Papers by Fátima Cecchetto
Partindo do trabalho etnográfico e entrevistas grupais com jovens de duas favelas cariocas, o art... more Partindo do trabalho etnográfico e entrevistas grupais com jovens de duas favelas cariocas, o artigo problematiza a categoria envolvido-com o crime e suas serventias como um dispositivo de controle social itinerante que fabrica fronteiras móveis que desigualam os desiguais. Evidencia como esta noção tem sido mobilizada na distribuição seletiva de vigilância e de punição das juventudes da periferia. Discutem-se suas funcionalidades na regulação das trajetórias e percursos identitários, evidenciando a trama de rotulações que põe em operação deslizamentos de sentido entre as noções de “bandido e “vulnerável”. Analisa-se o acionamento de moralidades que justificam a gerência de si dos favelados. Revela uma ambição de tutela policial maximizada pelo apetite de criminalização não só dos indivíduos, mas também de seus vínculos sociais.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2006
Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, 2012
Cadernos de Pesquisa, 2012
Cadernos Pagu, 2009
This work discuss the dynamics of discrimination of lower income male and female youths from Rio ... more This work discuss the dynamics of discrimination of lower income male and female youths from Rio de Janeiro, considering the impact of the color/race, gender and social class hierarchies in the configurations of social practices. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews of 42 young people from 18 to 24 years of age. Situations of discrimination are much more referred to by men. The public spaces and the labor market are cited mainly by the boys. In the girls' view the discrimination is more associated to the place of residence and the private sphere. These data stimulate an analysis about the heterogeneity of the experiences of discrimination, where color/race is associated to social condition and gender relations.
Revista Estudos Feministas, 2006

Sexuality Research and Social …, 2010
This paper analyzes the perceptions of risk for HIV transmission and the formation of sexual iden... more This paper analyzes the perceptions of risk for HIV transmission and the formation of sexual identities and gender of young men and women of different sexual orientations and color/race. The study is based on ethnographic observation in a variety of nocturnal social environments in Rio de Janeiro and interviews with young people within this context. The findings show that our informants have assimilated preventive information regarding HIV, but have difficulties in adopting consistent condom use. There are variations in HIV risk perception associated with sexual identities and gender: gay men see themselves and are perceived by others as the most vulnerable group. Among youth who claim heterosexual practices, susceptibility to HIV is associated with "others". Lesbians see themselves as not being at risk for AIDS. It can be concluded that sexual identities and gender influence the perception of AIDS risk. However, being social, sexual identities are contextual and can vary over the course of a person's life. Our results underscore the importance of the current debate regarding the implications of fixing identity labels to social and political movements.
Book Reviews by Fátima Cecchetto
Cadernos CRH, 2018
Dossiê sobre Estudos Urbanos e Atores sociais
Papers by Fátima Cecchetto
Book Reviews by Fátima Cecchetto