To measure the associations of diet, psycological distress, and lifestyle factors with premenstru... more To measure the associations of diet, psycological distress, and lifestyle factors with premenstrual symptoms (PMSx) in women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Patients and Methods: An interview-based, cross-sectional study was conducted on 1831 women aged 18-50 years seen in primary healthcare centers and teaching institutes in Riyadh from December 2015 to June 2016. Question topics included sociodemographics, physical activity, smoking, and dietary habits information. PMSx were assessed using a symptom checklist with 6 domains: anxiety/ mood changes; abdominal/back/joint pain; increased appetite/weight gain, breast pain/tenderness, severe headache, and ≥3 PMS symptoms (any). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to provide adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for factors associated with each PMSx domain. Results: Except for breast pain, drinking >5 cups of Arabic coffee was associated with increased odds of anxiety/mood [aOR 2.44 (95% CI 1.44, 4.12)], pain [1.83 (1.13, 2.98)], appetite/weight gain [1.66 (1.10, 2.50)], headache [1.57 (1.00, 2.56)] and ≥3 symptoms [1.50 (1.07, 2.11)]. A significant association was noted between sugar intake and anxiety/mood symptoms [1.53 (1.07, 2.19)] and abdominal/back pain symptoms [1.84 (1.17, 2.88)]. Increased severity of psychological distress was associated with all symptom domains: anxiety/mood [2.75 (1.92, 3.94)]; pain [1.45 (0.92, 2.28)]; appetite/weight gain [2.01 (1.53, 2.65)]; breast pain [2.19 (1.68, 2.88)]; headache [1.86 (1.37, 2.54)] and ≥3 symptoms [3.52 (2.49, 4.95)]. Low physical activity was significantly associated with odds of breast pain symptoms [1.29 (1.04, 1.59)]. Smokers were 3.41 (1.19, 9.77) times as likely to report any ≥3 symptoms compared to nonsmokers. Conclusion: Several potentially modifiable factors, such as diet and stress, were positively associated with PMSx. Thus, we suggest that increasing women's awareness of healthy lifestyles, particularly diet and stress reduction, may help to reduce the occurrence of premenstrual symptoms.
This is a review of the changing pattern of chronic diseases among women in the Kingdom of Saudi ... more This is a review of the changing pattern of chronic diseases among women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Data from national surveys conducted in KSA, whose results were published between 1996 and 2011 were used. The results showed that over a period of ten years the prevalence of obesity increased in Saudi women from 23.6% to 44.0% and in men from 14.2% to 26.2%; self-reported physical inactivity worsened in both women (from 84.7% to 98.1%) and men (from 43.3% to 93.9%); prevalence of smoking in women increased (from 0.9% to 7.6%), while it declined in men (from 21.0% to 18.7%). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was significantly greater in women than men (42.0% versus 37.2%; p < 0.01). In conclusion, Saudi women are potentially at a greater risk than a decade ago to develop cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus, with a notable increase in obesity compared to men.
Introduction: Effective communication skills (CS) have positive outcome on patient-care. This com... more Introduction: Effective communication skills (CS) have positive outcome on patient-care. This component of undergraduate medical curriculum is quite a neglected one and by adopting proper teaching strategies these skills can be improved. Objective: To assess the students' perception of the existing CS course at the College of Medicine Taibah University Saudi Arabia, and to evaluate their suggestions on how they want it to be. Methods: During the academic year 2011-2012, a paper-based questionnaire containing eight close-ended and three open-ended questions was administered to the 3 rd year medical students, after they had finished the CS course. The participants were informed about the survey and a verbal consent was attained. The quantitative responses were gathered by Likerttype questions and collected data was analyzed by Excel Microsoft Office 2007, while qualitative data obtained from open-ended questions generated themes which were organized in a tabulated form for further review. Results: Out of 115 students (63 females and 52 males), 109 responded (response rate of 94.7%). Qualitative responses of the survey showed that there were vague learning objectives of CS course, students demanded to eliminate didactic lectures and to add more interactive lectures, suggested more practical experience, requested to integrate CS course into other major courses with valid and reliable assessment tools. Forty three (37.3%) respondents were not clear about course objectives, 40 (34.7%) commented on the disorganization of the course, 16 (13.9%) thought that they had made any progress. Only 15 (13.0%) strongly agreed that they were benefitted from the course and 43 (37.3%) agreed about the prompt responsiveness of the instructor. Conclusion: There is a need to address students concerns regarding adoption of proper teaching strategies, experiential learning, and assessment procedures during the CS course. Clear learning objectives, personalized feedback and practical student-centered teaching strategies replacing didactic lectures might lead to improvement in our medical graduates' quality.
