The present study examines the role of daily difficulties in emotion regulation at work in nurse'... more The present study examines the role of daily difficulties in emotion regulation at work in nurse's daily well-being and how certain job resources and recovery experiences influence this relationship. We hypothesized that daily difficulties to regulate emotions at work would be significantly and positively related to emotional exhaustion at work in the afternoon, and to fatigue and negative affect at home at night. Moreover, we hypothesized that co-worker and supervisor support, as well as psychological detachment and relaxation, would buffer the negative impact of these difficulties on the outcomes. Seventy-four nurses from various Spanish hospitals and primary health care centres completed a general questionnaire and a diary booklet over 5 consecutive workdays at two different moments, after work and at night (N = 74 participants and N = 370 observations). The results of multilevel analyses showed that nurses' daily difficulties in emotion regulation have a direct effect on daily emotional exhaustion at work, and on fatigue and negative affect at home at night. We also found that co-worker support, psychological detachment and relaxation minimize the unfavourable effects on well-being of difficulties in emotion regulation. Limitations and implications for nursing and other health occupations are mentioned.
This study focuses on Intensive Care Units (ICU) and aims to test whether daily job demands are r... more This study focuses on Intensive Care Units (ICU) and aims to test whether daily job demands are related to daily emotional exhaustion and secondary traumatic stress (STS) after work through the experience of passion at work and whether personal resources in ICU, such as empathy and self-compassion, moderate these relationships. A diary study was designed to assess day-level job demands, passion, empathy, self-compassion at work; and day-level emotional exhaustion and STS after work. The sample was 97 healthcare workers from ICU from different Spanish hospitals being selected by the snowball technique. This sample was assessed 5 days x two moments per day through a diary questionnaire. The multilevel analysis showed a negative mediational effect of harmonious passion between daily job demands and both emotional exhaustion and STS. Also, in predicting emotional exhaustion, a moderator effect of empathy on harmonious passion was found, as well as a moderator effect of self-compassion on obsessive passion. In predicting STS, a direct positive effect was found in empathy. Our findings highlight the vocational work of these healthcare workers, considering job demands as challenging and enhancing their harmonious passion to overcome the drawbacks. Moreover, empathy revealed to have a negative effect whereas self-compassion the contrary. Thus, increase the awareness on these personal resources and how to train them could be considered as valuable preventative measures.
Abstract The objective of this study is twofold: first, to analyze whether the daily level of ene... more Abstract The objective of this study is twofold: first, to analyze whether the daily level of energy in terms of vigor at work could explain the way in which workers psychologically detach from their work, relax, practice challenging activities, and have the feeling of having control over their leisure time when arriving home. Second, to check if the daily emotional job demands could hinder that relationship, reversing the positive effect of vigor in recovery. For this purpose, a multilevel study with a diary methodology was designed. In total, 94 nurses from various hospital and primary care centers in Madrid and Basque Country (Spain) participated in this study. They completed daily questionnaires twice a day (in the afternoon after work and at night before going to bed) for five consecutive workdays from Monday to Friday (N = 94*5 = 470). The results revealed that on days that vigor at work was high, nurses experienced more psychological detachment, relaxation, feelings of mastery, and time control at home. Moreover, on days that emotional job demands were high, vigor was more negatively related to psychological detachment and time control at home. Additionally, vigor was more positively related to all recovery experiences at home in days that emotional demands were low. Therefore, daily vigor can act as an energy resource that helps the worker to recover. However, this effect can occur in situations in which stressors are not present in high intensity. These results have clear practical implications for both health organizations and workers.
Early detection of gestational complications is a priority in obstetrics. In our social context, ... more Early detection of gestational complications is a priority in obstetrics. In our social context, this is linked to maternity age. Most studies are focused on biological factors. However, pregnancy is also influenced by social and psychological factors, which have not been deeply explored. We aimed to identify biopsychosocial risk and protective factors associated with the development of maternal and fetal complications. We enrolled 182 healthy pregnant women, and plasma melatonin and cortisol levels were measured in the first trimester by chemiluminescent immunoassays. At different time points along gestation, women answered several questionnaires (positive and negative affect schedule, hospital anxiety and depression scale, pregnancy concerns scale, life orientation test, resilience scale, life satisfaction scale and life–work conflicts scale). They were followed up until delivery and categorized as normal pregnancy, maternal or fetal complications. Maternal complications were asso...
