This study presents the calculation results of the cell, and core Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) b... more This study presents the calculation results of the cell, and core Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) based fuel Uranium-Plutonium Nitride (U, Pu)N. Parameter survey results of calculations of the fuel cell consisting of a kinf, burnup level, and the conversion ratio and for the calculation of the reactor core produce value keff during a refueling cycle. The calculation was performed by using a set of SRAC program by comparing three types of fuel cell designs. Reactor Design A based on natural uranium could not reach criticality because of keff < 1. Design B used the enrichment of uranium-235 by 9.5% to reach a critical condition at keff > 1. The critical state was also achieved by Design C utilizing natural uranium, and plutonium 5.5% result value keff = 1.015 in the first year of burnup and continues to increase 1.083 in the tenth year without refueling. Moreover, plutonium can replace the uranium enrichment process.Penelitian ini menyajikan hasil perhitungan sel dan teras gas-coo...
Telah dibuat perangkat lunak untuk simulasi dinamika dobel pendulum, yang persamaan geraknya dipe... more Telah dibuat perangkat lunak untuk simulasi dinamika dobel pendulum, yang persamaan geraknya diperoleh dengan menggunakan fungsi Hamilton. Persamaan asal dan persamaan gerak yang dilinierisasi diselesaikan dengan integrasi numerik menggunakan metode Runge-Kutta orde-4. Hasil perhitungan numerik diplot berupa grafik trajektori, diagram ruang fasa dan plot Poincar. Ketiga visualisasi grafik ini dipakai untuk analisis secara kualitatif adanya gejala kaos. Sedangkan analisis secara kuantitatif dikerjakan dengan melakukan perhitungan spektrum Lyapunov. Dari pengujian perangkat lunak dan eksplorasi terhadap dinamika gerak sistem dapat dikatakan bahwa perangkat lunak ini sudah baik untuk dipakai sebagai tool mengungkap adanya gejala kaos.
Penelitian ini mendesian sel bahan bakar berupa Uranium Metal Alam (U-10%wtZr) dengan pendingin H... more Penelitian ini mendesian sel bahan bakar berupa Uranium Metal Alam (U-10%wtZr) dengan pendingin Helium. Sel bahan bakar ini berbentuk pin dengan diameter 1,4 cm. Sel bahan bakar diuji tanpa pengkayaan dan pengkayaan (enrichment) 2-10%. Perhitungan sel bahan bakar berdasarkan persamaan transport neutron menggunakan SRAC. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar tingkat pengkayaan maka nilai Kinf yang diperoleh semakin besar sedangkan untuk nilai conversion ratio nilai conversion ratio yang diperoleh semakin kecil. Desain sel bahan bakar yang terbaik adalah dengan tingkat pengkayaan 4%, karena nilai Kinf dan conversion ratio menujukkan nilai stabil (menuju nilai satu). Dengan diketahuinya informasi performa sel bahan bakar nuklir dari berbagai variasi komposisi agar menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk mendapatkan desain teras reaktor yang optimum.
Telah dilakukan studi awal pengembangan sistem pengukuran photoluminescence menggunakan detektor ... more Telah dilakukan studi awal pengembangan sistem pengukuran photoluminescence menggunakan detektor CCD. Di sini dibuat suatu rangkaian yang menghubungkan CCD ini ke perangkat lainnya seperti pulsa generator dan power supply serta menyusun perangkat lunak sehingga detektor ini dapat berfungsi sebagai sensor cahaya. Untuk menguji kebenaran kinerja dari sistem digunakan Light Emitting Diode (LED) sebagai sumber cahaya, juga digunakan detektor PMT sebagai pembanding. Dan ternyata hadilnya menunjukkan kesesuaian, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem telah bekerja dengan baik.
Proses ekstraksi sangat penting dalam sintesis Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP). Proses terseb... more Proses ekstraksi sangat penting dalam sintesis Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP). Proses tersebut sangat menentukan jumlah kafein yang terbuang. Keberhasilan proses ini tidak hanya bergantung pada proses sintesis namun juga tergantung pada ukuran partikel templat dan pelarut yang digunakan saat proses tersebut. Sintesis polimer nano kafein telah berhasil dibuat menggunakan metode cooling-heating melibatkan MAA sebagai monomer fungsional, EDMA sebagai ikatan silang, BPO sebagai inisiator, dan kloroform sebagai pelarut. NIP juga dibuat sebagai polimer pembanding tanpa nano kafein. Serbuk nano polimer yang dihasilkan selanjutnya diekstraksi menggunakan kloroform, metanol/asam asetat (1:20), dan metanol. Terakhir polimer dicuci menggunakan metanol/aquabidest (1:20). Hasil FTIR menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi amina yang merupakan gugus fungsi khas kafein. Nilai persentase transmitansi pada MIP nano kafein lebih besar dibandingkan polimer nano kafein. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa proses ek...
