Anais do XXV Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software (CIbSE 2022)
This paper investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimation based on User Stories. We con... more This paper investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimation based on User Stories. We conducted a survey with 85 Brazilian professionals experienced in ASD estimating. The survey analyzes what is used in the estimation (User Story, task, or both), its differences, how the estimate is made (especially if there is any segmentation), and the average precision of the effort estimates. The main findings are: 1) Planning Poker is the most used technique and points with a Fibonacci scale as a metric; 2) User Stories are broken down into tasks in the vast majority of teams; 3) Teams that estimate both: User Stories and tasks/subtasks showed greater accuracy compared to the others; 4)At least ¼ of the teams make estimates for the team segmenting by some criteria.
Robotics in the Resocialization of Youngsters and Teenagers in Socio-Educational Measures
2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE)
This paper presents a proposal and an experience report of an educational robotics course integra... more This paper presents a proposal and an experience report of an educational robotics course integrated to the process of resocialization of youngsters and teenagers in socio-educational measures. This proposal adopts a teaching approach oriented to the development of comprehension, analysis, logical reasoning, creativity and collaboration skills in order to develop in these young people real world problemsolving skills. The main challenge of this proposal is to favor the assimilation of the contents and the development of robotics practice outside the classroom, since, in accommodation, no course material is accessible from paper and pencil to robotics practice instruments. Thus, the main differential of this work is literally working the computational thinking in spaces of deprivation of liberty in order to develop ideas for problem solving tasks. The results of this developed experience point to excellent opportunities for resocialization and professional orientation of young people in socio-educational measures through the teaching of robotics.
A Survey on the Differences of Using User Story and Tasks in the Effort Estimation in ASD - Data
Survey data.of a paper that investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimating based on use... more Survey data.of a paper that investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimating based on user stories.
Traditional text classification approaches often require a good amount of labeled data, which is ... more Traditional text classification approaches often require a good amount of labeled data, which is difficult to obtain, especially in restricted domains or less widespread languages. This lack of labeled data has led to the rise of low-resource methods, that assume low data availability in natural language processing. Among them, zero-shot learning stands out, which consists of learning a classifier without any previously labeled data. The best results reported with this approach use language models such as Transformers, but fall into two problems: high execution time and inability to handle long texts as input. This paper proposes a new model, ZeroBERTo, which leverages an unsupervised clustering step to obtain a compressed data representation before the classification task. We show that ZeroBERTo has better performance for long inputs and shorter execution time, outperforming XLM-R by about 12 % in the F1 score in the FolhaUOL dataset.
Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2006), 2006
O desenvolvimento de software é tradicionalmente realizado por pessoas localizadas em proximidade... more O desenvolvimento de software é tradicionalmente realizado por pessoas localizadas em proximidade física. Entretanto em algumas situações as partes envolvidas estão separadas espacial e temporalmente devido a razões que variam desde a necessidade de reduzir custos até a necessidade de empregar uma mão-de-obra altamente qualificada. Abordando a dificuldade de realização das responsabilidades gerenciais em projetos desse tipo, neste trabalho são propostas recomendações para a gerência de projetos. Para isso são apresentados o embasamento teórico utilizado, o método empregado e o estudo de caso realizado para criá-las e analisá-las.
Anais do I Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI 2004), 2004
Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a dife... more Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a diferentes beneficios, problemas e soluções. Nesse trabalho é proposta uma abstração do desenvolvimento distribuído de software em um conjunto de características, buscando evidenciar as diferenças dessa forma de desenvolvimento ao considerar os principais problemas apontados pela pesquisa atual. A partir disso são apresentados três estudos de caso que discutem como essas características são diferentemente instanciadas em projetos de desenvolvimentos de software.
Droplet formation in oval microchannels with a double T junction: a CFD and experimental study
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021
The use of microfluidics can improve the process of droplet formation while reducing energy consu... more The use of microfluidics can improve the process of droplet formation while reducing energy consumption. In the present work, a microreactor system with a double T junction and oval microchannel reactor 2509 mm long was analyzed. The stream was composed of styrene, water, and an emulsifier. The concentration of water in the emulsion and the flow rates of water and styrene were evaluated. Droplets were observed at styrene/water flow rate ratios (Qd/Qc) ranging from 1:10 to 1:80. The simulations in the double T junction were carried out with laminar flow and the Volume Of Fluids model was selected for the phase interactions. Experiments with four flow rates of styrene and water were carried out. A simple optical system was used for in-line observation of droplets formed in the microreactor. For the flow ratio 1:1, there was no drop formation. For the other rates, droplets were observed from 59 to 200 μm. The droplets moved along the reactor maintaining shape and size. This fact indicated that the micro reaction system is suitable for developing a system that requires stability, such as emulsion polymerizations. The comparison between model and experimental results pointed out that these were reasonably represented by the model.
