African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Jun 30, 2010
Antibacterial properties of 51 aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of seventeen medicinal pl... more Antibacterial properties of 51 aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of seventeen medicinal plants from fourteen families used in the traditional system of medicines in Pakistan were tested against ten commonly prevalent gram negative and gram positive bacteria. In particular we examined the enteric pathogens and yeast using agar well diffusion method. The extracts of Eucalyptus globulus, Emblica officinalis and Sphaeranthus were found to have high levels of activity against all ten of the microorganisms. Ethanolic extracts of Azadirecta indica, Cedrella toona, Punicia granatum, Berginia ciliata and Lawsonia alba have shown considerable activity. Aqueous extracts of B. ciliata, L. alba and P. granatum have also shown low to moderate antimicrobial activity. The hexane extracts of the other fourteen medicinal plants and extracts from Calotropics procera, Melia azdirecta, Myrtus communis, Berberis aristata, Aspholedus tinuipholius had either no activity against most of the organisms or moderate activity against few organisms. Antibacterial activity of some of these plant extracts was comparable with commercially available antibiotics. Pakistan has a rich flora with broad potential for new antimicrobial agents which can be used as a substitute for current antibiotics against which wide spread resistance has developed.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Aug 18, 2011
Dietary trivalent chromium as chromium picolinate supplementation is an essential nutrient for hu... more Dietary trivalent chromium as chromium picolinate supplementation is an essential nutrient for human life and been used at higher dosages to offset problems of malabsorption or to pharmacologically influence the chemistry of blood sugar control in diabetics and has been previously studied on the basis of non-randomized clinical trials. It is also recognized as one of 15 trace elements critical for proper physiological functioning of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The present study was unique, as it has been the first ever study in which the effect of different doses of chromium supplementation (200/400 µg chromium chloride) at different time intervals on body weight, bilirubin, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase has been investigated in normal and diabetic rabbits. Twenty four healthy Newzeland white rabbits were randomly selected, half of them were made diabetic with the help of alloxan at the dose of 300 mg/kg body weight orally for two weeks on a daily basis. Both normal and diabetic groups were divided into two treatment groups; 200 and 400 µg/L supplemental chromium was provided by chromium chloride incorporated into drinking water daily for sixty days. Blood glucose levels were checked on 0, 15, 30 and 60 days. In supplemental chromium, chloride did not affect bilirubin (P<0.05) in any rabbit type, while results revealed increased secretion of SGPT (93.00 to 134.50 i.µ) and decreased ALK-PHOS levels (133.17 to 45.1 i.µ) in normal group. In contrary, decreased secretion of SGPT (83.50 to 75.17 i.µ) and an increased ALK-PHOS level (115.83 to 167 i.µ) has been observed in diabetic group at doses of 200/400 µg chromium chloride supplementation in all rabbits, while SGOT level showed increased effect in both normal and diabetic groups. The bodyweight profile was affected in all rabbit's type by supplemental chromium. Bodyweight increased as dietary chromium. Chloride content increased from 0 to 200 µg statistically, experimental data evaluated as significant at (P< 0.05, P< 0.01).
Ninety-nine aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of thirty three medicinal plants from twenty... more Ninety-nine aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of thirty three medicinal plants from twenty six families used in the unani system of medicines in Pakistan were tested against ten commonly prevalent gram negative and gram positive bacteria’s particularly the enteric pathogens and yeast using agar diffusion disc method for their antimicrobial activity. Aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of fifteen medicinal plants have no activity while other 18 plants have moderate to good antimicrobial activity. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of Adhatoda vasica Nees, Allium sativum Linn., Embelia ribes Burm. f. Mallotus phillippensis Muell., Picrorrhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth., Ricinus communis Linn.,Elaeagnus hortensis M. Bieb., Swertia chirata Buch. Ham. and exhibited good activity against all or most of the microorganisms. The alcoholic extracts of Solanum nigrum Linn,Centella asiatica Linn, Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl., Oxtostagia limbataBenth., Cassia angustifolia Vahl,...
Background and aims: Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D-VitDD) affects over one billion pe... more Background and aims: Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D-VitDD) affects over one billion people worldwide. VitDD results in progression of osteoporosis as well as other conditions. Previous studies have shown high rates of VitDD in Pakistan despite appreciable levels of sunshine. However, none have assessed VitDD across all age groups, genders, incomes and locations to guide future strategies. Methods: Questionnaire and blood sampling among 4830 randomly selected citizens. Results: High levels of VitDD among all age groups, genders, income levels and locations. 53.5% had VitDD, 31.2% had insufficient Vitamin D and only 15.3% normal Vitamin D. Conclusion: High rates of VitDD in Pakistan despite high levels of sunshine and previous Food Acts asking for food fortification with Vitamin D. Public health strategies are needed to address high VitDD rates, including food fortification, i.e. nurture, alongside increasing exposure to sunlight, i.e. nature. This will involve all key stakeholder groups.
