The general election is a democratic means to gain power constitutionally. Several groups, howeve... more The general election is a democratic means to gain power constitutionally. Several groups, however, use all the possible means to achieve that power. Firehose of falsehood is an example of political propaganda models that use every means to influence public opinion. This model of political propaganda finds its momentum through propaganda on social media. The purpose of this research is to understand the model of the firehose of falsehood on social media in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. This research method uses a discourse analysis approach to identify the phenomena and events regarding the use of political propaganda on social media. Meanwhile, data collection is carried out through Twitter social media documentation. The results of this analysis indicated that the Firehose of Falsehood propaganda model was used as a political propaganda in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. Social media, especially Twitter, became a means of propaganda to influence public opin...
The news about the “forced” hijab for non-Muslim students at SMKN 2 Padang was crowded and became... more The news about the “forced” hijab for non-Muslim students at SMKN 2 Padang was crowded and became a national conversation. The mass media examines it from various sides with different emphases and approaches, one of which is the national media Metro TV. This study aims to see the construction and discourse built by Metro TV news that raised the case using the Critical Discourse Analysis, Teun van Dijk. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a critical paradigm. The study results show that Metro TV news considers the case part of intolerance, so the existing rules must be revised. The power used by Metro TV through the media channels is used to present two sources with different views. However, questions and conveying Metro TV's opinions led to the agreement that this case was part of the error in the regulations of the local government and the school.Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, Teun A. Van Dijk, corruption news discourse
Commodification is a process of transforming use value into exchange value. The soap opera The Se... more Commodification is a process of transforming use value into exchange value. The soap opera The Search for God Volume 12 is the result of efforts to change the use value of religiosity into an exchange rate that can bring financial benefits. This study uses a critical perspective with an approach to the theory of media political economy. The concept of commodification of content offered by Mosco become the scalpel of this study. The data of this study is obtained from the main data source, namely the soap opera series of God Seekers Volume 12 which aired on SCTV. As for secondary data obtained from library studies or literature and internet. The result of the research shows that the soap opera of Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) is nothing more than a commodification of aspects of spirituality or religion. Religious values that were originally viewed and used on the principle of use value were transformed into exchange values. Religion becomes a commodity in the midst of the industrializati...
The popularity of the local Javanese music “Dangdut Campursari” increased dramatically from 2019 ... more The popularity of the local Javanese music “Dangdut Campursari” increased dramatically from 2019 to 2020. Didi Kempot, who is nicknamed the God Father of Broken Heart, is a new phenomenon in Javanese music in the country. This research wants to see how the modern Campursari dangdut lovers “Sobat Ambyar” describe the identity of their community and see this phenomenon from the perspective of popular culture which includes trends, adaptability, and pop music consumerism. We documented Sobat Ambyar ’s chat on social media, they managed and conducted in-depth interviews with the Instagram fanbase admin @sobatambyar. The results of this study indicated that Sobat Ambyar identifies themselves with the feelings, attitudes, and emotions of the songs sung by Didi Kempot. These identities tend to be sad and they are proud of that sadness. This Campursari has become a new commodity for industry and is popularized through the ways of modern culture which is simulated and marketed. Based on thes...
Sesuai dengan judul di atas, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Kepemimp... more Sesuai dengan judul di atas, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah terhadap Guru Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, 2) Untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kepemimpinan kepala madrasah terhadap guru dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Madrasahdan guru di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Sedangkan yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pembinaan Kepala Madrasahterhadap Guru-Guru dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah terhadap Guru Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di MT...
Mass media is one of the most frequently used promotional tools by industry. Unfortunately, adver... more Mass media is one of the most frequently used promotional tools by industry. Unfortunately, advertising not only contains product marketing but also spreads unfair ideas towards women, especially beauty product advertisements. Ramadan Bersih's version from Dettol Soap advertisement depicts a family containing a husband, wife, and children with their respective roles. This study focuses on women's role as housewives in advertisement using gender theory and Roland Barthes' semiotic model. The study found a tendency to place women as housewives responsible for cleaning the house, cooking, supervising children, educating, maintaining children's righteousness, and washing. This study strengthens the previous study's findings regarding women's domestication in advertising. In conclusion, advertising builds a household member's conception role in an unbalanced gender distinction. As a cultural product consumed by the wider community, the industry should pay more...
