Papers by Farhan Muhammad
Swara Patra, Sep 1, 2018
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara berkembang yang memiliki tidak hanya potensi sumber daya energ... more Indonesia adalah salah satu negara berkembang yang memiliki tidak hanya potensi sumber daya energi yang besar tapi juga laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup tinggi. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan industri, Indonesia memerlukan pasokan energi yang cukup besar di mana saat ini konsumsi energi Indonesia masih sangat tergantung pada sumber energi tidak terbarukan seperti minyak bumi, batu bara dan gas alam. Pemanfaatan bahan bakar fosil tersebut secara berkelanjutan berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca dalam jumlah besar yang menuntun kepada perubahan iklim secara global.

Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
The purpose of this study is to explore Scientific Interpretation as a style of interpretation th... more The purpose of this study is to explore Scientific Interpretation as a style of interpretation that uses a scientific approach in understanding the verses of the Qur'an. The method used in this research is qualitative through literature study using historical and scientific approaches. The results and discussion of this research include, the history of the development of scientific interpretation, limitations, opinions of scholars and the book of scientific interpretation. This study concludes that Scientific Interpretation is a part of the discourse on Al-Qur'an studies and interpretations whose existence cannot be avoided. There are differences of opinion among scholars regarding Scientific Interpretation, some accept and reject the presence of this interpretation. The presence of Scientific Interpretation adds to the scientific treasures of Qur'anic interpretation, especially in developing the principle of harmony between the Qur'an and science. One product that i...

Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
The aim of this research is to explore contemporary contemporary modernist commentators in Indone... more The aim of this research is to explore contemporary contemporary modernist commentators in Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative through literature study using a historical approach. The results and discussion of this study include interpretation methodology, contemporary modern interpretation figures including; A. Hasan with his commentary work Al Furqan, Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy with his work Tafsir An-Nur, and Hamka with his work Tafsir Al-Azhar. This study concludes that there are A. Hasan, Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy and Hamka including contemporary modern commentators in Indonesia, whose style of interpretation is quite different from the interpretation in classical times. The presence of contemporary modern commentators in Indonesia adds to the scientific treasures of the Qur'an and Tafsir, especially in knowledge about contemporary modern interpreters. The weakness of this research is that it only describes three Indonesian mufassir figures in the contemporary mo...
arXiv (Cornell University), Apr 19, 2012
With the advancement of communication and security technologies, it has become crucial to have ro... more With the advancement of communication and security technologies, it has become crucial to have robustness of embedded biometric systems. This paper presents the realization of such technologies which demands reliable and error-free biometric identity verification systems. High dimensional patterns are not permitted due to eigen-decomposition in high dimensional feature space and degeneration of scattering matrices in small size sample. Generalization, dimensionality reduction and maximizing the margins are controlled by minimizing weight vectors. Results show good pattern by multimodal biometric system proposed in this paper. This paper is aimed at investigating a biometric identity system using Support Vector Machines(SVMs) and Lindear Discriminant Analysis(LDA) with MFCCs and implementing such system in real-time using SignalWAVE.

Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2021
Beautiful words have special meanings and involve expressing ideas in song lyrics through figurat... more Beautiful words have special meanings and involve expressing ideas in song lyrics through figurative language. This study discussed an analysis of the figurative language in the Maroon 5 song's lyrics. This study emphasizes the use of figurative language and meaning in the lyrics of the song "Nobody's Love" by Maroon 5. Furthermore, the data source was taken from the lyrics of the Maroon 5 song lyrics. This research employed the descriptive qualitative model. In the analysis, the procedure began by reading the lyrics. Second, the researchers sought to identify words, phrases, and phrases that involved figurative language and catch each figurative language's context. Thirdly, the researchers took some notes about figurative language. Finally, the researchers classified and rechecked the details and analyzed them. The next step was the discussion of each category's results. The last step was drawing conclusions based on the report. The data showed five types of figurative language found in the lyrics of this song:
International Journal of Advanced Network, Monitoring and Controls, 2016
The growth of the Internet brings threats to the end user, which affects the home users more seve... more The growth of the Internet brings threats to the end user, which affects the home users more severely. The result from the different surveys shows that these vulnerabilities affect home user very badly. As strong security, controls have been implemented in businesses to minimize losses, hackers and fraudsters have moved their attention towards end users, which are normally easier prey. The increase in the need of security amongst end users is an important task of the today. A small security survey has been conducted to get an overview of the user’s perception about Internet security and their knowledge. Some suggestions are also given which would help to create awareness about Internet security in home users.

