Papers by Fátima Tec Pool
Fauna y Manifestaciones Rupestres en América Latina,, 2024
Un capítulo del libro: Fauna y Manifestaciones Rupestres
en América Latina, editado por Aline Lar... more Un capítulo del libro: Fauna y Manifestaciones Rupestres
en América Latina, editado por Aline Lara Galicia y Carmen Pérez Maestro

Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas de Guatemala, 2008
PICTOGRAPH REPRESENTATIONS IN THE AKTUN K´AB CAVES, IN KAHUA, YUCATAN One of the expressions that... more PICTOGRAPH REPRESENTATIONS IN THE AKTUN K´AB CAVES, IN KAHUA, YUCATAN One of the expressions that has been documented in many caves around the world is cave art, a cultural phenomenon of human societies that no longer exist. In the state of Yucatan, Mexico, various caves with graphic manifestations and other vestiges have been reported that affirm that caverns were used by the prehispanic Maya for different purposes. The Santa Rita community in Yucatan has many subterranean cavities in the area. Principally two caves are highlighted, whose special features include a quantity and diversity of pictographs represented in their interiors, including negative hand imprints, geometric motifs, and abstract figures. The objective of this investigation is to understand the possible function of the Santa Rita caverns, through an analysis of the diverse cave representations and their contexts and interpretation of archaeological vestiges found in the cavity.
Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 17, Tomo II, 2009
Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 15, tomo II, 2007
Los territorios kársticos de la pen nsula de Yucatán: caracterización, manejo y riesgos. Asociación Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Karst, 2021
Espeleodifusión Santa Rita, Valladolid, 2007
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
Espeleodifusión Homun, 2007
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
Espeleodifusión Maxcanu, 2006
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
Espeleodifusión Tekax, 2006
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
Espeleodifusión Opichén, 2006
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
Espeleodifusión Tecoh, 2006
Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yu... more Gacetas informativa realizada durante la beca del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán Mérida Yucatán, México.
XXV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2012
During the second field season of the SAHI-UAXACTUN Archaeological Project, excavations were cont... more During the second field season of the SAHI-UAXACTUN Archaeological Project, excavations were continued in areas already under investigation. Excavations were extended in Groups C, F, G, and H North with results that have changed our perception of the site. A program of epigraphy was added, which has reviewed already known texts from new points of view, and speleology, geodesy, and geophysical studies were also integrated. The restoration sub-project continued in Group H North, where two masks were treated, in addition to the consolidation of the principal access to this large platform. The project also extended its radius of action to neighboring groups of the site center, as well as sites in the periphery.
B. Arroyo/ L. Paiz Aragón/ A. Linares Palma/ A. L. Arroyave (Ed.): XXIV Simposio de investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala. Museo nacional de arqueologia y etnologia. 2010. ISBN: 978-9929-40-037-5. Guatemala 2011, 179-186.
Hallazgos rec ientes en las cuevas alrededor de Uaxactun ., 2011
After various field seasons at Uaxactun, Guatemala, little interest has been given to the caves t... more After various field seasons at Uaxactun, Guatemala, little interest has been given to the caves that are found around the site. This work will focus on the results of explorations in the interiors of these subterranean spaces, although the emphasis will be on a cavity known as the "Vent", which is found in Group A. This first investigation in the interior of these cavities will document cultural and archaeological traces, and this spatial distribution will allow us to understand the uses and functions these spaces had for the Maya, while the analysis of the archaeological materials will contribute data on chronology and other contexts.
Papers by Fátima Tec Pool
en América Latina, editado por Aline Lara Galicia y Carmen Pérez Maestro
en América Latina, editado por Aline Lara Galicia y Carmen Pérez Maestro
Descárgalo en el vínculo adjunto
- Espeleoturismo:Explorando las Cuevas y Cenotes de Yucatán
Fátima Tec Pool
- Guía para la Protección del Patrimonio Biocultural
Fátima Tec Pool
- Prácticas Mortuorias en Cuevas
María José Gómez Cobá
- Calidad en el Servicio Turístico
Venus Sarahí Estrella Cabrera
- Turismo Sustentable: Alcances y Retos
Venus Sarahí Estrella Cabrera
- Recomendaciones para Turistas que Desean Ingresar a Grutas de Yucatán
Marcelo González Rodríguez; Ma. Eugenia Paredes y Carlos Evia Cervantes