Telah dikerjakan perhitungan neutronik pada disain konsep reaktor PLTN jenis GFR 333 MWt berbasis... more Telah dikerjakan perhitungan neutronik pada disain konsep reaktor PLTN jenis GFR 333 MWt berbasis bahan bakar uranium alam. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan PIJ dan CITATION pada kode SRAC. Basis bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah Uranium Alam, dengan pendingin Helium, dan SS316 sebagai cladding serta reflektornya B4C. Teras yang digunakan berupa silinder R-Z dengan jejari radial 100 cm dan tinggi aksial 270 cm serta tebal reflektor 100 cm. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh faktor multiplikasi effektif k-eff = 1.001 pada tahun kedua burnup dan terus meningkat hingga 1.012 pada burnup tahun kesepuluh, jadi reaktor tetap dalam keadaan kritis selama sepuluh tahun tanpa pengisian ulang bahan bakar.
Telah dibuat sebuah desain konsep teras reaktor cepat berpendingin S-CO 2 dengan bahan bakar uran... more Telah dibuat sebuah desain konsep teras reaktor cepat berpendingin S-CO 2 dengan bahan bakar uranium metalik alam yang dapat beroperasi dalam waktu yang lama (berumur panjang). Metode penyusunan bahan bakar dilakukan menggunakan strategi burn-up modified CANDLE ( Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy production ). Strategi pembakaran CANDLE yang dimodifikasi dengan region pertama berada di dekat region terakhir telah diterapkan. Perhitungan teras reaktor dilakukan menggunakan modul CITATION pada sistem kode SRAC ( Standard Reactor Analysis Code ). Tahap awal penelitian dengan menghitung sel bahan bakar menggunakan modul PIJ sebagai input siklus telah dilakukan. Parameter perhitungan yang diamati adalah nilai faktor multiplikasi efektif (k-eff), distribusi daya arah aksial dan radial serta reaktivitas pada teras reaktor. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan nilai k-eff dari awal siklus pembakaran sekitar 1,0490 hingga akhir siklus sebe...
Penelitian ini menyajikan studi awal perhitungan sel bahan bakar pada reaktor cepat. Sel bahan ba... more Penelitian ini menyajikan studi awal perhitungan sel bahan bakar pada reaktor cepat. Sel bahan bakar adalah bagian terkecil dari penyusun teras reaktor. Satu sel bahan bakar terdiri dari bahan bakar (fuel), kelongsong (cladding) dan pendingin (coolant). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan sel bahan bakar berbasis uranium oksida (UO2), dengan cladding terbuat dari stainless steel (SS316) dan coolant berupa helium. Perhitungan sel dan burnup dilakukan dengan menggunakan modul PIJ pada Standard Reactor Analysis Code (SRAC) dengan pustaka JENDL-3.2. Hasil penelitian sel bahan bakar berbasis uranium-238 dengan pengayaan 10% uranium-235, menggunakan fraksi volume bahan bakar 54,5%, cladding 15% dan coolant 30,5% menunjukkan nilai kekritisan keff>1 (1,003-1,062), dengan excess reactivity rata-ratanya adalah 0,021.
Telah dilakukan alanisis gejala chaos pada dobel pendulum. Analisis dilakukan dengan grafik times... more Telah dilakukan alanisis gejala chaos pada dobel pendulum. Analisis dilakukan dengan grafik times series, diagram ruang fasa dan plot Poincare. Diperoleh tiga karakteristik utama dinamika gerak: periodik, quasiperiodik dan chaos. Masing-masing keadaan dicapai bila dimasukkan kondisi awal posisi dan momentum yang bersesuaian.
