Papers by Francesca Rigano

The growing demand in natural matrices that represent a source of dietary and nutraceutical molec... more The growing demand in natural matrices that represent a source of dietary and nutraceutical molecules has led to an increasing interest in Cannabis sativa, considered to be a multipurpose, sustainable crop. Particularly, the considerable content in essential fatty acids (FAs) makes its derived-products useful food ingredients in the formulation of dietary supplements. In this research, the FA and triacylglycerol (TAG) composition of hempseed oils and flours were investigated using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and flame ionization detection as well as liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS), respectively. Furthermore, a recently introduced linear retention index (LRI) approach in LC was successfully employed as a useful tool for the reliable identification of TAG species. A total of 30 FAs and 62 glycerolipids were positively identified in the investigated samples. Relative quantitative analyses confirmed linoleic acid as the most abundant compon...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022
The aim of the present research was the application of the linear retention index (LRI) system fo... more The aim of the present research was the application of the linear retention index (LRI) system for the identification of non-psychoactive cannabinoids using a portable LC instrument. The miniaturization, viz. the use of very low quantities of mobile phase, enabled the development of a compact mobile system to be used for in situ analysis, also according to a green and cost-saving approach. In particular, new capillary LC (cap-LC) methods coupled with UV detection were developed for the analysis of extracts of Cannabis sativa L. Two setups were explored to achieve the efficient separation of twenty-four cannabinoids: a single column setup which exploited a sub-2 µm packing to increase the chromatographic resolution, and a dual-column setup based on the serial connection of two different stationary phases, each coupled to an UV detector. The latter allowed the determination of two LRI values for each analyte, thus increasing the identification power. Moreover, since two different wavelengths were used on the LED-based UV detectors, the ratio of the absorbances measured on each chromatographic trace represented a third identification criterion, thus fulfilling the recommendations of the Scientific Working Group for The Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWDRUG) about the categories of analytical techniques to be used and the minimum number of parameters required for the unambiguous identification of drugs. The obtained results could be used for the development of a novel analytical method for fast and automatic in situ forensic investigations and hemp breeding programs, also minimizing the consumption of both sample and solvent.

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016
A novel system for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to a triple quadru... more A novel system for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer is described for the analysis of wine components. The first dimension consisted of a 250-mm microbore cyano column utilizing 5μm diameter particles, interfaced to a 50-mm superficially-porous particle C18 column with 2.7μm diameter particles. Both columns were operated under reversed-phase conditions. Correlation between the two chromatographic separation modes was decreased by designing a 60-s shift gradient program in the second dimension, and the increase in orthogonality was evaluated quantitatively utilizing a number of orthogonality metrics. The system was employed for the analysis of a red wine sample, without preliminary clean-up procedures, and a total of 43 polyphenols were separated and identified. Comparison with a one-dimensional LC system showed a large increase in the number of identified components with the two-dimensional system. Optimized multiple reaction monitoring experiments allowed for the determination of trans-resveratrol, which is one of the most active antioxidant component of wine, and for monuron, a plant protection product (herbicide) of interest to regulatory agencies. The estimated limits of detection and of quantification were 0.3μgL(-1) and 1μgL(-1), respectively, well below the minimum detection limit (10μgL(-1)) set by current regulation.

Analytical chemistry, Jan 5, 2016
Recently the miniaturization of liquid chromatography (LC) systems and progresses in mass spectro... more Recently the miniaturization of liquid chromatography (LC) systems and progresses in mass spectrometry instrumentation have enabled direct introduction of the effluent coming from a nanoLC column into the high-vacuum region of an electron ionization source. In the present research, a nanoLC system was directly coupled to an electron ionization mass spectrometer (EI-MS) without any interface or modification of the ion source. The advantage with respect to atmospheric pressure ionization techniques, normally coupled with LC, is major identification power because of a more extensive and reproducible fragmentation pattern, without any matrix effect or mobile-phase interference. In particular, a nanoLC/EI-MS method was developed for elucidation of the free fatty acid profile in mussel samples, avoiding a previous derivatization step, required when gas chromatographic analysis is involved. A total of 20 fatty acids were reliably identified through the comparison with commercial libraries....

