Papers by F. Maciel Barbosa
FSQV and Artificial Neural Networks to Voltage Stability Assessment
2006 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, 2006
Page 1. FSQV and Artificial Neural Networks to Voltage Stability Assessment Antonio C. Andrade, F... more Page 1. FSQV and Artificial Neural Networks to Voltage Stability Assessment Antonio C. Andrade, FP Maciel Barbosa, Senior Member, IEEE, and HM Khodr, Member, IEEE Abstract-This paper presents a study of the application ...

Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS …, 2008
Wind generators maintenance can be performed in a systematic way because they are built with equi... more Wind generators maintenance can be performed in a systematic way because they are built with equipments with known reliability and maintenance parameters known that can be used in the planned maintenance. However, it is possible to increase the reliability of the system so as to rationalize the costs, by developing new management models and new algorithms based on on-line monitoring of several parameters, namely vibrations, electrical variables, among others. It is because of this kind of challenge that the authors are developing new methodologies in the area of wind generators that, as we will demonstrate, can contribute to a better environment. The methodology proposed aims to optimize the cycles of production and, consequently, reduce other kinds of energy production. The new methodologies will be, later, incorporated through new predictive maintenance modules in an integrated maintenance management system called SMIT (Terology Integrated Modular System). The base of SMIT is accessed through a client-server system and a browser system that includes the main modules of a traditional system, as well as a fault diagnosis module, a non-periodic maintenance planning module and a generic on-condition maintenance module, among other innovations. The new features will include, in the case of wind generators, on-line measures and the corresponding on-time treatment, using algorithms based on time-series forecasting.

International conference on Intelligent Systems, Data Mining and Information Technology (ICIDIT’2014) April 21-22, 2014 Bangkok (Thailand)
The work presented in this paper consists in the development of a game to make the process of lea... more The work presented in this paper consists in the development of a game to make the process of learning sign language enjoyable and interactive. In order to do this, a game was created in which the player controls a character and interacts with various objects and non-player characters with the aim of collecting several gestures from the Portuguese Sign Language. These gestures can then be represented by the character. This allows the user to visualize and learn or train the various existing gestures. To raise the interactivity and to make the game more interesting and motivating, several checkpoints were placed along the level. This will provide the players a chance to test the knowledge they have acquired so far on the checkpoints by using Kinect. A High Scores system was also created as well as a history to ensure that the game is a continuous motivating process as well as a learning process.

Augmented reality system for maintenance of high-voltage systems
2016 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)
Augmented Reality (AR) promises to revolution the maintenance field in general with relevant cont... more Augmented Reality (AR) promises to revolution the maintenance field in general with relevant contributions to High-Voltage Systems. The value-added can came from several aspects, namely the increasing security and reducing time and costs of intervention. However there are some aspects related to AR state-of-the-art that do not permit yet to reach all of their potential, namely the necessity of use of markers in many situations and the necessity of 3D modeling for markeless situations. These are the main aspects presented in this paper as well as the nowadays main trends. Several experiments are also detailed and referenced to attest the benefits and actual restrictions and gaps of Augmented Reality applied on industrial scenarios. Close to teleoperations, it is demonstrated how solutions that combine virtual and real scenes may improve technicians' performance and reduce the risk of fatal accidents by improving training conditions.
2009 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO 2009, 2009
The condition of voltage stability in a power system can be characterized by the use of voltage s... more The condition of voltage stability in a power system can be characterized by the use of voltage stability indices. The voltage stability analyses were conducted on the IEEE 14 and IEEE 57 reliability test system, using several different scenarios of load increase. In this paper, a comparison of the performance of several indices is presented, with satisfactory results. In this paper will also present New Index to Voltage Collapse (NIVCP). NIVCP is a system index and see the all power system.
Assessment of voltage stability of electrical power systems: A simulational survey
2009 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO 2009, 2009
In this paper, we analyze important aspects related to voltage stability indices in electrical po... more In this paper, we analyze important aspects related to voltage stability indices in electrical power systems, which allows operators to determine the weakest bus of a system as well as its critical line settings of each bus. Conventional techniques are analyzed and a comparison of the performance of several indices in presented. The feasibility of the reported methods is shown by numerical studies in IEEE 30 busbar test system.

