Papers by Farbaky-Deklava Lilla

MONUMENTORUM TUTELA Ochrana pamiatok 30 , 2020
The enlargement of the church of Deáki took place in 1873-1875. Several solutions were proposed f... more The enlargement of the church of Deáki took place in 1873-1875. Several solutions were proposed for the problems, which aptly illustrate the epochal change in monument protection on the way of institutionalization. Besides, they also demonstrate the differences and change of approach between professional generations. I found the plan series by Friedrich Schmidt’s Hungarian pupil Ferenc Schulcz. The plans show a new neogothic church with the retention of the old church unchanged. The abbot of Pannonhalma turned down the plan of two churches because of the great financial burden and decided on the extension of the medieval building. His choice for the planning was Ferenc Storno, who was doing the restoration of the Pannonhalma. The medieval sanctuary would have fallen victim to the plan of Storno made in 1872 proposing to extend the church eastward. The Temporary Committee of Monuments also intervened. The committee delegated its own architect, Frigyes Schulek for inspection and commissioned him to evaluate Storno’s plan. As his negative opinion was condemning, Schulek was asked to plan the rebuilding of the church which was executed in 1873-75. The enlargement westward, preserved more of the medieval building, and only the western front had to be sacrificed. The construction work was lead by the estate administration, under the control of the archabbot of Pannonhalma, Krizosztom Kruesz. There were no front-rank artists commissioned and several objects were ordered from different church warehouses from Vienna, Würzburg and Paris.

Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 2016
After his death Béla III (r. 1172-96) was buried in the venue of coronations and burials of medie... more After his death Béla III (r. 1172-96) was buried in the venue of coronations and burials of medieval Hungarian kings, the provost church of the Virgin in Székesfehérvár. After the Ottoman rule and the subsequent demise of the church the location of the grave fell into oblivion. The king’s and his wife’s mortal remains were found accidentally in December 1848. Custos of the National Museum János Érdy had the valuable finds and the rest of the
grave goods transported to the museum. The significance of the discovery was largely enhanced when scientific research soon verified that it was Béla III’s grave, the only
identified royal grave in Székesfehérvár. During the military operations of the ongoing war of
liberation of 1848/49, then in the period of retaliations after the crushing of the freedom fighting the idea of reburying the royal remains in the manner they reserved could not even be raised. In 1859 Ágoston Kubinyi, director of the National Museum commissioned Ferenc
Reitter to make a plan for the extension of the museum. The arcade in classical or Rundbogenstil to be erected on the rear limit of the plot would have been terminated at
either end with a chapel. Kubinyi wanted to deposit the royal remains and the grave goods in a worthy environment in the chapels.
Governor of Hungary Móric Pálffy was shocked to find during a visit to the museum that the bones were in the museum and visitors were allowed to view them without, he thought, the right conditions of reverence being available. He immediately ordered the
remains to be buried quietly. In vain did Kubinyi argue that the planned chapels would be worthy places of rest for them, the political situation still did not allow that the
grave of the only identified king of the Árpád dynasty be buried in the museum of the nation, in such an exposed place. The remains of the royal couple were buried in the baroque crypt of the Matthias Church on 10 July 1862 in a simple funeral ceremony celebrated by archbishop of Esztergom János Scitovszky. The memorial service was only held a year later on 26 March 1863 when a (new) verification process at the Academy of Sciences had confirmed that the remains did belong to Béla III and his wife.
Owing to the reconstruction of the Matthias Church begun under Frigyes Schulek’s guidance in 1873, the remains were transferred to the Anthropological Institute in 1883 where the director Aurl Török put them to scrutiny. The protraction of the renovation also kept putting off the case of reburial. The consecration of the church took place in 1896 as part of the millenary festivities. However, the theme of the festive series was much more Francis Joseph I and the restored Hungarian constitutionalism than the thousand-year-old Hungarian state, consequently the ceremonious reburial of Béla III was left out of the program, although it had been called for by the press.