: Museum Angkut is the biggest transportation museum in Asia. Even though the museum was establis... more : Museum Angkut is the biggest transportation museum in Asia. Even though the museum was established at 2014, but the visitors have been enourmously drastic and stabil. The purpose of this research is to know public relation strategy of Museum Angkut in enhancing the traveler visitation using the public relations theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative using three informans, they are manager of Marketing and public Relations Jatim Park Group, Titik S Ariyanto, Museum Angkut Operational Manager, Endang A Shobirin, and Museum Angkut Public Relations Supervisor, Nunuk Liantin. The research shows that Museum Angkut public relations have tried all efforts needed to make the name of Museum Angkut known as vast as possible. Such using publicity, advertisement, press agentry, issue management, public affairs, and lobbying. And also building a good relationship with mass media, customer, community, goverment, employees, and investors. Although all effort has been tried, but the Mu...
: Museum Angkut in Batu City is one of business tourism owned by Jawa Timur Park Group (JTP Group... more : Museum Angkut in Batu City is one of business tourism owned by Jawa Timur Park Group (JTP Group). Beside having to compete with fellow of JTP Group subsidiaries, Museum Angkut also have to compete with dozens of tourism places in Batu City. Therefore, this museum build effective communication with mass media to boost its popularity. The result of the research is known that Museum Angkut developing three effective strategies against the massa media, these are publication, press agentry, and advertising whisch is combined with marketing of the main company. Although this media relations are not new, but this method is able to invide news coverge in massa media, so its popularity boosted. Keyword : museum angkut, media relations. Abstrak: Museum Angkut Kota Batu adalah salah satu dari unit usaha wisata yang dimiliki Jawa Timur Park Grup (JTP Grup). Selain harus bersaing dengan sesama anak usaha JTP Grup, Museum Angkut juga harus bersaing dengan puluhan tempat wisata di Kota Batu. Kar...
A bstract : This study aims to find out the meaning of success contained in LA Lights cigarette c... more A bstract : This study aims to find out the meaning of success contained in LA Lights cigarette commercials "Conquer Your Challenge" and "Success That". Advertising is the most influential promotional tool in influencing an audience. The LA Lights commercial of "Conquering Your Challenge" and "Success That" is an ad that tells the challenges faced in the process of achieving success and success according to each person is different depending on the meaning. The method used in this research is Charles Sanders Pierce Semiotics analysis with qualitative paradigm. In theory categorize as a triangle element meaning of pierce, that is object, representament, and interpretant. The results of the analysis that has been done by the researchers on the meaning of success in LA Lights commercial version "Conquer Your Challenge" is sacrificing time to achieve success, dare to conquer challenges, work actively to achieve success, patience in the f...
Women is one of the groups worst affected during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Significant efforts need ... more Women is one of the groups worst affected during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Significant efforts need to be made by the community and government to empower women to survive the hardship. HOD Indonesia itself is a social entrepreneurship that focuses on empowering women at risk and victims of violence in Malang, East Java. This study aimed to analyze the strategy of the House of Diamond (HOD) Indonesia in maintaining its business so that it can support vulnerable women who work in it. Data gathering was carried out through non-participatory observation and in-depth interviews with founders, managers, and empowered women at HOD Indonesia. This study indicated that the strategies of HOD Indonesia in the Pandemic situation are by expanding their product lines (mask and hand-stitched clothes), holding to the core of ethical shopping in determining their market, and encouraging social entrepreneurship among the youngsters to save vulnerable women. To further its impact, HOD Indonesia maintains good relations with its longtime customers from Canada, the US, and some European countries. Their website,, and marketing protocols promote ethical shopping and environmental awareness while describing the artisan behind these artworks. The strength of Indonesian HOD is building good communication between working mothers who face the same situation to be a solid team in facing the pandemic.