Taking into account that the non renewable recourses are less and less available worldwide we nee... more Taking into account that the non renewable recourses are less and less available worldwide we need to use renewable energies to produce electricity. The wind energy is nowadays the most attractive renewable energy, after hydropower, to produce electricity. Wind energy is the renewable energy source that had a higher growing in the last decades and can be considered a hope in future based on clean and sustainable energy. All over the world, energy companies are investing in technologies to make better use of renewable energy to generate electric power. Wind energy is the renewable energy source that had a higher growing in the last decades and can be considered a hope in future based on clean and sustainable energy. Unlike conventional fuels, wind energy is a massive indigenous power source permanently available in virtually every nation in the world. Wind power delivers the energy security benefits of fuel costs, no long term fuel price risk, and avoids the economic and supply risks...

In a global world, the survival and sustainability of industrial companies depends on several fac... more In a global world, the survival and sustainability of industrial companies depends on several factors: production continuity; quantity assurance; quality assurance; competitive prices for products; on time production; flexibility; operational safety and environmental safety. To achieve these goals, sustainable industrial operations must rely on dependable systems and equipments. Dependability is defined as “the collective term describing the availability performance of any simple to complex product” [1]. This definition can be extended for industrial operations, to their reliability and maintainability design characteristics. As there are no perfect systems and equipments designs, component degradation and failures will always occur during their life cycle. So to keep their dependability level during the life cycle good maintenance support is essential. In this paper we will discuss the importance of maintenance to achieve the required dependability and sustainability for industrial...

Wind energy is considered a hope in future as a clean and sustainable energy, as can be seen by t... more Wind energy is considered a hope in future as a clean and sustainable energy, as can be seen by the growing number of wind farms installed all over the world. With the huge proliferation of wind farms, as an alternative to the traditional fossil power generation, the economic issues dictate the necessity of monitoring systems to optimize the availability and profits. The relatively high cost of operation and maintenance associated to wind power is a major issue. Wind turbines are most of the time located in remote areas or offshore and these factors increase the referred operation and maintenance costs. Good maintenance strategies are needed to increase the health management of wind turbines. The objective of this paper is to show the application of neural networks to analyze all the wind turbine information to identify possible future failures, based on previous information of the turbine.
Modelling of Nonlinear Nodal Admittances in Load Flow Analysis
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Abstract A new type of bus for load flow analysis is proposed in this paper; this type of bus, na... more Abstract A new type of bus for load flow analysis is proposed in this paper; this type of bus, named PX, is particularly suited for modelling elements like static compensators or asynchronous generators. The inclusion of this PX bus in the Fast Decoupled Load Flow method is presented and discussed. Numerical results are reported when applying this approach to solve load flow problems in two standard systems.

DFIG Performance Assessment during Low Voltage Ride through in the Dynamic Voltage Stability of an Electric Power System
In this paper it was studied the performance evaluation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) ... more In this paper it was studied the performance evaluation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in the analysis of dynamic voltage stability during Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) in electric power systems. Two models of wind turbines were analyzed. In one of the models the wind turbines are equipped with pitch control coupled with a Fixed Speed Induction Generator (FSIG) and a shunt capacitor bank. In the other model the wind turbines are equipped with DFIG, crowbar and chopper. To protect the rotor side converter from tripping due to overcurrents in the rotor circuit or overvoltage in the DC link during voltage dips a crowbar was installed in DFIG. Nowadays the most efficient plants use technologies that allow them to stay connected during a fault and to produce again normally after the disturbance. The model used can take into account these new technologies. The automatic voltage regulators of the generating units, and the turbine speed governors were modelled in detail. Differe...

