Papers by Fabricio Fernandez
Estudios de Asia y África
Giles Chance, China and the Credit Crisis. The Emergence of a New World Order, Singapur, John Wil... more Giles Chance, China and the Credit Crisis. The Emergence of a New World Order, Singapur, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2010, 224 pp.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 2021
To gain an understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of one grain with its environme... more To gain an understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of one grain with its environment as it reaches equilibrium, we study a particle bouncing off a flat surface. The bouncing of the particle leads to dissipation that is usually characterized with t, the coefficient of restitution, defined as the ratio between the velocity component that is normal to the contact surface just before impact (Vn) and the same component, but immediately after the collision (Vn’), i.e. related to a kinetic energy corresponding to motion in the normal direction. We will show how d is affected by energy stored in other degrees of freedom and transferred to kinetic energy that leads to an increase in normal velocity after the impact Vn’, and therefore to, ɛ >1. For this purpose, the evolution of potential, translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy is analysed during the whole relaxation process and just before and after each collision for two different types of particle, a d...

This historical essay is presented as a tribute to a generation of diplomats in Mexico, represent... more This historical essay is presented as a tribute to a generation of diplomats in Mexico, represented by the figure of Gilberto Bosques, who faced enormous difficulties to defend their ideals, and showed their support to thousands of people suffering from the tragedies of war in Spain and Europe, during the late 1930s and early 1940s. Influenced by the battles and the outcome of the Mexican Revolution, these representatives embraced the cause of freedom and self-determination of nations to oppose the dangers posed by the arrival of totalitarian fascism in Europe. At the same time, their help proved crucial to the economic, cultural, scientific and artistic development of Mexico during the post-revolutionary and postwar years, by facilitating the migration and insertion to the Mexican society of qualified professionals, who were being persecuted in their countries. The following paragraphs highlight the formation, mission and legacy of this revolutionary diplomat.
este artigo pretende apresentar o projeto arqueologico para o curta-metragem Cruz na Praca (1959)... more este artigo pretende apresentar o projeto arqueologico para o curta-metragem Cruz na Praca (1959), de Glauber Rocha. Considerado o primeiro tratamento direto sobre o tema da homossexualidade no cinema queer brasileiro, os negativos deste filme estao desaparecidos ha mais de 50 anos, de acordo com registro na Cinemateca Brasileira. O trabalho de escavacao dos vestigios desta producao audiovisual pretende retomar um periodo em que Glauber Rocha havia concluido o seu primeiro filme, Patio (1959), e, no mesmo ano, filmado Cruz na Praca , um projeto filmico que antecede a realizacao do seu primeiro longa-metragem Barravento (1961). A execucao desta arqueologia cinematografica serao utilizadas abordagens metodologicas historiograficas, propostas por Michel Foucault ( Arqueologia do Saber ) e Ziegfried Zielinski ( Arqueologia da Midia ).

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021
Abstract In this work, the collapse conditions of shallow tunnel faces are studied using the Nume... more Abstract In this work, the collapse conditions of shallow tunnel faces are studied using the Numerical Limit Analysis (NLA) and the Material Point Method (MPM). A particular form (based on a mixed representation of velocities and stresses) of the lower bound formulation of numerical limit analysis was used. The solution using NLA is evaluated considering finite elements for the volume discretization in conjunction with the second order cone and semidefinite programming methodologies. Drucker-Prager and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria have been used. In the case of MPM, the continuum media is discretized by a set of material points which store all the relevant properties and variables such as mass, stress, velocity, and energy. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the characteristics of both methods when applied to the determination of the tunnel face stability conditions of shallow tunnels, in particular to the determination of failure mechanisms and run-out analysis of the failed mass. Results obtained from experiments on a small-scale model (Sterpi et al., 1996) are used as a reference for the study. The results obtained showed that both MPM and NLA can predict the global failure mechanism and the minimum tunnel face pressure required for stability.

Anuario Asia Pacífico el Colegio de México, 2018
Entre los estudiosos de la ciencia política, particularmente entre los seguidores del institucion... more Entre los estudiosos de la ciencia política, particularmente entre los seguidores del institucionalismo, el inesperado triunfo electoral de Donald Trump será visto en retrospectiva como una coyuntura crítica, al haber presentado diversos retos para las instituciones estadounidenses e internacionales, que puede conducir a un ajuste importante de las mismas. El primer año de gobierno de Trump quedó marcado por su insistencia en desmontar el legado de su antecesor, Barack Obama, bajo la premisa de corregir los supuestos múltiples errores cometidos por la administración del demócrata, tanto dentro como fuera del país, con un profundo énfasis en la idea de “Estados Unidos primero”. La política exterior estadounidense ha resentido dicho cambio, incluidas sus relaciones con la región Asia-Pacífico. Al cumplir con su promesa de campaña de retirar a Estados Unidos del Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP) en sus primeros días de gobierno, Trump intentó ser percibido como un defensor de l...