Selain pertimbangan sumberdaya thorium(Th) dunia yang besar (sekitar 3 kali lebih besar dari sumb... more Selain pertimbangan sumberdaya thorium(Th) dunia yang besar (sekitar 3 kali lebih besar dari sumber daya uranium), penggunaan bahan bakar basis thorium juga akan mengurangi jumlah limbah radioaktif. Kajian ini membahas sistem reaktor berpendingin gas yang digabungkan dengan skema pembakaran CANDLE yang dimodifikasi, untuk reaktor berukuran kecil dan berumur panjang, dengan thorium alam sebagai input dalam setiap siklus bahan bakarnya. Sistem ini dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya thorium secara efisien tanpa memerlukan unit pengolahan dan pengayaan. Oleh karena itu penggunaan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir ini dapat memanfaatkan energi nuklir secara optimal tanpa masalah proliferasi nuklir. Survey parameter yang menentukan tercapainya target desain meliputi kritikalitas dan level burn-up bahan bakar. Investigasi lebih lanjut terkait perbandingan antara penggunaan thorium dengan uranium sabagai bahan bakar dilakukan pada desain teras reaktor penghasil daya listrik berukuran 500 MWth. K...
Comparative study of the conceptual design of Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) core type tall versus... more Comparative study of the conceptual design of Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) core type tall versus pancake based on modified CANDLE-B (MCANDLE-B) burnup strategy has been done. MCANDLE-B is a burnup strategy that utilizes natural uranium or depleted fuel as its input cycle. The conceptual design of a reactor core that compared is the tall cylinder and the pancake cylinder. In this case, the fuel used is U-10%Zr, SS-316 as a cladding material and helium as a coolant. The total volume of the two reactor cores is the same, namely 15.4 m3. SRAC 2K6 software with PIJ and CITATION modules is used to carry out simulations. The PIJ module is used for fuel cell calculations and the CITATION module is used for reactor core calculations. The results of the comparison show that the pancake core allows the reactor core to use fuel with a volume fraction of 50%: 10%: 40%, for fuel, cladding and coolant respectively. The design obtained can be operated for 10 years without refueling.
Degradation of steels used in the fast nuclear reactor that using liquid metals as a coolant mate... more Degradation of steels used in the fast nuclear reactor that using liquid metals as a coolant material is still a major problem. Whereas, the design of the fast nuclear reactors as an IVth generation reactor has many advantages. Many investigations have been done with the purpose of finding the best steel alloy material and finding the best mechanism of corrosion reduction of material. Theoretically, to predict a needed novel material and also knowing the mechanism of corrosion inhibition, we can use computational methods as (MD) molecular dynamics method. Using molecular dynamics, we can explore new potential materials and new promising corrosion inhibition mechanism based on the calculated properties of materials. In the current MD work, we study Fe-Ni-Cr performance if used in a high-temperature molten lead liquid (coolant) and observing how this material has the possibility in fast nuclear reactor applications. We also studied the mechanism of corrosion inhibition based on the injection of oxygen gas into the coolant. From MD simulation we have got an important conclusion about the FeNiCr performance that may be useful for nuclear reactor design.
The cooling-heating method was used to successfully synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers on ... more The cooling-heating method was used to successfully synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers on caffeine. Caffeine was used as a template and mixed with chloroform solvent, methacrylic acid as a monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as a cross-linker, and benzoyl peroxide as an initiator. The solution was stirred for 15 minutes and placed in a vial. Then it was placed in a cooler with a temperature of -5○C for 60 minutes and then inserted into an oven with an increasing temperature at 75○C, 80○C, and 85○C for 3, 2 and 1 hour, respectively. Furthermore, the repeated washing process resulted in solid polymer, which was subjected to template leaching to produce polymers with specific cavities called molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP). The resulting caffeine polymer and MIP were tested using SEM, FTIR, and XRD methods. In addition, the SEM image analysis data showed 388 cavities in the polymer after template leaching, compared to the 121 cavities in the unwashed polymer. This resul...
The corrosion of copper-nickel alloy in hydrochloric acid was investigated at different temperatu... more The corrosion of copper-nickel alloy in hydrochloric acid was investigated at different temperatures, inhibitor concentrations, and corrosive solution rotation rates. Weight loss technique was used to evaluate the corrosion rate data. Tetraethylenepentamine was used as organic corrosion inhibitor, while hydrochloric acid was the corrosive solution. Different parameters, such as inhibitor efficiency, activation energy were obtained. Corrosion rate increased with both temperature and acid rotation rate, while it decreased with increases of Tetraethylenepentamine concentration. Maximum inhibitor efficiency was at lower level of temperature, acid rotation rate and higher level of inhibitor concentration.
