Since its initial development in 1976, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has been... more Since its initial development in 1976, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has been one of the most popular tools for studying diffusion and protein dynamics in living cells. Its popularity is derived from the widespread availability of confocal microscopes and the relative ease of the experiment and analysis. FRAP, however, is limited in its ability to resolve spatial heterogeneity. Here, we combine selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) and FRAP to create SPIM-FRAP, wherein we use a sheet of light to bleach a 2D plane and subsequently image the recovery of the same image plane. This provides simultaneous quantification of diffusion or protein recovery for every pixel in a given 2D slice, thus moving FRAP measurements beyond these previous limitations. We demonstrate this technique by mapping intranuclear diffusion of NLS-GFP in live MDA-MB-231 cells; SPIM-FRAP proves to be an order of magnitude faster than fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) based tec...
Nuclei are constantly under external stress – be it during migration through tight constrictions ... more Nuclei are constantly under external stress – be it during migration through tight constrictions or compressive pressure by the actin cap – and the mechanical properties of nuclei govern their subsequent deformations. Both altered mechanical properties of nuclei and abnormal nuclear morphologies are hallmarks of a variety of disease states. Little work, however, has been done to link specific changes in nuclear shape to external forces. Here, we utilize a combined atomic force microscope and light sheet microscope (AFM-LS) to show SKOV3 nuclei exhibit a two-regime force response that correlates with changes in nuclear volume and surface area, allowing us to develop an empirical model of nuclear deformation. Our technique further decouples the roles of chromatin and lamin A/C in compression, showing they separately resist changes in nuclear volume and surface area respectively; this insight was not previously accessible by Hertzian analysis. A two-material finite element model suppor...
At the cellular level, α-tubulin acetylation alters the structure of microtubules to render them ... more At the cellular level, α-tubulin acetylation alters the structure of microtubules to render them mechanically resistant to compressive forces. How this biochemical property of microtubule acetylation relates to mechanosensation remains unknown, although prior studies have shown that microtubule acetylation influences touch perception. Here, we identify the major Drosophila α-tubulin acetylase (dTAT) and show that it plays key roles in several forms of mechanosensation. dTAT is highly expressed in the larval peripheral nervous system (PNS), but it is largely dispensable for neuronal morphogenesis. Mutation of the acetylase gene or the K40 acetylation site in α-tubulin impairs mechanical sensitivity in sensory neurons and behavioral responses to gentle touch, harsh touch, gravity, and vibration stimuli, but not noxious thermal stimulus. Finally, we show that dTAT is required for mechanically induced activation of NOMPC, a microtubule-associated transient receptor potential channel, an...
The ability to measure dynamic structural changes within a cell under applied load is essential f... more The ability to measure dynamic structural changes within a cell under applied load is essential for developing more accurate models of cell mechanics and mechanotransduction. Atomic force microscopy is a powerful tool for evaluating cell mechanics, but the dominant applied forces and sample strains are in the vertical direction, perpendicular to the imaging plane of standard fluorescence imaging. Here we report on a combined sideways imaging and vertical light sheet illumination system integrated with AFM. Our system enables high frame rate, low background imaging of subcellular structural dynamics in the vertical plane synchronized with AFM force data. Using our system for cell compression measurements, we correlated stiffening features in the force indentation data with onset of nuclear deformation revealed in the imaging data. In adhesion studies we were able to correlate detailed features in the force data during adhesive release events with strain at the membrane and within the...
Red blood cells (RBCs) demonstrate procoagulant properties in vitro, and elevated hematocrit is a... more Red blood cells (RBCs) demonstrate procoagulant properties in vitro, and elevated hematocrit is associated with reduced bleeding and increased thrombosis risk in humans. These observations suggest RBCs contribute to thrombus formation. However, effects of RBCs on thrombosis are difficult to assess because humans and mice with elevated hematocrit typically have co-existing pathologies. Using an experimental model of elevated hematocrit in healthy mice, we measured effects of hematocrit in two in vivo clot formation models. We also assessed thrombin generation, platelet-thrombus interactions, and platelet accumulation in thrombi ex vivo, in vitro, and in silico Compared to controls, mice with elevated hematocrit (RBC(HIGH)) formed thrombi at a faster rate and had a shortened vessel occlusion time. Thrombi in control and RBC(HIGH) mice did not differ in size or fibrin content, and there was no difference in levels of circulating thrombin-antithrombin complexes. In vitro, increasing the...