This study of 104 Chilean employees examines the process of WFF—recovery—general health on a dail... more This study of 104 Chilean employees examines the process of WFF—recovery—general health on a daily basis. Drawing on the work–home resources (W-HR) model, we hypothesized that daily work-to-family facilitation and work engagement predict recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening (i.e., detachment from work and relaxation) and subsequent general health at night. Furthermore, we explored whether daily work engagement moderates the relationships between daily work-to-family facilitation and recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening and general health at night. In addition, we expected employees' detachment from work to have a lagged effect on next-day general health at night. Participants completed a survey and a diary booklet over 5 consecutive working days (N = 520 occasions). Multilevel analyses show that, as expected, daily work-to-family facilitation predicted recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening (i.e., detachment from work and re...
This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing ho... more This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home workers, as well as the influence of certain related stressors and job resources. Two-hundred twenty-eight nursing home workers in Spain participated in this cross-sectional study. High levels of workload, social pressure from work, contact with suffering, and fear of contagion were found. In nursing homes where cases of COVID-19 had been detected, workers experienced higher levels of secondary traumatic stress. Social pressure from work, high doses of exposure to suffering, lack of personnel and personal protective equipment, and minimal supervisor support were significant in explaining traumatic stress. Supervisor and coworker support moderated some of these relationships. The results are discussed in terms of the need to implement urgent psychosocial protection strategies and to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent future psychological disorders in this worke...
AIM To propose a predictive model of secondary traumatic stress. DESIGN A descriptive cross-secti... more AIM To propose a predictive model of secondary traumatic stress. DESIGN A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. CONTEXT The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Units of a hospital in Madrid (Spain). PARTICIPANTS The sample comprised 103 health professionals. INTERVENTIONS A series of questionnaires were created and completed by the participants. Network analysis and multiple regression were used for data analysis. VARIABLES OF INTEREST Sociodemographic variables such as gender, years of experience and position, secondary traumatic stress, passion for work, work stressors, emotional effort, empathy and self-compassion were evaluated. RESULTS The result identified the following: a) years of experience as a risk factor for compassion fatigue (β=0.224 and P=0.029), and harmonious passion as a protector (β=-0.363 and P=0.001); b) emotional effort and empathy as risk factors for shattered assumptions (β=0.304 and P=0.004; β=0.394 and P=0.000, respectively); and c), work stressors and empathy as risk factors for symptomatology (β=0.189 and P=0.039; β=0.395 and P=0.000, respectively), and years of experience as a protector (β=-0.266 and P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS This predictive model of secondary traumatic stress identifies protective factors which could be reinforced, such as harmonious passion, and risk factors which should be reduced, such as empathy and emotional effort, with a view to promoting quality of care and quality of life among these professionals.
This Study about burnout in nurses takes a different approach than all prior empirical work on th... more This Study about burnout in nurses takes a different approach than all prior empirical work on this topic given that nonlinear relationships between job stressors, personal factors and the three burnout dimensions are investigated using artificial neural networks, a type of computer simulation that is especially well suited to capturing nonlinearities in data. The burnout process is related to organizational, personal, interpersonal, social, and cultural variables and these relationships are not exclusively linear. Due to this nonlinearity, hierarchical stepwise multiple regression or other linear statistical methods, may perhaps not be the most suitable method to analyze the data effectively. Compounding the dilemma is that multiple linear regression returns no direct indicator with regard to whether the data is best portrayed linearly. In standard least squares linear regression, the model has to be specified previously and assumptions have to be made concerning the underlying rel...
Artificial neural networks are sophisticated modelling and prediction tools capable of extracting... more Artificial neural networks are sophisticated modelling and prediction tools capable of extracting complex, non-linear relationships between predictor (input) and predicted (output) variables. This study explores this capacity by modelling non-linearities in the hardiness-modulated burnout process with a neural network. Specifically, two multi-layer feed-forward artificial neural networks are concatenated in an attempt to model the composite non-linear burnout process. Sensitivity analysis, a Monte Carlo-based global simulation technique, is then utilised to examine the first-order effects of the predictor variables on the burnout sub-dimensions and consequences. Results show that (1) this concatenated artificial neural network approach is feasible to model the burnout process, (2) sensitivity analysis is a prolific method to study the relative importance of predictor variables and (3) the relationships among variables involved in the development of burnout and its consequences are to different degrees non-linear.
