Conference Presentations by Fatih Hodzic
If we are to believe writings in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, about the existence of th... more If we are to believe writings in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, about the existence of the legendary city of Atlantis, about a vast plain and a kingdom larger than Libya and Egypt, the theory of Atlantis in the Adriatic Sea is very likely. In the not-so-distant past, most of today's Adriatic Sea was land, a vast Adriatic plain. At that time, the sea reached to the north, to the transverse Palagruža threshold, and it is to be expected that the sunken city would be located not far from the Palagruža archipelago, about 20-25 kilometres east of the island of Palagruža.

Based on studies of activities in the diencephalon, the reticular, hippocampal formation and the ... more Based on studies of activities in the diencephalon, the reticular, hippocampal formation and the workspace of the thalamus, it is important to accentuate the role of the latter as a pacemaker in creating thalamic activity and activation waves. The appearance of waves, synchronous oscillations and rhythmic activities in reticular-thalamic and limbic system lead to the majority of cortical activations. In addition, the role of myelin and myelin proteins in a cognitive model of conscious processes is perceived in a completely different light. Myelin is essential for normal functioning of the nerve fibers and crucial for activities and activations in the central nervous system-CNS. Understanding the thalamic-limbic activity and the thalamic dopaminergic system, the role of myelin and the relatively high content of myelin in the thalamic activation and processing system (in the thalamus, the hippocampus and basal ganglia) as the correlates of consciousness, is certainly a beginning for understanding the principles of consciousness.
Izhajajoč iz študij o aktivnostih v diencefalonu,
v retikularni formaciji, formaciji hipokampusa ... more Izhajajoč iz študij o aktivnostih v diencefalonu,
v retikularni formaciji, formaciji hipokampusa ter delovnem
prostoru talamusa, je pomembno izpostaviti vlogo slednjega
kot pacemaker-ja pri ustvarjanju talamičnih aktivnosti[1] in
aktivacijskega valovanja[5]. Pojav valovanj, sinhronih
oscilacij in ritmičnih aktivnosti v retikularno-talamičnem
sistemu, povzroča večino kortikalnih aktivacij[16]. Poleg
tega pa se v povsem drugačni luči dojema vloga mielina in
mielinskih proteinov v kognitivnem modelu zavestnih
Papers by Fatih Hodzic
According to the perseverance theory of energy, physical empty space (vacuum) is a field of low p... more According to the perseverance theory of energy, physical empty space (vacuum) is a field of low probability density of energy, and quantum gravity is perseverance of energy of low probability density in the field of a quantum particle, graviton. Energy quanta (dark energy) and quantum particles (dark matter, galactic matter) are forms of energy of high probable energy. For energy, emanation in singularity, it is true that it is of immeasurably huge density. The perseverance of energy of different probable densities is a permanent effort, an aspiration towards an immensely huge density, to the state of energy that preceded the Big Bang.
The perseverance theory of energy talks about the fundamental properties of energy, about quantum... more The perseverance theory of energy talks about the fundamental properties of energy, about quantum particles, quantum gravity and gravitation and the circumstances that in Planck's time of the Big Bang influenced the creation of the universe. The perseverance of energy towards states of immense probability density (singularity), and consequently to states of high probability density (quantum particles) is a permanent and constant aspiration and fundamental property of energy in the universe. The way in which energy of low probability density in the field-space of a quantum particle (high-conductivity field) exhibits perseverance is quantum gravity.
Perseverance theory explains the fundamental properties of energy in the universe and finally, it manages to describe and define quantum gravity.

Perseverance as a property of energy and low probable density of energy are discussed within a th... more Perseverance as a property of energy and low probable density of energy are discussed within a theoretical context as a principle of quantum gravity. The theory is based on the thesis that the Big Bang was the result of a disturbance within the initial singularitya state of energy of immeasurable density which led to the appearance of energies of different probable densities. Perseverance is a fundamental property of energy that strives for immeasurable density. Quantification was an apodictic trace of perseverance events that triggered the appearance of "condensed" dark energy, quanta of matter in aether (dark matter) and finally quantum particles with a quantum gravity field (matter). Quantum gravity is the element that assigns the characteristics of the gravitational field to low probable density of energy (among quantum particles), is an attribute of field-space energy that shows how energy maintains continuity (indivisibility) and exhibits perseverance as a kinetic effect. Differences in probable density between quantum particle energies and field energies allow for the quantum-mechanical properties of particles (internal rotational quantities, motions, contractions) and vortices of energy in the field-space, quantum fluctuations, interactions. Quantum particles (gravitons) are the elementality of sub-atomic particles, and at the same time they are synonymous with their mass. The quantum entanglement of gravitons in the spheres of sub-atomic particles are formed by gauge fields and the phenomenon of gravito-electromagnetism. The quantum of the gravitoelectromagnetic field in the quantum entanglement of (two) gravitons is a photon.