Irrational drug use practices are a burden to healthcare facilities. Poor prescribing practices a... more Irrational drug use practices are a burden to healthcare facilities. Poor prescribing practices affect the overall management and cost of treatment of non-communicable diseases that are the major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. In an effort to improve prescribing practices, this study was designed to assess prescribing, consultation and facility indicators in healthcare facilities of Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan from December 2012 to December 2013. In this cross-sectional study, random and convenient sampling were used to collected data from both private and public healthcare facilities. Quantitative data were collected using structured questionnaire, observations and prescription analysis, whereas qualitative information on factors influencing prescribing practices was obtained by interviewing medical practitioners. A total of 13693 prescriptions were obtained from 500 patient-prescriber encounters. Results show that history taking, physical examination and di...
The safety of herbal products has become a foremost apprehension in public health with their reco... more The safety of herbal products has become a foremost apprehension in public health with their recognition and worldwide market growth and due in part to the widespread assumption that “natural” implies “harmless”. The global market of medicinal plants has been growing at a rate of 7-10% annually; capitalizing on the growing awareness of herbal and aromatic plants globally. The present study was conducted to assess the physiochemical parameters, microbial contamination and presence of heavy metals. The 24 medicinal plants were collected from open market places of various cities of Pakistan and tested by employing WHO and AOAC guidelines. Medicinal plants were found polluted with wide variety of potentially pathogenic bacterias. Microbial count and levels of arsenic and mercury in some plants were found elevated. The percentage (%) of physiochemical parameters i.e., foreign organic matter, total ash, acid insoluble ash, alcohol soluble extract, water soluble extract and moisture count ...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 2015
Introduction: The appropriate management of patients with osteoporosis and the rational use of an... more Introduction: The appropriate management of patients with osteoporosis and the rational use of antibiotics are growing concerns in Pakistan. The first step to improve patient care is to understand current prescribing patterns and the rationale behind these patterns. Aim: To assesses utilisation patterns, prescribing behaviour and the potential rationale among a range of medicines including bisphosphonates and antibiotics. Subsequently, use the findings to suggest potential future policies for all key stakeholders to improve patient care in the future. Methodology: A questionnaire based, cross-sectional study in both private and public health care facilities in Pakistan, conducted between January 2011 and December 2012, involving 438 physicians and15824 prescriptions. The second study involved 9984 outpatient prescriptions, 127 in-patient cases and over 100 prescribers and dispensers. Results: There was adequate history taking and examinations in approximately half of the physicians surveyed, with prescribing typically taking into account issues such as disease severity (84% of respondents) and the socioeconomic status of patients (53%). Prescribing of bisphosphonates was common certainly compared to medicines to treat cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. However, there are concerns with the low use of generics, high rate of antibiotic prescribing, variable availability of medicines, medical representatives being a key source of information on medicines and typically a limited number of formularies. Discussion: There are considerable opportunities to improve the rational use of medicines in Pakistan including physician education, prescribing guidance and formularies. In addition, educating patients and physicians concerning antibiotics. These should be coordinated among key stakeholder groups. There is also a need to ensure low prices for generics and enhance their utilisation.
The astounding and exceptional growth of generic pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan has raised c... more The astounding and exceptional growth of generic pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan has raised certain questions for drug regulatory authorities contemplating their efficacy and quality. The current study focuses on assessing the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of 24 brands of Cephradine 500mg capsules against 4 different strains by employing standardized methods. Disk diffusion method was performed on all brands to look into the susceptibility and resistance patterns. Standard disk of 5µg Cephradine powder were used during evaluation. The zones of inhibitions were ranged from 24-40mm against S. aureus, 24-40mm against E. coli, 20-25mm against K. pneumonia and 19-23mm P. mirabilis. On the basis of mean value, the multinational brands were found to have better zone of inhibitions and were better than local Pharmaceutical companies but ANOVA cooperative study showed that all brands of Cephradine showed similar comparable results. Further investigations by employing MIC method, qualit...
Eclipta alba is a small branched perennial herb, which has been used as a traditional medicine in... more Eclipta alba is a small branched perennial herb, which has been used as a traditional medicine in different countries mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The plant E. alba plays a significant role in the ayurvedic, traditional and unani systems of medicine. It is popularly known as "Bhringaraj". The herb has been known for its medicinal value and has been used as an analgesic, antimytotoxic, antihepatotoxic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antihaemorrhagic, antihyperglycemic and immunomodulatory and also recognized as a reincarnated plant. Broad range of chemical constituents have been detached from E. alba including coumestans, alkaloids, thiopenes, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, triterpenes and their glycosides. Pharmacological activities have been seen in the metabolites and extracts of this plant. Therefore this herb produces robust curative lead compounds, which would be propitious for humanity. The purpose of this review recapitulates all data related t...
Tetanus is an acute illness represented by comprehensive increased inflexibility and spastic spas... more Tetanus is an acute illness represented by comprehensive increased inflexibility and spastic spasms of skeletal muscles. The poor quality tetanus toxoid vaccine can raise the prevalence of neonatal tetanus. WHO has taken numerous steps to assist national regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers to ensure its quality and efficacy. It has formulated international principles for stability evaluation of each vaccine, which are available in the form of recommendations and guidelines. The aim of present study was to ensure the stability of tetanus vaccines produced by National Institute of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan by employing standardized methods to ensure constancy of tetanus toxoid at elevated temperature, if during storage/transportation cold chain may not be maintained in hot weather. A total of three batches filled during full-scale production were tested. All Stability studies determination were performed on final products stored at 2-8°C and elevated temperatures in con...
