Papers by Faycal Messaoudi
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023

IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 1, 2023
Nowadays, e-commerce is becoming an essential part of business for many reasons, including the si... more Nowadays, e-commerce is becoming an essential part of business for many reasons, including the simplicity, availability, richness and diversity of products and services, flexibility of payment methods and the convenience of shopping remotely without losing time. These benefits have greatly optimized the lives of users, especially with the technological development of mobile devices and the availability of the Internet anytime and anywhere. Because of their direct impact on the revenue of e-commerce companies, recommender systems are considered a must in this field. Recommender systems detect items that match the customer's needs based on the customer's previous actions and make them appear in an interesting way. Such a customized experience helps to increase customer engagement and purchase rates as the suggested items are tailored to the customer's interests. Therefore, perfecting recommendation systems that allow for more personalized and accurate item recommendations is a major challenge in the e-marketing world. In our study, we succeeded in developing an algorithm to suggest personal recommendations to customers using association rules via the Frequent-Pattern-Growth algorithm. Our technique generated good results with a high average probability of purchasing the next product suggested by the recommendation system.
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
A new generation of advanced systems of learning has to integrate new educational approach giving... more A new generation of advanced systems of learning has to integrate new educational approach giving to the learner an active role to learn and build his knowledge and so allowing to integrate a vision more centered on the learner . The systems adaptive hypermedia in the field of distance education (e-learning) propose solutions of these problems. The objective of these systems is to adapt the presentation of the knowledge and to help the learner to navigate through the graph consisted by all the pages and the links. Index Terms—Modeling teaching, ontology, model of the domain, CEHL.
The present article is concerned with the design, modeling and implementation of an adaptive hype... more The present article is concerned with the design, modeling and implementation of an adaptive hypermedia dedicated to distance learning. The architecture of this system is essentially based on three models: the learner model representing all data about the user, the domain model representing the pedagogical content to be taught, and the adaptation model allowing the generation and adaptation of pedagogical contents to the actual needs of the learner. Experiments in a real context, in a pilot class of thirty-two students majoring in electrical engineering, enabled us to assess our system and interpret the behavior of the learners with this mode of learning.

Education and Information Technologies, May 30, 2018
In recent years, Online learning systems have met big challenges, especially due to rapid changes... more In recent years, Online learning systems have met big challenges, especially due to rapid changes in technology, the gigantic amounts of data to be stored and manipulated, the large number of learners and the diversity of educational resources. As a result, e-learning platforms must change their mechanisms for data processing and storage to be smarter. In this context, big data is the relevant paradigm for the distributed and parallel processing of large data sets through thousands of clusters. It also offers a rich set of tools in order to improve data collection, storage, analysis, processing, optimization, and visualization. This article introduces the big data concept, its characteristics, and focuses in particular on the integration of it in a computing environment for human learning dedicated to online learning systems, and how the new methods, technologies, and tools of big data can enhance the future of online learning. Moreover, it proposes an approach for smoothly adapting the traditional e-learning systems to be suitable for big data ecosystems in cloud computing. Furthermore, it provides a methodology and architecture to incorporate the e-learning storage and computing in a Hadoop software library. Finally, the benefits and advantages associated with implementing big data in future online learning systems are discussed.
Education and Information Technologies, 2020
Education and Information Technologies, 2020

IEEE Access, 2020
Outcome-based education (OBE) is a well-proven teaching strategy based upon a predefined set of e... more Outcome-based education (OBE) is a well-proven teaching strategy based upon a predefined set of expected outcomes. The components of OBE are Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), Program Outcomes (POs), and Course Outcomes (COs). These latter are assessed at the end of each course and several recommended actions can be proposed by faculty members' to enhance the quality of courses and therefore the overall educational program. Considering a large number of courses and the faculty members' devotion, bad actions could be recommended and therefore undesirable and inappropriate decisions may occur. In this paper, a recommender system, using different machine learning algorithms, is proposed for predicting suitable actions based on course specifications, academic records, and course learning outcomes' assessments. We formulated the problem as a multi-label multi-class binary classification problem and the dataset was translated into different problem transformation and adaptive methods such as one-vs.-all, binary relevance, label powerset, classifier chain, and ML-KNN adaptive classifier. As a case study, the proposed recommender system is applied to the college of Computer and Information Sciences, Jouf University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for helping academic staff improving the quality of teaching strategies. The obtained results showed that the proposed recommender system presents more recommended actions for improving students' learning experiences. INDEX TERMS Outcome-based education, educational data mining, recommender systems, students learning experiences, teaching strategies.

