Faiz Auliya Rohman, Strategic Management to Improve the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah Education at Y... more Faiz Auliya Rohman, Strategic Management to Improve the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah Education at Yayasan Mambaul 'Ulum Sumenep Madura, Thesis, Yogyakarta: Islamic Education Studies Program Concentration of Islamic Education Management Master of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2018. The background of this research is to improve the quality of education in educational institutions. This is because the strategy management process is quantitatively accompanied by maximum management power so that the institution tends to experience development and improvement. This research was conducted aiming to determine the level of education quality at MA Mambaul 'Ulum Foundation, the strategy management process carried out, as well as the problems faced and solutions to overcome. The research was conducted with qualitative approach which located in MA Mambaul 'Ulum Sumenep Madura. There are two sources of data in this study, namely documents and re...
Mixer garam adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mencampur garam dan iodium (yodisasi garam). Yodisa... more Mixer garam adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mencampur garam dan iodium (yodisasi garam). Yodisasi garam untuk menanggulangi masalah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium (GAKY) telah dimulai tahun 1973. Namun sampai sekarang penyediaan kadar yodium garam bagi penderita GAKYmasih kurang efektif. Hal ini disebabkan factor teknis yodisasi dan distribusi garam beyodium.Kebutuhan masyarakat untuk garam konsumsi harus melalui proses lebih lanjut yaitu proses iodisasi. Garam konsumsi harus mengandung kadar KIO3 sebanysk 50 ppm. Proses pembuatan garam konsumsi terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu pembuatan garam krosok, pencucian dan pencampuran yodium . Metode dalam perancangan mixer pencampur garam dan iodium ini ialah dengan melakukan survey kebutuhan masyarakat, studi literature, kemudian melakukan perancangan konsep, kemudian dirancang sesuai perhitungan yang telah di rencanakan dengan hasil berupa desain gambar. Dari metode tersebut mampu menghasilkan perancangan mesin mixer pencampur garam dan iodiu...
This study discusses the leadership type, style and model of the school principal of an elementar... more This study discusses the leadership type, style and model of the school principal of an elementary Islamic education institution, Nurul Ummah, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative in nature, with three data collection techniques: (1) observation, (2) interviews, and (3) documentation. The results of this study indicate that the school principal is discipline, assertive and at the same time democratic. In carrying out his duties and responsibilities, the principal does his best so that the management of the education program in the madrasah goes smoothly as the purpose. The school principal built the basis of the school by setting rules to regulate his subordinate personnel (teachers and staff) to develop and improve the educational aspects, one of which is the preparation of activities in madrasah that have a positive impact on students. The activities that are initiated by the school are: (1) prepare and manage of Madrasah activities programs; (2) improve the quality of education; (3) apply various (new) ideas to develop Madrasah programs; (4) improve the quality of human resources (human resources); (5) behave in discipline and give responsibility in carrying out duties; and (6) active in improving quality and role as a principal. Thus, the principal's leadership becomes a basic value for good change so that madrasas are ready to face all challenges and are able to compete in Islamic education.
Faiz Auliya Rohman, Strategic Management to Improve the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah Education at Y... more Faiz Auliya Rohman, Strategic Management to Improve the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah Education at Yayasan Mambaul 'Ulum Sumenep Madura, Thesis, Yogyakarta: Islamic Education Studies Program Concentration of Islamic Education Management Master of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2018. The background of this research is to improve the quality of education in educational institutions. This is because the strategy management process is quantitatively accompanied by maximum management power so that the institution tends to experience development and improvement. This research was conducted aiming to determine the level of education quality at MA Mambaul 'Ulum Foundation, the strategy management process carried out, as well as the problems faced and solutions to overcome. The research was conducted with qualitative approach which located in MA Mambaul 'Ulum Sumenep Madura. There are two sources of data in this study, namely documents and re...
Mixer garam adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mencampur garam dan iodium (yodisasi garam). Yodisa... more Mixer garam adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mencampur garam dan iodium (yodisasi garam). Yodisasi garam untuk menanggulangi masalah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium (GAKY) telah dimulai tahun 1973. Namun sampai sekarang penyediaan kadar yodium garam bagi penderita GAKYmasih kurang efektif. Hal ini disebabkan factor teknis yodisasi dan distribusi garam beyodium.Kebutuhan masyarakat untuk garam konsumsi harus melalui proses lebih lanjut yaitu proses iodisasi. Garam konsumsi harus mengandung kadar KIO3 sebanysk 50 ppm. Proses pembuatan garam konsumsi terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu pembuatan garam krosok, pencucian dan pencampuran yodium . Metode dalam perancangan mixer pencampur garam dan iodium ini ialah dengan melakukan survey kebutuhan masyarakat, studi literature, kemudian melakukan perancangan konsep, kemudian dirancang sesuai perhitungan yang telah di rencanakan dengan hasil berupa desain gambar. Dari metode tersebut mampu menghasilkan perancangan mesin mixer pencampur garam dan iodiu...
This study discusses the leadership type, style and model of the school principal of an elementar... more This study discusses the leadership type, style and model of the school principal of an elementary Islamic education institution, Nurul Ummah, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative in nature, with three data collection techniques: (1) observation, (2) interviews, and (3) documentation. The results of this study indicate that the school principal is discipline, assertive and at the same time democratic. In carrying out his duties and responsibilities, the principal does his best so that the management of the education program in the madrasah goes smoothly as the purpose. The school principal built the basis of the school by setting rules to regulate his subordinate personnel (teachers and staff) to develop and improve the educational aspects, one of which is the preparation of activities in madrasah that have a positive impact on students. The activities that are initiated by the school are: (1) prepare and manage of Madrasah activities programs; (2) improve the quality of education; (3) apply various (new) ideas to develop Madrasah programs; (4) improve the quality of human resources (human resources); (5) behave in discipline and give responsibility in carrying out duties; and (6) active in improving quality and role as a principal. Thus, the principal's leadership becomes a basic value for good change so that madrasas are ready to face all challenges and are able to compete in Islamic education.
Papers by Faiz Rohman