Papers by Fahrus Zaman Fadhly

Empowerment : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The ability of teaching English among English teachers still needs to be improved. The atmosphere... more The ability of teaching English among English teachers still needs to be improved. The atmosphere of English class will feel maximal when the teacher as a key factor plays its function and ability as an attractive, energetic, creative teacher and always uses English as a medium of communication in teaching. English as Medium of Interaction (EMI) is an approach in training to improve teacher skills in teaching English to junior high school teachers in the Kadugede Group. Instructor provides training with full of English so that the trainees are moved to respond in English as well. The use of English in the classroom with a percentage of only 60%: 40% will certainly have a significant positive impact in the learning process. Motivating teachers by providing concrete examples that communicating optimally in English classes must continue to be done to get effective and efficient learning outcomes. After completion of teacher training – teachers feel motivated to teach in the classroom ...
Indonesian journal of EFL and linguistics, Dec 1, 2022
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics
This study aims to explore the challenges faced by Sundanese EFL learners in pronouncing labioden... more This study aims to explore the challenges faced by Sundanese EFL learners in pronouncing labiodental consonant sounds, specifically /f/ and /v/, and to propose effective strategies for improvement. The study focuses on collecting data from Sundanese EFL learners at various levels of proficiency using interviews and pronunciation tests. The results indicate that learners face various challenges in pronouncing labiodental consonants, such as substituting similar sounds from their native language and struggling with unfamiliar sound combinations. The study proposes several strategies to overcome these challenges, including drilling exercises, practicing with audio recordings, and promoting learner autonomy.

Indonesian EFL Journal, Sep 12, 2017
This study is aimed to investigate presupposition in The Jakarta Post daily newspaper's articles ... more This study is aimed to investigate presupposition in The Jakarta Post daily newspaper's articles in political column. It covers two problems: types of presupposition and triggers of presupposition. Those problems were identified by applying presupposition theory. The data were interpreted by using descriptive qualitative method since it intended to describe a large number of sentences, clauses and phrases rather than numbers. The result of the study showed that the most frequent was existential presupposition with 202 occurences (78.59%), followed by factive presupposition with 2 occurences (0.79%), lexical presupposition with 36 occurences (14%), structural presupposition with 11 occurences (4.28%), non-factive presupposition with 2 occurences (0.79%) and counterfactual presupposition with 4 occurrences (1.56%). Besides, the study also showed the existence of 691 presupposition triggers which consisted of 631 definite descriptions (90.92%), 2 factive items (0.28%) which was similar to the existence of change of state verbs, 6 implicative verbs (0.86%), 6 itteratives (0.86%), 21 temporal (3.02%), 13 comparisons and contrast (1.87%), 8 questions (1.15%) and 3 counterfactual conditionals (0.43%). Finally, the findings showed that both types and triggers of presuppositions were related each other.

Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
This meta-ethnographic study aims to synthesize effective strategies for IT-mediated writing lear... more This meta-ethnographic study aims to synthesize effective strategies for IT-mediated writing learning by examining the existing literature on the topic. The study adopts a systematic search and selection process, which results in the inclusion of 20 studies that met the pre-determined inclusion criteria. The findings reveal six overarching themes that represent effective strategies for IT-mediated writing learning, which include (1) collaborative learning, (2) scaffolding, (3) feedback, (4) learner autonomy, (5) multimodal approaches, and (6) contextualization. These themes offer insights into how IT can be used effectively to enhance writing learning in educational settings, particularly in the context of EFL learning. The study concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for both research and practice, and highlighting the need for further research in this area.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Academic writing seems daunting for novice writers. Unveiling cognitive processes of experienced ... more Academic writing seems daunting for novice writers. Unveiling cognitive processes of experienced writers in academic writing can presumably aid novice writers, primarily writing for publication. The purpose of this research is to explore the cognitive processes of experienced writers who have published articles in reputable journals in writing scientific articles. Three experienced writers participated in the study: one from the social science and two from the STEM fields. Thematic analysis following the six phases of Braun and Clark (2006) was conducted to analyze the interview data from three experienced writers. The findings from the interview generated five themes: search, topic, research, writing, and publication. These emerging themes have similarities with the previous academic writing models but expand some actions toward the publication process. The themes reflected the steps taken by the experienced writers who participated in the study in producing their published article...
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction, May 25, 2022
This research focused on GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text) strategy in incr... more This research focused on GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text) strategy in increasing students' reading comprehension. The objective of the research is to find out the significant effect on students' reading comprehension after applying the GIST (Generating Interactions between schemata and text) strategy. This research used a quasi-experimental design. The sample consists of 60 students which were from two classes. This research used test instrument (pre-test and post-test) with multiple choice questions. The hypothesis was calculated by using t-test in which the analysis result obtained tcount = 4.33 > ttable = 2.00 with α = 0.05. From the result, it can be concluded that GIST strategy can improve students' reading comprehension in narrative text.

