Thesis Chapters by Fatimah Azzahro

Binus University, 2021
Industri men’s grooming di Indonesia meraup US$ 7,095 juta pada 2020 dan diprediksi akan terus tu... more Industri men’s grooming di Indonesia meraup US$ 7,095 juta pada 2020 dan diprediksi akan terus tumbuh seiring meningkatnya kebutuhan laki-laki dalam menjaga penampilan. Merek men’s grooming menyambut baik tren ini dengan memaksimalkan aktivitas pemasaran, termasuk melalui kanal media sosial. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh social media marketing activities merek men’s grooming dalam kaitannya terhadap brand equity dan consumer response. Survei dilakukan pada 560 pengguna produk dan pengikut akun media sosial merek men’s grooming di Jabodetabek. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan Structure Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa social media marketing activities merek men’s grooming berpengaruh signifikan terhadap brand awareness dan brand image. Selain itu, hasil menunjukkan bahwa brand awareness secara signifikan mempengaruhi commitment dan brand image secara signifikan mempengaruhi e-WOM dan commitment. (FA, DS, RRA)
Papers by Fatimah Azzahro

CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal
To date, the number of e-commerce applications in Indonesia keeps increasing. However, the adopti... more To date, the number of e-commerce applications in Indonesia keeps increasing. However, the adoption rate amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is still around 13%. Thus, the research aims to analyze the factors that affect small and medium enterprises’ resistance to adopting online marketplaces in Indonesia by applying the technological-organizationalenvironmental framework, the diffusion of innovations theory, and the innovation resistance model. The respondents are 356 owners of SMEs in Indonesia who have sold their products online through social media or marketplace. The research applies a quantitative approach using an online questionnaire and interview. Then, the covariance-based structural equation modeling method is applied to analyze the data. In addition, the research interviews five SME representatives to gain further understanding and information for the rejected hypothesis. The results show that perceived complexity, owners’ self-efficacy, and enabling conditions a...
Thesis Chapters by Fatimah Azzahro
Papers by Fatimah Azzahro