After 1896 at last Aurél Török launched a press campaign and a parliamentary interpellation on 13 February 1897 catalyzed the events. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Dezső Bánffy the minister of religion and public education Gyula Wlassics organized the royal reburial in cooperation with the Monuments Commission and the building committee of the church. After a long debate the funerary monument was built in the Holy Trinity chapel of the upper church after plans by Frigyes Schulek. (At the beginning Schulek designed a more modest tomb for the crypt, but now it was out of the question.) He took the
carvings of French portal pediments (Chartres, Arles) as his models. The sculptural work was done by Ferenc Mikula. A genealogical table on the monument announced that Francis Joseph I descended from the Árpád dynasty on female line. This reference is also included in the royal deed of gift by which the king granted 25 000 florins for the monument and the burial. At last on 21 October 1898 the ceremonious burial took place as a national holiday, officiated by archbishop of Esztergom Kolos Vaszary.
A tanulmányok képanyagát folyamatos számozással láttuk el, hogy több szerzô is utalhasson az egye... more A tanulmányok képanyagát folyamatos számozással láttuk el, hogy több szerzô is utalhasson az egyes felvételekre. Szerk.
Szigetújfalu barokk templomának nyári kutatása, majd helyreállítása a "Tudtam…, csak nem sejtette... more Szigetújfalu barokk templomának nyári kutatása, majd helyreállítása a "Tudtam…, csak nem sejtettem!" érzésével folyt. Igazolódott ugyanis a szakirodalomban Entz Géza óta ismert tény, miszerint a templom az egykori, XII. század végén épült ercsi monostor köveiből készült. A kifugázás utáni látvány magáért beszél. A kutatást végző Bodó Balázs régész és Farbakyné Deklava Lilla művészettörténész mintegy 100 kő azonosítását és felmérését végezte el a kivitelezéssel párhuzamosan. (Írásunk a 10-11. oldalon) Fotó: Farbakyné Deklava Lilla
History of Art Conferences by Farbaky-Deklava Lilla
Papers by Farbaky-Deklava Lilla
grave goods transported to the museum. The significance of the discovery was largely enhanced when scientific research soon verified that it was Béla III’s grave, the only
identified royal grave in Székesfehérvár. During the military operations of the ongoing war of
liberation of 1848/49, then in the period of retaliations after the crushing of the freedom fighting the idea of reburying the royal remains in the manner they reserved could not even be raised. In 1859 Ágoston Kubinyi, director of the National Museum commissioned Ferenc
Reitter to make a plan for the extension of the museum. The arcade in classical or Rundbogenstil to be erected on the rear limit of the plot would have been terminated at
either end with a chapel. Kubinyi wanted to deposit the royal remains and the grave goods in a worthy environment in the chapels.
Governor of Hungary Móric Pálffy was shocked to find during a visit to the museum that the bones were in the museum and visitors were allowed to view them without, he thought, the right conditions of reverence being available. He immediately ordered the
remains to be buried quietly. In vain did Kubinyi argue that the planned chapels would be worthy places of rest for them, the political situation still did not allow that the
grave of the only identified king of the Árpád dynasty be buried in the museum of the nation, in such an exposed place. The remains of the royal couple were buried in the baroque crypt of the Matthias Church on 10 July 1862 in a simple funeral ceremony celebrated by archbishop of Esztergom János Scitovszky. The memorial service was only held a year later on 26 March 1863 when a (new) verification process at the Academy of Sciences had confirmed that the remains did belong to Béla III and his wife.
Owing to the reconstruction of the Matthias Church begun under Frigyes Schulek’s guidance in 1873, the remains were transferred to the Anthropological Institute in 1883 where the director Aurl Török put them to scrutiny. The protraction of the renovation also kept putting off the case of reburial. The consecration of the church took place in 1896 as part of the millenary festivities. However, the theme of the festive series was much more Francis Joseph I and the restored Hungarian constitutionalism than the thousand-year-old Hungarian state, consequently the ceremonious reburial of Béla III was left out of the program, although it had been called for by the press.