To determine the relationship between sociodemographic, reproductive and lifestyle factors and th... more To determine the relationship between sociodemographic, reproductive and lifestyle factors and the severity of menopausal symptoms among Saudi women attending a university hospital in Riyadh city. A cross-sectional survey was carried out during 2010 in Riyadh city. Women aged &gt; 40 years attending or accompanying their relatives in outpatient clinics in King Khalid University Hospital were invited to participate in the study. The English version of the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) was used to assess the severity of menopausal symptoms after translation and validation on a sample of 30 women. A total of 490 women were included. Severe urogenital symptoms were more common among housewives compared to working women (odds ratio (OR) 2.27, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.12-4.68) and women living in apartments or small houses compared to women living in villas (OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.90-2.64). Nulliparous women had more severe somatic symptoms compared to those who had been pregnant (OR 2.83, 95% CI 1.10-7.69). Women who exercised regularly were less likely to experience severe somatic and urogenital symptoms (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.37-0.86; OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.44-0.98, respectively). Obese women experienced more severe psychosomatic symptoms compared to those of normal body mass index (OR 2.01, 95% CI 0.96-4.93). Women who are housewives, living in apartments, not exercising regularly and obese are more likely to suffer from severe symptoms of menopause.
... BABAY HA (1) ; BABAY FA (2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1... more ... BABAY HA (1) ; BABAY FA (2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1) Department of Pathology/Microbiology, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, ARABIE SAOUDITE (2) Departments of Obstetric &amp; Gynecology, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2015
The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) a... more The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and Osteoporosis self-assessment tool (OST) compared with Dual Energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and to identify the best cut-off value for determining low bone mineral density (BMD) among postmenopausal women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We conducted a community based cross-sectional study on 224 randomly selected post-menopausal women. Women visited primary heath care centers for answering self-administered questionnaireand screening for low BMD using QUS technique. OST was calculated based on age and weight. DXA scanwas performedforlumbar spine and femur neck at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. Mean age of participants was 58.05(±8.97) years. The prevalence of low BMD at lumbar spine and femur neck was 56% and 28% respectively. The best cut-off value for QUS and OST was ≤-1 and ≤2 respectively. QUS yielded sensitivity and specificity of 73% vs 47% for lumbar spine (area under curv...
Background: Understanding the learning styles of medical students can drive the institutions to a... more Background: Understanding the learning styles of medical students can drive the institutions to adapt instructional materials to enhance students ’ learning of knowledge and skills. This study explored the learning styles of undergraduate medical students, comparing gender variations in terms of their significant preferences. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in 2012-2013, incorporating 1st-5th year undergraduate medical students of Taibah University. The instrument used was a Learning Style Questionnaire, with four learning styles (activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist) and 40 items. Results: Of 450 students, 384 responded (response rate; 85%). No single learning style predominated; 96 (25%) reflectors, 78 (20%) theorists, 68 (17%) pragmatists, and 37 (9%) activists. Combined reflector and theorist was the predominant dual learning style in 27 (7%) students. Among genders, theorist style had a significant result (P = 0.071) indicating...
The need to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of a disease process, so that a sound basis ... more The need to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of a disease process, so that a sound basis for management and possible prevention can be arrived at, continues to spur scholars of reproductive physiology to pursue the study of pre-eclampsia. Despite interesting observations involving many physiological systems, most theories on causation of this disorder have either been dismissed or remain unproven. Agreement on universal management for the pre-eclampsia is still unresolved in different countries, further complicating discussion on this topic. This paper is a review of the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. We tried to numerate the possible causative factors leading to pre-eclampsia with some scientific review of the associated syndromes.