Revue Neurologique, 2015
26 patients colligé s aprè s consultation des dossiers au niveau du service de neurologie du CHU ... more 26 patients colligé s aprè s consultation des dossiers au niveau du service de neurologie du CHU d'ANNABA qui nous a permis de remplir des fiches techniques. Les donné es ont é té recueillies et analysé es selon une mé thode statistique qui nous a permis une meilleure approche é pidé miologique, sé miologique et thé rapeutique. La ré partition des patients a é té faite sur plusieurs caracté ristiques(l'â ge, le sexe et bilan). Re´sultats On note une pré dominance fé minine et les motifs de consultation sont les cé phalé es et vomissements. L'atteinte de l'acuité visuelle est rencontré e dans 42,30 % des cas et le champ visuel est alté ré dans 27,77 %. Tous nos patients avaient un oedè me papillaire. L'angio-IRM é tait normale chez tous les patients. La prise de contraceptifs oraux est retrouvé e chez 18,18 %. 22,22 % avaient une ané mie ; 16,66 % avaient une vascularite associé e ; un cas de dysthyroïdie et un cas de brucellose. L'acé tazolamide est donné à tous les patients. Discussion Dans notre sé rie, l'incidence de l'HIC est estimé e à 4 cas pour 200 personnes. La cé phalé e et l'oedè me papillaire sont les signes les plus fré quents. L'angio-IRM est systé matique et elle est toujours normale. Le LCR est de composition normale. 69,23 %de nos patients sont sé dentaires ce qui explique l'obé sité ; rô le dé terminant dans la survenue de l'HIC. Le traitement repose sur diamox et é pitomax associé toujours à un ré gime alimentaire. Conclusion Le diagnostic d'HIC idiopathique repose sur le fond d'oeil. La ré alisation d'une neuro-imagerie est urgente afin d'é liminer un processus expansif intracrâ nien. Son traitement est mé dical ; rarement chirurgical. Mots cle´s OEdè me papillaire ; Hypertension intracrâ nienne ; Acé tozolamide De´claration d'inte´reˆts Les auteurs n'ont pas transmis de dé claration de conflits d'inté rê ts.

several researches in psychology and science of education affirm the impact of learning style on ... more several researches in psychology and science of education affirm the impact of learning style on the learning process and encourage its taking into account in the teaching strategies in order to facilitate the task for learners and improve their results. This article deals with the relationship between the characteristics of the learner, the teaching materials and the context in which takes place the learning in order to allow a better adaptivity. The latter is ensured thanks to the most important element of our system, which is the generator of course, the latter allows you to offer a hypermedia virtual, therefore the pages and the links will be built dynamically, taking into account the learning style and the cognitive status of the learner. As well and after having completed a first filter on the fragments, in order to select those corresponding to the course, there will be applied a second filter to select the fragments corresponding to the learning style of the learner to retain only those in accordance with responsive to the level of knowledge required.

Building quality educational resources with new technologies requires offering learners and teach... more Building quality educational resources with new technologies requires offering learners and teachers a simple computing environment that would be adapted and would allow it to use its pedagogy in respondent contents of learner's needs, in terms of adaptability, portability monitoring and evaluation. In this article, the focal point is reminding the architecture of our Dynamic Adaptive Hypermedia (DAH) system, we shall focus on these different elements namely, the model domain, the student's model, teaching model, the courses' generator, and the multimedia database. Then, we will detail the steps of the proposed approach to the development of educational content through this (DAH) system, dedicated to both teachers and learners. The purpose is to come up with a mechanism that can adapt the course to the learner's profile, in a Computing Environment For Human Learning (CEHL). In this article, we are putting much importance on the various information stored in the models of our system, which would be useful to dynamically generate structured and comprehensive educational content according to cognitive status and the learner's style. The aim is to try hard and to look for pedagogical contents, dealing with concepts of a particular field of knowledge that is adapted to a particular learner. In other words, we want to develop a generic model of interactive multimedia
Papers by Faycal Messaoudi