Papers by Fabiola Crudeli
Secondo la prospettiva dell'Infant Research e della Developmental Psychopathology, lo svilupp... more Secondo la prospettiva dell'Infant Research e della Developmental Psychopathology, lo sviluppo infantile \ue8 il risultato dell'interazione fra substrato genetico, intersoggettivit\ue0 e caratteristiche ambientali. In quest'ottica, l'Outdoor Education si profila come importante risorsa per lo sviluppo psichico, in quanto favorisce, attraverso il contatto diretto con la natura e le attivit\ue0 in prima persona all'aperto, le esperienze sensoriali percettive, le competenze motorie, le abilit\ue0 sociali e cognitive

Junior eBooks, 2008
Introduzione Il grande impatto emotivo, nel lavoro con i bambini piccoli, \ue8 legato alla turbol... more Introduzione Il grande impatto emotivo, nel lavoro con i bambini piccoli, \ue8 legato alla turbolenza delle sensazioni, alla loro fragilit\ue0 e vulnerabilit\ue0. Serve quindi un atteggiamento di grande competenza e allo stesso tempo di stupore, di ammirazione, per i segnali che il bambino manda, anche quando questi sono deboli e confusi. Occorre perci\uf2 una mente adulta non troppo pre-occupata e non latitante, ma viva, curiosa, attiva nell\u2019osservare, condividere, contenere. Occorre tempo e spazio per osservare, senza codificare, gli elementi vivi del contesto: uno spazio, dove sentire i pensieri, pensare i sentimenti, un tempo, dove le esperienze mentali ed emotive possano prendere forma ed essere contenute. La ricerca intervento: obiettivi e metodo La formazione all\u2019osservazione, secondo il modello dell\u2019infant observation, inizia nei nidi del Consorzio Comuni di Forlimpopoli nel 1995 a partire da un progetto di intervento mirato a trasmettere una modalit\ue0 osservativa, quella partecipe, dove prevale il comprendere sullo spiegare, e che permette alle educatrici di essere partecipi, insieme alla coordinatrice psicopedagogia e al supervisore esterno, con formazione psicoanalitica, dei processi di cambiamento introdotti da questa metodologia. L\u2019insegnante trova, all\u2019interno dell\u2019organizzazione del servizio, uno spazio-tempo durante il quale osserva un bambino, successivamente uno spazio-tempo per scrivere le sue osservazioni seguendo il movimento delle scene mnestiche, ed infine, un terzo spazio-tempo costituito dal gruppo delle insegnanti che leggono e discutono insieme a un supervisore le osservazioni. Gli incontri, a piccolo gruppo (8-10 persone, due nidi), una volta al mese, sono di due ore e mezzo, si svolgono nel nido, dopo che tutti i bambini sono andati a casa, e vengono coordinati dalla psicologa affiancata dalla psicopedagogista. Il \u201cfilo psicologico\u201d viene utilizzato per tenere insieme, nella discussione, le narrazioni, con il loro carico emotivo, quello \u201cpedagogico\u201d per delineare una cornice legata allo spazio e al tempo della programmazione didattica. Risultati raggiunti C\u2019\ue8 stata una lettura ed una comprensione dei dati osservativi sempre pi\uf9 complessa all\u2019interno dei gruppi di lavoro. La lettura \u201cmicroscopica\u201d dei segnali emessi dal bambino al nido, accolti dall\u2019insegnante e restituiti attraverso la scrittura, si \ue8 trasformata nel lavoro di gruppo in una lettura \u201cmacroscopica\u201d, che tende a descrivere le coordinate spazio-temporali dello sviluppo infantile, e in una lettura \u201cimmaginativa\u201d, nel senso di formulare ipotesi a partire dai dati osservativi. Questi circuiti trasformativi, tornando al campo relazionale adulto-bambino, hanno permesso di dare un nome a stati d\u2019animo confusi, a segnali informi e di facilitare nel bambino l\u2019accesso alla raffigurabilit\ue0 delle esperienze, passando dalla percezione alla rappresentazione. L\u2019osservazione partecipe tende non ad accumulare dati, ma a favorire la qualit\ue0 del pensare, l\u2019essere all\u2019ascolto degli elementi che si muovono nel campo interattivo; si struttura quindi come un movimento mentale alla ricerca sia di una giusta distanza per vedere l\u2019oggetto nella sua interezza, sia di una giusta vicinanza per risuonare empaticamente nell\u2019incontro con il bambino reale e con quello proprio interno