Based on studies of activities in the diencephalon, the reticular, hippocampal formation and the ... more Based on studies of activities in the diencephalon, the reticular, hippocampal formation and the workspace of the thalamus, it is important to accentuate the role of the latter as a pacemaker in creating thalamic activity and ac tivation waves. The appearance of waves, synchronous oscilla tions and rhythmic activities in reticular-thalamic and l imbic system lead to the majority of cortical activations . In addition, the role of myelin and myelin proteins in a cognitive model of conscious processes is perceived n a completely different light. Myelin is essential for normal functioning of the nerve fibers and crucial for act ivities and activations in the central nervous system CNS. Understanding the thalamic-limbic activity and the alamic dopaminergic system, the role of myelin and the rel atively high content of myelin in the thalamic activation a d processing system (in the thalamus, the hippocampus and basal ganglia) as the correlates of consciousness, is certainly a beginning fo...
Several recent theories and research point to the very probable existence of a ninth planet (Plan... more Several recent theories and research point to the very probable existence of a ninth planet (Planet Nine) in our Solar System (1,10). The 9th planet is thought to be a super-planet, 10 or more times bigger than Earth. It's orbital period is about 15,000 to 18,000 years (2). Compared to other planets in the Solar System, the orbit of the Planet Nine is very unusual ... During periods when planet Nine approaches and finds itself within the orbits of the planets of the solar system, disturbances in the orbitals and the effects of gravitational force to the planets are expected. On Earth, this is reflected in numerous volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, asteroid falls, tsunamis and floods ... It can be argued that it was gravitational disturbances and exceptional conditions on Earth that allowed megalithic construction at a time when planet Nine was present within the solar system.

Abeceda zgodovine je kratka deskripcija zagonetnih, premalo pojasnjenih, zgodovinskih virov in do... more Abeceda zgodovine je kratka deskripcija zagonetnih, premalo pojasnjenih, zgodovinskih virov in dogodkov iz preteklosti, povzetih po knjigi Nepoznano doba megalitov. Vse od pojave pokončnega človeka, pa do arhaičnega Homo sapiensa in tudi evolucijsko dovršenega, sodobnega Homo sapiensa, je razvoj homininov imel eno kontinuiteto in evolucijsko sled skozi več različnih skupin in vrst ljudi, na različnih geografskih prostorih in v različno dolgih časovnih obdobjih. Številne, medsebojno ločene, oaze očlovečenja so bile in ostale mesta nastanka in razvoja arhaičnih ljudi multiregionalnega porekla. Na črko A je tudi teorija o Atlantidi v Jadranskem morju, v morju ki je večjim delom, v preteklosti, bilo kopno. Monumentalni kamniti bloki, imenovani stečki, razpršeni po celotnem Zahodnem Balkanu in opisani kot srednjeveški nagrobniki, so v bistvu dediščina ene, še starejše, prazgodovinske kulture in so kot taki, nedvomno posebnost in artefakti obeh kultur. Anomalije v sončnem sistemu, ponavljajoči se nenavadni dogodki in izjemne prilike na Zemlji so omogočile megalitsko gradnjo in naredile človeka graditeljem megalitskih struktur.