WHO estimates, around 80% of the especially developing world is indigent on complementary and alt... more WHO estimates, around 80% of the especially developing world is indigent on complementary and alternative medicines which are prodigiously derived from herbal material. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is an important culinary herb originated from the Mediterranean region. It possesses small and dark seeds with volatile oil content. Petroselinum crispum is now planted throughout the world due to its usage in food industry, perfume manufacturing, soaps, and creams. Its main constituents subsume coumarins, furanocoumarins (bergapten, imperatori), ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, apiole, various terpenoic compounds, phenyl propanoids, phathalides, and tocopherol. Due to these constituents, it has been annunciated to possess a number of possible medicinal emblematics including, antimicrobial, antianemic, menorrhagic, anticoagulant, antihyperlipidemic, antihepatotoxic, antihypertensive, diuretic effects, hypoglycaemic, hypouricemic, anti oxidative and estrogenic activities. In Moroc...
Medicinal plants are believed to be a precious natural reservoir as they are assumed to have para... more Medicinal plants are believed to be a precious natural reservoir as they are assumed to have paranormal effects for the mankind. Moringa oleifera grows throughout most of the tropics and has numerous industrial and medicinal uses. This review acquaints with the consequence of fera (Moringaceae), a fast growing medicinal plant wide spread in tropical regions with height ranging from 5-10m. It has an enormous nutritional worth due to existence of vitamins and proteins. It is subsisted with many constituents. Its oil consists of oleic, tocopherols, stearic, palmitic, behenic and arachidic acid. Flavanoids and phenolics such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, kaempferol, ellagic acid, quercetin and vanillin are present by means of leaf extract, being richest in phenolics and subsequent fruit and seed extract respectively, that are accountable for antioxidant activity of plant. Seeds have been pragmatic with active components as novel O-ethyl-4- (α -L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl ca...
Medicinal plants are crucial for about 80% of the world population in developing and developed co... more Medicinal plants are crucial for about 80% of the world population in developing and developed countries for their primary and basic health care needs owing to better tolerability, superior compatibility with human body and having lesser side effects. The present study was conducted on various solvent extracts of three plant samples of Indian and Nepali origin Swertia Chirayita (Roxb.) Buch-ham (Chiratia) collected from various places to establish their comparative phytochemical analysis, chromatographic profile, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. Nepali Swertia Chirayita was found to have finest Chromatographic profile (TLC). Phytochemical analysis revealed Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid, glycosides, steroids and triterpenoids in all samples. Different solvent fractions of the methanolic plant extracts of Swertia chirayita were assessed for hepatoprotective activity by carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats. The grade of protection was measured ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2012
Objectives. To assess Pakistani pharmacy students' perceptions of complementary and alternative m... more Objectives. To assess Pakistani pharmacy students' perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the frequency with which they use CAM, and barriers to use of CAM. Method. A CAM health belief questionnaire was administered to 595 students enrolled in a 5-year doctor of pharmacy program (PharmD) in Pakistan. Results. Attitudes of students towards CAM were positive. Lack of evidence supporting CAM practices was considered to be the major barrier toward more students using CAM. A majority of students (79%) agreed that clinical care should integrate conventional medicine and CAM practices. Many CAM-based therapies, such as dietary supplements, massage, herbal medicines, and homoeopathic medicines were used by the students. Significant gender differences in attitude were observed, with male students having more conservative attitudes toward CAM use. A high percentage of students desired more training in CAM. Conclusions. Pakistani students exhibited positive attitudes about the value of CAM and most felt that CAM should be included in the PharmD curriculum.
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2014
Herbal medicines are used by traditional healers since hundreds of years, and medicinal plants ar... more Herbal medicines are used by traditional healers since hundreds of years, and medicinal plants are imperative reserve for traditional and herbal industry. This practice is in vogue since ancient times. Over 80,000 species of plants are used globally for their medicinal uses. Boerhaavia diffusa is one of the distinguished medicinal plants used to treat large number of human ailments. The plant in whole or its parts (aerial parts and roots) have abundant medicinal properties and are used by common and ethnic people for their common ailments. The investigated and reported pharmacological and therapeutic properties of B. diffusa include laxative and immunomodulatory activities, cancer chemopreventive efficacy, inhibition of tumorigenesis, antioxidant activity, hepatoprotective activity, hypoglycemic activity, antifungal, anti-proliferative, anti-estrogenic, analgesic, potent anti-fibrinolytic, antibacterial activity, anticonvulsant activity, diuretic, spasmolytic activity, anti-stress and dyspepsia. It has been studied with keen interest due to its promising medicinal values in phytochemical and pharmacological research field. The objective of this review on B. diffusa is to sum up plant morphology, chemical compositions, ethno-medicinal uses with a scope of development in future. The manifold benefits of B. diffusa has made it a true miracle of nature.
Alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate drug, it is used to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseas... more Alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate drug, it is used to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseases. The present study was designed to conduct comparative bioavailability analysis of oral formulations of aledronate sodium through an open-label, randomized, 2-sequence, 2-period crossover study. Healthy adult male Pakistani volunteers received a single 70 mg dose of the test or reference formulation of alendronate sodium followed by a 7 day washout period. Plasma drug concentrations were determined using a validated HPLC post column fluorescence derivatization method. AUC(01,) AUC(0-8,) C(max). and T(max) were determined by non-compartmental analysis and were found within the permitted range of 80% to 125% set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results show that both in vitio and in vivo assays of all test brands were within the spec- ification of the US Pharmacopoeial limits and were statistically bioequivalent. No adverse events were reported in this study.
Health for all by 2000" has declared its official policy on TRM as part of National Health Policy... more Health for all by 2000" has declared its official policy on TRM as part of National Health Policy. This goal cannot be achieved without utilizing the Traditional and/Complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM) (WHO, 1978). The National Policy of Health, 1997 suggested developing a new curriculum, prerequisite for admissions in Tibba/Homoeopathic Colleges has been changed from Matric (Grade 10) to FSc (Premedical i.e. Grade 12) for which the colleges needs affiliation with universities, enactment of a law to cover manufacturing of traditional medicines, strengthening the roles of National Council for Tibb and Homoeopathy and supporting research and development. The policy suggested regulation of traditional medicines practice and education, establishment of pharmaceutical laboratory at federal level and conducting training courses for the collection of medicinal plants. The National Health Policy of 2001 also suggested amendments of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic (UAH) Act, 1965 to incorporate degree and post graduate level courses (NHP, 97, 2001) which have now been implemented. 1.1 Tibb-e-Unani According to basic principles of Tibb-e-Unani (Greco-Arab) body is made up of the four basic elements, which are "earth", "air", "water" and "fire" with different "temperaments" i.e. cold, hot, wet and dry. The body organs get their nourishment through four "humors" i.e. Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile and Black Bile. Concept of health in Tibb-e-Unani is a state of body in which there is equilibrium in the "humors" and functions of the body are normal in accordance with its own temperament and the environment. When the equilibrium of the "humors" is disturbed and the functions of body are abnormal, that state is called disease. It takes a holistic approach towards prevention of diseases, cure and promotion of health and relies on drugs made from medicinal plants, herbs, minerals, metallic and animal origin for the treatment of diseases. Unani system of medicine has its origin in Greece. It is believed to have been established by the great physician and philosopher-Hippocrates (460-377 BC). The Arabian scholars and physicians under the patronage of Islamic rulers of many Arabian countries have played great role in the development of this system. Many disciplines like chemistry, pharmaceutical procedures like distillation, sublimation, calcinations and fermentation were developed and refined by them. The most influential historical figure in this golden era of Unani medicine was Avicenna (980-1037 A.D). His most important medical work was "The cannons of medicine" Al-Qunoon. The present form of Unani medicines greatly owes to him. His book Al-qanoon or (The canon of medicine) was an internationally acclaimed book on medicine, which was taught in European countries till the 17 th century. Many physician of Arab descent in Spain have also contributed to the development of the system. Some of the important names are-Abul Qasim Zohravi (Abulcasus 946-1036 AD) and he is the author of the famous book on surgery "Al Tasreef"-( The Arabs were instrumental in introducing Unani medicine in sub-continent in around 1350 AD. The first known Hakim (Physician) was Zia Mohd Masood Rasheed Zangi. Some of the renowned physicians who were instrumental in development of the system are-Akbar Mohd Akbar Arzani (around 1721 AD)-the author of the books-Qarabadin Qadri and Tibb-e-Akbar; Hakim M. Shareef Khan (1725-1807)-a renowned physician well-known
Background Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia that may occur d... more Background Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia that may occur due to genetic, environmental or lifestyle factors. Natural remedies have been used to treat diabetes since long and many antidiabetic compounds of varied efficacies have been isolated from medicinal plants. Rhazya stricta has been used for decades for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and associated ailments. Considering the folkloric use of R. stricta against diabetes, it was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of its root extracts against diabetes through in vitro assays and in vivo studies using animal model along with phytochemical profiling through GCMS. Methods Various fractions of Rhazya stricta obtained through column chromatography were evaluated for a variety of assays including α-glucosidase, Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV), β-secretase and Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion studies. For the in vivo studies the alloxan-induced diabetic mice were treated with root e...
This work estimates the potential of banana pseudo-stem with high cellulosic content 42.2-63 %, f... more This work estimates the potential of banana pseudo-stem with high cellulosic content 42.2-63 %, for the production of fermentable sugars for lactic acid production through statistically optimized pretreatment method. To evaluate the catalyzed pretreatment efficiency of banana pseudo stem based on the enzymatic digestibility, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed for the optimization of pretreatment temperature and time using lowest concentrations of H2SO4, NaOH, NaOH catalyzed Na2S and Na2SO3 that seemed to be significant variables with P<0.05. High F and R (2) values and low p-value for hydrolysis yield indicated the model predictability. The optimized condition for NaOH was determined to be conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.6 hr; Na2S; conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.29 hr; Na2SO3; conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.41 hr and H2SO4; conc. 1 %, temperature 129.45 (o)C for 2.18 hr, produced 84.91 %, 85.23 %, 81.2 % and 76.02 % hydrolysis yield, respectively...