Early Child Development and Care, 2017
This study aimed to investigate the influence of Outdoor Education (OE) on different areas of dev... more This study aimed to investigate the influence of Outdoor Education (OE) on different areas of development in 1-3-year-old children attending Italian nursery schools. The sample was composed of 160 children (1-3-yearold) divided into a first group (Traditional), with 76 children attending nursery schools with traditional educational activities; and a second group (Outdoor) of 84 children following a continuous OE programme at school. In January (T1) and in June (T2), the quality of child development was assessed by teachers, appropriately trained, through Kuno Beller Developmental Scales. Comparing the two groups, the results showed that, in most of the developmental areas (cognitive, emotional, social, fine motor skills), significant improvements at T2 were detected for the Outdoor group compared to the Traditional group. The findings highlight that OE, compared to indoor activities, offers greater opportunities for the child developmentplaying, therefore, a crucial role as a protective developmental factor since early childhood.
Giornale italiano di dermatolotia. Minerva dermatologica, 1972
Giornale italiano di dermatolotia. Minerva dermatologica, 1972
Giornale italiano di dermatolotia. Minerva dermatologica, 1972
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1974
Secondo la prospettiva dell'Infant Research e della Developmental Psychopathology, lo svilupp... more Secondo la prospettiva dell'Infant Research e della Developmental Psychopathology, lo sviluppo infantile \ue8 il risultato dell'interazione fra substrato genetico, intersoggettivit\ue0 e caratteristiche ambientali. In quest'ottica, l'Outdoor Education si profila come importante risorsa per lo sviluppo psichico, in quanto favorisce, attraverso il contatto diretto con la natura e le attivit\ue0 in prima persona all'aperto, le esperienze sensoriali percettive, le competenze motorie, le abilit\ue0 sociali e cognitive
Journal Plus Education, Sep 25, 2014
L’Outdoor Education utilizza le esperienze all’aperto, nell’ambiente naturale, come preziosi stru... more L’Outdoor Education utilizza le esperienze all’aperto, nell’ambiente naturale, come preziosi strumenti di apprendimento; tra essi quello psicomotorio, la stima del rischio, l’educazione ambientale, le attività all’aria aperta, lo sviluppo sociale, la salute umana e infine la sostenibilità.
L’ambiente palustre, come scenario per i laboratori del Progetto 0/6 nei nidi e scuole dell’infanzia, ha rappresentato il “libro” dentro il quale le educatrici hanno raccontato le avventure di “Pino” un simpatico topino, alle prese con il fiume e i suoi abitanti.
Una metodologia di apprendimento viva e partecipata, pensata “su misura” per i più piccoli che attraverso la narrazione ha colmato di significato le esperienze fatte.
Parole chiave: outdoor education, fiume, attività sensoriali, narrazione.

In our changing modern society, it has become apparent that children today spend significantly le... more In our changing modern society, it has become apparent that children today spend significantly less time playing outdoors than their parents did. Therefore, great attention must be paid by professionals to struggle this educational challenge, especially within early ages scholastic contexts.
Outdoor education (OE) has traditionally been associated with outcomes surrounding personal and social development, and environmental education. Some European countries (e.g. UK, Scandinavian nations, Germany) have rich histories in OE, but programmes are typically carried out in specialized centres that are far away from urban populations. Most often, these programmes are costly, require instructors with specialist skills, and have little coherence with school curricula or community programmes.
Our approach should enable theorists and educators to develop the philosophical underpinnings of an educational model that thrives on experiential learning in authentic contexts. which can be adapted and adopted by educators across Europe.
The training was to reinforce teachers awareness about those issues, in order to find ways for pulling together a supportive context for outdoor activities at school, but also to enable teachers to extend their classrooms into the school grounds and local neighbourhood. So the article aims to find viable, meaningful, low cost pedagogical strategies that centre on themes of encouraging sustainable development; active lifestyles, citizenship and community development.

Infant Observation, 2007
Observation training, according to the infant observation model (Bick 1964) started in 1995 in th... more Observation training, according to the infant observation model (Bick 1964) started in 1995 in the kindergartens of Forlimpopoli, Meldola, Castrocaro Terme, Terra del Sole and S. Sofia, all municipalities around Forlì. Two groups have been formed, meeting once a month for two and a half hours, both including teachers from two kindergartens. The groups are small (8–10 people), to facilitate the sharing of experiences and creating a good work alliance. Observations focus on the interactive behaviour of the child when entering or leaving the nursery school, when feeding, sleeping, playing, or at story-time. While working at the nursery the teacher finds space and time to observe the child, then a space–time to write his/her observations following the movement of the recalled scenes and at last, a third space–time made up of a group of teachers who read and discuss the observations together with a supervisor. Therefore, within the work group, there is a more and more complex reading and comprehension of the observational data: these transformation circuits come back to the adult–child relational field, giving the adult the possibility to give a name to confused moods and to formless communications, so as to make access to the representation of experiences easier for the child.