Current Nutraceuticals, 2021
Background: DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to cell death, tissue damag... more Background: DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to cell death, tissue damage and may contribute towards the onset of several chronic diseases. Objective: Plants carry a cocktail of compounds like flavonoids, polyphenolics, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, and alkaloids that have shown promising pharmacological potential in treating various illnesses responsible for high mortality. Some of the plant-derived compounds carry the potential to shield the DNA from damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The objective of this article is to present recent reports of plant extracts and natural products as DNA protecting agents in one place. Methods: This review summarizes the plant-based extracts and isolated compounds with promising DNA protection activities against ROS induced damage. The antioxidant potential of plants is assessed using various antioxidant assays like DPPH assay, FRAP assay, and H2O2 assay. Further, the DNA protection of the extract is validat...

Brand bukan hanya sekedar nama yang ditempelkan pada perusahaan dan produknya saja, namun merupak... more Brand bukan hanya sekedar nama yang ditempelkan pada perusahaan dan produknya saja, namun merupakan simbol kepercayaan dari konsumen. Brand dapat mengalami penurunan atau bahkan “mati”, yang dimana brand tersebut tidak memiliki konsep yang seragam atau konsep perusahaan cabang satu dengan cabang lainnya tidak memiliki benang merah, sehingga tidak terdapatnya konsistensi dan integritas dalam pengaplikasian brand pada perusahaan. Pada saat brand sudah sampai kondisi tersebut, brand masih dapat diperbaiki lagi atau di hidupkan kembali. Pembaharuan (Branding) merupakan solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan atau lembaga untuk memperbaharui sebuah brand yang telah ada agar menjadi lebih baik dan dikenal oleh masyarakat dan dapat memiliki differensiasi dengan kompetitor yang sejenis. Kondisi inilah yang terjadi pada MBS (Mandiri Bahari Sejahtera) Bistro Cafe, merupakan perusahaan franchise yang bergerak pada bidang kuliner khususnya bistro, MBS Bistro Cafe saat ini memiliki 68 ...

Objective: To determine the course and efficacy of peritoneal dialysis in children presenting wit... more Objective: To determine the course and efficacy of peritoneal dialysis in children presenting with renal failure. Study Design: Quasi experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the Nephrology department of Children’s Hospital and Institute of Child Health Lahore from Feb 2007 to Feb 2008. Material and Methods: Forty children diagnosed with renal failure at the Nephrology department of Children’s Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Lahore were evaluated for the efficacy of PD, duration of PD and the associated complications. Results: There were 55% cases of acute renal failure and 45% cases of chronic renal failure. The mean duration of PD was 3.8 days. About 75% of all the patients improved with PD. The mortality rate was 22.5%. Leading complications were Catheter-related (leakage/blockade) and peritonitis. Conclusion: We concluded that peritoneal dialysis is lifesaving procedure which improves the acute metabolic derangements of renal failure in...

The rapid technology development especially in information technology has had many positive chang... more The rapid technology development especially in information technology has had many positive change in business or business. In the days of the increasingly modern, computer no longer what is foreign to society. With an explanation of the rapid development it, then formed an information system called "Information System Academic on SMA Negeri 9 semarang. The finished project purpose it is to cultivate data on public sma 9 semarang accurately, beneficial, accurate; and responsible. Research methods does is include observation and interviews directly, whereas libraries are done by research libraries dealing with those problems. System analysis is carried out by way of doing research directly about a system that is running with the FOD to describe existing systems. Stage system design based on the newly created computer process through the design stage context diagrams, database, decomposition, DFD, ERD, normalization, data dictionary, design input and output design, resulting in an information system. Analysis of this information System creation can be inferred that the SMA Negeri Semarang 9 requires information systems in order to avoid input errors or output data and a waste of time. The thing that been done and what has not been made in the development of this software will be reviewed at the end of this report.

Recent advancements in semiconductor technology have sparked a struggle among researchers and man... more Recent advancements in semiconductor technology have sparked a struggle among researchers and manufacturers to best utilize the modern technology trends in designing state of the art digital systems.Devices with small form factors, offering high throughput and low power consumption are very much in demand.These factors have actuated active research in the field of area efficient, low power high speed digital system design.This research is an effort to contribute in this active research area by adding a new dimension to digital design methodology.In addition to this, the research also makes use of established digital design methodologies augmented with the research studies outcome to produce novel designs around few exemplary applications. The prime focus of this study is to explore Trace Scheduling Methodology and extracts novel algorithm-to-hardware mapping features for efficient hardware design. Trace scheduling is a topic under compiler design theory and is efficiently used to design compliers for VLIW machines.The research, inspired by trace scheduling, introduces the concept of efficient hardware design through identification of traces in the algorithm and their mapping for optimal hardware affinity.The research work first investigates this concept on a relatively simpler design such as an FIR filter in order to establish a link between the two technology domains which are compiler theory and digital system design. Later, the devised methodology is applied on applications from machine vision and cryptography to design area efficient, low power, moderate data rate architectures.The research presents novel hardware mapping of Peak Sorter and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for moderately high data rate applications.The designs offer a best area performance tradeoff.The utility of the technique developed in this research can be found in mapping complex algorithms in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits and digital design compilers.