JURNAL SOSIAL : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts of gender equality contained in the Kartin... more The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts of gender equality contained in the Kartini film through the semiotic study of Roland Barthes. Roland Barthes's analysis is used to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth in an image contained in artistic visualization, act, and dialogue in the film "Kartini". The results of this study that the connotation meaning of the Kartini film in the perspective of gender equality is an effort to fight for gender equality by Kartini as a woman who likes to write and teach literacy to others while denotative meaningthe effort to fight for gender equality in Kartini's film is that Kartini struggles through the path of literacy because literacy is a good way to fight for gender equality, with literacy she breaks Javanese culture which considers women unequal to men andhave abilities below men.Keywords: Semiotics, Kartini, Gender equality. Keywords—: Semiotics; Kartini; Gender Equality.
Kebebasan pers di Indonesia tidak menjamin pertanggungjawaban secara menyeluruh terhadap produk b... more Kebebasan pers di Indonesia tidak menjamin pertanggungjawaban secara menyeluruh terhadap produk berita media massa. Banyak penelitian yang mengindikasikan berita media massa secara tidak proporsional membela kepentingannya sendiri. Media massa sebagai institusi yang memiliki akses terhadap informasi publik harus memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memberitakan peristiwa dengan benar dan cara-cara yang digunakannya juga benar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui etika jurnalistik di dan pada pemberitaan Aksi 22 Mei 2019 yang memprotes hasil penghitungan suara yang dilakukan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) RI pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Ditemukan 35 berita dari tanggal 21 Mei sampai 31 Mei yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Kode Etik Jurnalistik dengan indikator : menguji informasi, keberimbangan berita, tidak mencampuradukkan fakta dan opini yang menghakimi, dan asas parduga tidak bersalah. Hasilnya terdapat inkonsistensi pada kedua media dalam pemberitaan Aksi 22 Mei, terutama dalam keberimbangan berita. Detik melanggar hampir di semua indikator, sedangkan Republika melanggar pada poin menguji informasi dan keberimbangan berita. Pelanggaran yang dilakukan Detik dan Republika dapat memengaruhi persepsi publik terhadap peristiwa penolakan penghitungan suara pada Pilpres 2019. Jika persepsi masyarakat dibentuk oleh media massa berdasarkan kepentingan politik maka dikhawatirkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah akan berkurang. Penelitian ini sekaligus memberi tambahan data dan informasi bahwa media di Indonesia masih belum menerapkan kode etik jurnalistik secara menyeluruh pada pemberitaannya.
The development of technology makes online media get a greater portion of readers than print medi... more The development of technology makes online media get a greater portion of readers than print media that were first born. Online media that rely on speed often violate journalistic code of ethics so it should be reviewed so that there is an improvement. This study aims to look at the quality of news on Regional Election (Pilkada) on This study uses a qualitative method. The data source in this research are the news in online mass media related to Malang City Election News which was taken in June 2018. This media was chosen because it is one of the most widely read media in Malang Raya. The set of analysis units amounted to 15 Pilkada news in the voting month, namely June 2018. The news quality theory used in this study is in accordance with the Journalistic Code of Ethics, namely accuracy, balance, objectivity, concise, and actual. The results showed Malang Voice has advantages in the field of technical quality such as writing, the object of reporting...
The number of movies made in Indonesia there are several films that give a good moral message in ... more The number of movies made in Indonesia there are several films that give a good moral message in it. Through the movie "Yowis Ben" the director tried to make something new and different from the comedy genre films on previous comedy films. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the moral messages contained in the movie Yowis Ben. In this study used qualitative research method by using the research object of the Film Yowes Ben. While the data analysis technique uses the semiotic analysis of Charles Sander Pierce which is based on logic, with reasoning through the signs. The Model that shows the three main elements of the marking forming is representament, object and Interpretant. The results of this research show that the YOWIS BEN film has a moral message in various sides of life through signs that are munncul both visual and verbal in their respective stories. There is a moral message related to Bayu's life. It can therefore be concluded that the figur...