Abeceda povijesti je kratka deskripcija zagonetnih, nedovoljno pojašnjenih, povijesnih izvora i p... more Abeceda povijesti je kratka deskripcija zagonetnih, nedovoljno pojašnjenih, povijesnih izvora i prilika, sažetih iz knjige Nepoznato doba megalita. Sve od pojave uspravnog čovjeka, do arhaičnog Homo sapiensa pa tako i evolucijsko dovršenog, modernog Homo sapiensa, razvoj hominina je imao jedan kontinuitet i evolucijsku slijed kroz više različitih skupina i vrsta ljudi, na različitim geografskim prostorima i u različito dugim vremenskim intervalima. Brojne oaze očovječenja bile su i ostale mjesta pojave i razvoja arhaičnih ljudi multiregionalnog podrijetla. Na slovo A je i teorija o Atlantidi u Jadranskom moru, u moru koje je svojim većim dijelom, u ne tako dalekoj prošlosti, bilo kopno. Monumentalni kameni blokovi, poznati kao stećci, rasuti po prostorima zapadnog Balkana i opredijeljeni kao srednjovjekovni nadgrobni spomenici, u suštini su baština jedne još starije, prapovijesne kulture i kao takvi, nedvosmisleno su artefakti dviju kultura. Anomalije u Sunčevom sustavu, ponavljajući se događaji i iznimne prilike na Zemlji omogućile su megalitsku gradnju i učinile čovjeka graditeljem megalitskih struktura.

Scientists have been exploring several possible locations for Atlantis, which is, according to Pl... more Scientists have been exploring several possible locations for Atlantis, which is, according to Plato, »the island beyond the pillars of Hercules«: Malta, Cuba, the Bahamas, Santorini etc. At he moment, they arestudying the theory regarding the original location of the Pillars of Hercules which allows for the possibility that Atlantis was located in today's South Adriatic Basin. Atlantis was an ancient kingdom, a state with a perfect social system, the cradle of civilization, an island »beyond the pillars of Hercules«. This is what Plato, a classical Greek philosopher, wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues »Timaeus« and »Critias« in about 350 BC. Critias, who was a Greek politician and writer, relates in his papers on the state, law and justice that in 571 BC Athenian statesman Solon visited Egypt and met with priests in the town of Sais where he was told a story about »an island named Atlantis, the heart of a great and wonderful kingdom«. Plato wrote that »there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank in the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea«. There are numerous ancient accounts of the catastrophe of such extent. Even though they are dominated by mythical themes, the narrations contain convincing descriptions of the sinking which can be analyzed and confirmed scientifically. Up until 250 BC Greek writers placed the Pillars of Hercules near Sicily. After subsequent discoveries of new territories the mythological sites moved away and were placed on the fringes of the then known world. Ancient Greek mathematician and geographer Eratosthenes »transferred« the Pillars of Hercules to Gibraltar while nowadays the scientists are exploring the possible locations of the sunken island on Malta, Santorini and 'beyond' in the Atlantic Ocean: on Cuba, the Bahamas, Iberia etc. Eratosthene's world (reconstruction)

My hypothesis says that the presence of Planet Nine weakened Earth’s gravity and humans on Earth ... more My hypothesis says that the presence of Planet Nine weakened Earth’s gravity and humans on Earth were significantly impacted: due to a weaker gravity (weight) they were able to create the monumental megalithic structures. Hypothetically, given the duration of Planet Nine’s orbit, the time of the cataclysm and the period of megalithic construction (Neolithic and Bronze Age), Planet Nine is currently somewhere near Oort Cloud, on the edge of heliosphere. It is my expectation that when Planet Nine or a similar celestial body approaches Earth again in the future and weakens its gravity, humans shall again be enabled to construct new-age megalithic structures.
As Planet Nine travels along its orbit and approaches other celestial bodies, it is not unreasonable to expect that this should cause chaos such that some celestial bodies (bodies in the Kuiper comet belt or in the Oort cloud) should change their course. This means that some of them will very likely (or certainly) fall, again hit the Earth. Just like a little less than 11,000 years ago, at the time of the last great cataclysm on Earth.