The inhibition and the effect of temperature and concentration of trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole on... more The inhibition and the effect of temperature and concentration of trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole on the corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl solution was investigated by weight loss experiments at temperatures ranging from 303 to 343 K. The studied inhibitor concentrations were between 1×10 −7 M and 1×10 −3 M. The percentage inhibition increased with the increase of the concentration of the inhibitor. The percentage inhibition reached about 94% at the concentration of 1 × 10 −3 M and 303 K. On the other hand, the percentage inhibition decreased with the increase of temperature. Using the Temkin adsorption isotherm, the thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of this inhibitor on the metal surface were calculated. Trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole was found to be a potential corrosion inhibitor since it contained not only nitrogen and oxygen, but also phenyl and pyridine rings that are joined together with a double bond (-C=C-) in conjugation with these rings.
The extraction process is a crucial part of the synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP)... more The extraction process is a crucial part of the synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP). The process will have a significant impact on the number of its cavities that affects the polymers’ ability to recognize targets with the same physical and chemical properties as the analytes. Caffeine polymers have been prepared by the cooling-heating method using methacrylic acid (MAA) as a monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) as a crosslinker, benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator, and chloroform as a solvent. The resulting caffeine polymer powder was extracted using chloroform, methanol / acetic acid (1:20), and methanol, respectively. Finally, the polymer powder is washed using the aquabidest, which is heated at 60°C. The results of FTIR, XRD, and SEM characterization showed that caffeine concentration was significantly reduced. The number of cavities obtained from caffeine MIP is 604 more than before extracted, which is 132 pieces.
Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
This paper presents the design concept of a carbon dioxide-cooled fast reactor. This reactor util... more This paper presents the design concept of a carbon dioxide-cooled fast reactor. This reactor utilize U-10%Zr as fuel and SS316 as cladding. The strategy of modified CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy production) was applied for burnup in the core with power 2400 MW. The reactor core calculations were performed with a cylindrical geometry that is varied on the height and diameter of the core using a set of CITATION and PIJ modules on the SRAC (Standard Reactor Analysis Code) program. The ideal core size was obtained with a high of 350 cm, and a diameter of 240 cm with the resulting survey parameter are effective multiplication factor(keff), excess reactivity, radial and axial power distribution, and power peaking. The reactor core reaches a critical condition with keff 1.05 and excess reactivity 5.3% and radial power peaking 1.73. Optimization was done with power flattening, that is by dividing the core into two parts with a fuel fraction of 60% for the inner part with thick of 80 cm and fuel fraction of 65% for the outer part with thick of 40 cm, the results are 1.013, 1.3% and 1.5 for keff, excess reactivity, and radial power peaking, respectively.
SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir
ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI TEMPERATUR MEDIA PENAMPUNG BAHAN BAKAR BEKAS REAKTOR DAYA EKSPERIMENTAL (RDE)... more ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI TEMPERATUR MEDIA PENAMPUNG BAHAN BAKAR BEKAS REAKTOR DAYA EKSPERIMENTAL (RDE) MENGGUNAKAN FLUENT 6.3. Konsep dan desain reaktor daya eksperimental (RDE) adalah mengacu pada HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) dari teknologi Jerman yang telah diterapkan pada HTR-10 di Cina yang dirancang menggunakan bahan bakar yang berbentuk pebble bed. Setelah bahan bakar nuklir dimanfaatkan dalam reaktor nuklir, bahan bakar bekas tersebut kemudian akan masuk ke dalam tempat penampungan sementara. Penelitian ini dikhususkan pada aspek temohidrolik karena peranannya yang sangat penting untuk menjamin keselamatan media penampung bahan bakar bekas Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE). Oleh karena itu diperlukan alat bantu berupa progam (software) komputer dalam proses penganalisaan distribusi temperatur media penampung bahan bakar bekas Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE). Program yang digunakan adalah FLUENT 6.3. Hasil perhitungan menunjukan bahwa terjadi penurunaan temperatur se...
Graphene is two-dimensional carbon atoms in the form of hexagonal lattice.It has extraordinary me... more Graphene is two-dimensional carbon atoms in the form of hexagonal lattice.It has extraordinary mechanical, optical, thermal and electronic properties. These properties have been predicted theoretically some decades before scientists succeeded for the first time in experimenting with the material in 2004. Since then, scientific publications on this 21st century material are increasing exponentially. Magnetism in pristine carbon materials is still in a controversy although magnetic properties of graphenedue to point defects have been investigated by some researchers. It would be interesting to calculate numerically the properties of this magnetic graphene using anopen source computer software. The purpose of this paper is to discuss applying Kwant, a free Python package, to study graphene using the interactive and open source web based environment Jupyter Notebook Apps. Hopefully, this will stimulate Indonesian academia to participate in graphene research by using the software.
