Papers by Fastabiq Jurnal Studi Islam

Baitul Maal wa at-Tamwil Tamzis Inggit Garnasih is a Sharia Cooperative that is very strategicall... more Baitul Maal wa at-Tamwil Tamzis Inggit Garnasih is a Sharia Cooperative that is very strategically located with Micro business in Kebon Kelapa ITC Market Bandung. That small capital deficit entrepreneurs can do mudharabah financing at Tamzis. The number of small entrepreneurs who do the financing Tamzis needs to be careful in running his business. Considering that the mudhârabah contract is a contract of cooperation between Shahibul Mal and Mudharib, both must hold to full trust, it is necessary to implement Islamic ethics in carrying out the contract. The purpose of this study was to eximine the susccesful implementation of business ethics in mudharabah contracts at BMT TAMZIS KCP Bandung Inggit Garnasih. The research method is based on a sociological juridical approach. Research methods conducted based on the normative juridical approach. This research is understood as filed research, which is collecting documentation data that is located in BMT TAMZIS KCP Bandung Inggit Garnasih....

Early Childhood Education has grown in our society. But on the other hand, the problem of violenc... more Early Childhood Education has grown in our society. But on the other hand, the problem of violence against children (KDRT), including early childhood, is still an important issue in this country. This is because parents' understanding of the meaning of education as a whole, let alone exemplified by the Prophet, is apparently still uneven. Even though the principles of early childhood education in the prophet's perspective already exist and can be role models. So, the objectives of this study are (1) to arouse awareness of parents to imitate the Prophet in early education for children, (2) to find a character education development strategy in early childhood education by involving parents This research method uses a qualitative research approach with text analysis (discourse), an objective hermeneutic approach to verses and hadiths as well as sources of information. The theory used in this study is the concept of AUD and combines the basic principles of verses from the Qur...

The purpose of this article is to describe the actualization of the transformative Islamic vision... more The purpose of this article is to describe the actualization of the transformative Islamic vision within religious economic movement. The transformative vision is the theological spirit embodied in the Qoran. A spirit that manifests to da'wah movement. Da'wah actions that answer problems of Ummah rather than just verbal activities. Da'wah action can be started from the activities held in majelis taklim. Majelis taklim transforms a laboratory for social change in Muslim circles. The existence of majlis taklim is extraordinarily transformed into social capital as transformative vision formulation through reading the context of Muslims challenges, while referring to the Qur'anic doctrine. Throughout the theology of change, da'i has become not only a religious social elite, but also a person who has vision of change in society by a means of da'wah movement. Keywords: da'wah, social change, transformative theology

This research is a study of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Islamic education deal... more This research is a study of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Islamic education dealing with 21st century learning skills. The problem faced by Islamic education is the adjustment of Islamic education in the era of digitalization and learning in the 21st century with the aim of preparing generations of Muslims who are ready to live in accordance with their times. This study focuses on educational institutions and curriculum. The disciplinary approach is problem solving through a theological and interdisciplinary approach in question: problem solving through allied science including; educational philosophy, psychology, Islamic education. This study uses a qualitative approach with literature study as a basis for data collection. One of the characteristics of qualitative research is to explore issues thoroughly, from various books and journals related to the theme, both from within and outside the country, then analyzed.This paper produces 1) one discourse that the discip...

Poverty is still a problem in all countries, including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made ... more Poverty is still a problem in all countries, including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made by the government to minimize the amount of poverty from various aspects. In fact, various efforts have been made by a number of ministries, not only the Ministry of Social Affairs. All of them have the same goal, namely reducing poverty. This study aims to produce a zakat management prototype that suits the needs of mustahiq and to produce mustahiq who have entrepreneurial mentality, so that they can become independent mustahiq and become muzakki. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods, the data produced is descriptive data obtained from various kinds of literature related to the research theme. The results of the study obtained a zakat management prototype that is synergized between institutions in empowering mustahiq through MSMEs. Integrative and comprehensive steps in the application of the prototype include screening, training, business assistance and moni...

This research is based on the need to improve the proficiency and performance of the Madrasah Pri... more This research is based on the need to improve the proficiency and performance of the Madrasah Principles. The participants of the main Madrasah training already have their respective competencies. A strategy for adult education is therefore needed to promote higher competence. One form of training is known as participatory training. The data obtained were then analyzed using a quantitative approach so that some results could be reported, the results of the training which, in addition to the competence of the head of the madrasah, also included a tendency towards positive results as a result of the participatory training found other things that could improve the performance of this madrasah school principal influenced by work experience and educational background factors. Other results suggest that the proficiency of madrasah school principals who are in the moderate madrasa class category may be different from the proficiency and performance of madrasah principals who are in the hig...