Changes in cellular mechanical properties correlate with the progression of metastatic cancer alo... more Changes in cellular mechanical properties correlate with the progression of metastatic cancer along the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Few high-throughput methodologies exist that measure cell compliance, which can be used to understand the impact of genetic alterations or to screen the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. We have developed a novel array high-throughput microscope (AHTM) system that combines the convenience of the standard 96-well plate with the ability to image cultured cells and membrane-bound microbeads in twelve independently-focusing channels simultaneously, visiting all wells in eight steps. We use the AHTM and passive bead rheology techniques to determine the relative compliance of human pancreatic ductal epithelial (HPDE) cells, h-TERT transformed HPDE cells (HPNE), and four gain-of-function constructs related to EMT. The AHTM found HPNE, H-ras, Myr-AKT, and Bcl2 transfected cells more compliant relative to controls, consistent with parallel tes...
ChromoShake is a three-dimensional simulator designed to find the thermodynamically favored state... more ChromoShake is a three-dimensional simulator designed to find the thermodynamically favored states for given chromosome geometries. The simulator has been applied to a geometric model based on experimentally determined positions and fluctuations of DNA, and the distribution of cohesin and condensin in the budding yeast centromere. Simulations of chromatin in differing initial configurations reveal novel principles for understanding the structure and function of a eukaryotic centromere. The entropic position of DNA loops mirrors their experimental position, consistent with their radial displacement from the spindle axis. The barrel-like distribution of cohesin complexes surrounding the central spindle in metaphase is a consequence of the size of the DNA loops within the pericentromere to which cohesin is bound. Linkage between DNA loops of different centromeres is requisite to recapitulate experimentally determined correlations in DNA motion. The consequences of radial loops and cohe...
The centromere is the DNA locus that dictates kinetochore formation and is visibly apparent as he... more The centromere is the DNA locus that dictates kinetochore formation and is visibly apparent as heterochromatin that bridges sister kinetochores in metaphase. Sister centromeres are compacted and held together by cohesin, condensin, and topoisomerase-mediated entanglements until all sister chromosomes bi-orient along the spindle apparatus. The establishment of tension between sister chromatids is essential for quenching a checkpoint kinase signal generated from kinetochores lacking microtubule attachment or tension. How the centromere chromatin spring is organized and functions as a tensiometer is largely unexplored. We have discovered that centromere chromatin loops generate an extensional/poleward force sufficient to release nucleosomes proximal to the spindle axis. This study describes how the physical consequences of DNA looping directly underlie the biological mechanism for sister centromere separation and the spring-like properties of the centromere in mitosis.