After 1896 at last Aurél Török launched a press campaign and a parliamentary interpellation on 13 February 1897 catalyzed the events. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Dezső Bánffy the minister of religion and public education Gyula Wlassics organized the royal reburial in cooperation with the Monuments Commission and the building committee of the church. After a long debate the funerary monument was built in the Holy Trinity chapel of the upper church after plans by Frigyes Schulek. (At the beginning Schulek designed a more modest tomb for the crypt, but now it was out of the question.) He took the
carvings of French portal pediments (Chartres, Arles) as his models. The sculptural work was done by Ferenc Mikula. A genealogical table on the monument announced that Francis Joseph I descended from the Árpád dynasty on female line. This reference is also included in the royal deed of gift by which the king granted 25 000 florins for the monument and the burial. At last on 21 October 1898 the ceremonious burial took place as a national holiday, officiated by archbishop of Esztergom Kolos Vaszary.
History of Art Conferences by Farbaky-Deklava Lilla
grave goods transported to the museum. The significance of the discovery was largely enhanced when scientific research soon verified that it was Béla III’s grave, the only
identified royal grave in Székesfehérvár. During the military operations of the ongoing war of
liberation of 1848/49, then in the period of retaliations after the crushing of the freedom fighting the idea of reburying the royal remains in the manner they reserved could not even be raised. In 1859 Ágoston Kubinyi, director of the National Museum commissioned Ferenc
Reitter to make a plan for the extension of the museum. The arcade in classical or Rundbogenstil to be erected on the rear limit of the plot would have been terminated at
either end with a chapel. Kubinyi wanted to deposit the royal remains and the grave goods in a worthy environment in the chapels.
Governor of Hungary Móric Pálffy was shocked to find during a visit to the museum that the bones were in the museum and visitors were allowed to view them without, he thought, the right conditions of reverence being available. He immediately ordered the
remains to be buried quietly. In vain did Kubinyi argue that the planned chapels would be worthy places of rest for them, the political situation still did not allow that the
grave of the only identified king of the Árpád dynasty be buried in the museum of the nation, in such an exposed place. The remains of the royal couple were buried in the baroque crypt of the Matthias Church on 10 July 1862 in a simple funeral ceremony celebrated by archbishop of Esztergom János Scitovszky. The memorial service was only held a year later on 26 March 1863 when a (new) verification process at the Academy of Sciences had confirmed that the remains did belong to Béla III and his wife.
Owing to the reconstruction of the Matthias Church begun under Frigyes Schulek’s guidance in 1873, the remains were transferred to the Anthropological Institute in 1883 where the director Aurl Török put them to scrutiny. The protraction of the renovation also kept putting off the case of reburial. The consecration of the church took place in 1896 as part of the millenary festivities. However, the theme of the festive series was much more Francis Joseph I and the restored Hungarian constitutionalism than the thousand-year-old Hungarian state, consequently the ceremonious reburial of Béla III was left out of the program, although it had been called for by the press.
After 1896 at last Aurél Török launched a press campaign and a parliamentary interpellation on 13 February 1897 catalyzed the events. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Dezső Bánffy the minister of religion and public education Gyula Wlassics organized the royal reburial in cooperation with the Monuments Commission and the building committee of the church. After a long debate the funerary monument was built in the Holy Trinity chapel of the upper church after plans by Frigyes Schulek. (At the beginning Schulek designed a more modest tomb for the crypt, but now it was out of the question.) He took the
carvings of French portal pediments (Chartres, Arles) as his models. The sculptural work was done by Ferenc Mikula. A genealogical table on the monument announced that Francis Joseph I descended from the Árpád dynasty on female line. This reference is also included in the royal deed of gift by which the king granted 25 000 florins for the monument and the burial. At last on 21 October 1898 the ceremonious burial took place as a national holiday, officiated by archbishop of Esztergom Kolos Vaszary.