The development of information technology not only covers social, political and cultural but also... more The development of information technology not only covers social, political and cultural but also affects the economy. One that is being widely discussed is Fintech. This article aims to analyze fintech on PT. iGrow Resources Indonesia towards fatwa DSN number 117 / DSN-MUI / II / 2018 about information technology-based financing services based on sharia principles. This research is a library research using a descriptive analysis approach. PT. iGrow is not directly participate in the lending and borrowing process but provides a digital technology-based platform to facilitate the lending-borrowing process. The development of technology and information, especially Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending, has made innovation in fintech-based financial services more practical and modern. The concept of adapting to technological developments combined with the financial sector by iGrow which was development step that is very aware of the needs of fintech for the business world. Regarding the extent to which the Islamic principles applied in PT. iGrow, can be seen in the discussion of the agreement. It is concluded that the standard contract is not in accordance with sharia principles based on the DSN fatwa number 117 / DSN-MUI / II / 2018 concerning information technology-based financing services based on sharia principles.

The Covid-19 pandemic has plagued all over the world. Many aspects of the social order have chang... more The Covid-19 pandemic has plagued all over the world. Many aspects of the social order have changed including da'wah activities. The development and existence of technology and restrictions on various religious activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are challenges and opportunities in da'wah activities. Research conducted is literature research that is by collecting data from various sources of references that already exist. The result of this research indicates that the speaker is required to have mastery in the field of technology and continuously to upgrade soft skills to preach in this era. The method that must be modern and practical dawah material becomes a bargaining value that is in demand by the community. This provides an opportunity for dai to document all forms of activities that are da'wah and can also publish muslims and the dynamics of their developing lives. Dai's role must be able to adapt and compete with the globalization of information technology that is already rapidly evolving and liberally controlled by the west, so as to build a new civilization of the face of Islam in the Islamic preaching activities.

This article aims to analyze the basic concepts of multicultural education from an Islamic perspe... more This article aims to analyze the basic concepts of multicultural education from an Islamic perspective. Multicultural education is an understanding of differences, tolerance, mutual respect among human beings. Islam as religion that applies to all mankind troughtout his life and the al quran as a guide for muslims contains multicultural values. The importance of multicultural education is expected to be a solution to the reality heterogeneity of religion, language, and culture. The research method used in this research is to use a qualitatif aprroach library research, by analyzing comprehensively the studies related to multicultural education in an Islamic perspektive. The result showed that Islam essentially teaches its folloers universal valuaes and flexibility in responding to the demands of growing era. Al quran teaches people to appreciate and respect equality of rights, religion, language, and culture so that there is a harmonious relationship, the growth of love among humans, because that is actually an important goal of multicultural education.

The current pandemic condition means that the learning process is carried out using a remote syst... more The current pandemic condition means that the learning process is carried out using a remote system. Children learn from home and are guided by their parents, the educational process must not stop even though it is a pandemic. With this, the role of parents at this time is prioritized especially in implementing character education for children during the distance learning period and parents are required to play their current role during the pandemic in implementing character education at home. This research is in the form of qualitative with the literature study method in finding related data and a descriptive-analytic process is carried out. The results of this study suggest three roles of parents in implementing character education, namely the role of parents as educators, motivators for their children, and providing strong role models. This needs to be done with strong intentions and a frequent habituation process.

This research is based on the need to improve the proficiency and performance of the Madrasah Pri... more This research is based on the need to improve the proficiency and performance of the Madrasah Principles. The participants of the main Madrasah training already have their respective competencies. A strategy for adult education is therefore needed to promote higher competence. One form of training is known as participatory training. The data obtained were then analyzed using a quantitative approach so that some results could be reported, the results of the training which, in addition to the competence of the head of the madrasah, also included a tendency towards positive results as a result of the participatory training found other things that could improve the performance of this madrasah school principal influenced by work experience and educational background factors. Other results suggest that the proficiency of madrasah school principals who are in the moderate madrasa class category may be different from the proficiency and performance of madrasah principals who are in the high madrasa category due to their different educational backgrounds-Class lie, exceeds. These are the results of this analysis as an application of the participatory training model in the training of Madrasah school leaders.

FASTABIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020
Early Childhood Education has grown in our society. But on the other hand, the problem of violenc... more Early Childhood Education has grown in our society. But on the other hand, the problem of violence against children (KDRT), including early childhood, is still an important issue in this country. This is because parents' understanding of the meaning of education as a whole, let alone exemplified by the Prophet, is apparently still uneven. Even though the principles of early childhood education in the prophet's perspective already exist and can be role models. So, the objectives of this study are (1) to arouse awareness of parents to imitate the Prophet in early education for children, (2) to find a character education development strategy in early childhood education by involving parents This research method uses a qualitative research approach with text analysis (discourse), an objective hermeneutic approach to verses and hadiths as well as sources of information. The theory used in this study is the concept of AUD and combines the basic principles of verses from the Qur'an and Hadith and narrations. . The results of this study indicate that (1) at least 10 points of early childhood education have been exemplified by the Prophet in various aspects of children's life, in worship practices, and morals (2) strategies for developing early childhood education with the perspective of the Prophet's da'wah can be done by: strengthening communication parents with teachers, strengthening parent human resources with parenting study material, and strengthening the relationship between parents and teachers through family gathering activities.
Keywords: da'wah, domestic violence, early childhood education, education, early childhood

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam , 2020
Character education is important to be developed continuously. Schools as formal educational inst... more Character education is important to be developed continuously. Schools as formal educational institutions are the printers to create an ideal nation. The teacher has a very strategic position in building the character of students. In order for the management of character education in schools to be optimal, effective, and efficient, effective and efficient management activities are needed as well. Character education is very important for students. Therefore, even though currently during the Covid-19 pandemic, character education must still be conveyed to students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the character education management model in schools during the pandemic. This research uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach and library data sources. The results of this study are that the character education management model in schools during the pandemic can be implemented by: First, collaboration between schools and parents of students must be continuously established, increased in intensity and quality. Both the use of information and communication technology (ICT) are both used for learning based on character, and can be used as well as possible to develop the students' skills. The third Problem Based Learning (PBL) builds a sense of responsibility and makes students not easily bored in online learning because it builds motivation in overcoming existing problems.
Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020
This research is motivated by the dynamics that occur in policy changes and the implementation of... more This research is motivated by the dynamics that occur in policy changes and the implementation of religious education MKWU lectures that are not taken seriously. This study focuses on the study of the substance of the general compulsory religious education subject within the framework of general education. The method used is literature study. The results of this study indicate that the substance of the general compulsory subject of religious education within the framework of general education at the conceptual level must be religious education, not only as a transfer of knowledge about religious teachings, namely education that does not only touch cognitive aspects, but education that can penetrate the hearts and inner consciousness of students.

FASTABIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020
Islam as a religion wants its people to always maintain a balance between religiosity (al din) an... more Islam as a religion wants its people to always maintain a balance between religiosity (al din) and worldly problems (al dunya). The relationship between the two describes something that is separate but inseparable (harmony). However, for modern society, this condition often creates contradictions, this condition was seen at the time of the Covid 19 pandemic. The implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions by the government in an effort to overcome the spread of the impact of Covid 19 to the community by limiting activities in mosques and allowing activities in the market to continue in fact responded by the community differently. The methodology used is qualitative by using social policy analysis. This paper tries to examine social policies towards the application of large-scale social restrictions on mosques and markets. In this paper, the sociology of law theory is used, namely Law is a social engineering tool which emphasizes that law becomes the commander who must bring change to society. The results obtained in the research are that the community responds to the large-scale social restriction policy differently, where the purpose of the policy is for the community to be expected to make changes by complying with the rules that have been set by the government, the conditions for rejection and various responses are caused by disharmony between implementation of policies with public awareness of the law.
Keyword : Policy, large-Scale Restrictions and the sociology of law.

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam , 2020
Poverty is still a problem in all countries, including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made ... more Poverty is still a problem in all countries, including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made by the government to minimize the amount of poverty from various aspects. In fact, various efforts have been made by a number of ministries, not only the Ministry of Social Affairs. All of them have the same goal, namely reducing poverty. This study aims to produce a zakat management prototype that suits the needs of mustahiq and to produce mustahiq who have entrepreneurial mentality, so that they can become independent mustahiq and become muzakki. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods, the data produced is descriptive data obtained from various kinds of literature related to the research theme. The results of the study obtained a zakat management prototype that is synergized between institutions in empowering mustahiq through MSMEs. Integrative and comprehensive steps in the application of the prototype include screening, training, business assistance and monitoring. The four aspects are carried out sequentially and continuously and in the corridor of synergy between BAZNAS and the Director General of PAUDNI and DIKMAS. By not ignoring basic needs and business capital needs, the output generated from the zakat management prototype can make a mustahiq who can be empowered through MSMEs.

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam , Jun 2020
The purpose of writing this article is to describe the actualization of the transformative vision... more The purpose of writing this article is to describe the actualization of the transformative vision of Islam in the religious economic movement. This transformative vision is the theological spirit contained in the Koran. A spirit that manifests in the da'wah movement. Da'wah actions that answer the problems of the Ummah rather than just verbal activities. Da'wah action can be started from activities in majlis taklim. Majlis taklim is a necessity as a laboratory for social change in Muslim circles. The extraordinary existence of majlis taklim can be transformed into social capital as a formulation of transformative vision through reading the context of the challenges of Muslims while referring to the Qur'anic doctrine. Through the spirit of the theology of change, da'i has become not only a religious social elite class but also a person who has a vision of change in society with his da'wah movement.