Salud laboral y bienestar. Incorporación de modelos positivos a la comprensión y prevención de lo... more Salud laboral y bienestar. Incorporación de modelos positivos a la comprensión y prevención de los riesgos psicosociales del trabajo
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2013
The aim of this research was to provide an integrative overview of the associations between emplo... more The aim of this research was to provide an integrative overview of the associations between employees' daily emotional well-being (positive and negative affect) and family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in life. Service sector employees in Spain (N = 105) filled out a general measure and daily survey measures over five working days. Results showed that daily family-work conflict, job-related exhaustion and search for meaning in life predicted employees' negative affect at night; conversely, daily detachment and presence of meaning in life had a negative relation with negative affect at night. In contrast, employees' family-work facilitation, detachment, and presence of meaning in life predicted positive affect at night. Moreover, detachment moderated the relationship between familywork conflict and negative affect, and between the presence of meaning in life and positive affect. These findings have practical implications for individuals and organizations and suggest possible avenues for future research.
Engaged nurses have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and ... more Engaged nurses have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and they see themselves as fully capable of dealing with the demands of their job. To analyze the experience of work engagement, examining cross-national differences in Hardy Personality (HP), optimism and subjective well-being among nurses from China and Spain. Cross-cultural study with a sample with 154 nurses from Beijing (China) and 164 nurses from Madrid (Spain) who completed the Engagement, HP, Optimism and Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Scales. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlations, Student's t-tests and hierarchical multiple regression. The personality characteristics in these countries are different, as are the variables that explain engagement. In both samples, the variable most closely associated with engagement is commitment. Optimism was another predictor, but subjective well-being was only a predictor for Spanish nurses. This study is a first approximation to understand the application of HP, optimism and subjective well-being as personal resources that affect the way in which nurses interact with their working environment and to improve engagement. Practical implications are discussed.
Una perspectiva salutogénica se está imponiendo en el ámbito de las organizaciones. Frente al est... more Una perspectiva salutogénica se está imponiendo en el ámbito de las organizaciones. Frente al estudio del desgaste profesional o burnout, y en cierta medida, gracias a él, ha surgido el concepto de vinculación al trabajo o engagement. Este trabajo plantea conocer el nivel de engagement de los voluntarios de una asociación que atiende a personas con cáncer y a sus familiares, y el rol que juegan la Reevaluación Cognitiva y el Sentido de Coherencia en su explicación. También se analiza la manera en la que estos factores cognitivos y emocionales se relacionan a la hora de explicar la vinculación dentro de la organización. La muestra está compuesta por 136 voluntarios. Se llevaron a cabo análisis descriptivos, de correlación, de regresión jerárquica y análisis de efectos indirectos a través de la técnica de remuestreo o bootstrapping. Los resultados muestran que la reevaluación cognitiva tiene un efecto directo en la varianza del engagement, así como el sentido de coherencia, que a su vez ejercería un papel mediador entre ambas variables. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para promover la vinculación al trabajo de los voluntarios. Palabras clave: Bootstrapping; efecto indirecto; engagement; reevaluación cognitiva; sentido de la coherencia; vinculación con el trabajo; voluntarios. Title: Assesment and prediction of work engagement in a health volunteers sample: the role of Sense of Coherence and Cognitive Reappraisal.
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2009
Resumen. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta el momento han identificado al burnout como una res... more Resumen. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta el momento han identificado al burnout como una respuesta crónica de estrés, fruto del desajuste entre las demandas y los recursos laborales, y como unos de los principales predictores de las intenciones de abandono y en último término del propio abandono de la profesión. Con una muestra de 885 profesores universitarios representativa de tres universidades españolas se analizaron los posibles efectos de mediación del burnout en la relación entre demandas, conflicto interpersonal e intenciones de abandono. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que tanto el agotamiento emocional como el distanciamiento mediaron los efectos que las demandas y el conflicto tienen sobre las intenciones de abandono, mientras que los recursos laborales predijeron negativamente las intenciones de abandono de manera directa. Los resultados obtenidos apoyaron la aplicabilidad de un modelo extendido de demandas-recursos laborales (JD-R model) en profesores universitarios. Palabras clave: burnout, conflicto, demandas, intención de abandono, profesores de universidad, recursos.
Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the current study examined the moderating role o... more Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the current study examined the moderating role of recovery experiences (i.e., psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control over leisure time) on the relationship between one job demand (i.e., role conflict) and work-and health-related outcomes. Results from our sample of 990 employees from Spain showed that psychological detachment from work and relaxation buffered the negative impact of role conflict on some of the proposed outcomes. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find significant results for mastery and control regarding moderating effects. Overall, findings suggest a differential pattern of the recovery experiences in the health impairment process proposed by the JD-R model.
This work examines the association between the Big Five personality dimensions, the most relevant... more This work examines the association between the Big Five personality dimensions, the most relevant demographic factors (sex, age and relationship status), and subjective well-being. A total of 236 nursing professionals completed the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the Affect-Balance Scale (ABS). Regression analysis showed personality as one of the most important correlates of subjective well-being, especially through Extraversion and Neuroticism. There was a positive association between Openness to experience and the positive and negative components of affect. Likewise, the most basic demographic variables (sex, age and relationship status) are found to be differentially associated with the different elements of subjective well-being, and the explanation for these associations is highly likely to be found in the links between demographic variables and personality. In the same way as control of the effect of demographic variables is necessary for isolating the effect of personality on subjective well-being, control of personality should permit more accurate analysis of the role of demographic variables in relation to the subjective well-being construct.
The aim of the study was to examine the influence of personality factors on health-related qualit... more The aim of the study was to examine the influence of personality factors on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: A total of 120 individuals, 60 with ulcerative colitis and 60 with Crohn's disease, filled out the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Neuroticism scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory, and a scale about difficulty describing feelings to other people. Sociodemographic and clinical information was also collected. Results: Results of hierarchical regression analysis, after controlling for possible confounder effects of demographic and clinical variables, showed the predictive power of the block of personality variables, accounting for significant amounts (13-22%) of variance across the four HRQOL measures. Except for self-esteem, which was the factor most closely related to social functioning, neuroticism seemed to be the most closely related to the four indicators of quality of life. It was also found that greater difficulty in describing feelings was linked to poorer HRQOL. Conclusion: In summary, some personality factors are useful for understanding the process of HRQOL in patients with IBD. Recognizing these differences may enrich clinical research and may be crucial when designing interventions aimed at treatment effectiveness.
The present study examines the role of daily difficulties in emotion regulation at work in nurse'... more The present study examines the role of daily difficulties in emotion regulation at work in nurse's daily well-being and how certain job resources and recovery experiences influence this relationship. We hypothesized that daily difficulties to regulate emotions at work would be significantly and positively related to emotional exhaustion at work in the afternoon, and to fatigue and negative affect at home at night. Moreover, we hypothesized that co-worker and supervisor support, as well as psychological detachment and relaxation, would buffer the negative impact of these difficulties on the outcomes. Seventy-four nurses from various Spanish hospitals and primary health care centres completed a general questionnaire and a diary booklet over 5 consecutive workdays at two different moments, after work and at night (N = 74 participants and N = 370 observations). The results of multilevel analyses showed that nurses' daily difficulties in emotion regulation have a direct effect on daily emotional exhaustion at work, and on fatigue and negative affect at home at night. We also found that co-worker support, psychological detachment and relaxation minimize the unfavourable effects on well-being of difficulties in emotion regulation. Limitations and implications for nursing and other health occupations are mentioned.
This study focuses on Intensive Care Units (ICU) and aims to test whether daily job demands are r... more This study focuses on Intensive Care Units (ICU) and aims to test whether daily job demands are related to daily emotional exhaustion and secondary traumatic stress (STS) after work through the experience of passion at work and whether personal resources in ICU, such as empathy and self-compassion, moderate these relationships. A diary study was designed to assess day-level job demands, passion, empathy, self-compassion at work; and day-level emotional exhaustion and STS after work. The sample was 97 healthcare workers from ICU from different Spanish hospitals being selected by the snowball technique. This sample was assessed 5 days x two moments per day through a diary questionnaire. The multilevel analysis showed a negative mediational effect of harmonious passion between daily job demands and both emotional exhaustion and STS. Also, in predicting emotional exhaustion, a moderator effect of empathy on harmonious passion was found, as well as a moderator effect of self-compassion on obsessive passion. In predicting STS, a direct positive effect was found in empathy. Our findings highlight the vocational work of these healthcare workers, considering job demands as challenging and enhancing their harmonious passion to overcome the drawbacks. Moreover, empathy revealed to have a negative effect whereas self-compassion the contrary. Thus, increase the awareness on these personal resources and how to train them could be considered as valuable preventative measures.