Mediteranski prostor i posebno područja Balkana su bogate arheološke riznice brojnih kulturnih na... more Mediteranski prostor i posebno područja Balkana su bogate arheološke riznice brojnih kulturnih nasljeđa. Neke od njih pripisuju se razdoblju neolitika i mediteranskoj (impresso-keramičkoj), lengyelskoj, vinčanskoj, tripoljskoj kulturi. Ostaci drevnih gradova (Amantia, Butrint, Meteon, Daorson, Asseria...) pripisuju se razdoblju željeznog doba, Ilirima i helenističkoj kulturi. Brojni ostaci, što se doimaju kao da su nekom silom (kataklizmom) bili nošeni i odbačeni daleko unaokolo po prostorima južne, jugoistočne i srednje Europe, dokazi su o postojanju jedne, danas u mnogočemu, nesagledive i još neshvatljive kulture. Brončani nebeski disk iz Nebre, kip Venere iz Willendorfa, star više od 20.000 godina, kip slovenske ''Prve dame'' iz Murske Sobote, odnosno glinene pločice sa klinopisom, pa kip muškarca, pronađenog nedavno u naselju Kopilo kod Zenice… su samo neki primjeri »odbačenih« artefakata. Zašto baš »odbačenih« artefakata? Ostaci se nalaze i pronalaze na više-manje neuobičajenim mjestima, nerijetko, na mjestima gdje nema tragova bilo kakvih naseobina ili boravišta ljudi. Kada se i pronalaze na lokalitetima sa ostacima određenih kultura, njihova utvrđena starost datira iz nekih drugih, još starijih i neodređenijih vremena. Skupini »odbačenih« i doista zagonetnih primjeraka pripadaju i jedinstveni monumentalni kameni blokovi koji se gusto rasprostiru na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine, u južnim djelovima Hrvatske, zapadnoj Crnoj Gori i jugozapadnoj Srbiji. Ovi monumenti znani još i kao biljezi, kamovi, »kameni spavači« su od riječi stojećak, što znači nešto veliko, postojano, dobili naziv stećak.

After Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons disappeared from Europe only people of the Homo sapiens type r... more After Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons disappeared from Europe only people of the Homo sapiens type remained. One of them was Evenor, the father of the beautiful mortal Cleito which, according to old traditions, Poseidon himself made his wife. Adriatic plain In the not so distant past, the majority of today's Adriatic Sea was dry land. 11,000 years ago, the middle and northern part of today's shallow sea was a vast plain, the so-called Adriatic shore. The area was over 550 kilometers long and 350 kilometers wide. Shaped corresponding to a rectangle whose two opposite sides (edges) consisted of mountain ranges, it bordered with the Apennines in the west and Dinarides in the east, and the other two, the mountain system in the north of the Alps and the Adriatic coast in the south, near the deep South Adriatic basin. The coast was stretched between the Palagruza threshold of the Gargano peninsula on the Apennine Peninsula, across the Tremiti Islands to the island of Pianos, including the island of Palagruza, Lastovo and Mljet to the eastern Dalmatian mainland. The Palagruza threshold is now in the sea, separating the shallow northern Adriatic shore with Jabučki sea valley and the southern part, with deep southern Adriatic cove. This former body of water which was a bay of the Mediterranean in the south Adriatic syncline deep valleys, was on the surface two-thirds less than the present. Yet it is a "real" sea at the Strait of Otranto. Given the numerous remains of bones and tools in the areas of the Adriatic basin, upright people since the time of the Heidelberg man, have stayed successfully developing there. Therefore, it can be argued that it was the Adriatic plain along with other areas such as oases around the Mediterranean Sea that were one of the cradles of the first real people. The rectangular area is the plains of the Adriatic mainland 11,000 years ago

Life of the upright man started a lot earlier then, with the advent of gods and the division betw... more Life of the upright man started a lot earlier then, with the advent of gods and the division between them, the earth had split. The development of the human race Previous studies of genetic origin and analysis of fossil remains of primates of different ages allow us to transparently reconstruct important events and turning points in the evolution of the human race. Methodological approach can reach far into the past and follow the development of a man almost to the moment when one branch of hominids (members of the family Hominidae, great apes) allocated from the hominoids (superfamily members of the Hominoidae primates). Hominids were followed by subfamilies and tribes of the homonin from which the genus Homo evolved and eventually became the modern type of man, the Homo sapiens. It is safe to say that the last ancestor, who was a common ancestor to man and primates, such as chimpanzees, lived more than five million years ago. The first upright man, the common ancestor of all people lived in areas of Africa more than 1.5 million years ago. He was a man of the hominin tribe and by genus a Homo erectus. Descendants and later generations of Homo erectus settled gradually, apart from Africa, in areas of Europe and Asia, where they evolved through a number of species and subspecies, from Homo antecessora, Heidelberg, Rhodesian and Beijing man to Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, etc. The human species Homo sapiens appears in one continuous development of vertical men, becoming more distinct and separated by habitat, their geographic area. It is primarily on the African, European (Mediterranean) and the Asian pool and a time frame between 200,000-70,000 years ago that this happened. Thus, starting with Homo erectus, a common African ancestor, ancestors of archaic and modern humans in Europe were the Homo anteccesor, Heidelberg man and the Neanderthal, and the ancestors of modern humans in Asia were Homo georgicus the Peking Man, and in Africa, Homo ergaster, Homo gautengensis, Homo rhodensiensis and the African type of the Heidelberg man. Their common ancestor, Homo erectus evolved from the Homo habilis species, whose ancestors have been in the genus Australopithecus africanus, one of transitional forms in the development of hominids. Somehow, with the appearance of an upright man begins and lasts a period of making the most primitive stone tools. A sharp point at the top aloof sharpened stone served as the oldest known ancestor of the upright man, Homo habilis. Remains of primitive stone tools from the time of Homo ergaster, Homo erectus and other species and subspecies of humans is the so-called Pebble culture, a term coined by French paleontologists to refer to the complete body of work of making the oldest stone tools. The continuity of development from Homo habilis to archaic and modern humans shows-from subspecies to subspecies-a series of anatomical changes that are reflected in an upright and secure body position, a greater height and longer lower limbs, changes in shape of the head, a greater cranial cavity and also the continuously growing, heavier and more developed brain.