Computational Particle Mechanics, 2019
The land topography of certain mountainous regions can be highly variable. The geometry of the to... more The land topography of certain mountainous regions can be highly variable. The geometry of the topography may be influenced by geological, seismic, weathering, and other processes. The creation of the full 3D numerical models of these topographies represents a challenge. In this work, we present a methodology that allows to create numerical material point method (MPM) models based on the contour lines of the land. The proposed methodology has three main characteristics: the construction of the MPM discrete model is based only on raster digital elevation model (DEM) data; finite element meshes are not required during the process; and the heterogeneities are defined by the DEM data of each material. The application of the proposed methodology to the Daguangbao landslide which occurred in China, in 2008, proved to be adequate for the creation of models with high topography variations and spatial heterogeneities.

Scientia Horticulturae, 2018
The annual fluctuations in olive crop load due to alternate bearing and other factors often lead ... more The annual fluctuations in olive crop load due to alternate bearing and other factors often lead to large differences in fruit size and oil content between years at harvest. A better understanding of how fruit parameters respond to the different leaf: fruit (i.e., source: sink) ratios that occur with contrasting crop loads would provide important information for crop management. Thus, the primary objectives of this study conducted with the cv. Arauco in three growing seasons were to: 1) determine the weight and size responses of the fruit and its main tissues, mesocarp (pulp) and endocarp (pit), to crop load; and 2) obtain relationships between different estimates of the source: sink ratio versus various fruit and oil parameters. Fruit thinning was performed by hand on uniform trees with high initial crop loads four weeks after full bloom the first season to obtain different crop loads at harvest. The thinning percentages the first season were 24%, 48% and 87%, along with an unthinned control. The same trees were then monitored the following two seasons without any further thinning. Fruit were sampled at harvest each season to determine fruit and tissue weights and diameters, oil weight per fruit, and oil concentration (%). Fruit weight was reduced 30-40% by high crop loads in each growing season with the mesocarp being much more affected than the endocarp. Oil weight per fruit (−50%) showed a somewhat greater reduction than fruit weight to crop load due to both fruit diameters and fruit oil concentration being decreased at high crop loads. Fruit and tissue weights and oil weight per fruit all displayed bilinear functions versus source: sink ratio when the source was expressed as canopy volume (a surrogate for leaf area) and sink on both a fruit number and glucose equivalent (GE) basis. Source limited fruit growth at both medium and high crop loads due to limited photoassimilate availability based on the bilinear functions, and the slope of the endocarp response to source: sink ratio was 15 times less than that of the mesocarp when expressed on a GE basis. A quantitative comparison with previously published studies indicated that maximum fruit weight appears to be obtained in olive between 1-2 m 2 of leaf area per kg of GE. The bilinear relationships of source: sink ratio versus fruit weight observed in this study could contribute to crop modelling, and further research concerning how and when the mesocarp and endocarp respond to crop load is needed to aid crop management in obtaining sufficient fruit size and quality for table olive cultivars.
Notas técnicas, 2017
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um novo algoritmo computacional de geraç... more Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um novo algoritmo computacional de geração de partículas dentro do contexto do método dos elementos discretos-MED. A metodologia proposta se baseia na geração de partículas no plano 2D mediante a rotação do domínio computacional sobre um domínio auxiliar, de fundo, queé utilizado para o cálculo da densidade máxima do arranjo resultante. IniDEM permite obter um arranjo denso de partículas para diferentes configurações de base: simples, hexagonal, aleatória, e de características granulométricas específicas.

拉丁美洲經貿季刊, Mar 1, 2014
After twenty years of economic integration and major cooperation in other strategic areas, the No... more After twenty years of economic integration and major cooperation in other strategic areas, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has proved an important asset for the reset of Mexico-US relations, after a difficult history marked by the increasing American power in the world vis-a-vis a country which has struggled to find the best path towards economic prosperity and modernization. This essay sets NAFTA in a historical framework, to highlight the relevance of the agreement for the Mexican side, as well as to understand the economic and political motivations behind the negotiation of such a controversial instrument. With these notions in mind, it will be less difficult to understand the positive and negative outcomes produced by the implementation of the agreement over the past two decades, and to analyze the major challenges for the coming years, as exposed in the last part of this paper.