This study presents the calculation results of the cell, and core Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) b... more This study presents the calculation results of the cell, and core Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) based fuel Uranium-Plutonium Nitride (U, Pu)N. Parameter survey results of calculations of the fuel cell consisting of a kinf, burnup level, and the conversion ratio and for the calculation of the reactor core produce value keff during a refueling cycle. The calculation was performed by using a set of SRAC program by comparing three types of fuel cell designs. Reactor Design A based on natural uranium could not reach criticality because of keff < 1. Design B used the enrichment of uranium-235 by 9.5% to reach a critical condition at keff > 1. The critical state was also achieved by Design C utilizing natural uranium, and plutonium 5.5% result value keff = 1.015 in the first year of burnup and continues to increase 1.083 in the tenth year without refueling. Moreover, plutonium can replace the uranium enrichment process.Penelitian ini menyajikan hasil perhitungan sel dan teras gas-coo...
Telah dibuat perangkat lunak untuk simulasi dinamika dobel pendulum, yang persamaan geraknya dipe... more Telah dibuat perangkat lunak untuk simulasi dinamika dobel pendulum, yang persamaan geraknya diperoleh dengan menggunakan fungsi Hamilton. Persamaan asal dan persamaan gerak yang dilinierisasi diselesaikan dengan integrasi numerik menggunakan metode Runge-Kutta orde-4. Hasil perhitungan numerik diplot berupa grafik trajektori, diagram ruang fasa dan plot Poincar. Ketiga visualisasi grafik ini dipakai untuk analisis secara kualitatif adanya gejala kaos. Sedangkan analisis secara kuantitatif dikerjakan dengan melakukan perhitungan spektrum Lyapunov. Dari pengujian perangkat lunak dan eksplorasi terhadap dinamika gerak sistem dapat dikatakan bahwa perangkat lunak ini sudah baik untuk dipakai sebagai tool mengungkap adanya gejala kaos.
Penelitian ini mendesian sel bahan bakar berupa Uranium Metal Alam (U-10%wtZr) dengan pendingin H... more Penelitian ini mendesian sel bahan bakar berupa Uranium Metal Alam (U-10%wtZr) dengan pendingin Helium. Sel bahan bakar ini berbentuk pin dengan diameter 1,4 cm. Sel bahan bakar diuji tanpa pengkayaan dan pengkayaan (enrichment) 2-10%. Perhitungan sel bahan bakar berdasarkan persamaan transport neutron menggunakan SRAC. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar tingkat pengkayaan maka nilai Kinf yang diperoleh semakin besar sedangkan untuk nilai conversion ratio nilai conversion ratio yang diperoleh semakin kecil. Desain sel bahan bakar yang terbaik adalah dengan tingkat pengkayaan 4%, karena nilai Kinf dan conversion ratio menujukkan nilai stabil (menuju nilai satu). Dengan diketahuinya informasi performa sel bahan bakar nuklir dari berbagai variasi komposisi agar menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk mendapatkan desain teras reaktor yang optimum.
Telah dilakukan studi awal pengembangan sistem pengukuran photoluminescence menggunakan detektor ... more Telah dilakukan studi awal pengembangan sistem pengukuran photoluminescence menggunakan detektor CCD. Di sini dibuat suatu rangkaian yang menghubungkan CCD ini ke perangkat lainnya seperti pulsa generator dan power supply serta menyusun perangkat lunak sehingga detektor ini dapat berfungsi sebagai sensor cahaya. Untuk menguji kebenaran kinerja dari sistem digunakan Light Emitting Diode (LED) sebagai sumber cahaya, juga digunakan detektor PMT sebagai pembanding. Dan ternyata hadilnya menunjukkan kesesuaian, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem telah bekerja dengan baik.
Proses ekstraksi sangat penting dalam sintesis Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP). Proses terseb... more Proses ekstraksi sangat penting dalam sintesis Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP). Proses tersebut sangat menentukan jumlah kafein yang terbuang. Keberhasilan proses ini tidak hanya bergantung pada proses sintesis namun juga tergantung pada ukuran partikel templat dan pelarut yang digunakan saat proses tersebut. Sintesis polimer nano kafein telah berhasil dibuat menggunakan metode cooling-heating melibatkan MAA sebagai monomer fungsional, EDMA sebagai ikatan silang, BPO sebagai inisiator, dan kloroform sebagai pelarut. NIP juga dibuat sebagai polimer pembanding tanpa nano kafein. Serbuk nano polimer yang dihasilkan selanjutnya diekstraksi menggunakan kloroform, metanol/asam asetat (1:20), dan metanol. Terakhir polimer dicuci menggunakan metanol/aquabidest (1:20). Hasil FTIR menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi amina yang merupakan gugus fungsi khas kafein. Nilai persentase transmitansi pada MIP nano kafein lebih besar dibandingkan polimer nano kafein. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa proses ek...