Journal of separation science, 2016
Polymethoxyflavones possess many biological properties, as lipid-lowering, hypoglycaemic, anti-in... more Polymethoxyflavones possess many biological properties, as lipid-lowering, hypoglycaemic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer activities, therefore, they may be employed as nutraceuticals or therapeutic agents. The scarcity of pure polymethoxyflavones on the market as well as their low water solubility limited in vivo studies and the use of polymethoxyflavones as food or pharmaceutical supplements. Since mandarin peels are a rich source of polymethoxyflavones, tangeretin, nobiletin, sinensetin, tetra-O-methyl scutellarein, and heptamethoxyflavone were purified from a nonvolatile residue of a cold-pressed mandarin essential oil using a multidimensional preparative liquid chromatographic system coupled with a photodiode array detector and a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. A new prototype, consisting of a nano-liquid chromatography system coupled with an electron ionization mass spectrometer, was used for the characterization of the pure isolated molecules. Finally, due...

Analytical Chemistry, 2014
In this work, two analytical liquid chromatography methods were developed and compared for the ch... more In this work, two analytical liquid chromatography methods were developed and compared for the characterization of aqueous phases from pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomasses. NanoLC electron ionization-mass spectrometry (EI-MS) represents a novel and useful tool for both separation and identification of semi/nonvolatile and thermolabile molecules. The use of nanoscale flow rates, the highly reproducibility, and high detailed information on EI spectra are the principal advantages of this technique. On the other hand, comprehensive 2D-LC, providing a two-dimensional separation, increases the overall peak capacity lowering the occurrence of peak coelutions. Despite the use of reversed phase modes in both dimensions, a satisfactory degree of orthogonality was achieved by the employment of a smart design of gradient elution strategies in the second dimension in combination with photodiode array detection (PDA) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS). Because of the absence of the preliminary extraction procedure, the fingerprint obtained for these samples results is independent of the extraction yield or contamination contrary to the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) approach where a liquid−liquid extraction of the water phase is necessary. The main classes of identified compounds were phenols, ketones, furans, and alcohols. The synergistic information on the two powerful analytical approaches, e.g., NanoLC EI-MS and LC × LC, in the identification of such complex samples has never been investigated and fully benefit on the one hand from the superior degree of mass spectral information from EI-MS and on the other hand from enhanced LC × LC compound separation. R enewable energy resources can be one of the potential alternative solutions to fossil fuels and their derivatives. Biomass is one such promising alternative and has a worldwide abundance. 1 The conversion of biomass into products with high added value is achieved by the pyrolysis that is a thermochemical process in the absence of air. The pyrolysis temperature of biomass ranges from 350 to 700°C and the main products are bio-oil, gas, and solids. 2 The pyrolysis causes thermal cracking of naturally occurring biomolecules (cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, etc.) in the biomass and converts them to simpler organic molecules. 3 The liquid product obtained by pyrolysis can be separated into two fractions according to their water solubility. The water insoluble fraction is viscous and denser than the water-soluble, and is usually named bio-oil. 4 Bio-oil is a complex mixture of organic compounds with many oxygen-containing functional groups which include acids, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, furans, and sugars. 5 The watersoluble phase predominately consists of low-molecular-weight acids and aldehydes, ketones with high reactivity, as well as phenolic compounds that provide smoky flavors. 6,7 The aqueous phase of the bio-oil cannot be directly used as a fuel. Furthermore, some of the environmental parameters are in excess of sewer discharge limits and, therefore, this water must
Food Analytical Methods, 2018