Cyber media and social media applications become the key of many tourist attractions in Indonesia... more Cyber media and social media applications become the key of many tourist attractions in Indonesia. In Malang city, East Java, the local government strengthens the tourism sector by building its tourism village. Utilizing the new media network, Malang is now known as the pioneer of Tourism Village. Unfortunately, as the number of tourism villages becomes famous, there is one famous tourism village that was previously famous, even falling in popularity, namely ‘Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo’. This study aimed to determine the causes of decreasing popularity of the village using public relations theory and descriptive qualitative research methods. In-depth interview were administered to the Chairman of Paguyuban Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo, government, and shop owners in Dinoyo Village. The results showed that Kampung Keramik Dinoyo removed many sectors in the field of public relations, especially the use of new media. It was suggested to tourism village to fully use the new media ac...
Tourism is a new industry that takes a lot of money from its customers. It can be seen that touri... more Tourism is a new industry that takes a lot of money from its customers. It can be seen that tourism sells something that can not be perceived, that is entertainment and fun. In contrast to other tourist attractions, Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo, besides selling something that is intangible, also has ceramic products that can be sold. Unfortunately, this tourist village even decreased popularity from year to year so it can not compete with other tourist villages in Malang. This study aims to determine the pattern of tourism communication undertaken by the manager of Kampung Wisata Ceramic Dinoyo so that it can be found a systematic solution so that it can solve the problem in the tourist village. The theory used is a public relations strategy to maximize the popularity of the tourism industry, particularly the Tourism Oportunity Spectrum (TOS) system that includes accessibility, compatibility, characteristics, interaction, acceptability, and degree of control management. The results showed that the communication performed by community is still not effective and they tend to work independently. Managers Kampung Keramik also ignore some aspects of the TOS system and have no tourism sensitivity. Managers are advised to pay attention to the consistent pattern of tourism communication to restore the popularity of Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo. Because the effective communication pattern will determine the image of a tourism industry in the future.
The general election is a democratic means to gain power constitutionally. Several groups, howeve... more The general election is a democratic means to gain power constitutionally. Several groups, however, use all the possible means to achieve that power. Firehose of falsehood is an example of political propaganda models that use every means to influence public opinion. This model of political propaganda finds its momentum through propaganda on social media. The purpose of this research is to understand the model of the firehose of falsehood on social media in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. This research method uses a discourse analysis approach to identify the phenomena and events regarding the use of political propaganda on social media. Meanwhile, data collection is carried out through Twitter social media documentation. The results of this analysis indicated that the Firehose of Falsehood propaganda model was used as a political propaganda in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. Social media, especially Twitter, became a means of propaganda to influence public opin...
The news about the “forced” hijab for non-Muslim students at SMKN 2 Padang was crowded and became... more The news about the “forced” hijab for non-Muslim students at SMKN 2 Padang was crowded and became a national conversation. The mass media examines it from various sides with different emphases and approaches, one of which is the national media Metro TV. This study aims to see the construction and discourse built by Metro TV news that raised the case using the Critical Discourse Analysis, Teun van Dijk. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a critical paradigm. The study results show that Metro TV news considers the case part of intolerance, so the existing rules must be revised. The power used by Metro TV through the media channels is used to present two sources with different views. However, questions and conveying Metro TV's opinions led to the agreement that this case was part of the error in the regulations of the local government and the school.Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, Teun A. Van Dijk, corruption news discourse
Commodification is a process of transforming use value into exchange value. The soap opera The Se... more Commodification is a process of transforming use value into exchange value. The soap opera The Search for God Volume 12 is the result of efforts to change the use value of religiosity into an exchange rate that can bring financial benefits. This study uses a critical perspective with an approach to the theory of media political economy. The concept of commodification of content offered by Mosco become the scalpel of this study. The data of this study is obtained from the main data source, namely the soap opera series of God Seekers Volume 12 which aired on SCTV. As for secondary data obtained from library studies or literature and internet. The result of the research shows that the soap opera of Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) is nothing more than a commodification of aspects of spirituality or religion. Religious values that were originally viewed and used on the principle of use value were transformed into exchange values. Religion becomes a commodity in the midst of the industrializati...
