Papers by Evarist Nabaasa

Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant r... more Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant role in the quality of software components. Code authorship metrics have been introduced to establish a chain of responsibility and simplify management when assigning tasks in large and distributed software development teams. Researchers have investigated the relationship between code authorship metrics and fault occurrences in software systems. However, we have observed that these studies have only been carried on large software systems having hundreds to thousands of contributors. In our preliminary investigations on Android applications that are considered to be relatively small, we observed that applications systems are not totally owned by a single developer (as one could expect) and that cases of no clear authorship also exist like in large systems. To this end, we do believe that the Android applications could face the same challenges faced by large software systems and could also benefit from such studies. Goal: We investigate the extent to which the findings obtained on large software systems applies to Android applications. Approach: Building on the designs of previous studies, we analyze 278 Android applications carefully selected from GitHub. We extract code authorship metrics from the applications and examine the relationship between code authorship metrics and faults using statistical modeling. Results: Our analyses confirm most of the previous findings, i.e., Android applications with higher levels of code authorship among contributors experience fewer faults.
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2016
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
Smartphones have been characterized by their limited computational resources such as battery life... more Smartphones have been characterized by their limited computational resources such as battery life, processor performance and storage capacity. The above mentioned limitations can be overcome by utilizing mobile cloud computing where the smartphone can utilize the sufficient cloud resources. A number of solutions have been suggested and developed to alleviate the issues with smartphone resource limitations however they are not efficient. This paper provides an overview on the existing algorithms for accessing resource hungry applications on the cloud clearly indicating their techniques and flaws. The paper also describes the directions for the future research.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
This paper reviewed the Mbarara University of Science and Technology semester and examinations re... more This paper reviewed the Mbarara University of Science and Technology semester and examinations regulations handbook and diagrammatically identified a number of flaws in the model. The next phase of this research is to identify parameters at each state in the model and redesign the model so as to try and eliminate or minimize the identified flaws by carrying out model checking for both the current model and the new model to be designed.

Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (IJIAS)
Academic institutions in Uganda are accustomed to using pen-on-paper exams where students are giv... more Academic institutions in Uganda are accustomed to using pen-on-paper exams where students are given an answer booklet at the time of the exam. Universities frequently use customized answer booklets which help to lower the prevalence of exam fraud among students. Universities continue to encounter the challenge of examining summative questions like essays after the migration to electronic examinations brought about by the Covid-19 social distancing effects due to the lack of a customized electronic answer booklet. The primary goal of this research was to design algorithms for a customized electronic answer booklet. These algorithms went through six stages, starting with analyzing the problem and ending with developing the algorithms. The design, analysis, and coding of four algorithms i.e. cover page, single empty page, adding a page, and watermark addition algorithms was completed. The designed electronic personalized answer booklet is dynamic in nature and supports page addition, t...

Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice
Accessibility of available medication at pharmacies is one of the core problems in the health sec... more Accessibility of available medication at pharmacies is one of the core problems in the health sector of developing countries. The mechanism for optimally accessing the available drugs in pharmacies is unclear. Usually, patients in need are compelled to haphazardly switch between pharmacies in search of their prescription medications due to lack of information about the locations of pharmacies with required drug. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to develop a framework that will simplify the process of identifying and locating nearest pharmacy when searching for prescribed medications. Methods: Primary constraints (distance, drug cost, travel time, travel cost, opening and closing hours of pharmacies) in accessing required prescribed medications from pharmacies were identified from literature, and the client's and pharmacies' latitude and longitude coordinates were used to find the nearest pharmacies that have the required prescribed medication in stock. Results: The framework with web application was developed and tested on simulated patients and pharmacies and was successful in optimizing the identified constraints. Discussions: The framework will potentially reduce patient expenses and prevent delays in obtaining medication. It will also contribute for future pharmacy and e-Health information systems.