Telah dikerjakan perhitungan neutronik pada disain konsep reaktor PLTN jenis GFR 333 MWt berbasis... more Telah dikerjakan perhitungan neutronik pada disain konsep reaktor PLTN jenis GFR 333 MWt berbasis bahan bakar uranium alam. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan PIJ dan CITATION pada kode SRAC. Basis bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah Uranium Alam, dengan pendingin Helium, dan SS316 sebagai cladding serta reflektornya B4C. Teras yang digunakan berupa silinder R-Z dengan jejari radial 100 cm dan tinggi aksial 270 cm serta tebal reflektor 100 cm. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh faktor multiplikasi effektif k-eff = 1.001 pada tahun kedua burnup dan terus meningkat hingga 1.012 pada burnup tahun kesepuluh, jadi reaktor tetap dalam keadaan kritis selama sepuluh tahun tanpa pengisian ulang bahan bakar.
Telah dibuat sebuah desain konsep teras reaktor cepat berpendingin S-CO 2 dengan bahan bakar uran... more Telah dibuat sebuah desain konsep teras reaktor cepat berpendingin S-CO 2 dengan bahan bakar uranium metalik alam yang dapat beroperasi dalam waktu yang lama (berumur panjang). Metode penyusunan bahan bakar dilakukan menggunakan strategi burn-up modified CANDLE ( Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy production ). Strategi pembakaran CANDLE yang dimodifikasi dengan region pertama berada di dekat region terakhir telah diterapkan. Perhitungan teras reaktor dilakukan menggunakan modul CITATION pada sistem kode SRAC ( Standard Reactor Analysis Code ). Tahap awal penelitian dengan menghitung sel bahan bakar menggunakan modul PIJ sebagai input siklus telah dilakukan. Parameter perhitungan yang diamati adalah nilai faktor multiplikasi efektif (k-eff), distribusi daya arah aksial dan radial serta reaktivitas pada teras reaktor. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan nilai k-eff dari awal siklus pembakaran sekitar 1,0490 hingga akhir siklus sebe...
Penelitian ini menyajikan studi awal perhitungan sel bahan bakar pada reaktor cepat. Sel bahan ba... more Penelitian ini menyajikan studi awal perhitungan sel bahan bakar pada reaktor cepat. Sel bahan bakar adalah bagian terkecil dari penyusun teras reaktor. Satu sel bahan bakar terdiri dari bahan bakar (fuel), kelongsong (cladding) dan pendingin (coolant). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan sel bahan bakar berbasis uranium oksida (UO2), dengan cladding terbuat dari stainless steel (SS316) dan coolant berupa helium. Perhitungan sel dan burnup dilakukan dengan menggunakan modul PIJ pada Standard Reactor Analysis Code (SRAC) dengan pustaka JENDL-3.2. Hasil penelitian sel bahan bakar berbasis uranium-238 dengan pengayaan 10% uranium-235, menggunakan fraksi volume bahan bakar 54,5%, cladding 15% dan coolant 30,5% menunjukkan nilai kekritisan keff>1 (1,003-1,062), dengan excess reactivity rata-ratanya adalah 0,021.
Telah dilakukan alanisis gejala chaos pada dobel pendulum. Analisis dilakukan dengan grafik times... more Telah dilakukan alanisis gejala chaos pada dobel pendulum. Analisis dilakukan dengan grafik times series, diagram ruang fasa dan plot Poincare. Diperoleh tiga karakteristik utama dinamika gerak: periodik, quasiperiodik dan chaos. Masing-masing keadaan dicapai bila dimasukkan kondisi awal posisi dan momentum yang bersesuaian.