Haemostasis requires fibrinogen conversion to fibrin and formation of a stable fibrin network. Fi... more Haemostasis requires fibrinogen conversion to fibrin and formation of a stable fibrin network. Fibrin network properties, including fibre thickness, branchpoint density, fibre density, mechanical stability, porosity, and resistance to lysis can differentiate plasma clots of healthy individuals from those with haemostatic or thrombotic disorders. Plasma from patients with a bleeding history produces thick, minimally-branched fibres in coarse, deformable networks that are highly susceptible to lysis, whereas plasma from patients with a personal or family history of thrombosis produces thin, highly-branched fibres in impermeable, rigid networks that are relatively resistant to fibrinolysis (1). Most previous studies have examined fibrin networks produced in the absence of flow or cells. Networks formed under these conditions show an isotropic distribution of fibres with relatively uniform diameters. However, although reduced flow promotes fibrin deposition (2), it is unlikely that blood flow ever fully stops in vivo, even under "stasis". Fibrin formation studied in systems modelling venous (10-100 s −1) or arterial (500-1,500 s −1) shear shows orientation of fibres along flow vectors (3). Few studies, however, have examined fibrin formation under very low flow rates expected during extravasation of blood into extravascular tissue factor (TF)-rich tissues. The impact of flow on fibrin morphology under these conditions is not known. To mimic extravascular TF-bearing cells, immortalised human dermal fibroblasts (NHF 1-hTert) were cultured on sterile Thermanox cover slips (Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN, USA) to ~90% confluence and washed in 10 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl. "Stasis clots" were formed on these cells by incubating 150 µl re-calcified (10 mM, final) contact-inhibited, normal-pooled, platelet-free plasma (PFP) (4) with fibroblasts for 10 minutes (min). "Flow clots" were formed by pumping (0.1 ml/min) re-calcified PFP over fibroblasts for 10 min using a Genie Syringe Pump (Kent Scientific Corporation, Torrington, CT, USA) with the cover slip at a ~30° decline to allow plasma to slowly flow over fibroblasts and model haemostatic injury. For both conditions, clots were left still for 10
The mechanisms by which sister chromatids maintain biorientation on the metaphase spindle are cri... more The mechanisms by which sister chromatids maintain biorientation on the metaphase spindle are critical to the fidelity of chromosome segregation. Active force interplay exists between predominantly extensional microtubule-based spindle forces and restoring forces from chromatin. These forces regulate tension at the kinetochore that silences the spindle assembly checkpoint to ensure faithful chromosome segregation. Depletion of pericentric cohesin or condensin has been shown to increase the mean and variance of spindle length, which have been attributed to a softening of the linear chromatin spring. Models of the spindle apparatus with linear chromatin springs that match spindle dynamics fail to predict the behavior of pericentromeric chromatin in wild-type and mutant spindles. We demonstrate that a nonlinear spring with a threshold extension to switch between spring states predicts asymmetric chromatin stretching observed in vivo. The addition of cross-links between adjacent springs...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008
Fibrin polymerizes into the fibrous network that is the major structural component of blood clots... more Fibrin polymerizes into the fibrous network that is the major structural component of blood clots and thrombi. We demonstrate that fibrin from three different species can also spontaneously polymerize into extensive, molecularly thin, 2D sheets. Sheet assembly occurs in physiologic buffers on both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, but is routinely observed only when polymerized using very low concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin. Sheets may have been missed in previous studies because they may be very short-lived at higher concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin, and their thinness makes them very difficult to detect. We were able to distinguish fluorescently labeled fibrin sheets by polymerizing fibrin onto micro-patterned structured surfaces that suspended polymers 10 μm above and parallel to the cover-glass surface. We used a combined fluorescence/atomic force microscope system to determine that sheets were ≈5 nm thick, flat, elastic and mechanically continuous. Video ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010
Living systems employ cilia to control and to sense the flow of fluids for many purposes, such as... more Living systems employ cilia to control and to sense the flow of fluids for many purposes, such as pumping, locomotion, feeding, and tissue morphogenesis. Beyond their use in biology, functional arrays of artificial cilia have been envisaged as a potential biomimetic strategy for inducing fluid flow and mixing in lab-on-a-chip devices. Here we report on fluid transport produced by magnetically actuated arrays of biomimetic cilia whose size approaches that of their biological counterparts, a scale at which advection and diffusion compete to determine mass transport. Our biomimetic cilia recreate the beat shape of embryonic nodal cilia, simultaneously generating two sharply segregated regimes of fluid flow: Above the cilia tips their motion causes directed, long-range fluid transport, whereas below the tips we show that the cilia beat generates an enhanced diffusivity capable of producing increased mixing rates. These two distinct types of flow occur simultaneously and are separated in...
We report on the characterization of torsional oscillators which use multi-walled carbon nanotube... more We report on the characterization of torsional oscillators which use multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the spring elements. Through atomic-force-microscope force-distance measurements we are able to apply torsional strains to the nanotubes and measure their torsional spring constants and effective shear moduli. We find that the effective shear moduli cover a broad range, with the largest values near the theoretically predicted value. The data also suggest that the nanotubes are stiffened by repeated flexing.