Background: Breast cancer, a critical health problem, is considered to be a progressive disease w... more Background: Breast cancer, a critical health problem, is considered to be a progressive disease with a poor prognosis if detected late. Public education about the disease plays a pivotal role in early detection and subsequent improvements in prognosis. The present study assesses the knowledge and awareness about various aspects of breast cancer among female university students. Methods: The knowledge of various aspects of breast cancer including incidence, early warning signs, risk factors, screening, early detection measures and sources of information was evaluated among female students in different faculties of Taibah University, Al Madina Al Munawara, Saudi Arabia, from December 1 to 31, 2008. A self-structured validated questionnaire that contained 23 itemized questions about breast cancer was randomly distributed to the participants. Respondents’ levels of knowledge were determined and transferred to electronic spreadsheets for further analysis. Results: Of 301 students, 247 (8...
OBJECTIVE To review the peripartum clinical course of patients whose pregnancies were complicated... more OBJECTIVE To review the peripartum clinical course of patients whose pregnancies were complicated by umbilical cord prolapse and to evaluate its impact on neonatal outcome. METHODS All cases of cord prolapse managed in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between 1990-2000 were identified. There were 111 patients identified among 55,789 deliveries. Each maternal and fetal chart was reviewed for parity, age, gestational age, fetal presentation, status of membranes, time from diagnosis to delivery, mode of delivery, baby weight, Apgar scores and cord blood hydrogen ion concentration (PH). The data collected was analyzed using Gold Stat Software Package, and statistical significance was established by using analysis of variance and Chi-square. RESULTS The incidence of cord prolapse was found to be one in 503 cases (1.99 per thousand deliveries) in our study. Seventy-two (64.9%) of the fetuses were in vertex presentation and 39 (35.1%) were non-vertex, includ...
Serological diagnosis of active Toxoplasma infection is unreliable because reactivation of latent... more Serological diagnosis of active Toxoplasma infection is unreliable because reactivation of latent, hidden infection is not always accompanied by changes in antibody levels, and the presence of IgM does not necessarily indicate recent infection. Data concerning the relation between the severity of infection and the parasitic load especially at human level is limited. A trial was done in this work to study the relationship between the virulence of the parasite in different clinical forms and parasitic genomic load, via SYBR® Green quantitative PCR amplification assay and primers targeting Toxoplasma B1 gene. Fluorescence signals were generated from 91 samples, which were as follow; 7 cases with congenital manifestations, 19 cases with neurological disorders, and 65 asymptomatic cases. The seven congenitally infected cases showed significantly higher parasite load (5.15x 10 8 to 9x 10 10 ). Other clinical forms showed genomic concentration ranged from 1.7x 10 4 to 4.1x 10 8 . Equal cop...
OBJECTIVE To measure the rate of wound infection after cesarean section and assess risk factors f... more OBJECTIVE To measure the rate of wound infection after cesarean section and assess risk factors for such infection. METHODS A prospective surveillance was conducted at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during the period January 2000 through to December 2000. This included a total of 754 cesarean sections. The following risk factors, which were studied included, age, parity, gravida, gestational age, antenatal care, type of cesarean section emergency or elective, previous history of cesarean section, duration of operation, rank of surgeon, use of antibiotics, wound infection, complications and length of stay in the hospital. Post discharge surveillance was carried out 5-10 days later to check for wound infection. RESULTS The overall wound infection rate was 4.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3-6%). In the multivariate analysis, the independent risks factors for wound infection were age of the mother less than 20 years (Odds ratio (OR) = 12.13: 95% CI ...
In the present study, three vaginal swabs were collected from 1469 females clinically suspected o... more In the present study, three vaginal swabs were collected from 1469 females clinically suspected of having Trichomonas vaginalis (T. v) infection. All samples were screened by both wet mount and Diamond's culture media that was considered as the golden standard in this study. T. vaginalis gene detection by nested PCR using 4 primers targeting the Tv-E650 gene was performed on the preserved vaginal uncultivated samples corresponding to the culture positive vaginal specimens plus 30 randomly selected samples equaled to those obtained negative culture results. The prevalence of T. vaginalis infection among our patients was calculated according to the results of the golden standard culture method to be 1.43% (21 out of 1469). Wet preparation was positive for only 13 samples and missed 8 samples. PCR diagnosed 20 samples and missed one specimen that became positive after 4 days of cultivation. In this study, PCR for trichomonads does not appear to offer a diagnostic advantage and its ...
