Papers by Fabio Mariz Gonçalves

Cadernos do PROARQ, Nov 30, 2023
Landscape as a Project and the Landscape Project El paisaje como proyecto y el proyecto de paisaj... more Landscape as a Project and the Landscape Project El paisaje como proyecto y el proyecto de paisaje Resumo Projetar a Paisagem é mais do que desenhar espaços livres − ajustando o relevo, organizando elementos edificados e vegetais − projetar a paisagem é pensar a relação com o mundo. Nos dias de hoje, deve ser sonhar uma forma de superar a mundividência moderna, propondo outros valores e modos de operar no mundo físico. É necessário pensar a paisagem como meio de ensaiar a superação da revolução copernicana, retirando o homem do centro do universo, redesenhando criticamente o convívio entre os homens e o mundo natural, assumindo que o colapso do planeta é espelho da nossa incapacidade de respeitar limites e condições. Esse texto entende projeto como disputa e pacto, como o fruto de acordos, como o meio de negociação e tensionamento de expectativas e demandas muitas vezes antagônicas, como exercício de construção coletiva que vai além do exercício da forma como manifestação de autoria ou filiação histórica. Portanto, projeto pode ser visto como espaço de experimentação e como materialização de novos valores. Entende-se também que as práticas são historicamente construídas e, ao mesmo tempo, nos constroem. Assim, projetos melhores, frutos de negociações mais bem sucedidas, dialeticamente, darão entre seus resultados a transformação de todos os agentes que o construíram. Aquilo que construímos nos constrói, a paisagem que vemos é nosso espelho, e ao mesmo tempo nossa oportunidade de transformação e aprendizado.

Este trabalho expoe alguns dos resultados do Projeto Tematico denominado de “OsSistemas de espaco... more Este trabalho expoe alguns dos resultados do Projeto Tematico denominado de “OsSistemas de espacos livres e a constituicao da esfera publica contemporânea no Brasil”(apoios FAPESP e CNPq), coordenado pelo LAB-QUAPA da FAUUSP, entre os anos de2006 e 2010. 2Para a realizacao da pesquisa apoiou-se em amplo levantamento sistematizado deinformacoes de diversas naturezas: analise e representacao da legislacao urbanistica eambiental, levantamento e analise grafica de mapas e fotos aereas; realizacao de 233oficinas de dois dias, in loco, com a participacao de instituicoes locais e regionais de ensinosuperior publico e privado, Poder Publico, agentes do mercado imobiliario local,organizacoes nao governamentais e movimentos sociais urbanos; e elaboracao decoloquios anuais e relatorios por parte das coordenacoes nacional e local. Para efeito destetexto considerou-se os dados sobre 194 cidades brasileiras, dentre as 23 oficinas realizadas:sao cidades de medio e grande porte, 17 integram regioes...

A public square project was requested by the Aricanduva’s city hall division, presenting an educa... more A public square project was requested by the Aricanduva’s city hall division, presenting an educational opportunity to develop such project as two connected disciplines – being the first one a undergraduated course and the second, a graduated course. The area has been neglected by the public service for years and it was squattered by two Soccer Clubs and a favela (shanty town). In the present time, the City Hall asked for the project aiming to add value to the Aricanduva Avenue’s entrance – meeting the demands of local merchants. The project has faced many difficulties hindering the goal of fulfilling these expectations, but at doing so, it became a more useful and interesting experience.Apresenta-se a experiência de desenvolver, em duas disciplinas articuladas – uma de graduação e outra de pós-graduação – um projeto de praça que foi solicitado pela subprefeitura de Aricanduva. A área, abandonada pelo poder público há anos, foi apropriada por dois clubes de futebol e por uma favela....

Rua, espaço de vida pública em disputa RESUMO Reiteramos o protagonismo das ruas nos Sistemas de ... more Rua, espaço de vida pública em disputa RESUMO Reiteramos o protagonismo das ruas nos Sistemas de Espaços Livres urbanos. As ruas são a própria essência das cidades, os espaços que melhor revelam o grau de desenvolvimento, a história, as conquistas e os problemas das sociedades que nelas habitam. Mesmo sendo espaços tão fundamentais, no século XX, tomadas pelos automóveis, passaram a ser mal compreendidas, transformadas em estradas e mera questão de engenharia de tráfego. Ruas são espaços de permanência, mobilidade, passagem e acesso. Caminhos habitados que exigem pactos negociados diariamente entre os grupos que as utilizam. Não são espaços para o exercício livre da forma ou desejos do arquiteto, nem espaços de fácil delimitação física ou funcional. A perspectiva histórica permite afirmar que a sociedade está caminhando, com disputas e conflitos construindo pactos e espaços melhores. Olhar a história de violência e exclusão no Brasil pode levar ao desânimo, contudo, as cidades não são problemas, são as mais importantes e potentes ferramentas de transformação da sociedade já criadas pela humanidade. O papel dos arquitetos e urbanistas no Brasil deve ser empenhar-se para que as ruas das nossas cidades sejam espaços democráticos, inclusivos, ambientalmente mais resilientes e sustentáveis, verdadeiros instrumentos para a construção de sociedades mais justas e solidárias.