Scientia Horticulturae, 2015
The need to understand how the balance between vegetative and reproductive growth in olive trees ... more The need to understand how the balance between vegetative and reproductive growth in olive trees is modified by different crop loads has become more important over the last 20 years due to increasing planting densities and the greater use of irrigation. The objectives of this study conducted in a wellirrigated olive orchard were to: (1) evaluate shoot and fruit growth dynamics following fruit thinning during the same growing season in which thinning was applied and during the next growing season; and to (2) determine crop load effects on bloom, fruit set, and fruit yield over three growing seasons. Handthinning of fruit 35 days after full bloom on 9-year-old cv. 'Arauco' trees in an "on" year led to thinning treatments of 24, 48, and 87% with respect to an unthinned control. Apical and lateral shoot elongation were measured every two weeks throughout the growing season, and fruit were sampled to determine fruit weight at the same interval. Apical shoot elongation occurred only early in the season when crop load was medium or high, while apical elongation continued for most of the season when crop load was low. Elongation of laterals contributed significantly to total shoot elongation on fruit-bearing branches in trees with low crop loads after thinning the first season. Individual fruit dry weight was reduced about 40% by high crop loads in both seasons. Differences in relative growth rates of both the shoots and the fruit due to crop load suggest fruit growth was limited by photoassimilate availability early in the season, but shoot growth was limited most of the season under medium and high crop loads. Inflorescence number per shoot was reduced by crop load in the two seasons following the thinning event. Fresh fruit yield was only reduced in one of the two biennia (i.e., periods of 2 years) in the trees that were heavily thinned (87%) the first season. The trees in which about one-half (48%) of the fruit were thinned the first season did not show biennia yield reductions and maintained a low alternate bearing index over three seasons. Thus, chemical thinning could be applied in growing seasons with high flowering. Further studies are needed to better assess competition for resources between shoots and fruit with the ultimate goal of reducing alternate bearing.
VII International Symposium on Olive Growing, 2014

If the California black ripe table olive processing industry is to survive it must develop mechan... more If the California black ripe table olive processing industry is to survive it must develop mechanical harvesters capable of efficiently and economically harvesting the unripe Olea europaea. Cv. Manzanillo' that is oxidized in processing to become the crisp California black ripe table olive. These harvesters should be capable harvesting at least one acre per hour with a final fruit removal efficiency of 80%, produce fruit capable of being processed into commercially competitive product, and not cost more US$100.00 per short ton to operate. Weight is important as table olive orchards are irrigated immediately prior to harvest. Size is a concern as most orchards have row widths of no more than 7m trunk to trunk and 4.5m canopy widths. In 2008 a canopy contact picking head harvester, a trunk shaker, and over the row straddle harvester with dual canopy contact heads, were evaluated in commercial Manzanillo' orchards. The canopy contact harvester produced a significantly lower, 88...

Powder Technology, 2006
An experiment to measure the properties of the impacts between of a 44.5 mm steel ball and a stee... more An experiment to measure the properties of the impacts between of a 44.5 mm steel ball and a steel flat surface is reported. The apparatus can release the ball with and without initial spin. The steel target can be inclined 0-60-. The impact event is recorded with a digital video camera. The video analysis is computer based and all the distortions of image are calibrated. The impact properties measured are expressed as coefficient of normal restitution e n , coefficient of tangential restitution e t , impulse ratio or dynamic coefficient of friction f, angular velocity, and rebound angle of the contact point. It is found that the measurement of oblique impact without initial spin shows close agreement with recent published results and complies with rigid body theory. However, the experimental results of oblique impact with pre-impact spin do not agree to the collision models in rolling or micro-slip regime in particular.

Granular Matter, 2011
Impact tests against a hardened steel plate have been carried out to obtain the coefficient of re... more Impact tests against a hardened steel plate have been carried out to obtain the coefficient of restitution of three types of spherical granules. The dominant elastic γ-Al 2 O 3 , the elastic-plastic zeolite 4A and the dominant plastic sodium benzoate have been chosen as granule samples. An electromagnetic canon has been constructed to accelerate the granules and to measure the normal coefficient of restitution. The moisture content of the granules has been varied so that the pore saturation ranges between of S = 0-1. Thereby, the influence of the moisture content on the normal coefficient of restitution could be determined. A free fall apparatus, on which the impact angle is changeable in the range of A = 0-80 • , has been used to investigate the tangential coefficient of restitution. A high speed digital camera has been used to record the events of impact and rebound. The record frequency of the camera has been varied between 4,000 and 8,000 frames per second.
VII International Symposium on Olive Growing, 2014
Fil: Brizuela, Maria Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Ofici... more Fil: Brizuela, Maria Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Plantas Toxicas y Medicinales, Metabolismo de Compuestos Sinteticos y Naturales - Hongos que Intervienen en la Degradacion Biologica; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina
Papers by Fabricio Fernandez