OBJECTIVES Due to the lack of pregnant based oral health studies in our country, we conducted thi... more OBJECTIVES Due to the lack of pregnant based oral health studies in our country, we conducted this study to evaluate periodontal status among females with gestational diabetes in Ohud Hospital, Al Madinah Al-Munwarrah and to assess its effect on insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. METHODS This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from January 2008 till June 2008. The sample includes 250 Saudi females, 100 were pregnant with gestational diabetes (GDM), and 100 were pregnant without GDM and 50 were normal non pregnant females. The study cases were matched age and body mass index. All the participants were subjected to history taking, physical examination and assessment of their periodontal status. Laboratory tests include fasting blood sugar, insulin levels, Homeostasis Model Assessment Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) test and serum lipids. Serum levels of inflammatory markers (CRP, ESR, IL-1β, and TNF-α) also measured. The periodontal health status was assessed using th...
Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ṣiḥḥīyah li-sharq al-mutawassiṭ, 2011
This study evaluated antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women attending primary health ca... more This study evaluated antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women attending primary health care centres in Medina city, Saudi Arabia in 2009. A cross-sectional survey collected data on ANC tasks performed at visits by 394 pregnant women attending 7 clinics. ANC was assessed in 3 domains: clinical assessment (at the initial visit and return visit), health promotion and care provision. The mean duration of initial visits was 10.3 (SD 2.3) minutes and of return visits was 9.1 (SD 1.1) minutes. Overall performance on ANC tasks was fair. The significant predictors of ANC performance of tasks were: size of population served per centre; presence of more than 1 physician carrying out ANC at the centre; physician's age, mother tongue, nationality and qualifications; and woman's education and employment status. Having more physicians available for ANC in primary care centres could improve the standard of care.
To measure the associations of diet, psycological distress, and lifestyle factors with premenstru... more To measure the associations of diet, psycological distress, and lifestyle factors with premenstrual symptoms (PMSx) in women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Patients and Methods: An interview-based, cross-sectional study was conducted on 1831 women aged 18-50 years seen in primary healthcare centers and teaching institutes in Riyadh from December 2015 to June 2016. Question topics included sociodemographics, physical activity, smoking, and dietary habits information. PMSx were assessed using a symptom checklist with 6 domains: anxiety/ mood changes; abdominal/back/joint pain; increased appetite/weight gain, breast pain/tenderness, severe headache, and ≥3 PMS symptoms (any). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to provide adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for factors associated with each PMSx domain. Results: Except for breast pain, drinking >5 cups of Arabic coffee was associated with increased odds of anxiety/mood [aOR 2.44 (95% CI 1.44, 4.12)], pain [1.83 (1.13, 2.98)], appetite/weight gain [1.66 (1.10, 2.50)], headache [1.57 (1.00, 2.56)] and ≥3 symptoms [1.50 (1.07, 2.11)]. A significant association was noted between sugar intake and anxiety/mood symptoms [1.53 (1.07, 2.19)] and abdominal/back pain symptoms [1.84 (1.17, 2.88)]. Increased severity of psychological distress was associated with all symptom domains: anxiety/mood [2.75 (1.92, 3.94)]; pain [1.45 (0.92, 2.28)]; appetite/weight gain [2.01 (1.53, 2.65)]; breast pain [2.19 (1.68, 2.88)]; headache [1.86 (1.37, 2.54)] and ≥3 symptoms [3.52 (2.49, 4.95)]. Low physical activity was significantly associated with odds of breast pain symptoms [1.29 (1.04, 1.59)]. Smokers were 3.41 (1.19, 9.77) times as likely to report any ≥3 symptoms compared to nonsmokers. Conclusion: Several potentially modifiable factors, such as diet and stress, were positively associated with PMSx. Thus, we suggest that increasing women's awareness of healthy lifestyles, particularly diet and stress reduction, may help to reduce the occurrence of premenstrual symptoms.