ICC Workshops - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 2008
Four novel methods for improving the energy efficiency of clustering algorithms for wireless sens... more Four novel methods for improving the energy efficiency of clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks are presented. The first method uses a single parameter, residual energy, to determine cluster head suitability in a passive cluster head election process; this is intended for energy constrained applications. Second, gateway nodes are allowed to distribute their sensor readings across different cluster heads, to better balance the service load. Third, this paper shows that up to a maximum of six new re-elections may only be required due to a single cluster head resignation, and, therefore, the algorithm is scalable. Forth, a sensing window is applied in TDMA slots to improve the energy efficiency of intra-cluster communications. MATLAB simulations show that the proposed algorithm has longer lifetime than basic passive clustering, and has improved intra-cluster communications scheduling (i.e., better energy efficiency).
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2010
The development of high density LEU fuels for the MTRs is a significant change in the LEU-based M... more The development of high density LEU fuels for the MTRs is a significant change in the LEU-based MTR technology. However, the use of high density LEU fuel in place of low density LEU fuel affects the kinetic parameters and the reactivity feedback coefficients ([Muhammad and ...

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2009
The kinetic parameters of a material test research reactor using stainless steel-316 and zircaloy... more The kinetic parameters of a material test research reactor using stainless steel-316 and zircaloy-4 as clad were calculated. For this purpose, the aluminum clad of an MTR was replaced separately with stainless steel-316 and zircaloy-4. Calculations were carried out to find the core excess reactivity, neutron flux spectrum, prompt neutron generation time and effective delayed-neutron fraction. Nuclear reactor analysis codes including WIMS-D4 and CITATION were employed to carry out these calculations. It was observed that at the beginning of life, the excess reactivity was maximum at 0.054110 Dk/k when zircaloy-4 was used as clad while it was minimum at À0.365650 Dk/k when stainless steel-316 was the clad as compared to 0.017945 Dk/k for aluminum. The thermal neutron flux at the mid of the central flux trap increased by 59.9% and 12.5% for stainless steel and zircaloy-4 clads, respectively, from the flux of the original aluminum clad. The prompt neutron generation time was maximum at 45.36 ms when stainless steel-316 was the clad while it was minimum at 44.03 ms for the original aluminum clad. The effective delayed-neutron fraction was maximum at 0.007185 for the original aluminum clad while it was minimum at 0.007078 for stainless steel clad.
2011 6th IEEE Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2011
Abstract Spyware is one of the biggest emerging threats that can target both home users and organ... more Abstract Spyware is one of the biggest emerging threats that can target both home users and organisations simultaneously. Lots of Anti-Spyware products are available in the market which can protect from Spyware threat. Existing research shows that Spyware causes ...
Real World ASP.NET Best Practices, 2003
This chapter covers various ways in which to handle data effectively in a .NET application. We wi... more This chapter covers various ways in which to handle data effectively in a .NET application. We will start our discussion with the DataSet object, focusing on its features and limitations. We will then proceed to examining several other ways in which to handle data by using custom-built objects and collections. The goal of this chapter is to educate you, the reader, on the best ways to manage data with and without using a built-in and generic data structure, such as DataSet.
Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurren... more Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2008
The reactivity feedback coefficients of a material test research reactor fueled with high-density... more The reactivity feedback coefficients of a material test research reactor fueled with high-density U 3 Si 2 dispersion fuels were calculated. For this purpose, the low-density LEU fuel of an MTR was replaced with high-density U 3 Si 2 LEU fuels currently being developed under the ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2009
The effects of using different low enriched uranium fuels, having same uranium density, on the ki... more The effects of using different low enriched uranium fuels, having same uranium density, on the kinetic parameters of a material test research reactor were studied. For this purpose, the original aluminide fuel (UAl x Al) containing 4.40 gU/cm 3 of an MTR was replaced with silicide ...
Papers by Farhan Muhammad