Anais do IV Congresso sobre Tecnologias na Educação (Ctrl+e 2019), 2019
A Lei de Execução Penal brasileira prevê que a pessoa privada de liberdade tem direito garantido ... more A Lei de Execução Penal brasileira prevê que a pessoa privada de liberdade tem direito garantido à assistência educacional, porém, menos de 11% dessa população está envolvida em alguma atividade educacional. Aqui, mostramos que a estimativa para os casos de reincidência criminal entre os presos no Brasil é assustadora, porém, existe uma redução considerável quando o apenado está envolvido em alguma atividade educacional. Este projeto de extensão, previsto para ser aplicado ainda em 2019, busca, portanto, contribuir com o processo de ressocialização desses indivíduos que encontram-se em privação de liberdade, através do curso Recompilando o Futuro, que visa desenvolver o pensamento computacional, por meio da ferramenta Scratch, em pessoas que encontram-se em privação de liberdade.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
† This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been ... more † This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
The distributed software development has different forms, each one generating benefits, problems,... more The distributed software development has different forms, each one generating benefits, problems, and solutions. This paper proposes an abstraction of the distributed software development into a set of characteristics, in order to highlight the differences of this kind of software development when considering the main problems pointed out by the current research. Three case studies discussing how these characteristics are differently instantiated in software development projects are presented. Resumo. Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a diferentes benefícios, problemas e soluções. Nesse trabalho é proposta uma abstração do desenvolvimento distribuído de software em um conjunto de características, buscando evidenciar as diferenças dessa forma de desenvolvimento ao considerar os principais problemas apontados pela pesquisa atual. A partir disso são apresentados três estudos de caso que discutem como essas características são diferentemente instanciadas em projetos de desenvolvimentos de software.
The transformation from stakeholder requirements into system and software requirements is traditi... more The transformation from stakeholder requirements into system and software requirements is traditionally executed manually, through a refinement process. This work presents ongoing research to provide automatic transformation from stakeholder requirements into software requirements in the context of enterprise systems. The proposed transformation uses an enterprise model as a stakeholder requirements model. This paper describes the obtained and intended scientific contributions, highlighting the tool we developed. In addition, it presents current and future works. Resumo. A transformação de requisitos das partes envolvidas em requisitos de sistema e de software é tradicionalmente realizada manualmente, através de um processo de refinamento. Este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada para automatizar essa atividade, permitindo a transformação automática de requisitos das partes envolvidas em requisitos de software no contexto de sistemas empresariais. Para isso, é usado um modelo da empresa como modelo de requisitos das partes envolvidas. O artigo apresenta as contribuições científicas pretendidas e obtidas até o momento, destacando a ferramenta criada. Também são apresentados os trabalhos em andamento e futuros. Palavras-chave: requisitos, modelo de empresa, transformação, caso de uso.
The idea of model transformation by example (MTBE) is to use an example of the transformation to ... more The idea of model transformation by example (MTBE) is to use an example of the transformation to derive transformation rules. Although some works propose automatic and semi-automatic approaches, there are some limitations to use them in practice. As a result, depending on the model transformation it may be necessary to apply an MTBE approach manually. Therefore, this work presents a manual MTBE method. It also describes an example of its use in a stakeholder requirements to software requirements transformation, which was the motivation to create the method.
There are several possible representations for stakeholder requirements, such as goal models, sce... more There are several possible representations for stakeholder requirements, such as goal models, scenarios, and natural language. This paper analyzes the use of an enterprise model as a stakeholder requirements model. We conducted a quasi-experiment with 29 graduate students who received either a textual problem statement or an enterprise model, representing the stakeholder requirements, and refined it into use cases, representing the software requirements. The subjects were evaluated considering the use case quality and the time spent, for two different scopes. The results indicate that the mean quality of the use cases created using an enterprise model was equal to or greater than the mean quality of the use cases created by the other groups. In addition, the mean time spent to create a use case using an enterprise model was equal to or less than the mean time needed for the other groups.