This is a review of the changing pattern of chronic diseases among women in the Kingdom of Saudi ... more This is a review of the changing pattern of chronic diseases among women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Data from national surveys conducted in KSA, whose results were published between 1996 and 2011 were used. The results showed that over a period of ten years the prevalence of obesity increased in Saudi women from 23.6% to 44.0% and in men from 14.2% to 26.2%; self-reported physical inactivity worsened in both women (from 84.7% to 98.1%) and men (from 43.3% to 93.9%); prevalence of smoking in women increased (from 0.9% to 7.6%), while it declined in men (from 21.0% to 18.7%). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was significantly greater in women than men (42.0% versus 37.2%; p < 0.01). In conclusion, Saudi women are potentially at a greater risk than a decade ago to develop cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus, with a notable increase in obesity compared to men.
Introduction: Effective communication skills (CS) have positive outcome on patient-care. This com... more Introduction: Effective communication skills (CS) have positive outcome on patient-care. This component of undergraduate medical curriculum is quite a neglected one and by adopting proper teaching strategies these skills can be improved. Objective: To assess the students' perception of the existing CS course at the College of Medicine Taibah University Saudi Arabia, and to evaluate their suggestions on how they want it to be. Methods: During the academic year 2011-2012, a paper-based questionnaire containing eight close-ended and three open-ended questions was administered to the 3 rd year medical students, after they had finished the CS course. The participants were informed about the survey and a verbal consent was attained. The quantitative responses were gathered by Likerttype questions and collected data was analyzed by Excel Microsoft Office 2007, while qualitative data obtained from open-ended questions generated themes which were organized in a tabulated form for further review. Results: Out of 115 students (63 females and 52 males), 109 responded (response rate of 94.7%). Qualitative responses of the survey showed that there were vague learning objectives of CS course, students demanded to eliminate didactic lectures and to add more interactive lectures, suggested more practical experience, requested to integrate CS course into other major courses with valid and reliable assessment tools. Forty three (37.3%) respondents were not clear about course objectives, 40 (34.7%) commented on the disorganization of the course, 16 (13.9%) thought that they had made any progress. Only 15 (13.0%) strongly agreed that they were benefitted from the course and 43 (37.3%) agreed about the prompt responsiveness of the instructor. Conclusion: There is a need to address students concerns regarding adoption of proper teaching strategies, experiential learning, and assessment procedures during the CS course. Clear learning objectives, personalized feedback and practical student-centered teaching strategies replacing didactic lectures might lead to improvement in our medical graduates' quality.
To determine the relationship between sociodemographic, reproductive and lifestyle factors and th... more To determine the relationship between sociodemographic, reproductive and lifestyle factors and the severity of menopausal symptoms among Saudi women attending a university hospital in Riyadh city. A cross-sectional survey was carried out during 2010 in Riyadh city. Women aged &gt; 40 years attending or accompanying their relatives in outpatient clinics in King Khalid University Hospital were invited to participate in the study. The English version of the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) was used to assess the severity of menopausal symptoms after translation and validation on a sample of 30 women. A total of 490 women were included. Severe urogenital symptoms were more common among housewives compared to working women (odds ratio (OR) 2.27, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.12-4.68) and women living in apartments or small houses compared to women living in villas (OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.90-2.64). Nulliparous women had more severe somatic symptoms compared to those who had been pregnant (OR 2.83, 95% CI 1.10-7.69). Women who exercised regularly were less likely to experience severe somatic and urogenital symptoms (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.37-0.86; OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.44-0.98, respectively). Obese women experienced more severe psychosomatic symptoms compared to those of normal body mass index (OR 2.01, 95% CI 0.96-4.93). Women who are housewives, living in apartments, not exercising regularly and obese are more likely to suffer from severe symptoms of menopause.