Proceedings of the 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology, UNISET 2021, 2 December 2021, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia
This research aimed at examining the implementation of autonomous learning in English Language Te... more This research aimed at examining the implementation of autonomous learning in English Language Teaching (ELT) in vocational high school 2 Kuningan. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The participants of the research are 2 English teachers and 16 students. The instrument used to collect the data are observation, interview, and questionnaire. The findings show that semi-autonomous learning is implemented in the process of English Language Teaching (ELT) in this pandemic situation by using zoom, WhatsApp group and Moodle platform as the media of teaching and learning process. The second, students are aware and understand autonomous learning, but most of them still difficult to implement autonomous learning in their learning process. Therefore, it is concluded that the implementation of autonomous learning in high school is not optimal/maximum yet because of many obstacles faced by both teachers and students.

Indonesian EFL Journal, 2017
This study was aimed at reconstructing the mental processes involved in academic writing. This qu... more This study was aimed at reconstructing the mental processes involved in academic writing. This qualitative case study involved two lecturers in University of Kuningan since they were considered able to engage mental processes in their steps of writing for academic purposes or scientific manuscript. The data were obtained through in-depth interview. As result, there are some mental processes involved in the writing activity experienced by the writers. Those mental processes are differently involved in the steps of writing starting from brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, editing, until proofreading stage. Besides, this study revealed the ways how the writers develop their writing in case of producing a long composition without losing the essence of the paper, how the writers overcome the sticking in their writing process, the writers' special writing features and what they expect from the reader after reading their writing. It also revealed that the differences experienced by the participants in each stage of writing are strongly influenced by their areas of interest, writing behavior and their writing style.

Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 2020
This research focuses on writing strategies of EFL learners in writing English text. It attempted... more This research focuses on writing strategies of EFL learners in writing English text. It attempted to address the following problems i.e. the most frequent writing strategies used and the differences writing strategies used by male and female students. The data collected from questionnaires and interview were analyzed qualitatively based on Oxford (1990) language learning theories. It was found that there were six categories of writing strategies used by the students in English text; memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensations strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies. The result revealed that compensation strategies (18,7%) were the most frequent strategies used by both male and female students in writing English text. It was also found that the female respondents used more varied writing strategies (70,9%) compared to the male ones but the male students was the highest user of affective strategies (66,2%). As the final points, the c...

Indonesian EFL Journal, 2018
This research analyzes teacher and students talk in Indonesian EFL classroom interaction in Unive... more This research analyzes teacher and students talk in Indonesian EFL classroom interaction in University of Kuningan in second semester who are taking Speaking 2 subject. This qualitative data was from observation, note taking, and interview. The result of classroom observation found the content cross as the most dominant characteristic in teacher and students talk, it means that most of the teaching learning process devoted to asking questions and lecturing by the lecturer. The proportation of content cross was 65.55% in the first meeting, 95.88% in the second meeting, and 97.44% in the third meeting. While, in the additional data, the most dominant category found was teacher talk. It means that all of teacher talk categories appear in each meeting. The proportation of teacher talk is 38.16% in the first meeting, 55.11% in the second meeting, and 54.83% in the third meeting. In addition, the result of note taking and interview indicated that the interaction always happened in teachin...

English Review: Journal of English Education, 2016
This study investigated requestive strategies performed by Papuan students and the effect of inte... more This study investigated requestive strategies performed by Papuan students and the effect of interlocutor’s cultural background on the way of Papuan students in making request. There were 16 Papuan students studying in senior high school and vocational high school in Kuningan participated in this study. The data were collected by using Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and interview. The theory of requestive strategies proposed by Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989) and the theory of request modification proposed by Blum-Kulka & Olshtain (1984) were used to analyze the data. The finding revealed that Papuan students used different strategy in making request to different interlocutor. Strategies mostly used by them while making request to Papuan was mood derivable. While making request to Sundanese, they tended to use query preparatory strategy. This finding also revealed that Papuan students tended to use more request modification when making request to Sundanese people. Those modific...

Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction
The research aims are to identify the morpho-syntactic errors in argumentative text writing by un... more The research aims are to identify the morpho-syntactic errors in argumentative text writing by university students at the English Department of Kuningan University and find out the difficulties that students face in writing argumentative texts. A descriptive qualitative is used through the instruments of document analysis and interviews. The subject of this research was 5 students of the English Education Department who were in the second semester. The result of the document analysis showed that the errors in using prepositions as the most frequent error at 6 errors (25.24%), errors in using verbs group at 4 errors (16.5%), the third place of errors are errors in using articles and errors in word order, and errors in using relative clauses and relative pronouns for 3 errors (12.5%), errors in using tenses and errors in using adverbs for 2 errors (8.3%), the next is errors due to lack of concord for 1 error (4.16%) and the last is errors in using conditional sentences for 0 error. Mo...