The popularity of the local Javanese music “Dangdut Campursari” increased dramatically from 2019 ... more The popularity of the local Javanese music “Dangdut Campursari” increased dramatically from 2019 to 2020. Didi Kempot, who is nicknamed the God Father of Broken Heart, is a new phenomenon in Javanese music in the country. This research wants to see how the modern Campursari dangdut lovers “Sobat Ambyar” describe the identity of their community and see this phenomenon from the perspective of popular culture which includes trends, adaptability, and pop music consumerism. We documented Sobat Ambyar ’s chat on social media, they managed and conducted in-depth interviews with the Instagram fanbase admin @sobatambyar. The results of this study indicated that Sobat Ambyar identifies themselves with the feelings, attitudes, and emotions of the songs sung by Didi Kempot. These identities tend to be sad and they are proud of that sadness. This Campursari has become a new commodity for industry and is popularized through the ways of modern culture which is simulated and marketed. Based on thes...
Sesuai dengan judul di atas, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Kepemimp... more Sesuai dengan judul di atas, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah terhadap Guru Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, 2) Untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kepemimpinan kepala madrasah terhadap guru dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Madrasahdan guru di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Sedangkan yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pembinaan Kepala Madrasahterhadap Guru-Guru dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan di MTs. Sabilul Muttaqin Desa Sanglar Kecamatan Reteh Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah terhadap Guru Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di MT...
Mass media is one of the most frequently used promotional tools by industry. Unfortunately, adver... more Mass media is one of the most frequently used promotional tools by industry. Unfortunately, advertising not only contains product marketing but also spreads unfair ideas towards women, especially beauty product advertisements. Ramadan Bersih's version from Dettol Soap advertisement depicts a family containing a husband, wife, and children with their respective roles. This study focuses on women's role as housewives in advertisement using gender theory and Roland Barthes' semiotic model. The study found a tendency to place women as housewives responsible for cleaning the house, cooking, supervising children, educating, maintaining children's righteousness, and washing. This study strengthens the previous study's findings regarding women's domestication in advertising. In conclusion, advertising builds a household member's conception role in an unbalanced gender distinction. As a cultural product consumed by the wider community, the industry should pay more...
: Museum Angkut is the biggest transportation museum in Asia. Even though the museum was establis... more : Museum Angkut is the biggest transportation museum in Asia. Even though the museum was established at 2014, but the visitors have been enourmously drastic and stabil. The purpose of this research is to know public relation strategy of Museum Angkut in enhancing the traveler visitation using the public relations theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative using three informans, they are manager of Marketing and public Relations Jatim Park Group, Titik S Ariyanto, Museum Angkut Operational Manager, Endang A Shobirin, and Museum Angkut Public Relations Supervisor, Nunuk Liantin. The research shows that Museum Angkut public relations have tried all efforts needed to make the name of Museum Angkut known as vast as possible. Such using publicity, advertisement, press agentry, issue management, public affairs, and lobbying. And also building a good relationship with mass media, customer, community, goverment, employees, and investors. Although all effort has been tried, but the Mu...
: Museum Angkut in Batu City is one of business tourism owned by Jawa Timur Park Group (JTP Group... more : Museum Angkut in Batu City is one of business tourism owned by Jawa Timur Park Group (JTP Group). Beside having to compete with fellow of JTP Group subsidiaries, Museum Angkut also have to compete with dozens of tourism places in Batu City. Therefore, this museum build effective communication with mass media to boost its popularity. The result of the research is known that Museum Angkut developing three effective strategies against the massa media, these are publication, press agentry, and advertising whisch is combined with marketing of the main company. Although this media relations are not new, but this method is able to invide news coverge in massa media, so its popularity boosted. Keyword : museum angkut, media relations. Abstrak: Museum Angkut Kota Batu adalah salah satu dari unit usaha wisata yang dimiliki Jawa Timur Park Grup (JTP Grup). Selain harus bersaing dengan sesama anak usaha JTP Grup, Museum Angkut juga harus bersaing dengan puluhan tempat wisata di Kota Batu. Kar...