... BABAY HA (1) ; BABAY FA (2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1... more ... BABAY HA (1) ; BABAY FA (2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1) Department of Pathology/Microbiology, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, ARABIE SAOUDITE (2) Departments of Obstetric &amp; Gynecology, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2015
The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) a... more The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and Osteoporosis self-assessment tool (OST) compared with Dual Energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and to identify the best cut-off value for determining low bone mineral density (BMD) among postmenopausal women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We conducted a community based cross-sectional study on 224 randomly selected post-menopausal women. Women visited primary heath care centers for answering self-administered questionnaireand screening for low BMD using QUS technique. OST was calculated based on age and weight. DXA scanwas performedforlumbar spine and femur neck at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. Mean age of participants was 58.05(±8.97) years. The prevalence of low BMD at lumbar spine and femur neck was 56% and 28% respectively. The best cut-off value for QUS and OST was ≤-1 and ≤2 respectively. QUS yielded sensitivity and specificity of 73% vs 47% for lumbar spine (area under curv...
Background: Understanding the learning styles of medical students can drive the institutions to a... more Background: Understanding the learning styles of medical students can drive the institutions to adapt instructional materials to enhance students ’ learning of knowledge and skills. This study explored the learning styles of undergraduate medical students, comparing gender variations in terms of their significant preferences. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in 2012-2013, incorporating 1st-5th year undergraduate medical students of Taibah University. The instrument used was a Learning Style Questionnaire, with four learning styles (activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist) and 40 items. Results: Of 450 students, 384 responded (response rate; 85%). No single learning style predominated; 96 (25%) reflectors, 78 (20%) theorists, 68 (17%) pragmatists, and 37 (9%) activists. Combined reflector and theorist was the predominant dual learning style in 27 (7%) students. Among genders, theorist style had a significant result (P = 0.071) indicating...
The need to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of a disease process, so that a sound basis ... more The need to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of a disease process, so that a sound basis for management and possible prevention can be arrived at, continues to spur scholars of reproductive physiology to pursue the study of pre-eclampsia. Despite interesting observations involving many physiological systems, most theories on causation of this disorder have either been dismissed or remain unproven. Agreement on universal management for the pre-eclampsia is still unresolved in different countries, further complicating discussion on this topic. This paper is a review of the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. We tried to numerate the possible causative factors leading to pre-eclampsia with some scientific review of the associated syndromes.
Background: Breast cancer, a critical health problem, is considered to be a progressive disease w... more Background: Breast cancer, a critical health problem, is considered to be a progressive disease with a poor prognosis if detected late. Public education about the disease plays a pivotal role in early detection and subsequent improvements in prognosis. The present study assesses the knowledge and awareness about various aspects of breast cancer among female university students. Methods: The knowledge of various aspects of breast cancer including incidence, early warning signs, risk factors, screening, early detection measures and sources of information was evaluated among female students in different faculties of Taibah University, Al Madina Al Munawara, Saudi Arabia, from December 1 to 31, 2008. A self-structured validated questionnaire that contained 23 itemized questions about breast cancer was randomly distributed to the participants. Respondents’ levels of knowledge were determined and transferred to electronic spreadsheets for further analysis. Results: Of 301 students, 247 (8...
OBJECTIVE To review the peripartum clinical course of patients whose pregnancies were complicated... more OBJECTIVE To review the peripartum clinical course of patients whose pregnancies were complicated by umbilical cord prolapse and to evaluate its impact on neonatal outcome. METHODS All cases of cord prolapse managed in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between 1990-2000 were identified. There were 111 patients identified among 55,789 deliveries. Each maternal and fetal chart was reviewed for parity, age, gestational age, fetal presentation, status of membranes, time from diagnosis to delivery, mode of delivery, baby weight, Apgar scores and cord blood hydrogen ion concentration (PH). The data collected was analyzed using Gold Stat Software Package, and statistical significance was established by using analysis of variance and Chi-square. RESULTS The incidence of cord prolapse was found to be one in 503 cases (1.99 per thousand deliveries) in our study. Seventy-two (64.9%) of the fetuses were in vertex presentation and 39 (35.1%) were non-vertex, includ...