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Jun 30, 2010
Antibacterial properties of 51 aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of seventeen medicinal pl... more Antibacterial properties of 51 aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of seventeen medicinal plants from fourteen families used in the traditional system of medicines in Pakistan were tested against ten commonly prevalent gram negative and gram positive bacteria. In particular we examined the enteric pathogens and yeast using agar well diffusion method. The extracts of Eucalyptus globulus, Emblica officinalis and Sphaeranthus were found to have high levels of activity against all ten of the microorganisms. Ethanolic extracts of Azadirecta indica, Cedrella toona, Punicia granatum, Berginia ciliata and Lawsonia alba have shown considerable activity. Aqueous extracts of B. ciliata, L. alba and P. granatum have also shown low to moderate antimicrobial activity. The hexane extracts of the other fourteen medicinal plants and extracts from Calotropics procera, Melia azdirecta, Myrtus communis, Berberis aristata, Aspholedus tinuipholius had either no activity against most of the organisms or moderate activity against few organisms. Antibacterial activity of some of these plant extracts was comparable with commercially available antibiotics. Pakistan has a rich flora with broad potential for new antimicrobial agents which can be used as a substitute for current antibiotics against which wide spread resistance has developed.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Aug 18, 2011
Dietary trivalent chromium as chromium picolinate supplementation is an essential nutrient for hu... more Dietary trivalent chromium as chromium picolinate supplementation is an essential nutrient for human life and been used at higher dosages to offset problems of malabsorption or to pharmacologically influence the chemistry of blood sugar control in diabetics and has been previously studied on the basis of non-randomized clinical trials. It is also recognized as one of 15 trace elements critical for proper physiological functioning of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The present study was unique, as it has been the first ever study in which the effect of different doses of chromium supplementation (200/400 µg chromium chloride) at different time intervals on body weight, bilirubin, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase has been investigated in normal and diabetic rabbits. Twenty four healthy Newzeland white rabbits were randomly selected, half of them were made diabetic with the help of alloxan at the dose of 300 mg/kg body weight orally for two weeks on a daily basis. Both normal and diabetic groups were divided into two treatment groups; 200 and 400 µg/L supplemental chromium was provided by chromium chloride incorporated into drinking water daily for sixty days. Blood glucose levels were checked on 0, 15, 30 and 60 days. In supplemental chromium, chloride did not affect bilirubin (P<0.05) in any rabbit type, while results revealed increased secretion of SGPT (93.00 to 134.50 i.µ) and decreased ALK-PHOS levels (133.17 to 45.1 i.µ) in normal group. In contrary, decreased secretion of SGPT (83.50 to 75.17 i.µ) and an increased ALK-PHOS level (115.83 to 167 i.µ) has been observed in diabetic group at doses of 200/400 µg chromium chloride supplementation in all rabbits, while SGOT level showed increased effect in both normal and diabetic groups. The bodyweight profile was affected in all rabbit's type by supplemental chromium. Bodyweight increased as dietary chromium. Chloride content increased from 0 to 200 µg statistically, experimental data evaluated as significant at (P< 0.05, P< 0.01).
Ninety-nine aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of thirty three medicinal plants from twenty... more Ninety-nine aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of thirty three medicinal plants from twenty six families used in the unani system of medicines in Pakistan were tested against ten commonly prevalent gram negative and gram positive bacteria’s particularly the enteric pathogens and yeast using agar diffusion disc method for their antimicrobial activity. Aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of fifteen medicinal plants have no activity while other 18 plants have moderate to good antimicrobial activity. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of Adhatoda vasica Nees, Allium sativum Linn., Embelia ribes Burm. f. Mallotus phillippensis Muell., Picrorrhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth., Ricinus communis Linn.,Elaeagnus hortensis M. Bieb., Swertia chirata Buch. Ham. and exhibited good activity against all or most of the microorganisms. The alcoholic extracts of Solanum nigrum Linn,Centella asiatica Linn, Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl., Oxtostagia limbataBenth., Cassia angustifolia Vahl,...
Background and aims: Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D-VitDD) affects over one billion pe... more Background and aims: Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D-VitDD) affects over one billion people worldwide. VitDD results in progression of osteoporosis as well as other conditions. Previous studies have shown high rates of VitDD in Pakistan despite appreciable levels of sunshine. However, none have assessed VitDD across all age groups, genders, incomes and locations to guide future strategies. Methods: Questionnaire and blood sampling among 4830 randomly selected citizens. Results: High levels of VitDD among all age groups, genders, income levels and locations. 53.5% had VitDD, 31.2% had insufficient Vitamin D and only 15.3% normal Vitamin D. Conclusion: High rates of VitDD in Pakistan despite high levels of sunshine and previous Food Acts asking for food fortification with Vitamin D. Public health strategies are needed to address high VitDD rates, including food fortification, i.e. nurture, alongside increasing exposure to sunlight, i.e. nature. This will involve all key stakeholder groups.
