The following article gives reviews on roles of the Sufi path, ʿAlawiyah Tariqa among ‘Alawiyyin,... more The following article gives reviews on roles of the Sufi path, ʿAlawiyah Tariqa among ‘Alawiyyin, to success their diaspora in Gresik regency using the socio-anthropological approach. It observes the ‘Alawiyyin scholars as a group of migrants who adapt their Sufi path creatively with their new environment. Therefore, they have significant roles to keep their identity as ‘Alawiyyin diaspora. It is found that rituals practiced by ‘Alawiyyin in Gresik are reading râtib, h}awl and rawh}ah. In this context, the ritual has found aspects of the socio-anthropological values, as it involves a series of human creativity that has been shaping the culture, communication, and mobility in the social environment. From our view, the practice of the Sufi path, ‘Alawiyah Tariqa in Gresik, has become moral values that were internalized by its followers, and have been implemented by them as a behavior in the community. These rituals can keep their social-religious authority as ahl al-bayt (the descenda...
Pelestarian produk literasi pesantren sangat krusial untuk digalakkan, meliputi langkah strategis... more Pelestarian produk literasi pesantren sangat krusial untuk digalakkan, meliputi langkah strategis yang memiliki implikasi signifikan terhadap aktifitas intelektualisme itu sendiri. Wacana Islam Nusantara yang diusung oleh Jam’iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama “NU” dan diamini oleh pemerintah yang diwakili oleh Presiden RI, Joko Widodo mengindikasikan tumbuhnya urgensi pelestarian warisan kenusantaraan. Hal ini perlu mendapat sambutan akademik untuk menguatkan fondasi paradigmatik, filosofis dan epistemologis dari wacana Islam Nusantara tersebut. Dari preliminary research yang dilakukan, peneliti melihat upaya pelestarian literasi Islam Nusantara selama ini digawangi oleh pesantren Hidayatut Thullab Petuk dan Fathul Ulum Kwagean yang secara konsisten merawat dan menyebarkan tradisi satar Islam Nusantara di kalangan pesantren. Bahkan apa yang dilakukan oleh dua subjek penelitian ini sudah mengarah pada pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk mempublikasikan semua pustaka yang dikoleksi.
The article attempts to ethnographically describe struggle of identity among the Arabian offsprin... more The article attempts to ethnographically describe struggle of identity among the Arabian offspring in Indonesia in the post Reformation Era. As the descendants of the Hadrami migrants who have born in Indonesia, the Arabian offspring deal with two interrelated identities; between their responsibility to preserve the traditions of their ancestors and becoming a wholly recognized citizen of Indonesia. The debate about nationalism among the Arabian-Hadrami people appeared prior to Indonesia’s independence revolution. Anti-colonialism movements in this period had raised solidarity and solidity among the Indonesian people. This situation indubitably urged the Arabian-Hadrami people to reformulate their concept of nationalism. As a part of their nationality commitments, the Arabian Hadrami people have subsequently founded two organizations, i.e. Jamiat Khair (est. 1901) and Jamiyat al-Islah wal-Irsyad al-Arabiyah (est. 1915). In 1934, Abdurrahman Baswedan also founded Persatuan Arab Indon...
Abd Allâh al-H{ addâd is a prominent figure who has great influence in many parts of the world, i... more Abd Allâh al-H{ addâd is a prominent figure who has great influence in many parts of the world, including Indonesia. His mystical teachings (tas} awwuf), which are sunni, akhlâqî and "amalî, are oriented to guide morality of the society and, therefore, are more acceptable. A variety of his work, both in the form of books, wird, kasidah, and his Râtib are widely spread and practiced by many people, especially his followers. Al-H{ addâd"s mystical orientation also puts emphasis on socio-moral movement. Among his mystical teachings are science, charity, khawf, wara', and sincerity which are based on al-Qur"ân, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the example of the pious Salaf. Here, al-H{ addâd was able to make renewal in the field of Sufism by reforming the segment and the orientation of the tarekat. If in the past tarekat was only familiar to elites, it then has been converged by al-H{ addâd into two different segments, i.e. the tarekat of elite and and the tarekat of public, with the same orientation that is approaching to God. Through this reorientation, al-H{ addâd had attempted to present Sufism as a social movement that raise morale both individuals and social groups.