Paisagem e Ambiente, 2018
Em 2002, o Plano Diretor Estratégico da cidade de São Paulo instituiu o Programa de Recuperação d... more Em 2002, o Plano Diretor Estratégico da cidade de São Paulo instituiu o Programa de Recuperação dos Fundos de Vale com o objetivo de transformar os rios em eixos de estruturação urbana, paisagística e ambiental, por meio de ações de saneamento, recuperação hídrica e implantação dos parques lineares. Os parques lineares foram implantados entre 2008 e 2015, sendo incorporados ao cotidiano da população. Entretanto, diversos deles enfrentam problemas de vandalismo, falta de apropriação, sujeira e abandono, resultado de falhas nos processos de planejamento, projeto, obra e gestão. A análise será concentrada em três parques lineares implantados em zonas distintas de São Paulo: Canivete, Guaratiba e Itaim Paulista, pois tiveram formas de implantação distintas entre si, resultando em diferentes formas de apropriação. Esses parques lineares mostram que a apropriação está relacionada diretamente aos processos de planejamento, projeto e gestão, em que o Estado deve atuar no espaço público de a...
Oculum Ensaios, 2013
Os professores Marcelo Vila e Pablo Ferreiro, da Universidad de Buenos Aires, promovem anualmente... more Os professores Marcelo Vila e Pablo Ferreiro, da Universidad de Buenos Aires, promovem anualmente, desde 2002, workshops sobre temas e cidades específicas sob o nome de “Programa SOS Ciudades”.
Paisagem e Ambiente, 2006
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Browse SciELO, SciELO Library Error Detector An une... more SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Browse SciELO, SciELO Library Error Detector An unexpected error occurred in SciELO servers. Click on the SciELO logo to browse the SciELO Library or use the browser "BACK" button to return to the previous page. ...
Papers by Fabio Mariz Gonçalves
Streets are the very essence of cities, they are the spaces that best reveal the degree of development, history, achievements and problems of the urban society. Despite being such a fundamental space, in the twentieth century it has been taken over by cars. Misunderstood, it became a mere matter of traffic engineering.
Streets are spaces of permanence and mobility, of passage and access, inhabited paths that require daily negotiation by all groups that use them. They are not spaces for the free exercise of the architect’s ideas or wishes, nor spaces of easy physical or functional delimitation, which is why so many architects and planners sought to dream cities without streets.
The introduction presents the questions and the course of this work.
The second chapter describes the thesis’ conceptual framework and it’s main sources: Bourdieu, Morin, Sennett, Arendt and Berman. It reiterates that the open-air spaces associated with the streets system are the main kind of space of the urban system of open-air spaces. It exposes their relationship with the dialectical construction of the daily life, the public life and the habitus of the various layers of society. Finally, it seeks to establish the relationship between public life and the habitus that shape and are shaped by the spaces of the streets.
The third chapter defines what a street is, thus delineating the object of this thesis.
In the fourth chapter, some of the characteristics and specificities of streets throughout history are discussed through a timeline of cities and societies. The persistence of certain problems are exposed, so that transformations, dynamics and street interventions are understood under the perspective of time. Streets, their uses and characteristics in the cities of antiquity, the Middle Ages and the modern era to the present day are taken into account.
Chapter 5 shows the challenges faced by streets of Brazilian cities with Rio de Janeiro as a case study, involving aspects of the violent and unequal society in the former capital of the Brazilian Empire and the First Republic of Brazil.
The sixth chaper examines the streets of São Paulo. As the largest and best structured Brazilian metropolis, São Paulo is a place of experiences, events and transformations that confirm the resumption of streets as a central issue for contemporary urbanism. It identifies recent facts, processes and public policies that reclaim the quality of streets as the foundation of urbanism.
Finally, chapter 7 sets out specific aspects of street projects and policies. It presents the theoretical framework that contributes to the understanding of how the various issues and conditions should be structured and articulated when analyzing streets.
Keywords: System of Open-air Spaces. Public policy. Public Open-air Spaces. Projects of Open-air Spaces. Streets.
Streets are the very essence of cities, they are the spaces that best reveal the degree of development, history, achievements and problems of the urban society. Despite being such a fundamental space, in the twentieth century it has been taken over by cars. Misunderstood, it became a mere matter of traffic engineering.