Serological diagnosis of active Toxoplasma infection is unreliable because reactivation of latent... more Serological diagnosis of active Toxoplasma infection is unreliable because reactivation of latent, hidden infection is not always accompanied by changes in antibody levels, and the presence of IgM does not necessarily indicate recent infection. Data concerning the relation between the severity of infection and the parasitic load especially at human level is limited. A trial was done in this work to study the relationship between the virulence of the parasite in different clinical forms and parasitic genomic load, via SYBR® Green quantitative PCR amplification assay and primers targeting Toxoplasma B1 gene. Fluorescence signals were generated from 91 samples, which were as follow; 7 cases with congenital manifestations, 19 cases with neurological disorders, and 65 asymptomatic cases. The seven congenitally infected cases showed significantly higher parasite load (5.15x 10 8 to 9x 10 10 ). Other clinical forms showed genomic concentration ranged from 1.7x 10 4 to 4.1x 10 8 . Equal cop...
OBJECTIVE To measure the rate of wound infection after cesarean section and assess risk factors f... more OBJECTIVE To measure the rate of wound infection after cesarean section and assess risk factors for such infection. METHODS A prospective surveillance was conducted at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during the period January 2000 through to December 2000. This included a total of 754 cesarean sections. The following risk factors, which were studied included, age, parity, gravida, gestational age, antenatal care, type of cesarean section emergency or elective, previous history of cesarean section, duration of operation, rank of surgeon, use of antibiotics, wound infection, complications and length of stay in the hospital. Post discharge surveillance was carried out 5-10 days later to check for wound infection. RESULTS The overall wound infection rate was 4.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3-6%). In the multivariate analysis, the independent risks factors for wound infection were age of the mother less than 20 years (Odds ratio (OR) = 12.13: 95% CI ...
In the present study, three vaginal swabs were collected from 1469 females clinically suspected o... more In the present study, three vaginal swabs were collected from 1469 females clinically suspected of having Trichomonas vaginalis (T. v) infection. All samples were screened by both wet mount and Diamond's culture media that was considered as the golden standard in this study. T. vaginalis gene detection by nested PCR using 4 primers targeting the Tv-E650 gene was performed on the preserved vaginal uncultivated samples corresponding to the culture positive vaginal specimens plus 30 randomly selected samples equaled to those obtained negative culture results. The prevalence of T. vaginalis infection among our patients was calculated according to the results of the golden standard culture method to be 1.43% (21 out of 1469). Wet preparation was positive for only 13 samples and missed 8 samples. PCR diagnosed 20 samples and missed one specimen that became positive after 4 days of cultivation. In this study, PCR for trichomonads does not appear to offer a diagnostic advantage and its ...
OBJECTIVES Due to the lack of pregnant based oral health studies in our country, we conducted thi... more OBJECTIVES Due to the lack of pregnant based oral health studies in our country, we conducted this study to evaluate periodontal status among females with gestational diabetes in Ohud Hospital, Al Madinah Al-Munwarrah and to assess its effect on insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. METHODS This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from January 2008 till June 2008. The sample includes 250 Saudi females, 100 were pregnant with gestational diabetes (GDM), and 100 were pregnant without GDM and 50 were normal non pregnant females. The study cases were matched age and body mass index. All the participants were subjected to history taking, physical examination and assessment of their periodontal status. Laboratory tests include fasting blood sugar, insulin levels, Homeostasis Model Assessment Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) test and serum lipids. Serum levels of inflammatory markers (CRP, ESR, IL-1β, and TNF-α) also measured. The periodontal health status was assessed using th...
Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ṣiḥḥīyah li-sharq al-mutawassiṭ, 2011
This study evaluated antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women attending primary health ca... more This study evaluated antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women attending primary health care centres in Medina city, Saudi Arabia in 2009. A cross-sectional survey collected data on ANC tasks performed at visits by 394 pregnant women attending 7 clinics. ANC was assessed in 3 domains: clinical assessment (at the initial visit and return visit), health promotion and care provision. The mean duration of initial visits was 10.3 (SD 2.3) minutes and of return visits was 9.1 (SD 1.1) minutes. Overall performance on ANC tasks was fair. The significant predictors of ANC performance of tasks were: size of population served per centre; presence of more than 1 physician carrying out ANC at the centre; physician's age, mother tongue, nationality and qualifications; and woman's education and employment status. Having more physicians available for ANC in primary care centres could improve the standard of care.
Papers by Fawzia Habib