Irrational drug use practices are a burden to healthcare facilities. Poor prescribing practices a... more Irrational drug use practices are a burden to healthcare facilities. Poor prescribing practices affect the overall management and cost of treatment of non-communicable diseases that are the major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. In an effort to improve prescribing practices, this study was designed to assess prescribing, consultation and facility indicators in healthcare facilities of Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan from December 2012 to December 2013. In this cross-sectional study, random and convenient sampling were used to collected data from both private and public healthcare facilities. Quantitative data were collected using structured questionnaire, observations and prescription analysis, whereas qualitative information on factors influencing prescribing practices was obtained by interviewing medical practitioners. A total of 13693 prescriptions were obtained from 500 patient-prescriber encounters. Results show that history taking, physical examination and di...
The safety of herbal products has become a foremost apprehension in public health with their reco... more The safety of herbal products has become a foremost apprehension in public health with their recognition and worldwide market growth and due in part to the widespread assumption that “natural” implies “harmless”. The global market of medicinal plants has been growing at a rate of 7-10% annually; capitalizing on the growing awareness of herbal and aromatic plants globally. The present study was conducted to assess the physiochemical parameters, microbial contamination and presence of heavy metals. The 24 medicinal plants were collected from open market places of various cities of Pakistan and tested by employing WHO and AOAC guidelines. Medicinal plants were found polluted with wide variety of potentially pathogenic bacterias. Microbial count and levels of arsenic and mercury in some plants were found elevated. The percentage (%) of physiochemical parameters i.e., foreign organic matter, total ash, acid insoluble ash, alcohol soluble extract, water soluble extract and moisture count ...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 2015
Introduction: The appropriate management of patients with osteoporosis and the rational use of an... more Introduction: The appropriate management of patients with osteoporosis and the rational use of antibiotics are growing concerns in Pakistan. The first step to improve patient care is to understand current prescribing patterns and the rationale behind these patterns. Aim: To assesses utilisation patterns, prescribing behaviour and the potential rationale among a range of medicines including bisphosphonates and antibiotics. Subsequently, use the findings to suggest potential future policies for all key stakeholders to improve patient care in the future. Methodology: A questionnaire based, cross-sectional study in both private and public health care facilities in Pakistan, conducted between January 2011 and December 2012, involving 438 physicians and15824 prescriptions. The second study involved 9984 outpatient prescriptions, 127 in-patient cases and over 100 prescribers and dispensers. Results: There was adequate history taking and examinations in approximately half of the physicians surveyed, with prescribing typically taking into account issues such as disease severity (84% of respondents) and the socioeconomic status of patients (53%). Prescribing of bisphosphonates was common certainly compared to medicines to treat cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. However, there are concerns with the low use of generics, high rate of antibiotic prescribing, variable availability of medicines, medical representatives being a key source of information on medicines and typically a limited number of formularies. Discussion: There are considerable opportunities to improve the rational use of medicines in Pakistan including physician education, prescribing guidance and formularies. In addition, educating patients and physicians concerning antibiotics. These should be coordinated among key stakeholder groups. There is also a need to ensure low prices for generics and enhance their utilisation.
The astounding and exceptional growth of generic pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan has raised c... more The astounding and exceptional growth of generic pharmaceutical Industry in Pakistan has raised certain questions for drug regulatory authorities contemplating their efficacy and quality. The current study focuses on assessing the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of 24 brands of Cephradine 500mg capsules against 4 different strains by employing standardized methods. Disk diffusion method was performed on all brands to look into the susceptibility and resistance patterns. Standard disk of 5µg Cephradine powder were used during evaluation. The zones of inhibitions were ranged from 24-40mm against S. aureus, 24-40mm against E. coli, 20-25mm against K. pneumonia and 19-23mm P. mirabilis. On the basis of mean value, the multinational brands were found to have better zone of inhibitions and were better than local Pharmaceutical companies but ANOVA cooperative study showed that all brands of Cephradine showed similar comparable results. Further investigations by employing MIC method, qualit...
Eclipta alba is a small branched perennial herb, which has been used as a traditional medicine in... more Eclipta alba is a small branched perennial herb, which has been used as a traditional medicine in different countries mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The plant E. alba plays a significant role in the ayurvedic, traditional and unani systems of medicine. It is popularly known as "Bhringaraj". The herb has been known for its medicinal value and has been used as an analgesic, antimytotoxic, antihepatotoxic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antihaemorrhagic, antihyperglycemic and immunomodulatory and also recognized as a reincarnated plant. Broad range of chemical constituents have been detached from E. alba including coumestans, alkaloids, thiopenes, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, triterpenes and their glycosides. Pharmacological activities have been seen in the metabolites and extracts of this plant. Therefore this herb produces robust curative lead compounds, which would be propitious for humanity. The purpose of this review recapitulates all data related t...
Tetanus is an acute illness represented by comprehensive increased inflexibility and spastic spas... more Tetanus is an acute illness represented by comprehensive increased inflexibility and spastic spasms of skeletal muscles. The poor quality tetanus toxoid vaccine can raise the prevalence of neonatal tetanus. WHO has taken numerous steps to assist national regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers to ensure its quality and efficacy. It has formulated international principles for stability evaluation of each vaccine, which are available in the form of recommendations and guidelines. The aim of present study was to ensure the stability of tetanus vaccines produced by National Institute of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan by employing standardized methods to ensure constancy of tetanus toxoid at elevated temperature, if during storage/transportation cold chain may not be maintained in hot weather. A total of three batches filled during full-scale production were tested. All Stability studies determination were performed on final products stored at 2-8°C and elevated temperatures in con...