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam , 2020
Deposits in Islamic banks are investment funds based on mudhârabah agreements or other contracts ... more Deposits in Islamic banks are investment funds based on mudhârabah agreements or other contracts that are not in conflict with Islamic principles. This is stated in the DSN-MUI fatwa No: 03 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 Concerning Deposits, where the Islamic bank acts as the fund manager and the customer is an investor. In the level of implementation, the fund manager (mudhârib) reinvests or re-mudhârabah, then there is a multi-level mudhârabah contract which the islamic jurist has debated its legal status. The research method based on the normative juridical approach with the specification used is analytical descriptive and the data collection method used is literature study. Takyif fiqh and contract construction in sharia deposits, according to the author that the contract used in the implementation of the National Sharia Council No: 03 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 Concerning Deposits is mudhârib yudhârib contract; mudhârib al-wasȋth or commonly called mudhârabah birthday. In this case the Islamic bank in addition to being domiciled as mudhrib (in the first mudhârabah contract), the Islamic bank was also at the same time as shâhib al-māl (in the second mudhârabah contract). Based on the opinion of the rajj (superior) among the scholars, the law of carrying out a multilevel mudhârabah agreement or commonly referred to as mudhârib yudhârib (re-mudhârbah) is permissible based on two considerations, namely consideration of 'urf / habit (in this case the habits in the Islamic financial institutions)) and the concept of absolute mudhârabah.

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam , 2020
The journey of life of the Messenger of Allah influences and forms the Shari"a. Ethnography in th... more The journey of life of the Messenger of Allah influences and forms the Shari"a. Ethnography in the Arabian peninsula (especially Mecca and Medina) influenced the development of Islam in the time of the Prophet, especially Mecca with trade culture and Medina culture agriculture.The Shari'a is influenced by the ethnographic situation in the Arabian peninsula, especially in the holy cities of the Islamic Community, namely Mecca and Medina. Ethnography can influence the development of Islam in the time of the Prophet, especially the Mecca that developed form exchanges of information by traders while the Islamic Medina developed from areas that were culturally derived from agricultural societies. The uniqueness of ethnography and his life"s journey refer to tashri (sharia) in terms of interpretation. Ethnography also influences the growth and development of Islam in Indonesia, which makes Islam acculturate with local culture.This paper is put forward as an effort to show the sirah nabawiyah (the journey of the Prophet's life) as one aspect of sharia formation, influenced by various factors in the spread, growth and development both in the Mecca and Madinah regions, as centers of Islamic teachings and Indonesia which has social differences, cultural, political and economic. The method put forward in this paper is the historical method, with the specification of a library research approach that refers to primary and secondary sources.Ethnography is one of the factors that can influence religious teachings to spread, grow and develop, a reality that also takes place on Islamic teachings. The teachings are influenced by the conditions of Mecca and Medina in shaping the law (tasyr"i). The teachings of Islam in Indonesia are spread and developed and grow sourced from the commercial activities carried out by the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century AD, but trade does not dwarf the agricultural community that simultaneously embraces Islam, which at the same time also the community of agricultural communities trade with the spreaders of Islam in the Coast region.

Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020
This research is a study of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Islamic education deal... more This research is a study of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Islamic education dealing with 21st century learning skills. The problem faced by Islamic education is the adjustment of Islamic education in the era of digitalization and learning in the 21st century with the aim of preparing generations of Muslims who are ready to live in accordance with their times. This study focuses on educational institutions and curriculum. The disciplinary approach is problem solving through a theological and interdisciplinary approach in question: problem solving through allied science including; educational philosophy, psychology, Islamic education. This study uses a qualitative approach with literature study as a basis for data collection. One of the characteristics of qualitative research is to explore issues thoroughly, from various books and journals related to the theme, both from within and outside the country, then analyzed.This paper produces 1) one discourse that the disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is able to solve the problems faced by Islamic education in the 21st century, 2) the disciplinary and interdisciplinary blend of concepts that are inseparable in solving and dealing with current Islamic education problems.
Papers by Fastabiq Jurnal Studi Islam
Keywords: da'wah, domestic violence, early childhood education, education, early childhood
Keyword : Policy, large-Scale Restrictions and the sociology of law.
Keywords: da'wah, domestic violence, early childhood education, education, early childhood
Keyword : Policy, large-Scale Restrictions and the sociology of law.