A bstract : This study aims to find out the meaning of success contained in LA Lights cigarette c... more A bstract : This study aims to find out the meaning of success contained in LA Lights cigarette commercials "Conquer Your Challenge" and "Success That". Advertising is the most influential promotional tool in influencing an audience. The LA Lights commercial of "Conquering Your Challenge" and "Success That" is an ad that tells the challenges faced in the process of achieving success and success according to each person is different depending on the meaning. The method used in this research is Charles Sanders Pierce Semiotics analysis with qualitative paradigm. In theory categorize as a triangle element meaning of pierce, that is object, representament, and interpretant. The results of the analysis that has been done by the researchers on the meaning of success in LA Lights commercial version "Conquer Your Challenge" is sacrificing time to achieve success, dare to conquer challenges, work actively to achieve success, patience in the f...
Women is one of the groups worst affected during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Significant efforts need ... more Women is one of the groups worst affected during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Significant efforts need to be made by the community and government to empower women to survive the hardship. HOD Indonesia itself is a social entrepreneurship that focuses on empowering women at risk and victims of violence in Malang, East Java. This study aimed to analyze the strategy of the House of Diamond (HOD) Indonesia in maintaining its business so that it can support vulnerable women who work in it. Data gathering was carried out through non-participatory observation and in-depth interviews with founders, managers, and empowered women at HOD Indonesia. This study indicated that the strategies of HOD Indonesia in the Pandemic situation are by expanding their product lines (mask and hand-stitched clothes), holding to the core of ethical shopping in determining their market, and encouraging social entrepreneurship among the youngsters to save vulnerable women. To further its impact, HOD Indonesia maintains good relations with its longtime customers from Canada, the US, and some European countries. Their website,, and marketing protocols promote ethical shopping and environmental awareness while describing the artisan behind these artworks. The strength of Indonesian HOD is building good communication between working mothers who face the same situation to be a solid team in facing the pandemic.
JURNAL SOSIAL : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts of gender equality contained in the Kartin... more The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts of gender equality contained in the Kartini film through the semiotic study of Roland Barthes. Roland Barthes's analysis is used to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth in an image contained in artistic visualization, act, and dialogue in the film "Kartini". The results of this study that the connotation meaning of the Kartini film in the perspective of gender equality is an effort to fight for gender equality by Kartini as a woman who likes to write and teach literacy to others while denotative meaningthe effort to fight for gender equality in Kartini's film is that Kartini struggles through the path of literacy because literacy is a good way to fight for gender equality, with literacy she breaks Javanese culture which considers women unequal to men andhave abilities below men.Keywords: Semiotics, Kartini, Gender equality. Keywords—: Semiotics; Kartini; Gender Equality.
Kebebasan pers di Indonesia tidak menjamin pertanggungjawaban secara menyeluruh terhadap produk b... more Kebebasan pers di Indonesia tidak menjamin pertanggungjawaban secara menyeluruh terhadap produk berita media massa. Banyak penelitian yang mengindikasikan berita media massa secara tidak proporsional membela kepentingannya sendiri. Media massa sebagai institusi yang memiliki akses terhadap informasi publik harus memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memberitakan peristiwa dengan benar dan cara-cara yang digunakannya juga benar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui etika jurnalistik di dan pada pemberitaan Aksi 22 Mei 2019 yang memprotes hasil penghitungan suara yang dilakukan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) RI pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Ditemukan 35 berita dari tanggal 21 Mei sampai 31 Mei yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Kode Etik Jurnalistik dengan indikator : menguji informasi, keberimbangan berita, tidak mencampuradukkan fakta dan opini yang menghakimi, dan asas parduga tidak bersalah. Hasilnya terdapat inkonsistensi pada kedua media dalam pemberitaan Aksi 22 Mei, terutama dalam keberimbangan berita. Detik melanggar hampir di semua indikator, sedangkan Republika melanggar pada poin menguji informasi dan keberimbangan berita. Pelanggaran yang dilakukan Detik dan Republika dapat memengaruhi persepsi publik terhadap peristiwa penolakan penghitungan suara pada Pilpres 2019. Jika persepsi masyarakat dibentuk oleh media massa berdasarkan kepentingan politik maka dikhawatirkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah akan berkurang. Penelitian ini sekaligus memberi tambahan data dan informasi bahwa media di Indonesia masih belum menerapkan kode etik jurnalistik secara menyeluruh pada pemberitaannya.