Atlantis was an ancient kingdom, a state with a perfect social system, the cradle of civilization... more Atlantis was an ancient kingdom, a state with a perfect social system, the cradle of civilization, an island »beyond the pillars of Hercules«. This is what Plato, a classical Greek philosopher, wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues »Timaeus« and »Critias« in about 350 BC. Critias, who was a Greek politician and writer, relates in his papers on the state, law and justice that in 571 BC Athenian statesman Solon visited Egypt and met with priests in the town of Sais where he was told a story about »an island named Atlantis, the heart of a great and wonderful kingdom«. Plato wrote that »there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank in the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea«. There are numerous ancient accounts of the catastrophe of such extent. Even though they are dominated by mythical themes, the narrations contain convincing descriptions of the sinking which can be analyzed and confirmed scientifically. Up until 250 BC Greek writers placed the Pillars of Hercules near Sicily. After subsequent discoveries of new territories the mythological sites moved away and were placed on the fringes of the then known world. Ancient Greek mathematician and geographer Eratosthenes »transferred« the Pillars of Hercules to Gibraltar while nowadays the scientists are exploring the possible locations of the sunken island on Malta, Santorini and 'beyond' in the Atlantic Ocean: on Cuba, the Bahamas, Iberia etc. Eratosthene's world (reconstruction)

Život uspravnog čovjeka otpočeo je puno prije nego li je, pojavom bogova i diobom među njima, bio... more Život uspravnog čovjeka otpočeo je puno prije nego li je, pojavom bogova i diobom među njima, bio podijeljen svijet. Razvoj ljudskog roda Dosadašnja istraživanja genetičkog podrijetla i analize fosilnih ostataka primata različitih starosti omogućuju, da se transparentnije rekonstruiraju značajniji događaji i razvođa u evoluciji ljudskog roda. Metodološkim pristupom je moguće posegnuti daleko u prošlost i pratiti razvoj čovjeka gotovo od trenutka, kada se jedna grana hominida (članova porodice Hominidae, velikih čovjekolikih majmuna) izdvojila od hominoida (članova natporodice primata Hominoidae). Hominidima su slijedile potporodice i tribusi hominina iz kojih se razvio rod Homo i na kraju suvremeni tip čovjeka, Homo sapiens. Sa sigurnošću se može ustvrditi, da je zadnji predak, koji je bio zajednički čovjeku i primatima, na primjer čimpanzi, živio prije više od pet milijuna godina. Prvi uspravni čovjek, zajednički predak svih danas živećih ljudi, živio je na prostorima Afrike prije više od 1,5 milijuna godina. Bio je to čovjek iz tribusa Hominina i po rodu Homo erectus. Potomci i kasniji rodovi Homo erectusa naselili su, osim Afrike, postupno i prostore Europe i Azije, gdje su evoluirali kroz brojne vrste i podvrste, počevši od Homo antecessora, heidelberškog, rodezijskog i pekinškog čovjeka do neandertalca, kromanjonca... Rod ljudi vrste Homo sapiens pojavljuje se u jednom kontinuitetu razvoja uspravnih ljudi, na više različitih i međusobno odvojenih habitata, geografskih prostora. Riječ je prvenstveno o afričkom, europskom (sredozemnom) i azijskom bazenu i vremenskom okviru od prije 200.000 do 70.000 godina unatrag. Tako su, počevši od Homo erectusa, zajedničkog afričkog pretka, preci arhaičnog i suvremenog čovjeka u Europi bili Homo anteccesor, heideberški čovjek i neandertalac, dok su preci suvremenog čovjeka u Aziji bili Homo georgicus i pekinški čovjek, a u Africi Homo ergaster, Homo gautengensis, Homo