This article is an attempt to describe the theological paradigm of environment existing in Pesant... more This article is an attempt to describe the theological paradigm of environment existing in Pesantren Walisongo Tuban. From an academic perspective, this paradigm is often regarded as eco-theology. This discourse has been widely discussed by many experts and activists of environment from different countries as new attempts to cope with global crisis faced by human being. KH KPP Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who is far way from the discourse of eco-theology has naurallybuilt a paradigm related to the issue of environment based on his reflection on Islamic values and traditions. Forest which becomes his dominant environment where his pesantren is located has led him to cosmic awareness of the importance of conserving the mandat of God to human being. This awareness manifests in what is called “the words of forest” (kalam rimba) transferred to students and society around pesantren. In addition, Kiai Noer as the key actor also get involved in practical activities such as establishing vocationa...
This study is an explanatory attempt to describe the understanding of kalam (theology) and the im... more This study is an explanatory attempt to describe the understanding of kalam (theology) and the implementation to build an enviromnent conciousness that developed by Pesantren Nurussalam in Gomang, Lajor Lor, Singgahan Tuban. This perspective is known in the academic discourse with the term ecotheology which already widely discussed by the environmentalist, such as Seyyed Hossein Nasr in his bibliography. KH. KPP. Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat as the main actor in Pesantren Nurussalam was observed by researcher not only understood the concept of islamic ecotheology just on intellectual plane, but have shaped the actions embodied in the establishment of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kehutanan where Kiai Noer directly involved in planting awareness of theological understanding about the enviromnent to the Santries. Many of the actions that also has been done to realize the awareness of the urgency of environmental protection as an action to inhibit real enviromnental crisis that has been a...
This study tried to explore the subject of Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who had found an eco-theologic... more This study tried to explore the subject of Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who had found an eco-theological awareness at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in Tuban. Ecotheology is an interesting topic in academic studies today. The ecological paradigm that rests on the spirit of this religion is believed to be able to overcome the environmental crisis happening now. The focus of this study seeks to explain how the subject's conception of ecotheology, what actions are carried out? And how sustainability and implications are for the community? Using an ethnographic approach, this study focuses on epic and emic data obtained from the explanation of the subject and facts in the research field. The results of this study found that the ecotheology conception initiated by the subject was a religious reflection that originated from the primary text of Islam combined with traditional wisdom. The establishment of the State Vocational High School (SMKN) is a concrete manifestation of the subje...
The following article gives reviews on roles of the Sufi path, ʿAlawiyah Tariqa among ‘Alawiyyin,... more The following article gives reviews on roles of the Sufi path, ʿAlawiyah Tariqa among ‘Alawiyyin, to success their diaspora in Gresik regency using the socio-anthropological approach. It observes the ‘Alawiyyin scholars as a group of migrants who adapt their Sufi path creatively with their new environment. Therefore, they have significant roles to keep their identity as ‘Alawiyyin diaspora. It is found that rituals practiced by ‘Alawiyyin in Gresik are reading râtib, h}awl and rawh}ah. In this context, the ritual has found aspects of the socio-anthropological values, as it involves a series of human creativity that has been shaping the culture, communication, and mobility in the social environment. From our view, the practice of the Sufi path, ‘Alawiyah Tariqa in Gresik, has become moral values that were internalized by its followers, and have been implemented by them as a behavior in the community. These rituals can keep their social-religious authority as ahl al-bayt (the descenda...
Pelestarian produk literasi pesantren sangat krusial untuk digalakkan, meliputi langkah strategis... more Pelestarian produk literasi pesantren sangat krusial untuk digalakkan, meliputi langkah strategis yang memiliki implikasi signifikan terhadap aktifitas intelektualisme itu sendiri. Wacana Islam Nusantara yang diusung oleh Jam’iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama “NU” dan diamini oleh pemerintah yang diwakili oleh Presiden RI, Joko Widodo mengindikasikan tumbuhnya urgensi pelestarian warisan kenusantaraan. Hal ini perlu mendapat sambutan akademik untuk menguatkan fondasi paradigmatik, filosofis dan epistemologis dari wacana Islam Nusantara tersebut. Dari preliminary research yang dilakukan, peneliti melihat upaya pelestarian literasi Islam Nusantara selama ini digawangi oleh pesantren Hidayatut Thullab Petuk dan Fathul Ulum Kwagean yang secara konsisten merawat dan menyebarkan tradisi satar Islam Nusantara di kalangan pesantren. Bahkan apa yang dilakukan oleh dua subjek penelitian ini sudah mengarah pada pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk mempublikasikan semua pustaka yang dikoleksi.