ArXiv, 2022
The Eclipse framework is a popular and widely used framework that has been evolving for over a de... more The Eclipse framework is a popular and widely used framework that has been evolving for over a decade. The framework provides both stable interfaces (APIs) and unstable interfaces (non-APIs). Despite being discouraged by Eclipse, application developers often use non-APIs which cause their systems to fail when ported to new framework releases. Previous studies showed that applications using relatively old non-APIs are more likely to be compatible with new releases compared to the ones that used newly introduced non-APIs. Furthermore, from our previous study about the stability of Eclipse internal interfaces, we discovered that there exist 327K stable non-API methods as the Eclipse framework evolves. In the same study, we recommended that 327K stable non-API methods can be used by Eclipse interface providers as possible candidates for promotion to stable interfaces. However since non-APIs are unsupported and considered to be immature i.e. can contain bugs, to this end there exist a ne...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2019
In this paper a survey is carried out on crowd detection algorithms, highlighting challenges and ... more In this paper a survey is carried out on crowd detection algorithms, highlighting challenges and gaps visa -avis people crowd detection. The research identifies some of the key capabilities considered invaluable in effective people crowd detection and compares some of the current crowd detection algorithms with regard to these. The results reveal that most algorithms are primarily non-people crowd detection algorithms. While people crowds are intelligent and can easily bypass most of the current crowd detection algorithms. Given the need for detection and management of people crowds, there is great need for specialized algorithms for people crowd detection using effective and non resource intensive methods .
2022 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa)

European Journal of Technology
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine and propose the use of wireless sensor netw... more Objective: The objective of this study was to examine and propose the use of wireless sensor networks for people crowd detection in resource constrained environments such as developing economies. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out on current technological trends and application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in crowd detection. For this study, focus was on WSN implementation in developing economies, where infrastructure is underdeveloped and people crowds are dynamic and spontaneous. Based on a requirement analysis and knowledge of the inherent challenges of WSNs, a WSN implementation for people crowd detection was proposed. Findings: Most studies in crowd detection using WSNs, have been in the area of non-people crowds. However issues critical to deployment of WSNs for people crowd detection in developing countries include: the uncontrollable nature of people crowds, under developed physical infrastructure and the inherent challenges of power, computational capac...

European Journal of Technology
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine the application of sensors and sensor netw... more Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine the application of sensors and sensor networks for detection of people crowds in developing cities. This paper discusses unique challenges associated with people crowd detection especially in the urban towns of developing countries and gives a comparative review and analysis of popular human sensing approaches in the detection of people crowds. Methodology: This study provides a survey and categorization of popular human sensing approaches using literature especially published within the past two decades. The paper then analyzes current human sensing technologies vis-Ã -vis people crowd detection in developing cities. The respective strengths and shortfalls of various approaches are highlighted. Finally, by means of examples, a comparative analysis of different human sensing categories is carried out. Findings: The spontaneous, dynamic and chaotic nature of people crowds, together with the poor infrastructural development charact...
Wireless sensor networks heavily rely on base stations for data processing and routing within the... more Wireless sensor networks heavily rely on base stations for data processing and routing within the network itself and the outside world. Considerably less attention has been put on the security of base stations in comparison with sensor nodes, simply because the ...

Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (IJIAS)
Institutions of higher learning in developing countries are gradually embracing electronic examin... more Institutions of higher learning in developing countries are gradually embracing electronic examinations as a result of Covid-19 standard operating procedures that emphasize social distancing. However acquiring secure and acceptable electronic examinations has been a challenge as most of the available electronic examination systems are constrained by limited question types, highly reliant on keyboard typing, and lack of an electronic answer booklet. The electronic examinations framework with free handwriting presented in this paper seeks to address all the aforementioned challenges in-order to improve the usage and security of electronic examinations. To achieve the aforementioned goal, design science methodology was. Results obtained indicated that for usage and security to be eased, various parameters should be put in place i.e. user-friendly interfaces, authentication mechanisms, electronic examination setting, marking and attempt with electronic free-handwriting, electronic resul...

