Papers by Francis Ikhianosime

IGWEBUIKE: African Journal of Arts and Humanities, Mar 12, 2021
The empirical task carried out by Hume, Kant and the Viennese empiricists, set a new foundation a... more The empirical task carried out by Hume, Kant and the Viennese empiricists, set a new foundation and outlook for philosophy with a positivist outlook. The strength of this philosophy arguably rests on two dogmas as W. V. O. Quine expresses in his paper, "Two Dogmas of Empiricism". The dogmas are that there is the fundamental cleavage between analytic and synthetic statements (dogma 1) and that each meaningful statements are equivalent to statements about sense experience (dogma 2). Quine opines that these are logically unfounded dogmas in view of philosophical extrapolations. Thus, to base claims on logically unviable claims is defeatist, hence, he advanced a positive picture of "empiricism without the dogmas"; a form of epistemological holism to understand the nature of meaningfulness. This critique far from being a mere revision is a critique of the whole metaphysics of empiricism. Several attacks of this defence have been advanced and formidable amongst these, is Paul Grice and P. F. Strawson's "In defense of a Dogma". This reply only festered the sore of this debate. This paper sets to examine the main thrust of these two major papers which have shaped the analytic and post-analytic traditions in philosophy.

This paper argues for an epistemology of otherness; an epistemology which pursues knowledge not j... more This paper argues for an epistemology of otherness; an epistemology which pursues knowledge not just from the knower’s perspective, but also from the known or object of knowledge or in a particular way, from the other person’s view which is referred to in this paper as the other. It develops this thesis from the ethical Alterity of Emmanuel Levinas, which privileges the other over the self. This mirrors the postmodernist efforts which react against the linear and the objectivist outlook of traditional and classical philosophy. The outlook of traditional philosophy was largely individualistic. The implication of this according to Levinas is a philosophy shrouded in egoism and for epistemology, our grounds for knowledge claims could be partial or incomplete. An epistemology of otherness, therefore, argues for an intersubjectivist epistemology as an option that can produce a wholesome epistemic situation. It argues that deference to the other both as a source of knowledge and justifica...
FORMATION, THE CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD AND THE MODERN AGE – Festschrift in Honour of Rev. Fr. Anselm ... more FORMATION, THE CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD AND THE MODERN AGE – Festschrift in Honour of Rev. Fr. Anselm Jimoh. Formation is indisputably a critical variable in the preparation and eventual ordination of priests. The Catholic Priesthood has been the spotlight of many conversations in recent times from the good to the ugly. Although the priest or priest-to be is called to be set apart, this is first a call from the people. As a man called from the people, he is not completely immune from the challenges of society. The formation then helps to shape, prepare and dispose of the priest-to-be to the gospel he is called to embrace.
This work investigates into the nature of the mind as one of the classical problems in western ph... more This work investigates into the nature of the mind as one of the classical problems in western philosophy. It argues that mind as a philosophical contention has been a philosophical concern from the Pre-Socratics till date. This work argues further that the main thrust of the debate oscillates between the conception of the mind as singularity in nature and mind as contiguous with non-mental phenomena. On these heels, theories and counter-theories have been advanced. The theories advanced arguably have been influenced by reaction to earlier theories of the mind and events of each epoch. The work further argues that scientism has further opened the contention to newer dimensions and nuances. This work concludes that the mind is a perennial philosophical challenge regardless of the massive contributions and theories that have been hypothesized on the subject matter.
FORMATION, THE CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD AND THE MODERN AGE – Festschrift in Honour of Rev. Fr. Anselm ... more FORMATION, THE CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD AND THE MODERN AGE – Festschrift in Honour of Rev. Fr. Anselm Jimoh. Formation is indisputably a critical variable in the preparation and eventual ordination of priests. The Catholic Priesthood has been the spotlight of many conversations in recent times from the good to the ugly. Although the priest or priest-to be is called to be set apart, this is first a call from the people. As a man called from the people, he is not completely immune from the challenges of society. The formation then helps to shape, prepare and dispose of the priest-to-be to the gospel he is called to embrace.
Papers by Francis Ikhianosime