We present a procedure for producing high-aspect-ratio cantilevered micro-and nanorod arrays of a... more We present a procedure for producing high-aspect-ratio cantilevered micro-and nanorod arrays of a PDMS−ferrofluid composite material. The rods have been produced with diameters ranging from 200 nm to 1 µm and aspect ratios as high as 125. We demonstrate actuation of these superparamagnetic rod arrays with an externally applied magnetic field from a permanent magnet and compare this actuation with a theoretical energy-minimization model. The structures produced by these methods may be useful in microfluidics, photonic, and sensing applications.
We describe biophysical and ultrastructural differences in genome release from adeno-associated v... more We describe biophysical and ultrastructural differences in genome release from adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids packaging wild-type DNA, recombinant single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), or dimeric, self-complementary DNA (scDNA) genomes. Atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy (EM) revealed that AAV particles release packaged genomes and undergo marked changes in capsid morphology upon heating in physiological buffer (pH 7.2). When different AAV capsids packaging ss/scDNA varying in length from 72 to 123% of wild-type DNA (3.4 to 5.8 kb) were incrementally heated, the proportion of uncoated AAV capsids decreased with genome length as observed by EM. Genome release was further characterized by a fluorimetric assay, which demonstrated that acidic pH and high osmotic pressure suppress genome release from AAV particles. In addition, fluorimetric analysis corroborated an inverse correlation between packaged genome length and the temperature needed to induce uncoating. Surprisingly, s...
The nanoManipulator system adds a virtual reality interface to an atomic force microscope (AFM), ... more The nanoManipulator system adds a virtual reality interface to an atomic force microscope (AFM), thus providing a tool that enables the user not only to image but also to manipulate nanometer-sized molecular structures. As the AFM tip scans the surface of these structures, the tip-sample interaction forces are monitored, which in turn provide information about the frictional, mechanical, and topological properties of the sample. Computer graphics are used to reconstruct the surface for the user, with color or contours overlaid to indicate additional data sets. Moreover, by means of a force-feedback pen, which is connected to the scanning tip via software, the user can touch the surface under investigation to feel it and to manipulate objects on it. This system has been used to investigate carbon nanotubes, fibrin, DNA, adenovirus, and tobacco mosaic virus. Nanotubes have been bent, translated, and rotated to understand their mechanical properties and to investigate friction on the molecular level. AFM lithography is being combined with the nanoManipulator to investigate the electromechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. The rupture forces of fibrin and DNA have been measured. This article discusses how some of the graphics and interface features of the nanoManipulator made these novel investigations possible. Visitors have used the system to examine chromosomes, bacterial pili fibers, and nanochain aggregates (NCAs).
In the past few years a great deal of progress has been made in studying the mechanical and struc... more In the past few years a great deal of progress has been made in studying the mechanical and structural properties of biological protein fibers. Here, we compare and review the stiffness (Young's modulus, E) and breaking strain (also called rupture strain or extensibility, ε max) of numerous biological protein fibers in light of the recently reported mechanical properties of fibrin fibers. Emphasis is also placed on the structural features and molecular mechanisms that endow biological protein fibers with their respective mechanical properties. Generally, stiff biological protein fibers have a Young's modulus on the order of a few Gigapascal and are not very extensible (ε max < 20%). They also display a very regular arrangement of their monomeric units. Soft biological protein fibers have a Young's modulus on the order of a few Megapascal and are very extensible (ε max > 100%). These soft, extensible fibers employ a variety of molecular mechanisms, such as extending amorphous regions or unfolding protein domains, to accommodate large strains. We conclude our review by proposing a novel model of how fibrin fibers might achieve their extremely large extensibility, despite the regular arrangement of the monomeric fibrin units within a fiber. We propose that fibrin fibers accommodate large strains by two major mechanisms: (1) an α-helix to β-strand conversion of the coiled coils; (2) a partial unfolding of the globular C-terminal domain of the γ-chain.