WHO estimates, around 80% of the especially developing world is indigent on complementary and alt... more WHO estimates, around 80% of the especially developing world is indigent on complementary and alternative medicines which are prodigiously derived from herbal material. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is an important culinary herb originated from the Mediterranean region. It possesses small and dark seeds with volatile oil content. Petroselinum crispum is now planted throughout the world due to its usage in food industry, perfume manufacturing, soaps, and creams. Its main constituents subsume coumarins, furanocoumarins (bergapten, imperatori), ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, apiole, various terpenoic compounds, phenyl propanoids, phathalides, and tocopherol. Due to these constituents, it has been annunciated to possess a number of possible medicinal emblematics including, antimicrobial, antianemic, menorrhagic, anticoagulant, antihyperlipidemic, antihepatotoxic, antihypertensive, diuretic effects, hypoglycaemic, hypouricemic, anti oxidative and estrogenic activities. In Moroc...
Medicinal plants are believed to be a precious natural reservoir as they are assumed to have para... more Medicinal plants are believed to be a precious natural reservoir as they are assumed to have paranormal effects for the mankind. Moringa oleifera grows throughout most of the tropics and has numerous industrial and medicinal uses. This review acquaints with the consequence of fera (Moringaceae), a fast growing medicinal plant wide spread in tropical regions with height ranging from 5-10m. It has an enormous nutritional worth due to existence of vitamins and proteins. It is subsisted with many constituents. Its oil consists of oleic, tocopherols, stearic, palmitic, behenic and arachidic acid. Flavanoids and phenolics such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, kaempferol, ellagic acid, quercetin and vanillin are present by means of leaf extract, being richest in phenolics and subsequent fruit and seed extract respectively, that are accountable for antioxidant activity of plant. Seeds have been pragmatic with active components as novel O-ethyl-4- (α -L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl ca...
Medicinal plants are crucial for about 80% of the world population in developing and developed co... more Medicinal plants are crucial for about 80% of the world population in developing and developed countries for their primary and basic health care needs owing to better tolerability, superior compatibility with human body and having lesser side effects. The present study was conducted on various solvent extracts of three plant samples of Indian and Nepali origin Swertia Chirayita (Roxb.) Buch-ham (Chiratia) collected from various places to establish their comparative phytochemical analysis, chromatographic profile, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. Nepali Swertia Chirayita was found to have finest Chromatographic profile (TLC). Phytochemical analysis revealed Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid, glycosides, steroids and triterpenoids in all samples. Different solvent fractions of the methanolic plant extracts of Swertia chirayita were assessed for hepatoprotective activity by carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats. The grade of protection was measured ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2012
Objectives. To assess Pakistani pharmacy students' perceptions of complementary and alternative m... more Objectives. To assess Pakistani pharmacy students' perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the frequency with which they use CAM, and barriers to use of CAM. Method. A CAM health belief questionnaire was administered to 595 students enrolled in a 5-year doctor of pharmacy program (PharmD) in Pakistan. Results. Attitudes of students towards CAM were positive. Lack of evidence supporting CAM practices was considered to be the major barrier toward more students using CAM. A majority of students (79%) agreed that clinical care should integrate conventional medicine and CAM practices. Many CAM-based therapies, such as dietary supplements, massage, herbal medicines, and homoeopathic medicines were used by the students. Significant gender differences in attitude were observed, with male students having more conservative attitudes toward CAM use. A high percentage of students desired more training in CAM. Conclusions. Pakistani students exhibited positive attitudes about the value of CAM and most felt that CAM should be included in the PharmD curriculum.
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2014
Herbal medicines are used by traditional healers since hundreds of years, and medicinal plants ar... more Herbal medicines are used by traditional healers since hundreds of years, and medicinal plants are imperative reserve for traditional and herbal industry. This practice is in vogue since ancient times. Over 80,000 species of plants are used globally for their medicinal uses. Boerhaavia diffusa is one of the distinguished medicinal plants used to treat large number of human ailments. The plant in whole or its parts (aerial parts and roots) have abundant medicinal properties and are used by common and ethnic people for their common ailments. The investigated and reported pharmacological and therapeutic properties of B. diffusa include laxative and immunomodulatory activities, cancer chemopreventive efficacy, inhibition of tumorigenesis, antioxidant activity, hepatoprotective activity, hypoglycemic activity, antifungal, anti-proliferative, anti-estrogenic, analgesic, potent anti-fibrinolytic, antibacterial activity, anticonvulsant activity, diuretic, spasmolytic activity, anti-stress and dyspepsia. It has been studied with keen interest due to its promising medicinal values in phytochemical and pharmacological research field. The objective of this review on B. diffusa is to sum up plant morphology, chemical compositions, ethno-medicinal uses with a scope of development in future. The manifold benefits of B. diffusa has made it a true miracle of nature.
Alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate drug, it is used to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseas... more Alendronate sodium, a bisphosphonate drug, it is used to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseases. The present study was designed to conduct comparative bioavailability analysis of oral formulations of aledronate sodium through an open-label, randomized, 2-sequence, 2-period crossover study. Healthy adult male Pakistani volunteers received a single 70 mg dose of the test or reference formulation of alendronate sodium followed by a 7 day washout period. Plasma drug concentrations were determined using a validated HPLC post column fluorescence derivatization method. AUC(01,) AUC(0-8,) C(max). and T(max) were determined by non-compartmental analysis and were found within the permitted range of 80% to 125% set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results show that both in vitio and in vivo assays of all test brands were within the spec- ification of the US Pharmacopoeial limits and were statistically bioequivalent. No adverse events were reported in this study.
Health for all by 2000" has declared its official policy on TRM as part of National Health Policy... more Health for all by 2000" has declared its official policy on TRM as part of National Health Policy. This goal cannot be achieved without utilizing the Traditional and/Complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM) (WHO, 1978). The National Policy of Health, 1997 suggested developing a new curriculum, prerequisite for admissions in Tibba/Homoeopathic Colleges has been changed from Matric (Grade 10) to FSc (Premedical i.e. Grade 12) for which the colleges needs affiliation with universities, enactment of a law to cover manufacturing of traditional medicines, strengthening the roles of National Council for Tibb and Homoeopathy and supporting research and development. The policy suggested regulation of traditional medicines practice and education, establishment of pharmaceutical laboratory at federal level and conducting training courses for the collection of medicinal plants. The National Health Policy of 2001 also suggested amendments of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic (UAH) Act, 1965 to incorporate degree and post graduate level courses (NHP, 97, 2001) which have now been implemented. 1.1 Tibb-e-Unani According to basic principles of Tibb-e-Unani (Greco-Arab) body is made up of the four basic elements, which are "earth", "air", "water" and "fire" with different "temperaments" i.e. cold, hot, wet and dry. The body organs get their nourishment through four "humors" i.e. Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile and Black Bile. Concept of health in Tibb-e-Unani is a state of body in which there is equilibrium in the "humors" and functions of the body are normal in accordance with its own temperament and the environment. When the equilibrium of the "humors" is disturbed and the functions of body are abnormal, that state is called disease. It takes a holistic approach towards prevention of diseases, cure and promotion of health and relies on drugs made from medicinal plants, herbs, minerals, metallic and animal origin for the treatment of diseases. Unani system of medicine has its origin in Greece. It is believed to have been established by the great physician and philosopher-Hippocrates (460-377 BC). The Arabian scholars and physicians under the patronage of Islamic rulers of many Arabian countries have played great role in the development of this system. Many disciplines like chemistry, pharmaceutical procedures like distillation, sublimation, calcinations and fermentation were developed and refined by them. The most influential historical figure in this golden era of Unani medicine was Avicenna (980-1037 A.D). His most important medical work was "The cannons of medicine" Al-Qunoon. The present form of Unani medicines greatly owes to him. His book Al-qanoon or (The canon of medicine) was an internationally acclaimed book on medicine, which was taught in European countries till the 17 th century. Many physician of Arab descent in Spain have also contributed to the development of the system. Some of the important names are-Abul Qasim Zohravi (Abulcasus 946-1036 AD) and he is the author of the famous book on surgery "Al Tasreef"-( The Arabs were instrumental in introducing Unani medicine in sub-continent in around 1350 AD. The first known Hakim (Physician) was Zia Mohd Masood Rasheed Zangi. Some of the renowned physicians who were instrumental in development of the system are-Akbar Mohd Akbar Arzani (around 1721 AD)-the author of the books-Qarabadin Qadri and Tibb-e-Akbar; Hakim M. Shareef Khan (1725-1807)-a renowned physician well-known
Background Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia that may occur d... more Background Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia that may occur due to genetic, environmental or lifestyle factors. Natural remedies have been used to treat diabetes since long and many antidiabetic compounds of varied efficacies have been isolated from medicinal plants. Rhazya stricta has been used for decades for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and associated ailments. Considering the folkloric use of R. stricta against diabetes, it was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of its root extracts against diabetes through in vitro assays and in vivo studies using animal model along with phytochemical profiling through GCMS. Methods Various fractions of Rhazya stricta obtained through column chromatography were evaluated for a variety of assays including α-glucosidase, Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV), β-secretase and Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion studies. For the in vivo studies the alloxan-induced diabetic mice were treated with root e...
This work estimates the potential of banana pseudo-stem with high cellulosic content 42.2-63 %, f... more This work estimates the potential of banana pseudo-stem with high cellulosic content 42.2-63 %, for the production of fermentable sugars for lactic acid production through statistically optimized pretreatment method. To evaluate the catalyzed pretreatment efficiency of banana pseudo stem based on the enzymatic digestibility, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed for the optimization of pretreatment temperature and time using lowest concentrations of H2SO4, NaOH, NaOH catalyzed Na2S and Na2SO3 that seemed to be significant variables with P<0.05. High F and R (2) values and low p-value for hydrolysis yield indicated the model predictability. The optimized condition for NaOH was determined to be conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.6 hr; Na2S; conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.29 hr; Na2SO3; conc. 1 %, temperature 130 (o)C for 2.41 hr and H2SO4; conc. 1 %, temperature 129.45 (o)C for 2.18 hr, produced 84.91 %, 85.23 %, 81.2 % and 76.02 % hydrolysis yield, respectively...
Papers by Farnaz Malik