The development of technology makes online media get a greater portion of readers than print medi... more The development of technology makes online media get a greater portion of readers than print media that were first born. Online media that rely on speed often violate journalistic code of ethics so it should be reviewed so that there is an improvement. This study aims to look at the quality of news on Regional Election (Pilkada) on This study uses a qualitative method. The data source in this research are the news in online mass media related to Malang City Election News which was taken in June 2018. This media was chosen because it is one of the most widely read media in Malang Raya. The set of analysis units amounted to 15 Pilkada news in the voting month, namely June 2018. The news quality theory used in this study is in accordance with the Journalistic Code of Ethics, namely accuracy, balance, objectivity, concise, and actual. The results showed Malang Voice has advantages in the field of technical quality such as writing, the object of reporting...
The number of movies made in Indonesia there are several films that give a good moral message in ... more The number of movies made in Indonesia there are several films that give a good moral message in it. Through the movie "Yowis Ben" the director tried to make something new and different from the comedy genre films on previous comedy films. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the moral messages contained in the movie Yowis Ben. In this study used qualitative research method by using the research object of the Film Yowes Ben. While the data analysis technique uses the semiotic analysis of Charles Sander Pierce which is based on logic, with reasoning through the signs. The Model that shows the three main elements of the marking forming is representament, object and Interpretant. The results of this research show that the YOWIS BEN film has a moral message in various sides of life through signs that are munncul both visual and verbal in their respective stories. There is a moral message related to Bayu's life. It can therefore be concluded that the figur...
Cyber media and social media applications become the key of many tourist attractions in Indonesia... more Cyber media and social media applications become the key of many tourist attractions in Indonesia. In Malang city, East Java, the local government strengthens the tourism sector by building its tourism village. Utilizing the new media network, Malang is now known as the pioneer of Tourism Village. Unfortunately, as the number of tourism villages becomes famous, there is one famous tourism village that was previously famous, even falling in popularity, namely ‘Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo’. This study aimed to determine the causes of decreasing popularity of the village using public relations theory and descriptive qualitative research methods. In-depth interview were administered to the Chairman of Paguyuban Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo, government, and shop owners in Dinoyo Village. The results showed that Kampung Keramik Dinoyo removed many sectors in the field of public relations, especially the use of new media. It was suggested to tourism village to fully use the new media ac...
Tourism is a new industry that takes a lot of money from its customers. It can be seen that touri... more Tourism is a new industry that takes a lot of money from its customers. It can be seen that tourism sells something that can not be perceived, that is entertainment and fun. In contrast to other tourist attractions, Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo, besides selling something that is intangible, also has ceramic products that can be sold. Unfortunately, this tourist village even decreased popularity from year to year so it can not compete with other tourist villages in Malang. This study aims to determine the pattern of tourism communication undertaken by the manager of Kampung Wisata Ceramic Dinoyo so that it can be found a systematic solution so that it can solve the problem in the tourist village. The theory used is a public relations strategy to maximize the popularity of the tourism industry, particularly the Tourism Oportunity Spectrum (TOS) system that includes accessibility, compatibility, characteristics, interaction, acceptability, and degree of control management. The results showed that the communication performed by community is still not effective and they tend to work independently. Managers Kampung Keramik also ignore some aspects of the TOS system and have no tourism sensitivity. Managers are advised to pay attention to the consistent pattern of tourism communication to restore the popularity of Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo. Because the effective communication pattern will determine the image of a tourism industry in the future.
Papers by Fathul Qorib