Introduction: Academic institutions are faced with challenges related to usage and security of ex... more Introduction: Academic institutions are faced with challenges related to usage and security of existing modes of assessment. Security issues include confidentiality, integrity and availability while usage issues include complexity, compatibility, accessibility and flexibility. Methodology: This study assessed three modes of assessment used in universities and these include electronic, paper-based and oral. A cross sectional survey was conducted where quantitative methods were used to determine the mode of assessment that is more secure and acceptable. Participants for the study were students and lecturers from Bishop Stuart University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology. The study population was 411 and a sample of 352 participants was obtained using the Krejcie and Morgan formula. A questionnaire tool was used for data collection and SPSS software was used for data analysis to generate descriptive statistics. Findings: Results obtained from the study show that usage is...
This paper provides an overview of how to schedule and optimize traffic lights using Intelligent ... more This paper provides an overview of how to schedule and optimize traffic lights using Intelligent Transport Systems. In this work we present the scheduling and optimization algorithms that we developed and how we tested them by connecting different simulators to evaluate their efficiency. The developed algorithms have been tested on a T-Junction. The road network is simulated using MObility model generator for VEhicular networks (MOVE) and Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) while the wireless sensor network is simulated by Network Simulator (NS).

International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications
The Eclipse framework is a popular and widely used framework that has been evolving for over a de... more The Eclipse framework is a popular and widely used framework that has been evolving for over a decade. The framework provides both stable interfaces (APIs) and unstable interfaces (non-APIs). Despite being discouraged by Eclipse, client developers often use non-APIs which may cause their systems to fail when ported to new framework releases. To overcome this problem, Eclipse interface producers may promote unstable interfaces to APIs. However, client developers have no assistance to aid them to identify the promoted unstable interfaces in the Eclipse framework. We aim to help API users identify promoted unstable interfaces. We used the clone detection technique to identify promoted unstable interfaces as the framework evolves. Our empirical investigation on 16 Eclipse major releases presents the following observations. First, we have discovered that there exists over 60% non-API methods of the total interfaces in each of the analyzed 16 Eclipse releases. Second, we have discovered that the percentage of promoted non-APIs identified through clone detection ranges from 0.20% to 10.38%.

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering
Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant r... more Context: In recent years, many research studies have shown how human factors play a significant role in the quality of software components. Code authorship metrics have been introduced to establish a chain of responsibility and simplify management when assigning tasks in large and distributed software development teams. Researchers have investigated the relationship between code authorship metrics and fault occurrences in software systems. However, we have observed that these studies have only been carried on large software systems having hundreds to thousands of contributors. In our preliminary investigations on Android applications that are considered to be relatively small, we observed that applications systems are not totally owned by a single developer (as one could expect) and that cases of no clear authorship also exist like in large systems. To this end, we do believe that the Android applications could face the same challenges faced by large software systems and could also benefit from such studies. Goal: We investigate the extent to which the findings obtained on large software systems applies to Android applications. Approach: Building on the designs of previous studies, we analyze 278 Android applications carefully selected from GitHub. We extract code authorship metrics from the applications and examine the relationship between code authorship metrics and faults using statistical modeling. Results: Our analyses confirm most of the previous findings, i.e., Android applications with higher levels of code authorship among contributors experience fewer faults.

Assessment is core to teaching institutions; students are subjected to formal assessments to dete... more Assessment is core to teaching institutions; students are subjected to formal assessments to determine the skills and knowledge acquired from a subject. Modes of assessment used include paper-based, electronic and oral, which are either used for continuous or final examinations. A quantitative study was carried out to understand the usage and security of these modes of assessment so as to determine that which is more secure and acceptable by lecturers. Results obtained from the study show that much as paper based is the commonly used mode of assessment, it still faces challenges which can be eliminated with electronic assessment once the free e-hand marking, ability to examine essay questions and e-submission of answer scripts components are incorporated in e-assessment. From the study, 93% of lecturers prefer e-examinations because of their advantages while 7% insist that paper based and oral examinations are easier to use due to technological hardships of e-examinations.
Papers by Evarist Nabaasa