rhodensiensis i afrički tip heidelberškog čovjeka. Svima njima zajednički predak, Homo erectus evoluirao je iz vrste Homo habilis, čiji preci su već iz roda Australopithecus africanusa, jednog od prijelaznih oblika u razvoju hominida. Nekako sa pojavom uspravnog čovjeka započinje i traje razdoblje izrade najprimitivnijih kamenih oruđa. Na vrhu zašiljenim ili po strani nabrušenim kamenom služio se već najstariji znani predak uspravnog čovjeka, Homo habilis. Ostaci primitivnog kamenog oruđa iz vremena Homo ergastera, Homo erectusa i drugih vrsta i podvrsta ljudi ubrajaju se u takozvanu Pebble-kulturu, kako su francuski paleontolozi nazivali čitav opus izrade najstarijeg kamenog oruđa. U razvojnom kontinuitetu od Homo habilisa do arhaičnog i suvremenog čovjeka moguće je opaziti-od podvrste do podvrste – niz anatomskih promjena koje se ogledaju u uspravnijoj drži tijela i sve sigurnijem stavu, u većoj visini i dužim donjim udovima, u izmjenama oblika glave, većoj lubanjskoj šupljini i izravno tome, sve većim, težim i razvijenijim mozgom.

Nakon što su sa europskih prostora iščezli i neandertalci i kromanjonci, ostali su samo ljudi vrs... more Nakon što su sa europskih prostora iščezli i neandertalci i kromanjonci, ostali su samo ljudi vrste suvremenog Homo sapiensa. Jedan od njih bio je i Euenor, otac prelijepe smrtnice Kleito koju je – po starim predanjima-sam bog Posejdon uzeo za ženu. Jadranska ravnica U ne tako dalekoj prošlosti, veći dio današnjeg Jadranskog mora bio je kopno. Do prije 11.000 godina, srednji i sjeverni plitki dio današnjeg mora bio je prostrana ravnica, takozvano jadransko kopno. Ravnica je bila duga više od 550 kilometara i na najširem dijelu, široka do 350 kilometara. Po obliku je odgovarala pravokutniku, čije su dvije nasuprotne stranice (rubove) činili planinski vijenci Apenina na zapadu i Dinarida na istoku, a druge dvije, planinski sustav Alpa na sjeveru i obala Jadranskog mora na jugu, nadomak duboke južnojadranske zavale. Obala tadašnjeg mora se protezala južno od poprečnog palagruškog praga, od poluotoka Gargano na Apeninskom poluotoku, preko otočja Tremiti sa otokom Pianosom, pa otoka Palagruže, Lastova i Mljeta do dalmatinskog, istočnojadranskog kopna. Poprečni palagruški prag je cjelina u moru, koja dijeli Jadran na sjeverni plićak sa jabučkom morskom udolinom i južni dio, sa dubokom južnojadranskom zavalom. Tadašnje more, manji zaljev Sredozemnog mora u sinklinali duboke južnojadranske udoline, bilo je po površini, za dvije trećine manje od današnjeg. Pa ipak bilo je »stvarno« more za Otrantskim vratima. Obzirom na brojne ostatke kostiju i oruđa, na prostorima jadranskog bazena su boravili i uspješno se razvijali uspravni ljudi još od vremena heidelberškog čovjeka. Zato se može ustvrditi, da je bila jadranska ravnica-uz druge prostore, oaze oko Sredozemnog mora-jedna od kolijevki prvih pravih ljudi. Prostor pravokutnog oblika je prostrana ravnica jadranskog kopna do prije 11.000 godina

O jednoj od najvećih ikada ispričanih pripovijesti, a nikada utvrđenoj vjerodostojnosti njenih sv... more O jednoj od najvećih ikada ispričanih pripovijesti, a nikada utvrđenoj vjerodostojnosti njenih svjedočanstava, prvi je pisao Platon, starogrčki pisac i filozof. Raspravljajući o državi, pravu i pravičnosti-u osmoj tetralogiji Platonovih Dijaloga, u dijalozima Timej i Kritija-starogrčki pisac i političar Kritija Mlađi pripovijeda o Solonovom posjetu Egiptu 571. godine pr.n.e. i njegovom susretu sa svećenicima iz grada Saisa. Tom su prilikom – pozivajući se na stare egipatske zapise – impresionirali Solona znanjima o njemu malo znanoj, a burnoj povijesti atenskog polisa i o «otoku sa imenom Atlantida, srcu velikog i prekrasnog kraljevstva». Nadalje je Platon zapisao, da je Atlantida bila prastaro kraljevstvo s «one strane Heraklovih stupova», država savršenog poretka, kolijevka civilizacije koju je «progutalo more u samo jednom strašnom danu i jednoj strašnoj noći». 