Ao se estar diante de disciplinas como Resistência dos materiais, tanto para os alunos da habilit... more Ao se estar diante de disciplinas como Resistência dos materiais, tanto para os alunos da habilitação de Engenharia de Computação como para os professores de Mecânica das Estruturas, um grande desafio é aumentar a motivação para o estudo dos seus fundamentos. Não é suficiente o preconizado pelas Diretrizes curriculares. Dizer que o engenheiro deve ser generalista e ter um formação
Anais do XXV Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software (CIbSE 2022)
This paper investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimation based on User Stories. We con... more This paper investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimation based on User Stories. We conducted a survey with 85 Brazilian professionals experienced in ASD estimating. The survey analyzes what is used in the estimation (User Story, task, or both), its differences, how the estimate is made (especially if there is any segmentation), and the average precision of the effort estimates. The main findings are: 1) Planning Poker is the most used technique and points with a Fibonacci scale as a metric; 2) User Stories are broken down into tasks in the vast majority of teams; 3) Teams that estimate both: User Stories and tasks/subtasks showed greater accuracy compared to the others; 4)At least ¼ of the teams make estimates for the team segmenting by some criteria.
Robotics in the Resocialization of Youngsters and Teenagers in Socio-Educational Measures
2019 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2019 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR) and 2019 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE)
This paper presents a proposal and an experience report of an educational robotics course integra... more This paper presents a proposal and an experience report of an educational robotics course integrated to the process of resocialization of youngsters and teenagers in socio-educational measures. This proposal adopts a teaching approach oriented to the development of comprehension, analysis, logical reasoning, creativity and collaboration skills in order to develop in these young people real world problemsolving skills. The main challenge of this proposal is to favor the assimilation of the contents and the development of robotics practice outside the classroom, since, in accommodation, no course material is accessible from paper and pencil to robotics practice instruments. Thus, the main differential of this work is literally working the computational thinking in spaces of deprivation of liberty in order to develop ideas for problem solving tasks. The results of this developed experience point to excellent opportunities for resocialization and professional orientation of young people in socio-educational measures through the teaching of robotics.
A Survey on the Differences of Using User Story and Tasks in the Effort Estimation in ASD - Data
Survey data.of a paper that investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimating based on use... more Survey data.of a paper that investigates the state of the practice of ASD estimating based on user stories.
Traditional text classification approaches often require a good amount of labeled data, which is ... more Traditional text classification approaches often require a good amount of labeled data, which is difficult to obtain, especially in restricted domains or less widespread languages. This lack of labeled data has led to the rise of low-resource methods, that assume low data availability in natural language processing. Among them, zero-shot learning stands out, which consists of learning a classifier without any previously labeled data. The best results reported with this approach use language models such as Transformers, but fall into two problems: high execution time and inability to handle long texts as input. This paper proposes a new model, ZeroBERTo, which leverages an unsupervised clustering step to obtain a compressed data representation before the classification task. We show that ZeroBERTo has better performance for long inputs and shorter execution time, outperforming XLM-R by about 12 % in the F1 score in the FolhaUOL dataset.
Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2006), 2006
O desenvolvimento de software é tradicionalmente realizado por pessoas localizadas em proximidade... more O desenvolvimento de software é tradicionalmente realizado por pessoas localizadas em proximidade física. Entretanto em algumas situações as partes envolvidas estão separadas espacial e temporalmente devido a razões que variam desde a necessidade de reduzir custos até a necessidade de empregar uma mão-de-obra altamente qualificada. Abordando a dificuldade de realização das responsabilidades gerenciais em projetos desse tipo, neste trabalho são propostas recomendações para a gerência de projetos. Para isso são apresentados o embasamento teórico utilizado, o método empregado e o estudo de caso realizado para criá-las e analisá-las.
Anais do I Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI 2004), 2004
Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a dife... more Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a diferentes beneficios, problemas e soluções. Nesse trabalho é proposta uma abstração do desenvolvimento distribuído de software em um conjunto de características, buscando evidenciar as diferenças dessa forma de desenvolvimento ao considerar os principais problemas apontados pela pesquisa atual. A partir disso são apresentados três estudos de caso que discutem como essas características são diferentemente instanciadas em projetos de desenvolvimentos de software.
Droplet formation in oval microchannels with a double T junction: a CFD and experimental study
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021
The use of microfluidics can improve the process of droplet formation while reducing energy consu... more The use of microfluidics can improve the process of droplet formation while reducing energy consumption. In the present work, a microreactor system with a double T junction and oval microchannel reactor 2509 mm long was analyzed. The stream was composed of styrene, water, and an emulsifier. The concentration of water in the emulsion and the flow rates of water and styrene were evaluated. Droplets were observed at styrene/water flow rate ratios (Qd/Qc) ranging from 1:10 to 1:80. The simulations in the double T junction were carried out with laminar flow and the Volume Of Fluids model was selected for the phase interactions. Experiments with four flow rates of styrene and water were carried out. A simple optical system was used for in-line observation of droplets formed in the microreactor. For the flow ratio 1:1, there was no drop formation. For the other rates, droplets were observed from 59 to 200 μm. The droplets moved along the reactor maintaining shape and size. This fact indicated that the micro reaction system is suitable for developing a system that requires stability, such as emulsion polymerizations. The comparison between model and experimental results pointed out that these were reasonably represented by the model.