Science of The Total Environment, 2016
The present work aims to elucidate the free fatty acid (FFA) profile of the mussel Mytilus gallop... more The present work aims to elucidate the free fatty acid (FFA) profile of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis caged in an anthropogenically impacted area and in a reference site through an innovative and validated analytical approach for the assessment of biological alterations induced by marine pollution. The FFA pattern is involved in the regulation of different cellular pathways and differs with respect to metabolic stimuli. To this purpose, the lipid fraction of mussels coming from both sampling areas was extracted and the FFA fractions were isolated and purified by a solid phase extraction; then, nano-scale liquid chromatography coupled to electron ionization mass spectrometry (nanoLC-EI-MS) was employed for the characterization of the two samples. A total of 19 and 17 FFAs were reliably identified in the mussels coming from the reference and polluted site, respectively. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences found in saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated species may be exploited as typical pollution biomarkers (e.g. alteration of the fatty acid biosynthetic system and lipotoxicity) and explain adverse and compromising effects (e.g. oxidative stress and inflammatory processes) related to environmental pollution.

Foods, 2021
Official regulations concerning the maximum number of substances in food are introduced as a cons... more Official regulations concerning the maximum number of substances in food are introduced as a consequence of possible adverse effects, after oral administration. In this regard, analytical methods are necessary in order to determine specific targets. Among oxygen heterocyclic compounds (OHCs, that are furocoumarins, coumarins and polymethoxyflavones), only coumarin is subject to restriction by the Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament. Furocoumarins are known for their phototoxicity and other side effects due to their dietary intake; however, an official limit about the maximum content of these compounds in food is still missing. The lack of information about the real amount of these compounds in food is responsible for the conflicting opinions about the introduction of an official limit. The HPLC-MS/MS method here proposed, in combination with the linear retention index system, represents an innovative analytical strategy for the characterization of OHCs in citrus ...

Isolation and identification of novel microalgae strains with high lipid productivity is one of t... more Isolation and identification of novel microalgae strains with high lipid productivity is one of the most important research topics to have emerged recently. However, practical production processes will probably require the use of local strains adapted to commanding climatic conditions. The present manuscript describes the isolation of 96 microalgae strains from seawater located in Bay M’diq, Morocco. Four strains were identified using the 18S rDNA and morphological identification through microscopic examination. The biomass and lipid productivity were compared and showed good results for Nannochloris sp. (15.93 mg/L/day). The lipid content in the four species, namely Nannochloropsis gaditana, Nannochloris sp., Phaedactylum tricornutum and Tetraselmis suecica, was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS ) highlighting the identification of up to 77 compounds.

ABSTRACT The present work aims to differentiate Italian extra virgin olive oils through the analy... more ABSTRACT The present work aims to differentiate Italian extra virgin olive oils through the analysis of about 100 samples for the building of a spectral database useful for the comparison beetwen top-quality oils. High-quality oils belonging to two different harvest years and coming from different Italian regions, labelled as PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin) or obtained from a single variety of olives (monocultivar), were available. Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry, in combination with a monopolar handpiece as sampling device was explored for the first time on liquid and poorly conductive samples. Multivariate analyses were applied to build different chemometric models. The monocultivar oils gave positive feedback, leading to the reliable identification of each cultivar. The recognition of PDO oils resulted more challenging (failure percentage > 5%), probably due to the major intra-class variability, since oils labelled with the same PDO trademark often are produced from different cultivar in different percentages.
Journal of Chromatography A
Journal of Separation Science

Apart from its essential oil, Prunus armeniaca L. kernel extract has received only scarce attenti... more Apart from its essential oil, Prunus armeniaca L. kernel extract has received only scarce attention. The present study aimed to describe the lipid and polyphenolic composition of the dichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts on the basis of hot extraction, performing analysis by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. A total of 6 diacylglycerols (DAGs) and 18 triacylglycerols (TAGs) were detected as being present in all extracts, with the predominance of OLL (dilinoleyl-olein), OOL (dioleoyl-linolein), and OOO (triolein), with percentages ranging from 19.0–32.8%, 20.3–23.6%, and 12.1–20.1%, respectively. In further detail, the extraction with ethyl acetate (medium polarity solvent) gave the highest signal for all peaks, followed by chloroform and dichloromethane (more apolar solvent), while the extraction with ethanol (polar solvent) was the least efficient. Ethanol showed very poor signal for the most sat...
Journal of Chromatography A
Papers by Francesca Rigano