1 O kataklizmi takvih razmjera, o biblijskom velikom Potopu, postoje brojne predaje i navodi u starodavnim zapisima i pripovijestima. Iako u njima prevladavaju motivi mitskog karaktera, pripovjedi sadrže slikovite i uvjerljive opise, koji se danas mogu analizirati i pokušavaju naučno potvrditi. Heraklovi stupovi U znanstvenim krugovima postoji izvjesna-i potpuno razumljiva-uzdržanost do Platonovih i svih kasnijih zapisa o Atlantidi. Unatoč nebrojenim studijama, tezama i teorijama, konkretnih dokaza o potopljenom kopnu, takvih koji bi za znanost bili i uvjerljivi i prihvatljivi, uistinu nema. Osim toga, pripovijesti o impozantnosti i monumentalnosti u gradnji, o savršenom društvenom poretku i uređenosti, općenito o ondašnjim prilikama u kraljevstvima Atlantide i atenskog pra-polisa, jednostavno se ne uklapaju u znanstvena saznanja i spoznaja o starom svijetu. Čini se, da su i mnogi detalji na slici prapovijesnog Platonovog svijeta previše kontrastni i da se međusobno sami isključuju. Pa ipak, zanimanje ljudi za legendarnim otokom ne blijedi. Već i činjenica, da više od dvije tisuće godina traju rasprave o tom potopljenom svijetu, može biti osnovan i dovoljan razlog da se zagonetki Atlantide posveti jedna od još neispisanih stranica povijesti. Istraživači, pojedinci bliski znanstvenim krugovima ili samo zanesenjaci, nadahnuti Platonovim i kasnijim zapisima o legendarnom otoku, nastavljaju sa istraživanjima nekog od mogućih lokaliteta potopljene Atlantide: kod Malte, Santorinija, Azora, Kube, Bahama… Trenutno se proučava i jedna od teorija – ona koju je predstavio talijanski publicist i pisac Sergio Frau-po kojoj su starogrčki pisci do 250. godine pr.n.e. Heraklove stupove locirali kod Sicilije. 2 U starom svijetu, snažno su se prepletale sudbine ljudi sa voljom njihovih bogova, ali prevladavalo je i uvjerenje, po kojem prebivališta bogova nisu bila, niti su smjela biti dostupna običnim smrtnicima. Međutim, kako su se-otkrivanjem novih svjetova-širili horizonti i bogatila saznanja, tako su se udaljavale mitološke pozornice i prebivališta bogova ka krajnjim rubovima znanog svijeta. Gotovo 150 godina nakon Solonovih saznanja o legendarnom mjestu za Heraklovim stupovima, starogrčki povjesničar i pisac Herodot pisao je o istim stupovima smještenim u Gibraltaru. Herodotova znanja o zapadnom svijetu potiču prvenstveno iz feničanskih i perzijskih izvora, pa je pisanje pojedinih poglavlja Historiae (Povijesti) bilo – dobrim dijelom – sažeto iz istih izvora i priređeno tadašnjim prilikama. Kroz Gibraltar su, stoljećima prije Grka, plovili i isplovljavali iskusni i dobri pomorci Feničani.
Drafts by Fatih Hodzic
If we are to believe writings in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, about the existence of th... more If we are to believe writings in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, about the existence of the legendary city of Atlantis, about a vast plain and a kingdom larger than Libya and Egypt, the theory of Atlantis in the Adriatic Sea is very likely. In the not-so-distant past, most of today's Adriatic Sea was land, a vast Adriatic plain. At that time, the sea reached to the north, to the transverse Palagruža threshold, and it is to be expected that the sunken city would be located not far from the Palagruža archipelago, about 20-25 kilometres east of the island of Palagruža.