Since its initial development in 1976, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has been... more Since its initial development in 1976, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has been one of the most popular tools for studying diffusion and protein dynamics in living cells. Its popularity is derived from the widespread availability of confocal microscopes and the relative ease of the experiment and analysis. FRAP, however, is limited in its ability to resolve spatial heterogeneity. Here, we combine selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) and FRAP to create SPIM-FRAP, wherein we use a sheet of light to bleach a 2D plane and subsequently image the recovery of the same image plane. This provides simultaneous quantification of diffusion or protein recovery for every pixel in a given 2D slice, thus moving FRAP measurements beyond these previous limitations. We demonstrate this technique by mapping intranuclear diffusion of NLS-GFP in live MDA-MB-231 cells; SPIM-FRAP proves to be an order of magnitude faster than fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) based tec...
Nuclei are constantly under external stress – be it during migration through tight constrictions ... more Nuclei are constantly under external stress – be it during migration through tight constrictions or compressive pressure by the actin cap – and the mechanical properties of nuclei govern their subsequent deformations. Both altered mechanical properties of nuclei and abnormal nuclear morphologies are hallmarks of a variety of disease states. Little work, however, has been done to link specific changes in nuclear shape to external forces. Here, we utilize a combined atomic force microscope and light sheet microscope (AFM-LS) to show SKOV3 nuclei exhibit a two-regime force response that correlates with changes in nuclear volume and surface area, allowing us to develop an empirical model of nuclear deformation. Our technique further decouples the roles of chromatin and lamin A/C in compression, showing they separately resist changes in nuclear volume and surface area respectively; this insight was not previously accessible by Hertzian analysis. A two-material finite element model suppor...
At the cellular level, α-tubulin acetylation alters the structure of microtubules to render them ... more At the cellular level, α-tubulin acetylation alters the structure of microtubules to render them mechanically resistant to compressive forces. How this biochemical property of microtubule acetylation relates to mechanosensation remains unknown, although prior studies have shown that microtubule acetylation influences touch perception. Here, we identify the major Drosophila α-tubulin acetylase (dTAT) and show that it plays key roles in several forms of mechanosensation. dTAT is highly expressed in the larval peripheral nervous system (PNS), but it is largely dispensable for neuronal morphogenesis. Mutation of the acetylase gene or the K40 acetylation site in α-tubulin impairs mechanical sensitivity in sensory neurons and behavioral responses to gentle touch, harsh touch, gravity, and vibration stimuli, but not noxious thermal stimulus. Finally, we show that dTAT is required for mechanically induced activation of NOMPC, a microtubule-associated transient receptor potential channel, an...
The ability to measure dynamic structural changes within a cell under applied load is essential f... more The ability to measure dynamic structural changes within a cell under applied load is essential for developing more accurate models of cell mechanics and mechanotransduction. Atomic force microscopy is a powerful tool for evaluating cell mechanics, but the dominant applied forces and sample strains are in the vertical direction, perpendicular to the imaging plane of standard fluorescence imaging. Here we report on a combined sideways imaging and vertical light sheet illumination system integrated with AFM. Our system enables high frame rate, low background imaging of subcellular structural dynamics in the vertical plane synchronized with AFM force data. Using our system for cell compression measurements, we correlated stiffening features in the force indentation data with onset of nuclear deformation revealed in the imaging data. In adhesion studies we were able to correlate detailed features in the force data during adhesive release events with strain at the membrane and within the...
Red blood cells (RBCs) demonstrate procoagulant properties in vitro, and elevated hematocrit is a... more Red blood cells (RBCs) demonstrate procoagulant properties in vitro, and elevated hematocrit is associated with reduced bleeding and increased thrombosis risk in humans. These observations suggest RBCs contribute to thrombus formation. However, effects of RBCs on thrombosis are difficult to assess because humans and mice with elevated hematocrit typically have co-existing pathologies. Using an experimental model of elevated hematocrit in healthy mice, we measured effects of hematocrit in two in vivo clot formation models. We also assessed thrombin generation, platelet-thrombus interactions, and platelet accumulation in thrombi ex vivo, in vitro, and in silico Compared to controls, mice with elevated hematocrit (RBC(HIGH)) formed thrombi at a faster rate and had a shortened vessel occlusion time. Thrombi in control and RBC(HIGH) mice did not differ in size or fibrin content, and there was no difference in levels of circulating thrombin-antithrombin complexes. In vitro, increasing the...