Abstract The objective of this study is twofold: first, to analyze whether the daily level of ene... more Abstract The objective of this study is twofold: first, to analyze whether the daily level of energy in terms of vigor at work could explain the way in which workers psychologically detach from their work, relax, practice challenging activities, and have the feeling of having control over their leisure time when arriving home. Second, to check if the daily emotional job demands could hinder that relationship, reversing the positive effect of vigor in recovery. For this purpose, a multilevel study with a diary methodology was designed. In total, 94 nurses from various hospital and primary care centers in Madrid and Basque Country (Spain) participated in this study. They completed daily questionnaires twice a day (in the afternoon after work and at night before going to bed) for five consecutive workdays from Monday to Friday (N = 94*5 = 470). The results revealed that on days that vigor at work was high, nurses experienced more psychological detachment, relaxation, feelings of mastery, and time control at home. Moreover, on days that emotional job demands were high, vigor was more negatively related to psychological detachment and time control at home. Additionally, vigor was more positively related to all recovery experiences at home in days that emotional demands were low. Therefore, daily vigor can act as an energy resource that helps the worker to recover. However, this effect can occur in situations in which stressors are not present in high intensity. These results have clear practical implications for both health organizations and workers.
Early detection of gestational complications is a priority in obstetrics. In our social context, ... more Early detection of gestational complications is a priority in obstetrics. In our social context, this is linked to maternity age. Most studies are focused on biological factors. However, pregnancy is also influenced by social and psychological factors, which have not been deeply explored. We aimed to identify biopsychosocial risk and protective factors associated with the development of maternal and fetal complications. We enrolled 182 healthy pregnant women, and plasma melatonin and cortisol levels were measured in the first trimester by chemiluminescent immunoassays. At different time points along gestation, women answered several questionnaires (positive and negative affect schedule, hospital anxiety and depression scale, pregnancy concerns scale, life orientation test, resilience scale, life satisfaction scale and life–work conflicts scale). They were followed up until delivery and categorized as normal pregnancy, maternal or fetal complications. Maternal complications were asso...
This study of 104 Chilean employees examines the process of WFF—recovery—general health on a dail... more This study of 104 Chilean employees examines the process of WFF—recovery—general health on a daily basis. Drawing on the work–home resources (W-HR) model, we hypothesized that daily work-to-family facilitation and work engagement predict recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening (i.e., detachment from work and relaxation) and subsequent general health at night. Furthermore, we explored whether daily work engagement moderates the relationships between daily work-to-family facilitation and recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening and general health at night. In addition, we expected employees' detachment from work to have a lagged effect on next-day general health at night. Participants completed a survey and a diary booklet over 5 consecutive working days (N = 520 occasions). Multilevel analyses show that, as expected, daily work-to-family facilitation predicted recovery experiences during off-job time in the evening (i.e., detachment from work and re...
This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing ho... more This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home workers, as well as the influence of certain related stressors and job resources. Two-hundred twenty-eight nursing home workers in Spain participated in this cross-sectional study. High levels of workload, social pressure from work, contact with suffering, and fear of contagion were found. In nursing homes where cases of COVID-19 had been detected, workers experienced higher levels of secondary traumatic stress. Social pressure from work, high doses of exposure to suffering, lack of personnel and personal protective equipment, and minimal supervisor support were significant in explaining traumatic stress. Supervisor and coworker support moderated some of these relationships. The results are discussed in terms of the need to implement urgent psychosocial protection strategies and to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent future psychological disorders in this worke...
AIM To propose a predictive model of secondary traumatic stress. DESIGN A descriptive cross-secti... more AIM To propose a predictive model of secondary traumatic stress. DESIGN A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. CONTEXT The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Units of a hospital in Madrid (Spain). PARTICIPANTS The sample comprised 103 health professionals. INTERVENTIONS A series of questionnaires were created and completed by the participants. Network analysis and multiple regression were used for data analysis. VARIABLES OF INTEREST Sociodemographic variables such as gender, years of experience and position, secondary traumatic stress, passion for work, work stressors, emotional effort, empathy and self-compassion were evaluated. RESULTS The result identified the following: a) years of experience as a risk factor for compassion fatigue (β=0.224 and P=0.029), and harmonious passion as a protector (β=-0.363 and P=0.001); b) emotional effort and empathy as risk factors for shattered assumptions (β=0.304 and P=0.004; β=0.394 and P=0.000, respectively); and c), work stressors and empathy as risk factors for symptomatology (β=0.189 and P=0.039; β=0.395 and P=0.000, respectively), and years of experience as a protector (β=-0.266 and P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS This predictive model of secondary traumatic stress identifies protective factors which could be reinforced, such as harmonious passion, and risk factors which should be reduced, such as empathy and emotional effort, with a view to promoting quality of care and quality of life among these professionals.
