flows , precisely due to the economic effects. The objective of this research is therefore to analyze the history of tourism development in the Canary Islands, which represents one of the destinations with the highest number of tourists. The research will help us to understand how, in the past, the tourism sector has reacted to various crisis scenarios with particularly effective answers, allowing us to imagine possible strategies, especially focused on br...
In response to changing sources of value creation, business model innovation has recently emerged... more In response to changing sources of value creation, business model innovation has recently emerged as a concept that allows dealing with volatile environments. Focusing on the aviation industry, this research reflect the relationship between: (i) domestic removal of restrictions in the areas of market access, pricing and capacity; (ii) evolution in competition between different airline business approach (iii), evolution of European air transport market, within the Open Skies agreement and weakness of old business model. The relationships between these three parts will be demonstrated, as well as their role in the creation of a truly open transatlantic aviation regime.

6th LIMEN Conference Proceedings (part of LIMEN conference collection), 2020
In the organizations and their management, an important fundamental role is played by the "l... more In the organizations and their management, an important fundamental role is played by the "leadership style", since administrating the working relationships in complex organizations, influences their final results. The decision-making process, in fact, within the organization is influenced by managerial leadership. Before going into the analysis of the various models through which we can propose to read the phenomenal complexity of leadership within business management, this research aims to identify what is leadership and also the roles and dimensions within an organization. The goal of the analysis is to explore the study of leadership styles, from the more formal and authoritarian to the more participative, and to demonstrate the situational leadership approach, which does not presume a unique approach to every situation in order to be successful.

5th EMAN Conference Proceedings (part of EMAN conference collection), 2021
This thematic review discusses how Organizational Culture can develop and improve Human Resource ... more This thematic review discusses how Organizational Culture can develop and improve Human Resource Management strategies, procedures and tools to support and motivate new staff to meet organization, management and stakeholder expectations in a changing and competitive environment. Organizations are made by people; their value is created by the staff. Strategies involving human resources should have not only a supportive function, but definitely a central one. Organizational culture represents a phenomenon that manifests itself in the fundamental assumptions that guide an organization. It finds fulfilment in the behaviours, values and relationships that characterize the organization itself, both internally and with the external environment. In the modern organization culture represents a topical issue; it is considered an essential ingredient for the success of companies and organizations. It was in the 1980s that definitions of this concept, one of the most complex and articulated in ...

Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2020
This research develops and elaborates studies done for a contribution to the 2019 PIC Internation... more This research develops and elaborates studies done for a contribution to the 2019 PIC International Conference 2019 in Malta, about the decision-making process. Decision-making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action. In the wider process of problem-solving, decision-making involves choosing between possible solutions to a problem, and these decisions can be made through either an intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two. The study of decision-making processes, to be understood as the role of human factors, becomes particularly interesting in complex organizations. This research aims to analyze how an effective team, within organizations, can develop a more correct and effective decision-making, in order to get an optimal solution, overcoming the typical uncertainty. The paper describes the point of departure of decision in complex, time-pressured, uncertain, ambiguous and changing environments. The use of a leading case (the Tenerife air accident, 1977), will lead us to the desired results, i.e. to demonstrate how an effective decisional process, including team dynamics, can be useful to reduce the risk, present in all decisions, and reduce errors. The case of Tenerife air disaster, confirm our research. In that case, in fact, the group dynamics prove not to have worked. Thus, we can state that if a team approach had been followed instead of a more individual one, the results would probably have been different. The central belief of the research, is that classic decision theory could benefit from a team approach, which reduces the risk that a decision may lead to undesirable consequences. As demonstrated with the case study, within organizations, the decision-making is not a solitary action. Decisions, in fact, are made within a team and in order to be able to function effectively in a group, and manage group situations, there are essential skills. The team can then become a resource for the decisional process and problem solving, but it is necessary to understand the dynamics.

American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2019
Power is the ability to make things happen according to one's perspective by getting someone else... more Power is the ability to make things happen according to one's perspective by getting someone else to do something. In organizations, there are various sources of power. However, the primary source of power is the legitimate power, which means the power assigned based on job designation. Organizations are made up of individuals that exercise greater or lesser degrees of power. Sometimes, authority stems from a person's title in the organization, or from specialized knowledge and expertise. Others may exercise power through interpersonal relationships or the force of their personality. And still, others gain influence through an ability to grant access to important resources. This research will examine the structure of complex organizations with a focus on power management and power relations that can be created within the organizations themselves. It presents some observations of how the distribution and exercise of power in complex organizations varies systematically as a function of environment, organizational form, and personal characteristics of organizational members. This analysis, therefore, will define the power strategies, in order to understand the basis of the power, deepening how the power could be managed by leaders.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2019
Even they don't realize it; all types of organizations are probably employing some kind of risk m... more Even they don't realize it; all types of organizations are probably employing some kind of risk management. Over time, procedures are developed to make sure that things don't go wrong and plans are putting in place to reduce organizational impact if they do. This article examines the relevance, in the complex organizations, of risk management. After having defined the risk, through the use of case studies, this research will seek to define the instruments of risk analysis in complex organizations, showing the reason why the risk management should be considered as a priority, regardless of the magnitude of the negative outcomes.

Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2019
Tourist destination and, generally, tourist activities not only represent an extraordinarily impo... more Tourist destination and, generally, tourist activities not only represent an extraordinarily important economic factor, but also an instrument of knowledge and personal empowerment. Therefore, we can state that it is essential to ensure access to the tourism experience to all citizens, regardless of personal, social, economic conditions and any other nature which may limit the fruition of this asset. The role of tourism management is to develop effective strategic plan in order to guarantee a possible growth of a destination, without having a negative impact on the resources, either natural or civilian of the destination itself. Tourist destinations follow a life-cycle (evolution cycle) based on a price factor (a greater attractiveness of an area means a greater willingness to pay of the tourists) and a trend factor (related to the fame of the area and to the evolution of tourists' tastes and habits). These factors mark the tourism in the contents and in the methods of production and consumption, related to the concepts of supply and demand, two dimensions that must be always connected with the principles of growth, accessibility and sustainability. This research paper aims to deepen the life-cycle approach of a tourist destination, underlining the option that the tourism management could offer to relaunch an area, however considering the principle of supportable growing.

The aviation market is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, where the economic and health impact... more The aviation market is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, where the economic and health impacts are having consequences that were not even remotely imaginable. Air transport market, over the years, has been victim of several crises, that have provided interesting studies on possible response strategies, but the current situation is opening scenes for which it seems necessary to rethink the transport system in general. This research, based on the studies on competitiveness and innovation, would demonstrate that the transport system imagined and organized with a logic conveying flights to major hubs, could be outdated and unsuitable to support the recovery of the sector at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis will highlight the need to re-study the air transport system, in order to find in new innovative and compatible strategies, a valid instrument to overcome the economic crisis that nowadays, as never before, is affecting aviation.
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
This strategic planning has changed dramatically between the 1960's and 1970's. Having survived i... more This strategic planning has changed dramatically between the 1960's and 1970's. Having survived its original design flaws, it has evolved into a practical system of strategic management. Planning systems, in fact, have become more sophisticated in their selection of planning approach and techniques. The approach to the strategic plan should involve different methods and techniques, more complete and more sensitive to the critical uncertainty of many of the variables that planning must address. This change represents a recognition of the basis of a strategic plan that are able to determinate its success. Implementing this strategic approach, focused on method and technique, can play a variety of important and useful roles peripheral to the strategy development and implementation process.
Papers by Federico De Andreis