Papers by Fajar azril Akbar

FAJAR AKBAR. 2019. The Effects of Gender Roles in the Use of Languages by Teachers at EFL Classro... more FAJAR AKBAR. 2019. The Effects of Gender Roles in the Use of Languages by Teachers at EFL Classroom (Supervised by Murni Mahmud and Kisman Salija). This research aims to find out: (1) concept of gender roles perceived by teachers, (2) characteristics of language used by teachers to communicate which are influenced by gender roles, and (3) teachers’s perception about gender roles affecting their communication styles in the EFL Classroom. This study applied qualitative research design. The participants of this research were two male teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar and two female teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar. The data of this research were collected by employing audio recording, observation checklist and interview guide. The obtained data was analyzed in three major phases namely data reduction, data display, and draw conclusion. The first result in this research is about concepts of gender roles perceived by teacher. There are three concepts of gender roles that res...
Papers by Fajar azril Akbar