This Study about burnout in nurses takes a different approach than all prior empirical work on th... more This Study about burnout in nurses takes a different approach than all prior empirical work on this topic given that nonlinear relationships between job stressors, personal factors and the three burnout dimensions are investigated using artificial neural networks, a type of computer simulation that is especially well suited to capturing nonlinearities in data. The burnout process is related to organizational, personal, interpersonal, social, and cultural variables and these relationships are not exclusively linear. Due to this nonlinearity, hierarchical stepwise multiple regression or other linear statistical methods, may perhaps not be the most suitable method to analyze the data effectively. Compounding the dilemma is that multiple linear regression returns no direct indicator with regard to whether the data is best portrayed linearly. In standard least squares linear regression, the model has to be specified previously and assumptions have to be made concerning the underlying rel...
Artificial neural networks are sophisticated modelling and prediction tools capable of extracting... more Artificial neural networks are sophisticated modelling and prediction tools capable of extracting complex, non-linear relationships between predictor (input) and predicted (output) variables. This study explores this capacity by modelling non-linearities in the hardiness-modulated burnout process with a neural network. Specifically, two multi-layer feed-forward artificial neural networks are concatenated in an attempt to model the composite non-linear burnout process. Sensitivity analysis, a Monte Carlo-based global simulation technique, is then utilised to examine the first-order effects of the predictor variables on the burnout sub-dimensions and consequences. Results show that (1) this concatenated artificial neural network approach is feasible to model the burnout process, (2) sensitivity analysis is a prolific method to study the relative importance of predictor variables and (3) the relationships among variables involved in the development of burnout and its consequences are to different degrees non-linear.
Salud laboral y bienestar. Incorporación de modelos positivos a la comprensión y prevención de lo... more Salud laboral y bienestar. Incorporación de modelos positivos a la comprensión y prevención de los riesgos psicosociales del trabajo
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2013
The aim of this research was to provide an integrative overview of the associations between emplo... more The aim of this research was to provide an integrative overview of the associations between employees' daily emotional well-being (positive and negative affect) and family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in life. Service sector employees in Spain (N = 105) filled out a general measure and daily survey measures over five working days. Results showed that daily family-work conflict, job-related exhaustion and search for meaning in life predicted employees' negative affect at night; conversely, daily detachment and presence of meaning in life had a negative relation with negative affect at night. In contrast, employees' family-work facilitation, detachment, and presence of meaning in life predicted positive affect at night. Moreover, detachment moderated the relationship between familywork conflict and negative affect, and between the presence of meaning in life and positive affect. These findings have practical implications for individuals and organizations and suggest possible avenues for future research.
Engaged nurses have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and ... more Engaged nurses have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and they see themselves as fully capable of dealing with the demands of their job. To analyze the experience of work engagement, examining cross-national differences in Hardy Personality (HP), optimism and subjective well-being among nurses from China and Spain. Cross-cultural study with a sample with 154 nurses from Beijing (China) and 164 nurses from Madrid (Spain) who completed the Engagement, HP, Optimism and Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Scales. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlations, Student's t-tests and hierarchical multiple regression. The personality characteristics in these countries are different, as are the variables that explain engagement. In both samples, the variable most closely associated with engagement is commitment. Optimism was another predictor, but subjective well-being was only a predictor for Spanish nurses. This study is a first approximation to understand the application of HP, optimism and subjective well-being as personal resources that affect the way in which nurses interact with their working environment and to improve engagement. Practical implications are discussed.