Changes in cellular mechanical properties correlate with the progression of metastatic cancer alo... more Changes in cellular mechanical properties correlate with the progression of metastatic cancer along the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Few high-throughput methodologies exist that measure cell compliance, which can be used to understand the impact of genetic alterations or to screen the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. We have developed a novel array high-throughput microscope (AHTM) system that combines the convenience of the standard 96-well plate with the ability to image cultured cells and membrane-bound microbeads in twelve independently-focusing channels simultaneously, visiting all wells in eight steps. We use the AHTM and passive bead rheology techniques to determine the relative compliance of human pancreatic ductal epithelial (HPDE) cells, h-TERT transformed HPDE cells (HPNE), and four gain-of-function constructs related to EMT. The AHTM found HPNE, H-ras, Myr-AKT, and Bcl2 transfected cells more compliant relative to controls, consistent with parallel tes...
ChromoShake is a three-dimensional simulator designed to find the thermodynamically favored state... more ChromoShake is a three-dimensional simulator designed to find the thermodynamically favored states for given chromosome geometries. The simulator has been applied to a geometric model based on experimentally determined positions and fluctuations of DNA, and the distribution of cohesin and condensin in the budding yeast centromere. Simulations of chromatin in differing initial configurations reveal novel principles for understanding the structure and function of a eukaryotic centromere. The entropic position of DNA loops mirrors their experimental position, consistent with their radial displacement from the spindle axis. The barrel-like distribution of cohesin complexes surrounding the central spindle in metaphase is a consequence of the size of the DNA loops within the pericentromere to which cohesin is bound. Linkage between DNA loops of different centromeres is requisite to recapitulate experimentally determined correlations in DNA motion. The consequences of radial loops and cohe...
The centromere is the DNA locus that dictates kinetochore formation and is visibly apparent as he... more The centromere is the DNA locus that dictates kinetochore formation and is visibly apparent as heterochromatin that bridges sister kinetochores in metaphase. Sister centromeres are compacted and held together by cohesin, condensin, and topoisomerase-mediated entanglements until all sister chromosomes bi-orient along the spindle apparatus. The establishment of tension between sister chromatids is essential for quenching a checkpoint kinase signal generated from kinetochores lacking microtubule attachment or tension. How the centromere chromatin spring is organized and functions as a tensiometer is largely unexplored. We have discovered that centromere chromatin loops generate an extensional/poleward force sufficient to release nucleosomes proximal to the spindle axis. This study describes how the physical consequences of DNA looping directly underlie the biological mechanism for sister centromere separation and the spring-like properties of the centromere in mitosis.
