Papers by F. Gomez-marlasca
2023 Argentine Conference on Electronics (CAE)
A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the Nature Conference Frontiers in Electronic Materials, June 17 th to 20 th 2012, Aachen, Germany, 2013
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
We report a heat dynamics analysis of the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in commercial multilayer ca... more We report a heat dynamics analysis of the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in commercial multilayer capacitors based on BaTiO3 dielectric, a promising candidate for applications as a solid state cooling device. Direct measurements of the time evolution of the sample's temperature changes under different applied voltages allow us to decouple the contributions from Joule heating and from the ECE. Heat balance equations were used to model the thermal coupling between different parts of the system. Fingerprints of Joule heating and the ECE could be resolved at different time scales. We argue that Joule heating and the thermal coupling of the device to the environment must be carefully taken in to account in future developments of refrigeration technologies employing the ECE.

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020
An YBCO-based test structure corresponding to the family of ReRAM devices associated with the val... more An YBCO-based test structure corresponding to the family of ReRAM devices associated with the valence change mechanism is presented. We have characterized its electrical response previous to its lift-off to a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) using standard electronics and also with the dedicated LabOSat-01 controller. Similar results were obtained in both cases. After about 200 days at LEO on board a small satellite, electrical test started on the memory device using the LabOSat-01 controller. We discuss the results of the first 150 tests, performed along a 433-day time interval in space. The memory device remained operational despite the hostile conditions that involved launching, lift-off vibrations, permanent thermal cycling, and exposure to ionizing radiation, with doses 3 orders of magnitude greater than the usual ones on Earth. The device showed resistive switching and IV characteristics similar to those measured on Earth, although with changes that follow a smooth drift in time. A detai...
10 MeV proton-irradiation effects on a YBCO-based test structure were analyzed by measuring its c... more 10 MeV proton-irradiation effects on a YBCO-based test structure were analyzed by measuring its current-voltage (IV) characteristics for different cumulated fluences. For fluences of up to ∼ 80·10 p/cm no changes in the electrical behavior of the device were observed, while for a fluence of ∼ 300·10 p/cm it becomes less conducting. A detailed analysis of the room temperature IV characteristics based on the γ power exponent parameter [γ = dLn(I)/dLn(V )] allowed us to reveal the main conduction mechanisms as well as to establish the equivalent circuit model of the device. The changes produced in the electrical behavior, in accordance with Monte Carlo TRIM simulations, suggest that the main effect induced by protons is the displacement of oxygen atoms within the YBCO lattice, particularly from oxygen-rich to oxygen-poor areas, where they become trapped.
In this work the first results obtained by LabOSat-01 platform are presented. This platform was d... more In this work the first results obtained by LabOSat-01 platform are presented. This platform was designed for testing custom devices on board of small satellites. Two LabOSat-01 type boards were launched and placed into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) on May 30, 2016. We present here an analysis of data collected by one of these boards during the first days of mission. Total Ionization Dose results are compared with data acquired by LabOSat-01`s predecessor board, MeMOSat-01, launched in 2014.
Thin Solid Films, 2015
Abstract We report on the fabrication and characterization of La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3 manganite-based... more Abstract We report on the fabrication and characterization of La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3 manganite-based memristive devices. Polycrystalline manganite thin films were grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition, while metallic electrodes were deposited by sputtering. We show that, depending on the polarity of the initial electroforming, both clockwise and anti-clockwise current–voltage curves can be obtained. We attribute this behavior to the coexistence of different resistive switching mechanisms. We finally evaluate the electrical behavior of our devices after irradiation with high energy oxygen ions. We find no significant difference in the dielectric breakdown voltages between irradiated and non-irradiated devices, indicating that they may present radiation hardness and could be therefore appropriate for space or nuclear applications.
A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the Nature Conference Frontiers in Electronic Materials, June 17 th to 20 th 2012, Aachen, Germany, 2012
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2012
ABSTRACT We report resistive switching effects in polycrystalline samples of the multiferroic Bi0... more ABSTRACT We report resistive switching effects in polycrystalline samples of the multiferroic Bi0.9Ca0.1FeO3 with silver electrodes. Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that upon Ca-doping the Fe remains in a 3+ valence state, suggesting charge compensation through the creation of large amounts of oxygen vacancies. Electrical characterization shows that the oxide/metal resistance can be switched between high and low resistance states by applying voltage pulses. This process was shown to be forming free and a strong relaxation after switching was found. We rationalize our results by considering oxygen vacancies migration to and from the metal–oxide interface, resulting in variations of the Schottky potential barrier height that modulate the interface resistance.

Journal of Applied Physics, 2012
ABSTRACT We explore different resistance states of La0.325Pr0.300Ca0.375MnO3-Ti interfaces as pro... more ABSTRACT We explore different resistance states of La0.325Pr0.300Ca0.375MnO3-Ti interfaces as prototypes of non-volatile memory devices at room temperature. In addition to high and low resistance states accessible through bipolar pulsing with one pulse, higher resistance states can be obtained by repeatedly pulsing with a single polarity. The accumulative action of successive pulsing drives the resistance towards saturation, the time constant being a strong function of the pulsing amplitude. The experiments reveal that the pulsing amplitude and the number of applied pulses necessary to reach a target high resistance value appear to be in an exponential relationship, with a rate that results independent of the resistance value. Model simulations confirm these results and provide the oxygen vacancy profiles associated to the high resistance states obtained in the experiments.
Applied Physics Letters, 2013
Radiation Physics and Chemistry
2016 Seventh Argentine Conference on Embedded Systems (CASE)
We explore different resistance states of La 0:325 Pr 0:300 Ca 0:375 MnO 3 À Ti interfaces as pro... more We explore different resistance states of La 0:325 Pr 0:300 Ca 0:375 MnO 3 À Ti interfaces as prototypes of non-volatile memory devices at room temperature. In addition to high and low resistance states accessible through bipolar pulsing with one pulse, higher resistance states can be obtained by repeatedly pulsing with a single polarity. The accumulative action of successive pulsing drives the resistance towards saturation, the time constant being a strong function of the pulsing amplitude. The experiments reveal that the pulsing amplitude and the number of applied pulses necessary to reach a target high resistance value appear to be in an exponential relationship, with a rate that results independent of the resistance value. Model simulations confirm these results and provide the oxygen vacancy profiles associated to the high resistance states obtained in the experiments.
... de la resistencia en contactos de plata-manganita N. Ghenzi 1, F. Gomez-Marlasca 1, D. Rubi 1... more ... de la resistencia en contactos de plata-manganita N. Ghenzi 1, F. Gomez-Marlasca 1, D. Rubi 1*, AG Leyva 1, 2, C. Albornoz 1, P ... la asociada con la propa-gación de dislocaciones y defectos, cuando se los expone a cargas mecá- nicas repetitivas [3]. Referencias [1] H. Jo et al ...
Papers by F. Gomez-marlasca