Una perspectiva salutogénica se está imponiendo en el ámbito de las organizaciones. Frente al est... more Una perspectiva salutogénica se está imponiendo en el ámbito de las organizaciones. Frente al estudio del desgaste profesional o burnout, y en cierta medida, gracias a él, ha surgido el concepto de vinculación al trabajo o engagement. Este trabajo plantea conocer el nivel de engagement de los voluntarios de una asociación que atiende a personas con cáncer y a sus familiares, y el rol que juegan la Reevaluación Cognitiva y el Sentido de Coherencia en su explicación. También se analiza la manera en la que estos factores cognitivos y emocionales se relacionan a la hora de explicar la vinculación dentro de la organización. La muestra está compuesta por 136 voluntarios. Se llevaron a cabo análisis descriptivos, de correlación, de regresión jerárquica y análisis de efectos indirectos a través de la técnica de remuestreo o bootstrapping. Los resultados muestran que la reevaluación cognitiva tiene un efecto directo en la varianza del engagement, así como el sentido de coherencia, que a su vez ejercería un papel mediador entre ambas variables. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para promover la vinculación al trabajo de los voluntarios. Palabras clave: Bootstrapping; efecto indirecto; engagement; reevaluación cognitiva; sentido de la coherencia; vinculación con el trabajo; voluntarios. Title: Assesment and prediction of work engagement in a health volunteers sample: the role of Sense of Coherence and Cognitive Reappraisal.
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2009
Resumen. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta el momento han identificado al burnout como una res... more Resumen. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta el momento han identificado al burnout como una respuesta crónica de estrés, fruto del desajuste entre las demandas y los recursos laborales, y como unos de los principales predictores de las intenciones de abandono y en último término del propio abandono de la profesión. Con una muestra de 885 profesores universitarios representativa de tres universidades españolas se analizaron los posibles efectos de mediación del burnout en la relación entre demandas, conflicto interpersonal e intenciones de abandono. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que tanto el agotamiento emocional como el distanciamiento mediaron los efectos que las demandas y el conflicto tienen sobre las intenciones de abandono, mientras que los recursos laborales predijeron negativamente las intenciones de abandono de manera directa. Los resultados obtenidos apoyaron la aplicabilidad de un modelo extendido de demandas-recursos laborales (JD-R model) en profesores universitarios. Palabras clave: burnout, conflicto, demandas, intención de abandono, profesores de universidad, recursos.
Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the current study examined the moderating role o... more Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the current study examined the moderating role of recovery experiences (i.e., psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control over leisure time) on the relationship between one job demand (i.e., role conflict) and work-and health-related outcomes. Results from our sample of 990 employees from Spain showed that psychological detachment from work and relaxation buffered the negative impact of role conflict on some of the proposed outcomes. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find significant results for mastery and control regarding moderating effects. Overall, findings suggest a differential pattern of the recovery experiences in the health impairment process proposed by the JD-R model.
This work examines the association between the Big Five personality dimensions, the most relevant... more This work examines the association between the Big Five personality dimensions, the most relevant demographic factors (sex, age and relationship status), and subjective well-being. A total of 236 nursing professionals completed the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the Affect-Balance Scale (ABS). Regression analysis showed personality as one of the most important correlates of subjective well-being, especially through Extraversion and Neuroticism. There was a positive association between Openness to experience and the positive and negative components of affect. Likewise, the most basic demographic variables (sex, age and relationship status) are found to be differentially associated with the different elements of subjective well-being, and the explanation for these associations is highly likely to be found in the links between demographic variables and personality. In the same way as control of the effect of demographic variables is necessary for isolating the effect of personality on subjective well-being, control of personality should permit more accurate analysis of the role of demographic variables in relation to the subjective well-being construct.
The aim of the study was to examine the influence of personality factors on health-related qualit... more The aim of the study was to examine the influence of personality factors on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: A total of 120 individuals, 60 with ulcerative colitis and 60 with Crohn's disease, filled out the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Neuroticism scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory, and a scale about difficulty describing feelings to other people. Sociodemographic and clinical information was also collected. Results: Results of hierarchical regression analysis, after controlling for possible confounder effects of demographic and clinical variables, showed the predictive power of the block of personality variables, accounting for significant amounts (13-22%) of variance across the four HRQOL measures. Except for self-esteem, which was the factor most closely related to social functioning, neuroticism seemed to be the most closely related to the four indicators of quality of life. It was also found that greater difficulty in describing feelings was linked to poorer HRQOL. Conclusion: In summary, some personality factors are useful for understanding the process of HRQOL in patients with IBD. Recognizing these differences may enrich clinical research and may be crucial when designing interventions aimed at treatment effectiveness.
Papers by Eva Garrosa