Haemostasis requires fibrinogen conversion to fibrin and formation of a stable fibrin network. Fi... more Haemostasis requires fibrinogen conversion to fibrin and formation of a stable fibrin network. Fibrin network properties, including fibre thickness, branchpoint density, fibre density, mechanical stability, porosity, and resistance to lysis can differentiate plasma clots of healthy individuals from those with haemostatic or thrombotic disorders. Plasma from patients with a bleeding history produces thick, minimally-branched fibres in coarse, deformable networks that are highly susceptible to lysis, whereas plasma from patients with a personal or family history of thrombosis produces thin, highly-branched fibres in impermeable, rigid networks that are relatively resistant to fibrinolysis (1). Most previous studies have examined fibrin networks produced in the absence of flow or cells. Networks formed under these conditions show an isotropic distribution of fibres with relatively uniform diameters. However, although reduced flow promotes fibrin deposition (2), it is unlikely that blood flow ever fully stops in vivo, even under "stasis". Fibrin formation studied in systems modelling venous (10-100 s −1) or arterial (500-1,500 s −1) shear shows orientation of fibres along flow vectors (3). Few studies, however, have examined fibrin formation under very low flow rates expected during extravasation of blood into extravascular tissue factor (TF)-rich tissues. The impact of flow on fibrin morphology under these conditions is not known. To mimic extravascular TF-bearing cells, immortalised human dermal fibroblasts (NHF 1-hTert) were cultured on sterile Thermanox cover slips (Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN, USA) to ~90% confluence and washed in 10 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl. "Stasis clots" were formed on these cells by incubating 150 µl re-calcified (10 mM, final) contact-inhibited, normal-pooled, platelet-free plasma (PFP) (4) with fibroblasts for 10 minutes (min). "Flow clots" were formed by pumping (0.1 ml/min) re-calcified PFP over fibroblasts for 10 min using a Genie Syringe Pump (Kent Scientific Corporation, Torrington, CT, USA) with the cover slip at a ~30° decline to allow plasma to slowly flow over fibroblasts and model haemostatic injury. For both conditions, clots were left still for 10
The mechanisms by which sister chromatids maintain biorientation on the metaphase spindle are cri... more The mechanisms by which sister chromatids maintain biorientation on the metaphase spindle are critical to the fidelity of chromosome segregation. Active force interplay exists between predominantly extensional microtubule-based spindle forces and restoring forces from chromatin. These forces regulate tension at the kinetochore that silences the spindle assembly checkpoint to ensure faithful chromosome segregation. Depletion of pericentric cohesin or condensin has been shown to increase the mean and variance of spindle length, which have been attributed to a softening of the linear chromatin spring. Models of the spindle apparatus with linear chromatin springs that match spindle dynamics fail to predict the behavior of pericentromeric chromatin in wild-type and mutant spindles. We demonstrate that a nonlinear spring with a threshold extension to switch between spring states predicts asymmetric chromatin stretching observed in vivo. The addition of cross-links between adjacent springs...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008
Fibrin polymerizes into the fibrous network that is the major structural component of blood clots... more Fibrin polymerizes into the fibrous network that is the major structural component of blood clots and thrombi. We demonstrate that fibrin from three different species can also spontaneously polymerize into extensive, molecularly thin, 2D sheets. Sheet assembly occurs in physiologic buffers on both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, but is routinely observed only when polymerized using very low concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin. Sheets may have been missed in previous studies because they may be very short-lived at higher concentrations of fibrinogen and thrombin, and their thinness makes them very difficult to detect. We were able to distinguish fluorescently labeled fibrin sheets by polymerizing fibrin onto micro-patterned structured surfaces that suspended polymers 10 μm above and parallel to the cover-glass surface. We used a combined fluorescence/atomic force microscope system to determine that sheets were ≈5 nm thick, flat, elastic and mechanically continuous. Video ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010
Living systems employ cilia to control and to sense the flow of fluids for many purposes, such as... more Living systems employ cilia to control and to sense the flow of fluids for many purposes, such as pumping, locomotion, feeding, and tissue morphogenesis. Beyond their use in biology, functional arrays of artificial cilia have been envisaged as a potential biomimetic strategy for inducing fluid flow and mixing in lab-on-a-chip devices. Here we report on fluid transport produced by magnetically actuated arrays of biomimetic cilia whose size approaches that of their biological counterparts, a scale at which advection and diffusion compete to determine mass transport. Our biomimetic cilia recreate the beat shape of embryonic nodal cilia, simultaneously generating two sharply segregated regimes of fluid flow: Above the cilia tips their motion causes directed, long-range fluid transport, whereas below the tips we show that the cilia beat generates an enhanced diffusivity capable of producing increased mixing rates. These two distinct types of flow occur simultaneously and are separated in...
We report on the characterization of torsional oscillators which use multi-walled carbon nanotube... more We report on the characterization of torsional oscillators which use multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the spring elements. Through atomic-force-microscope force-distance measurements we are able to apply torsional strains to the nanotubes and measure their torsional spring constants and effective shear moduli. We find that the effective shear moduli cover a broad range, with the largest values near the theoretically predicted value. The data also suggest that the nanotubes are stiffened by repeated flexing.