Selain pertimbangan sumberdaya thorium(Th) dunia yang besar (sekitar 3 kali lebih besar dari sumb... more Selain pertimbangan sumberdaya thorium(Th) dunia yang besar (sekitar 3 kali lebih besar dari sumber daya uranium), penggunaan bahan bakar basis thorium juga akan mengurangi jumlah limbah radioaktif. Kajian ini membahas sistem reaktor berpendingin gas yang digabungkan dengan skema pembakaran CANDLE yang dimodifikasi, untuk reaktor berukuran kecil dan berumur panjang, dengan thorium alam sebagai input dalam setiap siklus bahan bakarnya. Sistem ini dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya thorium secara efisien tanpa memerlukan unit pengolahan dan pengayaan. Oleh karena itu penggunaan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir ini dapat memanfaatkan energi nuklir secara optimal tanpa masalah proliferasi nuklir. Survey parameter yang menentukan tercapainya target desain meliputi kritikalitas dan level burn-up bahan bakar. Investigasi lebih lanjut terkait perbandingan antara penggunaan thorium dengan uranium sabagai bahan bakar dilakukan pada desain teras reaktor penghasil daya listrik berukuran 500 MWth. K...
Comparative study of the conceptual design of Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) core type tall versus... more Comparative study of the conceptual design of Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) core type tall versus pancake based on modified CANDLE-B (MCANDLE-B) burnup strategy has been done. MCANDLE-B is a burnup strategy that utilizes natural uranium or depleted fuel as its input cycle. The conceptual design of a reactor core that compared is the tall cylinder and the pancake cylinder. In this case, the fuel used is U-10%Zr, SS-316 as a cladding material and helium as a coolant. The total volume of the two reactor cores is the same, namely 15.4 m3. SRAC 2K6 software with PIJ and CITATION modules is used to carry out simulations. The PIJ module is used for fuel cell calculations and the CITATION module is used for reactor core calculations. The results of the comparison show that the pancake core allows the reactor core to use fuel with a volume fraction of 50%: 10%: 40%, for fuel, cladding and coolant respectively. The design obtained can be operated for 10 years without refueling.
Degradation of steels used in the fast nuclear reactor that using liquid metals as a coolant mate... more Degradation of steels used in the fast nuclear reactor that using liquid metals as a coolant material is still a major problem. Whereas, the design of the fast nuclear reactors as an IVth generation reactor has many advantages. Many investigations have been done with the purpose of finding the best steel alloy material and finding the best mechanism of corrosion reduction of material. Theoretically, to predict a needed novel material and also knowing the mechanism of corrosion inhibition, we can use computational methods as (MD) molecular dynamics method. Using molecular dynamics, we can explore new potential materials and new promising corrosion inhibition mechanism based on the calculated properties of materials. In the current MD work, we study Fe-Ni-Cr performance if used in a high-temperature molten lead liquid (coolant) and observing how this material has the possibility in fast nuclear reactor applications. We also studied the mechanism of corrosion inhibition based on the injection of oxygen gas into the coolant. From MD simulation we have got an important conclusion about the FeNiCr performance that may be useful for nuclear reactor design.
The cooling-heating method was used to successfully synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers on ... more The cooling-heating method was used to successfully synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers on caffeine. Caffeine was used as a template and mixed with chloroform solvent, methacrylic acid as a monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as a cross-linker, and benzoyl peroxide as an initiator. The solution was stirred for 15 minutes and placed in a vial. Then it was placed in a cooler with a temperature of -5○C for 60 minutes and then inserted into an oven with an increasing temperature at 75○C, 80○C, and 85○C for 3, 2 and 1 hour, respectively. Furthermore, the repeated washing process resulted in solid polymer, which was subjected to template leaching to produce polymers with specific cavities called molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP). The resulting caffeine polymer and MIP were tested using SEM, FTIR, and XRD methods. In addition, the SEM image analysis data showed 388 cavities in the polymer after template leaching, compared to the 121 cavities in the unwashed polymer. This resul...
The corrosion of copper-nickel alloy in hydrochloric acid was investigated at different temperatu... more The corrosion of copper-nickel alloy in hydrochloric acid was investigated at different temperatures, inhibitor concentrations, and corrosive solution rotation rates. Weight loss technique was used to evaluate the corrosion rate data. Tetraethylenepentamine was used as organic corrosion inhibitor, while hydrochloric acid was the corrosive solution. Different parameters, such as inhibitor efficiency, activation energy were obtained. Corrosion rate increased with both temperature and acid rotation rate, while it decreased with increases of Tetraethylenepentamine concentration. Maximum inhibitor efficiency was at lower level of temperature, acid rotation rate and higher level of inhibitor concentration.