Streets are spaces of permanence and mobility, of passage and access, inhabited paths that require daily negotiation by all groups that use them. They are not spaces for the free exercise of the architect’s ideas or wishes, nor spaces of easy physical or functional delimitation, which is why so many architects and planners sought to dream cities without streets.
The introduction presents the questions and the course of this work.
The second chapter describes the thesis’ conceptual framework and it’s main sources: Bourdieu, Morin, Sennett, Arendt and Berman. It reiterates that the open-air spaces associated with the streets system are the main kind of space of the urban system of open-air spaces. It exposes their relationship with the dialectical construction of the daily life, the public life and the habitus of the various layers of society. Finally, it seeks to establish the relationship between public life and the habitus that shape and are shaped by the spaces of the streets.
The third chapter defines what a street is, thus delineating the object of this thesis.
In the fourth chapter, some of the characteristics and specificities of streets throughout history are discussed through a timeline of cities and societies. The persistence of certain problems are exposed, so that transformations, dynamics and street interventions are understood under the perspective of time. Streets, their uses and characteristics in the cities of antiquity, the Middle Ages and the modern era to the present day are taken into account.
Chapter 5 shows the challenges faced by streets of Brazilian cities with Rio de Janeiro as a case study, involving aspects of the violent and unequal society in the former capital of the Brazilian Empire and the First Republic of Brazil.
The sixth chaper examines the streets of São Paulo. As the largest and best structured Brazilian metropolis, São Paulo is a place of experiences, events and transformations that confirm the resumption of streets as a central issue for contemporary urbanism. It identifies recent facts, processes and public policies that reclaim the quality of streets as the foundation of urbanism.
Finally, chapter 7 sets out specific aspects of street projects and policies. It presents the theoretical framework that contributes to the understanding of how the various issues and conditions should be structured and articulated when analyzing streets.
Keywords: System of Open-air Spaces. Public policy. Public Open-air Spaces. Projects of Open-air Spaces. Streets.
Streets are the very essence of cities, they are the spaces that best reveal the degree of development, history, achievements and problems of the urban society. Despite being such a fundamental space, in the twentieth century it has been taken over by cars. Misunderstood, it became a mere matter of traffic engineering.
Streets are spaces of permanence and mobility, of passage and access, inhabited paths that require daily negotiation by all groups that use them. They are not spaces for the free exercise of the architect’s ideas or wishes, nor spaces of easy physical or functional delimitation, which is why so many architects and planners sought to dream cities without streets.
The introduction presents the questions and the course of this work.
The second chapter describes the thesis’ conceptual framework and it’s main sources: Bourdieu, Morin, Sennett, Arendt and Berman. It reiterates that the open-air spaces associated with the streets system are the main kind of space of the urban system of open-air spaces. It exposes their relationship with the dialectical construction of the daily life, the public life and the habitus of the various layers of society. Finally, it seeks to establish the relationship between public life and the habitus that shape and are shaped by the spaces of the streets.
The third chapter defines what a street is, thus delineating the object of this thesis.
In the fourth chapter, some of the characteristics and specificities of streets throughout history are discussed through a timeline of cities and societies. The persistence of certain problems are exposed, so that transformations, dynamics and street interventions are understood under the perspective of time. Streets, their uses and characteristics in the cities of antiquity, the Middle Ages and the modern era to the present day are taken into account.
Chapter 5 shows the challenges faced by streets of Brazilian cities with Rio de Janeiro as a case study, involving aspects of the violent and unequal society in the former capital of the Brazilian Empire and the First Republic of Brazil.
The sixth chaper examines the streets of São Paulo. As the largest and best structured Brazilian metropolis, São Paulo is a place of experiences, events and transformations that confirm the resumption of streets as a central issue for contemporary urbanism. It identifies recent facts, processes and public policies that reclaim the quality of streets as the foundation of urbanism.
Finally, chapter 7 sets out specific aspects of street projects and policies. It presents the theoretical framework that contributes to the understanding of how the various issues and conditions should be structured and articulated when analyzing streets.
Keywords: System of Open-air Spaces. Public policy. Public Open-air Spaces. Projects of Open-air Spaces. Streets.