Indonesian EFL Journal, 2017
This research investigates the creative process in fiction writing employed by three writers of d... more This research investigates the creative process in fiction writing employed by three writers of different writing genres: short story, novel, and poem. This study applied a qualitative method that involved one male and two female writers in Kuningan and Majalengka. The data collected from document analysis, observation, and interview were analyzed through descriptive qualitative method. The results of the analysis revealed that there were five creative processes of writing fiction used by the writers in writing fiction, namely preparation, incubation, insight, evaluation, and elaboration. Besides, it also revealed that novel writer is more creative than short story and poem writers since he uses all steps of creative process. In addition, the researcher found that there were some ways of exploring imagination in writing fiction, including drawing and deepen characters in the film or theater, making mind mapping to write, developing a shorter text, and expecting that the writing will...

This study aims to investigate the realizations of requestive strategies used by Indonesian EFL l... more This study aims to investigate the realizations of requestive strategies used by Indonesian EFL learners. The respondents are 25 of junior students of the Department of English Education in the University of Kuningan. The data were collected through Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and interview. The collected data were analyzed by using the requestive strategies theory by Blum-Kulka, House, and Kasper (1989). The query preparatory is the most term of requestive strategy type used by Indonesian EFL learners in Department of English Education in some different situations on DCT (64.8%). Second is mild hints with 13.6%, third is mood derivable with 10.4%, forth is obligation statement with 7.5%, fifth is want statement with 2.4%, sixth is suggestory formulae with 1.1%, seventh is hedge performative with 0.3% and the last are performative and strong hints with nothings. The respondents incline used requestive strategies which is avoid conflict or threatening to the hearer. The study r...

English Review: Journal of English Education, 2017
This article reports on a study aimed at exploring and examining English language teachers" skill... more This article reports on a study aimed at exploring and examining English language teachers" skills in questioning to enhance students" verbal repsonses in EFL (English as a Foreign language) classes. This was a qualitative case study, employing discourse analysis, conducted in one junior high school in a town in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research participants were two Indonesian teachers of English language. They taught Year Eight students in the academic year of 2015/2016. The data were collected from audio-video recordings, transcripts of the lessons, classroom observations notes, and teachers" interviews. The transcriptions were analysed by using Wu"s taxonomy of questioning strategies (1993) as it gave a detailed categorization of teachers" questions to stimulate students" verbal responses. The findings showed that the teachers used mostly four questioning strategies. The first teacher often applied decomposition strategy where the initial question was elaborated into some questions, while the second teacher tended to use repetition strategy. This study has shown that teachers" questioning skills is crucial to successfully make students engaged in the classroom interaction, enhance students" verbal responses, and lead to the comprehension of the lesson. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should be more aware of their questioning skills to assist students achieve better proficiency in the English language.

English Review: Journal of English Education, 2015
Abstract: This study investigated the use of scientific approach to enhance students’ descriptiv... more Abstract: This study investigated the use of scientific approach to enhance students’ descriptive writing skill of seventh grade students in one of junior high schools in Kuningan, Indonesia. The use of scientific approach was examined based on Cuff and Payne (1979), Educational staff development center of ministry of education and culture (2013), and Syahmadi (2014) while students’ attitude was examined using a theory of Wenden (1991), and Gardner (1985). The writer used mix method study. Two instruments were used to get the data needed: test of descriptive text and questionnaire. The result showed that the Ha was accepted and the Ho was rejected as the t observed was higher than t table. Students’ descriptive writing skill in the experimental class enhanced since they were treated throughout scientific approach. It could be seen from the result of post-test (7.89) which increased significantly from pre-test result (3.697). This study also revealed that students’ attitude toward t...

English Review: Journal of English Education, Dec 1, 2018
The purpose of this research is to explore and reconstruct the cognitive processes experienced by... more The purpose of this research is to explore and reconstruct the cognitive processes experienced by Indonesian scientific writers in selecting research topic in academic writing. By using grounded theory approach, this research explored the Indonesian scientific writers' cognitive processes and revealed eleven ways or approaches in finding and selecting research topics, i.e: institutional research road map, literature review, search before research, research trends in the world, national topics of research, interpretation of regulations, court decisions, pros and cons of actual cases or topics, discussion and research sharing method, exposure of controlled data, and looking for possible space for existing papers. Each expertise background dicipline has its own ways and approaches in research topic selection, but there is 'red thread': the selection and determination of research topics rests on literature review. This research endorses practical approaches to find out research topics containing novelties and state of the art of the research in each discipline.
Papers by Fahrus Zaman Fadhly