We present a procedure for producing high-aspect-ratio cantilevered micro-and nanorod arrays of a... more We present a procedure for producing high-aspect-ratio cantilevered micro-and nanorod arrays of a PDMS−ferrofluid composite material. The rods have been produced with diameters ranging from 200 nm to 1 µm and aspect ratios as high as 125. We demonstrate actuation of these superparamagnetic rod arrays with an externally applied magnetic field from a permanent magnet and compare this actuation with a theoretical energy-minimization model. The structures produced by these methods may be useful in microfluidics, photonic, and sensing applications.
We describe biophysical and ultrastructural differences in genome release from adeno-associated v... more We describe biophysical and ultrastructural differences in genome release from adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids packaging wild-type DNA, recombinant single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), or dimeric, self-complementary DNA (scDNA) genomes. Atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy (EM) revealed that AAV particles release packaged genomes and undergo marked changes in capsid morphology upon heating in physiological buffer (pH 7.2). When different AAV capsids packaging ss/scDNA varying in length from 72 to 123% of wild-type DNA (3.4 to 5.8 kb) were incrementally heated, the proportion of uncoated AAV capsids decreased with genome length as observed by EM. Genome release was further characterized by a fluorimetric assay, which demonstrated that acidic pH and high osmotic pressure suppress genome release from AAV particles. In addition, fluorimetric analysis corroborated an inverse correlation between packaged genome length and the temperature needed to induce uncoating. Surprisingly, s...
The nanoManipulator system adds a virtual reality interface to an atomic force microscope (AFM), ... more The nanoManipulator system adds a virtual reality interface to an atomic force microscope (AFM), thus providing a tool that enables the user not only to image but also to manipulate nanometer-sized molecular structures. As the AFM tip scans the surface of these structures, the tip-sample interaction forces are monitored, which in turn provide information about the frictional, mechanical, and topological properties of the sample. Computer graphics are used to reconstruct the surface for the user, with color or contours overlaid to indicate additional data sets. Moreover, by means of a force-feedback pen, which is connected to the scanning tip via software, the user can touch the surface under investigation to feel it and to manipulate objects on it. This system has been used to investigate carbon nanotubes, fibrin, DNA, adenovirus, and tobacco mosaic virus. Nanotubes have been bent, translated, and rotated to understand their mechanical properties and to investigate friction on the molecular level. AFM lithography is being combined with the nanoManipulator to investigate the electromechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. The rupture forces of fibrin and DNA have been measured. This article discusses how some of the graphics and interface features of the nanoManipulator made these novel investigations possible. Visitors have used the system to examine chromosomes, bacterial pili fibers, and nanochain aggregates (NCAs).
In the past few years a great deal of progress has been made in studying the mechanical and struc... more In the past few years a great deal of progress has been made in studying the mechanical and structural properties of biological protein fibers. Here, we compare and review the stiffness (Young's modulus, E) and breaking strain (also called rupture strain or extensibility, ε max) of numerous biological protein fibers in light of the recently reported mechanical properties of fibrin fibers. Emphasis is also placed on the structural features and molecular mechanisms that endow biological protein fibers with their respective mechanical properties. Generally, stiff biological protein fibers have a Young's modulus on the order of a few Gigapascal and are not very extensible (ε max < 20%). They also display a very regular arrangement of their monomeric units. Soft biological protein fibers have a Young's modulus on the order of a few Megapascal and are very extensible (ε max > 100%). These soft, extensible fibers employ a variety of molecular mechanisms, such as extending amorphous regions or unfolding protein domains, to accommodate large strains. We conclude our review by proposing a novel model of how fibrin fibers might achieve their extremely large extensibility, despite the regular arrangement of the monomeric fibrin units within a fiber. We propose that fibrin fibers accommodate large strains by two major mechanisms: (1) an α-helix to β-strand conversion of the coiled coils; (2) a partial unfolding of the globular C-terminal domain of the γ-chain.
Papers by Michael Falvo