The article attempts to ethnographically describe struggle of identity among the Arabian offsprin... more The article attempts to ethnographically describe struggle of identity among the Arabian offspring in Indonesia in the post Reformation Era. As the descendants of the Hadrami migrants who have born in Indonesia, the Arabian offspring deal with two interrelated identities; between their responsibility to preserve the traditions of their ancestors and becoming a wholly recognized citizen of Indonesia. The debate about nationalism among the Arabian-Hadrami people appeared prior to Indonesia’s independence revolution. Anti-colonialism movements in this period had raised solidarity and solidity among the Indonesian people. This situation indubitably urged the Arabian-Hadrami people to reformulate their concept of nationalism. As a part of their nationality commitments, the Arabian Hadrami people have subsequently founded two organizations, i.e. Jamiat Khair (est. 1901) and Jamiyat al-Islah wal-Irsyad al-Arabiyah (est. 1915). In 1934, Abdurrahman Baswedan also founded Persatuan Arab Indon...
Abd Allâh al-H{ addâd is a prominent figure who has great influence in many parts of the world, i... more Abd Allâh al-H{ addâd is a prominent figure who has great influence in many parts of the world, including Indonesia. His mystical teachings (tas} awwuf), which are sunni, akhlâqî and "amalî, are oriented to guide morality of the society and, therefore, are more acceptable. A variety of his work, both in the form of books, wird, kasidah, and his Râtib are widely spread and practiced by many people, especially his followers. Al-H{ addâd"s mystical orientation also puts emphasis on socio-moral movement. Among his mystical teachings are science, charity, khawf, wara', and sincerity which are based on al-Qur"ân, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the example of the pious Salaf. Here, al-H{ addâd was able to make renewal in the field of Sufism by reforming the segment and the orientation of the tarekat. If in the past tarekat was only familiar to elites, it then has been converged by al-H{ addâd into two different segments, i.e. the tarekat of elite and and the tarekat of public, with the same orientation that is approaching to God. Through this reorientation, al-H{ addâd had attempted to present Sufism as a social movement that raise morale both individuals and social groups.
This article is an attempt to describe the theological paradigm of environment existing in Pesant... more This article is an attempt to describe the theological paradigm of environment existing in Pesantren Walisongo Tuban. From an academic perspective, this paradigm is often regarded as eco-theology. This discourse has been widely discussed by many experts and activists of environment from different countries as new attempts to cope with global crisis faced by human being. KH KPP Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who is far way from the discourse of eco-theology has naurallybuilt a paradigm related to the issue of environment based on his reflection on Islamic values and traditions. Forest which becomes his dominant environment where his pesantren is located has led him to cosmic awareness of the importance of conserving the mandat of God to human being. This awareness manifests in what is called “the words of forest” (kalam rimba) transferred to students and society around pesantren. In addition, Kiai Noer as the key actor also get involved in practical activities such as establishing vocationa...
This study is an explanatory attempt to describe the understanding of kalam (theology) and the im... more This study is an explanatory attempt to describe the understanding of kalam (theology) and the implementation to build an enviromnent conciousness that developed by Pesantren Nurussalam in Gomang, Lajor Lor, Singgahan Tuban. This perspective is known in the academic discourse with the term ecotheology which already widely discussed by the environmentalist, such as Seyyed Hossein Nasr in his bibliography. KH. KPP. Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat as the main actor in Pesantren Nurussalam was observed by researcher not only understood the concept of islamic ecotheology just on intellectual plane, but have shaped the actions embodied in the establishment of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Kehutanan where Kiai Noer directly involved in planting awareness of theological understanding about the enviromnent to the Santries. Many of the actions that also has been done to realize the awareness of the urgency of environmental protection as an action to inhibit real enviromnental crisis that has been a...
This study tried to explore the subject of Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who had found an eco-theologic... more This study tried to explore the subject of Noer Nasroh Hadiningrat who had found an eco-theological awareness at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in Tuban. Ecotheology is an interesting topic in academic studies today. The ecological paradigm that rests on the spirit of this religion is believed to be able to overcome the environmental crisis happening now. The focus of this study seeks to explain how the subject's conception of ecotheology, what actions are carried out? And how sustainability and implications are for the community? Using an ethnographic approach, this study focuses on epic and emic data obtained from the explanation of the subject and facts in the research field. The results of this study found that the ecotheology conception initiated by the subject was a religious reflection that originated from the primary text of Islam combined with traditional wisdom. The establishment of the State Vocational High School (SMKN) is a concrete manifestation of the subje...
Papers by Fikri Mahzumi