The inhibition and the effect of temperature and concentration of trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole on... more The inhibition and the effect of temperature and concentration of trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole on the corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl solution was investigated by weight loss experiments at temperatures ranging from 303 to 343 K. The studied inhibitor concentrations were between 1×10 −7 M and 1×10 −3 M. The percentage inhibition increased with the increase of the concentration of the inhibitor. The percentage inhibition reached about 94% at the concentration of 1 × 10 −3 M and 303 K. On the other hand, the percentage inhibition decreased with the increase of temperature. Using the Temkin adsorption isotherm, the thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of this inhibitor on the metal surface were calculated. Trans-4-hydroxy-4-stilbazole was found to be a potential corrosion inhibitor since it contained not only nitrogen and oxygen, but also phenyl and pyridine rings that are joined together with a double bond (-C=C-) in conjugation with these rings.
The extraction process is a crucial part of the synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP)... more The extraction process is a crucial part of the synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP). The process will have a significant impact on the number of its cavities that affects the polymers’ ability to recognize targets with the same physical and chemical properties as the analytes. Caffeine polymers have been prepared by the cooling-heating method using methacrylic acid (MAA) as a monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) as a crosslinker, benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator, and chloroform as a solvent. The resulting caffeine polymer powder was extracted using chloroform, methanol / acetic acid (1:20), and methanol, respectively. Finally, the polymer powder is washed using the aquabidest, which is heated at 60°C. The results of FTIR, XRD, and SEM characterization showed that caffeine concentration was significantly reduced. The number of cavities obtained from caffeine MIP is 604 more than before extracted, which is 132 pieces.
Jurnal Fisika Flux: Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
This paper presents the design concept of a carbon dioxide-cooled fast reactor. This reactor util... more This paper presents the design concept of a carbon dioxide-cooled fast reactor. This reactor utilize U-10%Zr as fuel and SS316 as cladding. The strategy of modified CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy production) was applied for burnup in the core with power 2400 MW. The reactor core calculations were performed with a cylindrical geometry that is varied on the height and diameter of the core using a set of CITATION and PIJ modules on the SRAC (Standard Reactor Analysis Code) program. The ideal core size was obtained with a high of 350 cm, and a diameter of 240 cm with the resulting survey parameter are effective multiplication factor(keff), excess reactivity, radial and axial power distribution, and power peaking. The reactor core reaches a critical condition with keff 1.05 and excess reactivity 5.3% and radial power peaking 1.73. Optimization was done with power flattening, that is by dividing the core into two parts with a fuel fraction of 60% for the inner part with thick of 80 cm and fuel fraction of 65% for the outer part with thick of 40 cm, the results are 1.013, 1.3% and 1.5 for keff, excess reactivity, and radial power peaking, respectively.
SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir
ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI TEMPERATUR MEDIA PENAMPUNG BAHAN BAKAR BEKAS REAKTOR DAYA EKSPERIMENTAL (RDE)... more ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI TEMPERATUR MEDIA PENAMPUNG BAHAN BAKAR BEKAS REAKTOR DAYA EKSPERIMENTAL (RDE) MENGGUNAKAN FLUENT 6.3. Konsep dan desain reaktor daya eksperimental (RDE) adalah mengacu pada HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) dari teknologi Jerman yang telah diterapkan pada HTR-10 di Cina yang dirancang menggunakan bahan bakar yang berbentuk pebble bed. Setelah bahan bakar nuklir dimanfaatkan dalam reaktor nuklir, bahan bakar bekas tersebut kemudian akan masuk ke dalam tempat penampungan sementara. Penelitian ini dikhususkan pada aspek temohidrolik karena peranannya yang sangat penting untuk menjamin keselamatan media penampung bahan bakar bekas Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE). Oleh karena itu diperlukan alat bantu berupa progam (software) komputer dalam proses penganalisaan distribusi temperatur media penampung bahan bakar bekas Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE). Program yang digunakan adalah FLUENT 6.3. Hasil perhitungan menunjukan bahwa terjadi penurunaan temperatur se...
Graphene is two-dimensional carbon atoms in the form of hexagonal lattice.It has extraordinary me... more Graphene is two-dimensional carbon atoms in the form of hexagonal lattice.It has extraordinary mechanical, optical, thermal and electronic properties. These properties have been predicted theoretically some decades before scientists succeeded for the first time in experimenting with the material in 2004. Since then, scientific publications on this 21st century material are increasing exponentially. Magnetism in pristine carbon materials is still in a controversy although magnetic properties of graphenedue to point defects have been investigated by some researchers. It would be interesting to calculate numerically the properties of this magnetic graphene using anopen source computer software. The purpose of this paper is to discuss applying Kwant, a free Python package, to study graphene using the interactive and open source web based environment Jupyter Notebook Apps. Hopefully, this will stimulate Indonesian academia to participate in graphene research by using the software.