Infant Observation, 2007
Observation training, according to the infant observation model (Bick 1964) started in 1995 in ... more Observation training, according to the infant observation model (Bick 1964) started in 1995 in the kindergartens of Forlimpopoli, Meldola, Castrocaro Terme, Terra del Sole and S. Sofia, all municipalities around Forlı`. Two groups have been formed, meeting once a month for two and a half hours, both including teachers from two kindergartens. The groups are small (810 people), to facilitate the sharing of experiences and creating a good work alliance. Observations focus on the interactive behaviour of the child when entering or leaving the nursery school, when feeding, sleeping, playing, or at story-time. While working at the nursery the teacher finds space and time to observe the child, then a spacetime to write his/her observations following the movement of the recalled scenes and at last, a third spacetime made up of a group of teachers who read and discuss the observations together with a supervisor. Therefore, within the work group, there is a more and more complex
reading and comprehension of the observational data: these transformation circuits come back to the adultchild relational field, giving the adult the possibility to give a name to confused moods and to formless communications, so as to make access to the representation of experiences easier for the child.
Papers by Fabiola Crudeli
L’ambiente palustre, come scenario per i laboratori del Progetto 0/6 nei nidi e scuole dell’infanzia, ha rappresentato il “libro” dentro il quale le educatrici hanno raccontato le avventure di “Pino” un simpatico topino, alle prese con il fiume e i suoi abitanti.
Una metodologia di apprendimento viva e partecipata, pensata “su misura” per i più piccoli che attraverso la narrazione ha colmato di significato le esperienze fatte.
Parole chiave: outdoor education, fiume, attività sensoriali, narrazione.
Outdoor education (OE) has traditionally been associated with outcomes surrounding personal and social development, and environmental education. Some European countries (e.g. UK, Scandinavian nations, Germany) have rich histories in OE, but programmes are typically carried out in specialized centres that are far away from urban populations. Most often, these programmes are costly, require instructors with specialist skills, and have little coherence with school curricula or community programmes.
Our approach should enable theorists and educators to develop the philosophical underpinnings of an educational model that thrives on experiential learning in authentic contexts. which can be adapted and adopted by educators across Europe.
The training was to reinforce teachers awareness about those issues, in order to find ways for pulling together a supportive context for outdoor activities at school, but also to enable teachers to extend their classrooms into the school grounds and local neighbourhood. So the article aims to find viable, meaningful, low cost pedagogical strategies that centre on themes of encouraging sustainable development; active lifestyles, citizenship and community development.
reading and comprehension of the observational data: these transformation circuits come back to the adultchild relational field, giving the adult the possibility to give a name to confused moods and to formless communications, so as to make access to the representation of experiences easier for the child.
L’ambiente palustre, come scenario per i laboratori del Progetto 0/6 nei nidi e scuole dell’infanzia, ha rappresentato il “libro” dentro il quale le educatrici hanno raccontato le avventure di “Pino” un simpatico topino, alle prese con il fiume e i suoi abitanti.
Una metodologia di apprendimento viva e partecipata, pensata “su misura” per i più piccoli che attraverso la narrazione ha colmato di significato le esperienze fatte.
Parole chiave: outdoor education, fiume, attività sensoriali, narrazione.
Outdoor education (OE) has traditionally been associated with outcomes surrounding personal and social development, and environmental education. Some European countries (e.g. UK, Scandinavian nations, Germany) have rich histories in OE, but programmes are typically carried out in specialized centres that are far away from urban populations. Most often, these programmes are costly, require instructors with specialist skills, and have little coherence with school curricula or community programmes.
Our approach should enable theorists and educators to develop the philosophical underpinnings of an educational model that thrives on experiential learning in authentic contexts. which can be adapted and adopted by educators across Europe.
The training was to reinforce teachers awareness about those issues, in order to find ways for pulling together a supportive context for outdoor activities at school, but also to enable teachers to extend their classrooms into the school grounds and local neighbourhood. So the article aims to find viable, meaningful, low cost pedagogical strategies that centre on themes of encouraging sustainable development; active lifestyles, citizenship and community development.
reading and comprehension of the observational data: these transformation circuits come back to the adultchild relational field, giving the adult the possibility to give a name to confused moods and to formless communications, so as to make access to the representation of experiences easier for the child.