Anais do IV Congresso sobre Tecnologias na Educação (Ctrl+e 2019), 2019
A Lei de Execução Penal brasileira prevê que a pessoa privada de liberdade tem direito garantido ... more A Lei de Execução Penal brasileira prevê que a pessoa privada de liberdade tem direito garantido à assistência educacional, porém, menos de 11% dessa população está envolvida em alguma atividade educacional. Aqui, mostramos que a estimativa para os casos de reincidência criminal entre os presos no Brasil é assustadora, porém, existe uma redução considerável quando o apenado está envolvido em alguma atividade educacional. Este projeto de extensão, previsto para ser aplicado ainda em 2019, busca, portanto, contribuir com o processo de ressocialização desses indivíduos que encontram-se em privação de liberdade, através do curso Recompilando o Futuro, que visa desenvolver o pensamento computacional, por meio da ferramenta Scratch, em pessoas que encontram-se em privação de liberdade.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
† This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been ... more † This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
The distributed software development has different forms, each one generating benefits, problems,... more The distributed software development has different forms, each one generating benefits, problems, and solutions. This paper proposes an abstraction of the distributed software development into a set of characteristics, in order to highlight the differences of this kind of software development when considering the main problems pointed out by the current research. Three case studies discussing how these characteristics are differently instantiated in software development projects are presented. Resumo. Existem diversas formas do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cada uma delas levando a diferentes benefícios, problemas e soluções. Nesse trabalho é proposta uma abstração do desenvolvimento distribuído de software em um conjunto de características, buscando evidenciar as diferenças dessa forma de desenvolvimento ao considerar os principais problemas apontados pela pesquisa atual. A partir disso são apresentados três estudos de caso que discutem como essas características são diferentemente instanciadas em projetos de desenvolvimentos de software.
The transformation from stakeholder requirements into system and software requirements is traditi... more The transformation from stakeholder requirements into system and software requirements is traditionally executed manually, through a refinement process. This work presents ongoing research to provide automatic transformation from stakeholder requirements into software requirements in the context of enterprise systems. The proposed transformation uses an enterprise model as a stakeholder requirements model. This paper describes the obtained and intended scientific contributions, highlighting the tool we developed. In addition, it presents current and future works. Resumo. A transformação de requisitos das partes envolvidas em requisitos de sistema e de software é tradicionalmente realizada manualmente, através de um processo de refinamento. Este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada para automatizar essa atividade, permitindo a transformação automática de requisitos das partes envolvidas em requisitos de software no contexto de sistemas empresariais. Para isso, é usado um modelo da empresa como modelo de requisitos das partes envolvidas. O artigo apresenta as contribuições científicas pretendidas e obtidas até o momento, destacando a ferramenta criada. Também são apresentados os trabalhos em andamento e futuros. Palavras-chave: requisitos, modelo de empresa, transformação, caso de uso.
The idea of model transformation by example (MTBE) is to use an example of the transformation to ... more The idea of model transformation by example (MTBE) is to use an example of the transformation to derive transformation rules. Although some works propose automatic and semi-automatic approaches, there are some limitations to use them in practice. As a result, depending on the model transformation it may be necessary to apply an MTBE approach manually. Therefore, this work presents a manual MTBE method. It also describes an example of its use in a stakeholder requirements to software requirements transformation, which was the motivation to create the method.
There are several possible representations for stakeholder requirements, such as goal models, sce... more There are several possible representations for stakeholder requirements, such as goal models, scenarios, and natural language. This paper analyzes the use of an enterprise model as a stakeholder requirements model. We conducted a quasi-experiment with 29 graduate students who received either a textual problem statement or an enterprise model, representing the stakeholder requirements, and refined it into use cases, representing the software requirements. The subjects were evaluated considering the use case quality and the time spent, for two different scopes. The results indicate that the mean quality of the use cases created using an enterprise model was equal to or greater than the mean quality of the use cases created by the other groups. In addition, the mean time spent to create a use case using an enterprise model was equal to or less than the mean time needed for the other groups.
Ao se estar diante de disciplinas como Resistência dos materiais, tanto para os alunos da habilit... more Ao se estar diante de disciplinas como Resistência dos materiais, tanto para os alunos da habilitação de Engenharia de Computação como para os professores de Mecânica das Estruturas, um grande desafio é aumentar a motivação para o estudo dos seus fundamentos. Não é suficiente o preconizado pelas Diretrizes curriculares. Dizer que o engenheiro deve ser generalista e ter um formação
Papers by Fabio Siqueira