Voltage stability is predominantly a load stability phenomenon and solutions to voltage stability... more Voltage stability is predominantly a load stability phenomenon and solutions to voltage stability can be found by control of the load as seen from the bulk power network. A delay of the load restoration gives time for other corrective actions. The load restoration may be delayed and/or limited by certain countermeasures, such as blocking of Under Load Tap Changers (ULTC). In this paper it was studied the impact of the ULTC on the dynamic voltage collapse of an electric power system with large scale wind generation. It is used the Cigré Electric Power Network with 32 bus and three wind farms equipped with wind turbines, including pitch control coupled with a Fixed Speed Induction Generator (FSIG) and a shunt capacitor bank. The automatic voltage regulators (AVR) of the generating units and the turbine speed governors were modelled. Different load models were used and the ULTC were taken into account. Several significant disturbances were simulated in the test power network, such as t...
Identification of the Horizontal Network Interconnecting the Portuguese and Spanish Electrical Power Systems
In this paper it is proposed a technique to identify the relevant neighbouring electric power sys... more In this paper it is proposed a technique to identify the relevant neighbouring electric power systems using the Horizontal Network methodology. The relevant network of the Spanish system was established, taking into account the actual interconnections and the new cross-border tie-line in Douro International with a voltage level of 400 kV. All simulations of the Portuguese and Spanish transmission systems were performed using the computational software package PSS(R)E from Siemens/PTI. The savecases used in this study represent pictures of the real systems. From the simulation results, some conclusions that provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the impact of the new interconnection between the two countries will be pointed out.
On-line transient stability assessment of an electric power system using a parallel processing state estimator
2000 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Information Technology and Electrotechnology for the Mediterranean Countries. Proceedings. MeleCon 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37099), 1998
Voltage Stability Assessment Using a New FSQV Method and Artificial Neural Networks
MELECON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 2006
Page 1. Voltage Stability Assessment Using a New FSQV Method and Artificial Neural Networks Antón... more Page 1. Voltage Stability Assessment Using a New FSQV Method and Artificial Neural Networks António C. Andrade Department of Electrical Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Porto/Institute of Engineering (ISEP) Porto, Portugal [email protected] ...
Effect on Convergence Patterns by the Use of Line Current Measurements on Power System State Estimation
MELECON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 2006
Paula S.Castro Vide (*, a), FP Maciel Barbosa (**, b), Isabel M. Ferreira (**, c) J. Beleza Carva... more Paula S.Castro Vide (*, a), FP Maciel Barbosa (**, b), Isabel M. Ferreira (**, c) J. Beleza Carvalho(**,* d) * DEE Technology and Management School / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria Portugal **Faculty of Engineering of Porto University / Department of ...
Proceedings of 8th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference on Industrial Applications in Power Systems, Computer Science and Telecommunications (MELECON 96), 1996

A parallel algorithm to power systems state estimation
POWERCON '98. 1998 International Conference on Power System Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX151), 1998
In this paper, the authors develop a theoretically robust and computationally efficient state est... more In this paper, the authors develop a theoretically robust and computationally efficient state estimator algorithm, to solve the WLS problem by using parallel processing. Technical developments in distributed energy management systems (EMS), based on fast data communication networks, open up the possibility of parallel processing in the state estimation algorithms. They have analysed the computational aspects of parallel processing. Moreover, they have simulated this state estimator parallel algorithm in the IEEE 30, 57 and 118 bus systems. The numerical accuracy of the simulation demonstrates the excellent computational performance of the parallel algorithm. Results of computational experiments are compared with standard WLS methods, in the integral and distributed version. An evaluation of the degree of natural decoupling in the state estimation problem is also performed. The results of computational experiments indicate that distributed processing for state estimation, is a better way to adopt parallel computing in power systems
The State Estimation is nowadays considered the fundamental element of modem electrical power net... more The State Estimation is nowadays considered the fundamental element of modem electrical power networks control centers. In this paper we develop a theoretically robust and computationally efficient state estimator algorithm, to sohe the WLS problem by using parallel processing. The computational aspects of the parallel processing, was analyzed and tested using the IEEE 14, 57 and 118 bus systems. Computational experiments are compared with standard WLS methods, in the integral and distributed version. An evaluation of the degree of natural decoupling in the state estimation problem is also performed. The results indicate that a distributed processing for state estimation, is the better way to adopt the parallel computing in power systems energy.
Papers by F. Maciel Barbosa