Conference Presentations by Fatih Hodzic
v retikularni formaciji, formaciji hipokampusa ter delovnem
prostoru talamusa, je pomembno izpostaviti vlogo slednjega
kot pacemaker-ja pri ustvarjanju talamičnih aktivnosti[1] in
aktivacijskega valovanja[5]. Pojav valovanj, sinhronih
oscilacij in ritmičnih aktivnosti v retikularno-talamičnem
sistemu, povzroča večino kortikalnih aktivacij[16]. Poleg
tega pa se v povsem drugačni luči dojema vloga mielina in
mielinskih proteinov v kognitivnem modelu zavestnih
Papers by Fatih Hodzic
Perseverance theory explains the fundamental properties of energy in the universe and finally, it manages to describe and define quantum gravity.
As Planet Nine travels along its orbit and approaches other celestial bodies, it is not unreasonable to expect that this should cause chaos such that some celestial bodies (bodies in the Kuiper comet belt or in the Oort cloud) should change their course. This means that some of them will very likely (or certainly) fall, again hit the Earth. Just like a little less than 11,000 years ago, at the time of the last great cataclysm on Earth.
Drafts by Fatih Hodzic
v retikularni formaciji, formaciji hipokampusa ter delovnem
prostoru talamusa, je pomembno izpostaviti vlogo slednjega
kot pacemaker-ja pri ustvarjanju talamičnih aktivnosti[1] in
aktivacijskega valovanja[5]. Pojav valovanj, sinhronih
oscilacij in ritmičnih aktivnosti v retikularno-talamičnem
sistemu, povzroča večino kortikalnih aktivacij[16]. Poleg
tega pa se v povsem drugačni luči dojema vloga mielina in
mielinskih proteinov v kognitivnem modelu zavestnih
Perseverance theory explains the fundamental properties of energy in the universe and finally, it manages to describe and define quantum gravity.
As Planet Nine travels along its orbit and approaches other celestial bodies, it is not unreasonable to expect that this should cause chaos such that some celestial bodies (bodies in the Kuiper comet belt or in the Oort cloud) should change their course. This means that some of them will very likely (or certainly) fall, again hit the Earth. Just like a little less than 11,000 years ago, at the time of the last great cataclysm on Earth.
Homo erectus oziroma pokončni človek se je razvil iz Homo habilisa. Najstarejše fosilne najdbe Homo erectusa so stare okoli 1,5 milijona let in izvirajo iz vzhodne Afrike. Od tam se je pokončni človek razširil v Evropo in Azijo (evropske in azijske najdbe so mlajše od afriških). V različnih obdobjih in po prostorih Afrike, Evrope in Azije, Homo erectus se je razvil v druge vrste in podvrste ljudi, na koncu še v arhaičnega Homo sapiensa, ter modernega Homo sapiensa, pred okoli 70.000 do 200.000 let.
Adam, skupni prednik vseh danes živečih ljudi, je živel v Afriki pred več kot milijonom let in po rodu je bil Homo erectus. Od Adama do pojava arhaičnega in sčasoma modernega Homo sapiensa je minilo več kot 800.000 let. Številne poznejše vrste ljudi, Adamovi potomci, so omogočili in ustvarili vse predpogoje za nastanek arhaičnih in kasneje še modernih Homo sapiensov. Poleg tega, da so prispevali svoj delež dednega genetskega materiala, so neposredno-s procesi hominacije (očlovečenja)-vzdrževali kontinuiteto v napredku do nastanka arhaičnih ljudi. Trdimo tudi lahko, da je arhaični Homo sapiens zorel in postopoma prevzemal značilnosti sodobnega človeka v okoliščinah in skozi nadaljevanje 'pričakovane' hominacijske kontinuitete. Z drugimi besedami, nad nagonskim načinom obnašanja arhaičnega človeka so postopno prevladovale intelektualne (mentalne) sposobnosti sodobnega človeka. Na ta način se postopek hominacije, očlovečenja in razvoja sodobnih ljudi ni zaključil. To je proces, ki traja in se nadaljuje...
Teorija ustrajnosti objasni temeljna svojstva energije u svemiru i konačno, uspijeva opisati i definirati kvantnu gravitaciju.
Iz knjige: U trenutku dugom milijarde godina